"rhaegar didn't get consent" edition
/got/ game of thrones general
Other urls found in this thread:
First for jonerys
what happens for jon and dany next?
Imagine being Gendry in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Arya, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 15 year old girl from Flea Bottom. Like seriously imagine having to be Gendry and not only lie there while Arya flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her unshapely figure. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone in Winterfell tells her she's SO BADASS and DAMN, ARYA LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of young peasant girls with perfect bodies shaped by working in the fields all day. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get get laid one last time and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for while baking people into pies. And then she asks for another round, and you know you could kill every single person in this castle before the eunuchs could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gendry. You're not going to lose your future lordship over this. Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.
gendry is pedo
I said it in the last thread and I'll say it again.
GOT went to shit when D&D successfully character assassinated these two.
Why did they turn rhaeger into a good guy when he left his wife and children to die?
So, what would be the best strategy to defeat an army that:
> Doesn't need suply lines
> Doesn't get tired
> Doesm't rout
> Soldiers that only get killed with fire/dragonglass/valyrian steel
> An army that has the ability to raise te foes dead to their cause
>An army that exceeds their foes numbers
Is it being on a fortress with all the norths people the best option?
Did anyone watch it ?
i hate sex scenes
How many burgers and fries left?
Because the father of Jon and brother of dany could never be a bad hombre
she was literally betrothed to Robert, of course he had a say (to say nothing of you know, Elia Martell - Rhaegar's WIFE).
Will Dany betray Jon?
Because the show needs drama so the budget doesn't get too big
>shippers and incestfags
>limp dicked with no gets
>based Stannis follower
>effortlessly gets gets
Robert was pathetic.
They didn't. They just turned him into not-a-rapist.
You might enjoy this
Arise, Brienne of Tarth, a BOAR of the seven kingdoms
what was his endgame again?
Link to stream please^
Will the mainstream audience turn against the show when Tyrion gets offed?
Im scared to admit Tyrion might be stupid now.
They were always destined to become irrelevant, as the actually interesting Westerosi politics gave way to le ebil army of the dead. Hence CIAs anticlimactic death, and varys' reduction to a sassy gay friend
Hello friends, where to get episode 02?
I don't remember them ever attempting to make him a great guy. They only showed that he had a legitimate marriage to Lyana and Jon was the child Ned was charged with protecting. Up to that point we were told Lyana was kidnapped, but even the new revelation doesn't make Jon's father a "good guy." His actions were the catalyst for Ned's father and brother being burned alive and the rebellion.
the eyrie
would make a better defense
it's supposed to be impenetrable
only problem is the NK has a dragon now
Everything is gonna be fine next week. Baby news.
>Night King has no motivation beyond just wanting to kill everything according to Bran
dumb and gay
Who watching ep3 rn? Pods death felt unearned.
>Pod be like "mah nigga on one side" and "mah bitch be on the other"
I'm scared to admit but I genuinely don't care about Tyrion now.
Used to be my favourite character
what the fuck bros
You know what the funny thing is? Yea Forums has such a hate boner for Daenerys that it will take the bait and focus on a potential succession crisis plot while ignoring Tyrion's HIGHLY FUCKING SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOR this episode.
>Either you are a traitor or a fool!
>I'm a fool!
Tyrion was not expecting Jaime to come to Winterfell. Alone. Blabbing about Cersei's betrayal. Tyrion convinced Cersei to lie about joining the fight in The North, and in turn her baby gets to sit on the Iron Throne. Jaime wasn't a part of the plan, so Tyrion pretends that he didn't know that Cersei was lying and asks if she really is pregnant.
Tyrion also interrogates Bran but frames it as friendly discussion about the past. Frikidoctor is right. Tyrion is going to be executed in the series finale.
He is not just "stupid now." He is not just "fucking up." His behavior has been beyond suspicious from the fucking get-go. D&D opened the season with EUNUCH BALLS LOL because they are going to end the season, and series, with Tyrion fucking dying.
giv plz
the neck
One burger fifteen fries
>actors seen in seville (king's landing dragonpit set)
>Jon Snow
>Bran Stark
>Sansa Stark
>Arya Stark
>Davos Seaworth
>Brienne of Tarth
>Sam Tarly
>Robin Arryn
>Jorah Mormont
>Yara Greyjoy
>Grey Worm
>Tyrion Lannister
>Jaime Lannister
>Cersei Lannister
>Night King
lol nobody's dying next ep
>it's his fault the mad King burned them
>Half way through the episode and still nothing has happened of interest
giv plz
Episode 2 is a filler episode
Everything they did in Episode 1 and 2 could have easily been done in just Episode 1
They took an extra fucking year for THIS
Absolute fucking trash
Post link faggot.
I want Dany to take Sansa as her Hand and then Sansa can pleasure her queen like Missandei probably does
It's cheap associating the North's disdain, fear, and hatred for racism when it's the act of invasion by foreigners that has them riled up. So brave, so woke.
how did they get away with this?
The dead are retarded so just funnel them into a narrow corridor where dragons can breathe on them safely.
A narrow corridor with a dragon at the end, protected by a metal grate would be the best option.
the show turned the focus solely onto jon and dany
everyone else might as well not even be in the show now
jaimie and brienne are the only likable characters now
and i used to fucking hate brienne
Jon is not a manlet you fucking retards
Was Robert ever the true King, since there was at least two known Targaryen alive, wouldn't all the Targs have to be dead for him to be King?
could you unironically have sex with someone who constantly uses a catchprase?
he became danny's bitch and became "too nice,good"
i can't believe brainlets are actually falling for this horrible photoshop
just kill the night king and the others will shatter cuz nk created them all using crasters babies lol
>episode 3
please ser
More streams, your grace?
Almost like real life hmm its almost like the show writers are subversive kikes or something.
>literally a filler episode where nothing happens
>ends with the enemy showing up and doing nothing
>Bran: hurr he's been tracking me the whole time
>durr he wants to destroy our previous worlds knowlegde
He got revenge on the guy who cut off his dick so I'd say he's happy now.
That's not how it works
user how tall are you
It’s his left hand it’s fine
I want to cum on her eyebrows
What single event could happen in the show that would redeem all of got for you?
as always
does not make a character
I didn't say it was primarily his fault, I said it was a catalyst. Ned's father and brother confronted the king in order to get Lyana back. The king had them burned for it. This along with the fact she was betrothed to Robert was the spark that ignited the already building tension with the mad king and the kingdom.
she'll die next ep
This looks shooped.
Why is Jon still cuddling with his aunt. That’s incest.
god i cant wait to see her dab on some whights
>episode 6
>after numerous battles, all sides have finally sided together in one final last stand in a battered kings landing
>the now colossal army of the dead is charging the city
>the defenders are desperately trying to hold them off using siege weapnons equipped with wildfire and dragonglass weaporny
>every defender takes with him atleast ten whites
>just as the defenders seem to be crackling under the weight of the army of the dead, shadowy figures in front of the sun on a rising hill just outside the city, behind the army of the dead, is sighted
>it's a Punished Stannis along with a massive cavalry force consisting of volunteers from the other kingdoms and the golden company
>they lower their dragonglass lances and begin charging the army of the dead in a massive wedge formation
post yfw
Jaime Lannister turns out to be the main protagonist all along.
plz post likn for episod 3
>Here's your Azor Ahai, bro
Look how good looking these two are.
Stannis with the cavalry at the pivotal moment
My ex gf used to say “I’m always right” an uncomfortable number of times
Probably not. Being too attached to a fictional story is usually a sign of mental illness.
What the fuck
I totally saw Gendry's death coming lel
leaks where?
I want bear loli to backhand me with her tiny armored fist
we can only hope
>We'll never see that Mary Sue RheaRhea have his chest caved in by a warhammer while he suffers a pathetic bitch death he deserves
Tower of Joy fight was gay as well. Battle Of Trident would have been better and we get to see a Mary Sue die.
>Jorah and Bearloli scene practically offscreen
>Yet we get manlet shaming and endless quips
fuck this season
fuck off faggot.
brienne is the most annoying one.
how the fuck that bitch defeated the hound.
how the fuck this bitch act like she's balls buster.
gtfo gay boy
holy shit its jimmy mcnulty
Harry Strickland being revealed as Aegon VI and claiming the throne.
everyone dies defeating the night king, the few survivors like sam and the rest leave westeros after it has been decimated by the dead and the living
It's over, leak was right.
>they were both good looking
Where the fuck is Melisandre
Shrek style Jon and Danny getting married with everyone attending ending confirmed
Nymeria catches the bouquet and winks at Rhaegon
Jon and Dany take the throne, marry and have a bunch of cute incest babies. The butthurt in these threads would rival the ichirukifags
Which leak?
what in the mother fuck where are these clips from whats going on
was there a leak?
Did Maisie really get her baps out?
i still like her from
>you refused da call
Oh come on. Realistically speaking, the north is mostly isolated, and they never seen black people before. Let's not pretend they wouldn't be especially distrustful of the brown skinned foreigners.
Also, anyone else remember Ghost?
fuck yes, spoiler this shit
Jaime kills Cersei, becomes Azor, kills NK and gets the throne. Brienne is either Queen or Kingsguard and his best friend, but at this point I'm asking too much
It's the only reason I'm watching at this point.
The India one. Jorah and Lyanna die.
Freezed to dead under a pile of snow
>oh no. i guess i'll go in the crypts with all the women and lolis with no men around to protect them. what a terrible fate.
In order of preference
1. Stannis is azor ahai
2. Jaime is azor ahai
3. Jorah is azor ahai
4. D&D havent written the azor ahai plotline out of the show
Sucking off Bran in-between scenes
you need to be 18 or older to post here
Welcome to another episode of 2 Minutes of Silence
this time, we chill with the fun characters as they all fuck about before they die in battle
That clip is from Ep2 retard.
Littlefinger Faceless Man theory turns out to be right
Ep2 leaked several hours ago
>Dothraki at war council meeting
>no one explains what they're supposed to do or where to put their women and children
preparing to resurrect rhaegal as the lord of light's dragon
Is Rhaegar and Lyana supposed to be the fat mans version of Romeo and Juliet?
To anyone that have seen episode 2, are we all in agreement that this shit is about to be the worst ending to a show in history of TV?
>Night's King going for Bran the creep
>The war will take several episodes starting in episode 3
>They lure Night's King into the god tree garden area
>They will eventually kill the Night's King and every zombie will fall
>Golden company will find out about Jon being the true king or whatever
>They will burn King's landing to the ground and join Jon/Dany
Woho, happy ending and all that. Fun stuff.
>build up battle of winterfell as the biggest battle ever
>it's just padding for a couple of tiny characters like beric to die in and ultimately means nothing, likely won't even feature the night king
based dabid
Hopefully they explain what will happen to the Unsullied's women and children
>Torund tells everyone the story about he was breast fed by a Giant's widow while they stare uncomfortably
>During the fight, Jaime gets injured and has to retreat, giving Theon the Valerian Steel sword, Widow's Wail
>Sansa gets impaled by a walker and begins to turn
>Theon cries and mercy kills Sansa
>Widow's Wail suddenly lights up in fire
>Theon stands up, tears gone, visibly more muscular, less gaunt in the face
>Widow's Wail is renamed to Lightbringer
>Theon kills the Night King
>The series ends with a redhead prostitute saying "I've never had a cock so big!"
>The camera pans over to Theon and his regenerated Mighty Cracken
>He winks at the camera
More rape scenes. Like if the finale was just 90 minutes of rape. Even the intro with the Titan of Braavos face fucking a Weirwood.
Didn't she go to wherever Danny got her fleet from
nice cliffhanger faggots, someone post the link for the next episode now
They distrust anyone that isn't from the North equally. Until they start using racist terms towards them specifically for them being darker skinned then it's just lazy and pandering toward people that want to affirm real life opinions on a fictional show.
Euron. He is the drowned god... I think
>thinking they didn't film false scenes
>White Walkers never threathen King's Landing
>Break the wall and get wrecked right after
This is the biggest of my fears for this season.
weren't these episodes meant to be longer than an hour
Why would 5he gold company do that, they're mercs,
these two scissoring
Jaime kills the NK and usurps control of the dead, taking them back up north with him.
Jon promises Jaime that he will be remembered, but Jaime asks him to make sure him and the Night King are forgotten
there is no ep3 leak retards
Wait people actually think NK dies in episode 3? That would be beyond ridiculous.
Starting with the next one they will be. Ep 3 is 82 minutes, 4 is 79 minutes, 5 and 6 are 80 minutes.
he was in episode 2
yay for filler
Beric :'(
the white walkers were always a re herring, they will be dealt with by the end of the next episode and the final 3 episodes will be political and human drama
So Night King just wants to kill everyone and delete Wikipedia/3EyedRaven?
>That would be beyond ridiculous.
So it's happening?
Not gonna lie I cried
still rapeable
Studios are known for filming fake scenes. Avengers had Yondu in-costume and blue paint walking around the set just for pictures, fucking Sherlock filmed multiple nonsensical endings on the sets.
A show as big as got could do this
leak the whole season
>That would be beyond ridiculous.
which is exactly why they will do it
>Unsullied walk around Winterfell in fucking winter in the same clothes they wore in Mereen in Summer/Autumn
Jesus fucking christ
Do you guys like Jon Snow?
fuck off ya faggot.
she is the most annoying character after danny and arya
nope, ep3 is 60min, 4,5 and 6 are the long ones
found out why the dragons arent eating
poor jon getting bullied by dany due to his height
haven't watched since season 4, why is everyone wearing black leather?
>backwards dollyshot of Hodor on the iron throne
>They distrust anyone that isn't from the North equally.
That's not true. They understand that they share a commonality with wildlings via the old gods. They understand that they are the blood of the first men. Separate from the blood of the andals. They recognize heretical traits like hair and eye color. And they're just humans with common fucking sense.
>Until they start using racist terms towards them
If they did, then you'd cry about it being unrealistic "woke" pandering, even more.
Because this season has 3 bosses.
NK is first boss, taken out early
Cersei is mid boss, taken out in 7 or 8.
Daenerys, gone power mad, is final boss of the series.
What the fuck happened to her?
>misgendering the strong female character by calling her "Ser"
there will be op eds about this
fuck off you and brienne you faggot
i felt nothing over the arya sex scene
but what mentally destroyed me was tommen and margaery
> ywn be a cute little shota getting ur balls drained by a older woman
The meme was that they were both literally the hottest people in the kingdom.
Which makes the casting/makeup/wardrobe a little disappointing really.
They don't feel cold because they don't have balls lol
the guy who plays the night king has talked about shooting episode 3 several times, my guess is we'll finally get that 1v1 between him and jon, and the night kings probable defeat
Rhaegar wasn't a bad guy. What they said about him was true. They just left out his obsession with the legend/prophecy of the prince that was promised and Jon being born solely because of it. Rhaegar didn't love any of his wives, he seduced them with the intention of making a meme magical prince.
Wrong. HBO officially stated:
>Episode 1: 54 mintues
>Episode 2: 58 minutes
>Episode 3: 82 minutes
>Episode 4: 78 minutes
>Episode 5: 80 minutes
>Episode 6: 80 minutes
It's so on the nose it's embarrassing. All the white people watching are supposed to watch that shit and be like "oh wow...this is what black people have to experience all the time, they can't even escape oppression in Westeros." It's arguably an unnecessary and pointless subplot to begin with, but even if they were insistent on it, it's horribly executed and takes you out of the show completely. I swear it feels like the same people writing this show now are the ones writing The Walking Dead.
probably a body double
Maisie is built like a fridge
nobody really gonna talk about having milkies from a giant? am i the only one?
dey are so badass because they are MtF trans that they can stand for weeks in place without food or wader and dey cannt feel the cold
We've been /team Night King/ for a while.
I'd be curious why it was never used in the previous 8 seasons.
What? Women don't feel cold either?
Pleb Tastes
Patrician Tastes
Debate me faggots
that whole sequence gave me rebbit
The Wall and Nandos
Please no spoilers guys :) thanks :)
back to tumblr
>no sandor
maybe reddit is more to your taste?
I think it's gonna happen.
Cersei will be the last opponent.
The true patrician taste would be not caring about this gay shit.
that was fucking cringe
i used to like him
Tfw Bran guilt trips Jaime into being his personal kingslayer and he kills Cersei, Enron, Dany, and the Night King
dubs and ep3 leaks
Can someone summarize the E2?
Can you please kill yourself? Thanks.
Tyrion: I think we might live
>everyone drunkenly chuckles
True Kino
jaime fags are starting to annoy me
Does anyone still have the link to the mega that contained Eps 2,3 and 4? It was posted in one of the earlier threads.
I'm a sucker for characters that try to do the right-thing no matter what it costs them, so yeah.
And, since GoT is no longer a subversion of classic fantasy and is instead it just played straight, he at least isn't too bad as a classic fantasy protagonist.
i just wanna drink milk from a mommy giant wtf
No Cersei... that's disappointing, I heard Game of Thrones had Cersei.
Basically it's just talking all the way through the episode, people preparing themselves for the fight to come. You're gonna be sitting there waiting for something interesting to happen.
fuck brienne bitch
Y'all ready for the 4000000 IQ Night King Blitzkrieg twist?
Her body wasn't ready for the southern diet
I did and i want to spoil it it for normies but there is nothing to spoil save for Maisie´s ass and maybe Podrick´s song...
Ser in GOT context is just a form of address for a Knight. It doesn't have the modern connotations of being a polite form of address for a male, though it is used exclusively for males BECAUSE only men can be Knights. Calling Brienne "Ser" is no different from calling Brienne a Knight. All they're doing is saying a woman can be a Knight, nothing more. They're not "misgendering" her.
her character went to complete shit
there was a link for episode 2 only, but got taken down. maybe someone can re-upload
Someone's been having double portions.
Nothing happens and ends with a cliffhanger shot of the white walkers arriving outside of winterfell
I can't believe there are shipperfags for this show. It has the most poorly written and unlikeable "couples" that I think I've ever seen. The only half decent pairing is unironically Sam and Gilly.
Episode 3-4 deaths:
Grey Worm
Later, Jaime begins acting awfully Nights-Kingish. Nobody ever tells him they killed Jon basically offscreen with Wildfire.
no elephants... that's disappointing. i heard the golden company had elephants
Basically just people talking. Theon and vows to protect Bran, Brienne gets knighted, Quasimodo rapes Gendry.
dub these
Seriously, stream where? Or do I have to go to fucking plebbit?
My parents fucked me over. I'm at my Aunt house for Easter dinner and as the old coots that they are they're talking about old coots shit, and in her infinite wisdom she wanted us to come together as a family in one car so I'm stuck 40 minutes away from my house. And this place doesn't have HBO.
Can someone please give me the download link for the leaked episode
Thanks. So the leaks were right?
who died in e2?
It was the strangest and worst part of the season so far.
Stop fucking with me.
Has episode 3 leaked or not?
Ok.ru is being a little shit and not allowing me to connect to their site.
>Jaime gets pissed and makes Brienne a knight
oh my god it was so fucking adorable
its on TPB
It's something about them breaking alliegence once before even after getting paid simply because they promised the true king (a Targaryen) to fight for him and they will do it again now that it is revealed that Jon is the true king.
There's probably something on youtube about it, I can barely remember it honestly. But it's obviously the case considering where we are in the show now
It reminded me that the writers are hacks who can't write a storyline for shit
this or stannis return
Great scene, Brienne was the first character to really get the dabid treatment which is a shame because her chapters in AFFC are some of my favourite.
It was nice to actually enjoy a scene with the character again
aryas hymen
great job user
>episode 3 opens with the battle hype
>nightking and undead army are nowhere in sight
>get a raven that they already blitzed south, gunning straight for King's Landing where the largest population of unarmed shitbirds is
>night king tactically left winterfell to starve and die of attrition so he can raise them on his way back up north
A lot later than other characters did. Still the best female on the show.
>forgot to save the reddit stream links
>the mods deleted it
Because the North is isolated, and never met black people before.
The South at least sees some trade, which means they've probably saw a Summer Islander before. Maybe. Or at least heard about men with skin like coal. But the North doesn't see any of that. They only know white people like themselves. So why would they have a racist name for people they've never seen before?
no, only episode 2
This could be applied to anyone on the show right now.
You got fat.
Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.
>Based Normies and Virgins alike
>Cringe Normies only
>Cringe virgins only
>Based Ascended Chads
Margaery/every little boy in Westeros
Themselves/Lyanna Mormont
feminism and dragons
He has to get Bran for muh memories of humanity tho. Night King confirmed retarded.
You need to be above the age of 18 to post here.
This would redeem the entire show, loled hard
Did they seriously just have ANOTHER whole episode of "Yas Queen" and reunions?
They keep fucking. They are Targaryen and don´t give a fuck about incest. Still, i expected Daney to say something other than "you wut mut?! you want MY iron throne?!" but i guess that´s Jon´s fault... he should not have told her without proof or a way to show his heritage. Still i guess GoT characters are not really smart. Knowing where the Night king was coming from they didn´t even sent scouts or prepared a traps in the forrest nor anything... no tactical thinking whatsoever.
> ignore bran for now
> raise millions more soldiers
> go back for bran
gg ez
Anybody got the episode 3 link?
holy shit i would lol
How many bongs and bings until it starts?
Ew, she looks really old aswell. That's sad
>will you give me episode 3?
Why did the fag cut out the intro and outro? Hell, the first episode indicated that the intro sequence would changed, depending on the white walker's path. So there was something to see there.
Also, the outro had a unique song. But he cuts it off there, like the gigantic homo he is.
Arya and Tywin almost get along. I think he wish she was her daughter or apprentice or something.
Why would she keep her hair short? She wore it long her whole life and it was cut by the Faith Militant.
No one's rating Sandor/Sansa
How many episode will season 8 have?
daily reminder that Arya wanted the Hound to fuck her, but Beric got in the way so she went to see Gendry instead
>I didn't say it was primarily his fault
It wasn't his fault at all, so you're bringing it up for dishonest reasons
New thread
please fucking happen
Also emotional circle of chairs with Jaime, Tyrion, Brienne, Pod, Tormund and Davos having filler talk.
Opinion invalidated.
kys faggot
This would be amazing to watch but will never happen after all that set up in Ep2
Isolation aside, had dark skinned people come to trade and be there in peace that'd be one thing. However, an entire army is being forced upon them outside of all but Jon's control. It's this fact that causes the anger, hatred, and disdain. It's not solely due to skin color and placing any significant amount of it on skin color as a factor is making a very large assumption. If Dorn had brought up an army or anyone else below the North did so they'd still be pissed.
he said he reminded her of cersei at one point.
if she was his daughter, he would have never let her to anything with power. just like he didn't let cersei do what she wanted
>your tight body
he just has to come back later, he waited 7 seasons
she's the most inoffensive character you little bitch. i know exactly why you hate her
this would be good if Bran had given some insight into their intentions.
But guess what, they're just ebil and wanna kill everyone so getting winterfell first would be better (specially since the night kang would get two more dragons)
He is dead
it wasn't that bad.
it had few womyn cringe stuff but i'd give it 7.5
It might happen still. Have a battle with some of the Army of the Dead, and then at the end, reveal that the majority of them are elsewhere.
So if Lyana hadn't gone away with him and she was still by Robert's side, how long until the rebellion took place? If Ned's father and brother weren't killed, would they also take up sides with Robert? What else needed to happen?
I'll give you Rhaegar but Lyanna was never described as beautiful in the books. She's described as having a long face and looking like Arya.
Not gonna lie. this was a nice scene.
didn't he show up in this ep?
I'll get the screenshot holup
Now check out THESE dubs
there's only one true Sansa pairing and we ALL know who it is
Are you fucking faceblind?
>However, an entire army is being forced upon them outside of all but Jon's control
Yes, however, Missandei is a nice looking lady. She's soft spoken and smiles.
The fact that they are not only different in alliance, but different in appearance, compounds the issue. Like what grey worm said, what happens after the battle? With the north accept them so easily? Will they ever truly integrate? Northerners have eyes. They can see that Missandei and Grey Worm are more different than different.
does anyone know if they're related?
radmure fucking confirmed
lads,any good rip already up?
Best I can find is 540p. Looking for a nice 1080.
p-please sir
>still believes that any schemes exist in yas queen slay tv-series
They’re too retarded to think of this.
The show is like the movie version of World War Z compared to the book.
If they all retreated to the Vale, they’d actually have a chance to survive without plot armor. Meanwhile, the show writers gathered every main character to a flat open field with no special advantages.
I blame this entire season on GRRM. He’s a lazy fat slob that probably stole the first few books and is incapable of finishing the series because he’s an old fraud. I hate his old fat guts with all my heart.
>Retreating your massive as fuck army into the mountains in winter where there are hostile barbs and barely any food whatsoever.
If the story made any sense whatsoever they would be 100% fucked and running as fast as they can from Westeros.
>actors seen in seville
Wrap up party was in Seville.
That's because sherlock could do anything
Link to stream? 333
Hair budget was spent on Episode 1's dragon flights
>Men do stupid things for women. They are easily manipulated.
This shit is done for me. Why would sansa think this? She spent most of her arc trying to get from out under the thumb of cruel men trying to manipulate her. Shit, little finger fucker her over so many times all the while telling her that he lover her.
>He manipulated me!
What the fuck? I guess words have arbitrary meanings now. How was Jon manipulating her by telling the truth?
>They call me Giant's bane. You want to know why?
I've never seen a joke fall flatter. It was so tonally out of place for the scene, I am not sure the actors were actually in the same room when it was performed.