What movie has the highest rewatch value?
What movie has the highest rewatch value?
not that one
Not that one
shoulda read the answer in the thread from yesterday
Office Space
Certainly not that dumpster fire.
Call it.
edge of tomorrow
the hateful eight
avengers infinity war
the godfather 1 and 2 (got to wait a few months between rewatches)
probably forgot a few
Christmas Story and Kill Bill Volume 1
Unironically rewatching Dr. Strange for the astral plane special effects is also neat.
bad boys 1 & 2
Hot Fuzz, worlds end, and Shaun of the dead
The big lebowski
Hot fuzz
Blade runner
The Shining
the last castle, obviously.
once you know the story, what remains is the way they tell it so you start looking for smaller things you might have missed.
i always see alien / aliens / predator once a year at least.
no country for old men
Ace Ventura
Dumb and Dumber
Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill movies
indiana jones
for me
>Master and Commander
>The Thin Man
20 Asian Schoolgirl Reverse Gangbang
Memento for sure
Inception, Interstellar, Bee Movie, Birth of a Nation, and Reservoir Dogs
I generally find that movies with good twists warrant a couple of rewatches
half baked
godfather 1
demolition man
thor ragnarok
Mister Bean
Django Unchained
shit taste. commit suicide.
other than disney movies as a kid, my most rewatched movies that hold up to nostalgia goggles would probably be terminator 2, predator, and aliens. maybe temple of doom also.
>half baked
i watched it the other day and it's definitely only funny when you're a stupid child. it's so bad, only a couple funny parts, the fuckin white stoner dude is especially terrible.
Can't believe no one said Napoleon Dynamite yet. Gets funnier every time you watch it.
>terminator 2
This one and Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Primer? Office Space?
Predator for me.
Mean Girls
the last time i was in the psych ward they played the movie "Step Brothers" 5 times before some girl had a nervous breakdown and begged for it to be turned off, so you make of that what you will
oh shit i have an addendum to my list
Wrong Coen bros movie
aw shit thought of another one
I watched Children of Men a lot.
well, for me recently it was The Highwaymen - after the first watch i read Frank Hamer's wikipedia page, later found out about the movie production that the final scene where they shoot more than 150 rounds into Bonnie and Clyde that it was filmed at the exact location where it really happened. so i watched it again, caught some stuff i missed, watched some yt vids about Hamer, then watched it again. a couple weeks after that i watched it again and here recently i watched it friday. really enjoyed the whole thing. probably wont watch it again unless its with someone who hasnt seen it so that they get the opportunity to appreciate it. but imo it has great rewatchability but probably not the best.
Die hard /thread
Goodfellas, I notice something new every time
agreeable if you skip most of the first 30 minutes or so before they get to the zone. Once they are inside, it's captivating throughout, but the beginning parts on a re-watch are quite boring
none is the correct answer.
oceans 11
didnt even have to think about it
endlessly rewatchable
Coen Brothers True Grit
the cable guy
Hot Fuzz
Everytime I watch it I remember a great line in that I forgot and can't stop laughing about it for the following week.
>That's what I'm talking about.
I've seen Drive a hundred times and it never gets old
This. I've seen them all so many times, I am quoting scenes word for word. I need to give them at least a year break before watching again
I watched it once and it got old before it was over
Hot Fuzz (endlessly quotable), Pirates of the Caribbean 1 (perfectly paced, consummate entertainment), There Will be Blood (kino in every sense of the word)
Mulholland Drive