What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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Have sex

To repost this everyday until we all die

niggers arent human so curbstomping them is all part of the greater plan

Around blacks never relax

whites are beta cucks

blacks bad, but being racist towards them even worse so just put up with them goy

Is this the quintessential /pol/ film?

black people and white people can both have backwards ideas fueled by someone who profits

don't trust niggers or whites

You'll get raped if you don't hang niggers, so hang every nigger you see

Even though you may change your ways, niggers will still be niggers in the end, basically

pro tip
never change your ways

my way is to change my way

never relax

Someone should shop this with a champagne glass in his hand and the smug Pepe over his face

I think it was supposed to be something about the cycle of hate but all the little brother does is blow smoke in his face and the niggers response is to shoot him to death at school

Never relax

Around Blacks never relax because they will always try and kill you

h i r u s s i a

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White people can't just say "oops sorry" and be absolved from their shit.

This. You fell in with some white extremists? Were rude to a black boy once? You deserve to be fucking shot like the animal you are.

I'm glad they ended it the way they did instead of using the other ending. The one they chose is can easily be picked up and used by /pol/

Nazis have gay sex with each other all day

the one they chose can*

Yeah but if it's a black guy being shot by the cops, he should have just not been doing crime right?

Do you realize the white people in the movie are the black experience?

don't fuck with niggers that have guns

But all criminals should be shot desu.

fuck niggers

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The based latino not getting in trouble

At least 99% of the people shot by cops deserve it. Every now and then we see a bad shooting happen but most of the time the cops get it right.

Dont curb stomp a nigga outside of your property.

hatred is bad

yes even some of the blacks in this movie were bad

Probably a combination of fuck niggers and have sex but not with niggers

Fuckin intense redpill right here.

Hate is baggage. Did you even watch the movie?

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didn't the little brother intervene when they were bullying some nerdy white kid?
which makes the message even worse

Yeah, the black kids decided to pick on the weakest white kid, usually how it goes irl, and Edward Furlong's character stood up to them but did it in a racist way. Not like the black kids weren't being racists anyway, but still.

>stood up to them but did it in a racist way.
There is no non-racist way to try to stop nigs from nigging.


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don't run into a burning building to save niggers

Everytime I see a Neo Nazi in 90s California films, I always get the impression that they're just bitter and angry.

If I had to guess, it's always because the supposedly morally superior black guy in these films are always talking down to them when delivering the racism is bad message rather than understand the source of the Neo Nazi's frustrations.

Derek wasn't suicidal like Remy from Higher Learning, but just angry at his crappy homelife and wanted to vent. If anything, he's close to D-Fense

Don't be in America because you might get shot

But these anti-racism movies set during the 90s all takes place in LA

That's what's funny about this movie; it unintentionally ended up making blacks look REALLY awful because it didn't include the original ending in the script. Even with Sisko as the principal and that manlet negro in prison. The moral ended up literally being AROUND BLACKS NEVER RELAX.

>but did it in a racist way.
He didn't even do or say anything racist; he just blew smoke in that one's face.

its like slavery all over again


One nice darkie shouldn’t affect your worldview.

la was the first major american city to get bled white cuz its right by the border plus gang culture comes from cali too crips and bloods all that (((they))) promoted in (c)rap music like nwa snoop dogg and tupac all hollywood all mind control all brainwashing

dwight yoakam wrote a song about it youtube.com/watch?v=zW704NwL8iU

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What was the original ending?

The original ending has Derek returning to his skinhead gang after Danny is killed.

What do you expect from the state that keeps voting Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and Maxine Waters every election?

Around niggers never relax

Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

I feel like this movie intended to make racism look bad but it ended up justifying it.

>movie made by Jewish ethnonationalists trying to make white ethnontationalism look ridiculous and self-defeating

Israel is a state specifically for Jews. The hypocrisy of this film is staggering.

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ask charlie manson

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Make sure there aren't any niggers in the bathroom before you start to piss.

anal rape changes a man inside

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Can we deport all the black people now? Their vacation is officially over

Worst scene in the whole movie. They wouldn't have raped him; they would have beat the shit out of him.

around blacks never relax

Most nazi's were trannies. Stop being trans-enabling by supporting them please. This is a serious mental illness affecting children.

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You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

>anal rape changes a man inside for the better


Every man should experience being anally dominated.

>point out that Jews attack whites for ethnonationalism but Jews support it for themselves
>jews immediately flock the the thread to try to deflect

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posting stuff like that just makes californians more likely to become nazis

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>gets fucked up the ass
>becomes liberal

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deflecting from what? It's basic history m8
I don't really care. Nazism has its merits and flaws. But to deny its homosexual nature is to deny history.

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he had gay sex with a nazi tho. I hear they frequently do that.

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so nazis are progressive now?

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lol nazis were left-wing as fuck. All this NAZIS WERE GAY AND TRANNIES rhetoric from the left-wing only proves it.