Any kinos about self improvement?
Any kinos about self improvement?
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/pol/tards will complain about muh white race but i genuinely hope all of mankind goes extinct
wtf you cut yourself in those spots you become infertile?
>kills all worth in 30 minutes
based and human extinctionpilled
>he doesn't have a medical degree
>redbit is >>
Maybe she has a condition that makes pregnancy high risk
>I did it reddit
actually the jewish doctor did.
White genocide isn't real, white suicide is.
When I hear that a woman doesn't want or God forbid doesn't even like children, I lose all attraction to her. No matter her physical characteristics, it's like the part of my subconscious responsible for deciding on viable breeding partners no longer even recognizes her as a member of the opposite sex.
>Only whites are altruistic/autistic enough to support antinatalism
>The races who inherit the world turn it into a self-perpetuating hellscape
If you support antinatalism, then it's basically mandatory to support whites genociding every other race first, because that's the only way it could realistically happen. Would be pretty extreme if someone actually did take that stance, though.
Now she's a living sex doll. I don't know about you, but I'd pay top dollar for one of those.
First worlders are literally a higher quality of citizen than third worlders. They're smarter, they commit less crime, and they're generally more adept at founding/running functional societies. Even if you think all of humanity sucks, you have to admit that she's probably better than most. If she were Indian, or Chinese, I'd be celebrating along with you, but a western woman having no children just opens up more room for Chinese bugs to spread their influence further. What I'm saying is, we should introduce global population limits, and trade embargo countries that violate them. That way, overpopulation fixes itself, as violating countries have to either be entirely self-reliant, in which case their overpopulation only punishes them, or they suffer mass starvation, and their population figures are repaired.
those are appendectomy cuts you mongs
top kek I wonder if after white people go extinct, there will be legends and films in China about this suicidal race from the past.
In my 13 years of using the internet, this is the only fucking image that makes me irrationally mad.
based virgin
this girl got elizabeth holmes eyes
Genocide isn't required, just threaten to cut off their welfare, and they'll crumble. We are currently living in an ever-shortening window of time where Europe/N.America control the world economy. We have the power to enforce our will entirely non-violently, but for every day we ignore that power, it atrophies. Basically, we need to establish a joint EU/NA world government while we still have the chance. If China’s economy becomes self-proficient, and their armies come to rival that of NATO’s, they will surely bring in a second dark age for society. It’s utopia, or dystopia; we have to choose.
Good, do you really think I would want a boyfriend who wants to breed? Retard. I don't care about your "desire".
even if i agreed, IQ boosting tech is on the way
once we have that down who cares
Why do they refuse to breed though
Getting yourself neutered is based and redpilled if you are a genetic dead end, ergo if you are most people nowadays.
Spergs, Schizos, Trannies, Manlets.
Bring back eugenics.
Is a good way to ending up alone
>Why do they refuse to breed though
An unholy mix of feminism and capitalism causes women to either be studying/advancing their carrers or slutting up in their fertile years, instead of starting a family, and having a family is financially untenable to many or most people, it's pretty much impossible to have a family with just a man working to support a household.
First poster here. All I want to do is smoke weed and jack off until I die senpai. If the non-whites inherit the earth good for them but I doubt they will survive without us
They swallowed the leftist pill. It's very sad. I have no doubt she'll die alone and bitter. With her cats. Who probably hate her.
finances have been screwed and propaganda has been spewed throughout most of their lives
>13 years
fuck off child
Have sex
>Now she's a living sex doll. I don't know about you, but I'd pay top dollar for one of those.
if you just wanted a thirsty slut who can't get pregnat then why not just get a twink instead?
>less needy and emotional than a girl
>always horny and more willing pleasure you than a girl
>a tight smooth boypussy to cum in any time you want
>you can easily cuddle him because he's just as smol as a girl
Probably because he's not gay?
What's with you faggots assuming everyone thinks like you?
We don't like men, fuck off.
unlimited creampies... think about if fellas
You are actually fucking nuts, you realise that?
The EU does nothing but whine and bitch and hoard money to support themselves while enforcing censorship tactics such as privatising the internet and blocking sites such as Yea Forums with the new internet laws they brought in this month.
Hard eugenics is unironically based and should be implemented by every country, white and even non-white if they want to try to catch up
I love kids but god having kids scares the shit out of me. I have a nephew and basically act like his dad anyways because my brother in law died. But I can always just hand him off to my sister when he gets to be too much. The idea of becoming my dad scares me.
user... you still have to deal with the penis aspect and because blowjobs are neat, the twink will want you to give a blowjob at some point.
>Eugenics was literally the future of science and humanity all the way up to the late 40s
>Sweden was the fucking leading nation in Eugenics
>>less needy and emotional than a girl
Fags are super emotional and fucked in the head.
First worlders? Probably because in first world countries having children is economically detrimental, whereas in a lot of third world countries it's beneficial. If you don't have a retirement plan, children are your retirement plan. They’ll feed you when you’re too old to work, and they’ll band together to pay your medical bills if you get sick. Also, in countries with lax child labour laws, your kid might start generating an income for you at as young as 12-14, which makes raising them much easier. A lot of jobs performed by third world citizens aren't very hard for children to perform, either, like selling fruit at a stand, so they can often generate nearly a full wage before they 18, and you’ll get most/all of that. You also have to consider that child mortality is much higher in third world countries, so they often have more children to compensate, which increases the birth per household statistic. You just have to remember that a lot of those children won’t reach adulthood.
That's because the EU are a bunch of pussies who refuse to do anything beneficial for society, for fear of upsetting their special interests. Half of them are also propaganda-pumped suicidal bleeding-heart nu-liberals, who don’t even know what libertarianism is, yet claim to support it. I meant the countries that make up the EU, not the actual European Union as it stands, they're incompetent.
Liking twink men has the same goods of having a 12yo girl and every bad.
You have 50% chance of growing the girl into a beautiful woman body.
You have 100% chance of getting a hairy dude out of a twink.
>but I doubt they will survive without us
Why do you think the Jews are replacing you in particular?
she looks jewish.
I'm more neutral on men who don't want to breed. Men have always been independent and self-possessed, with the creation of a strong family sort of being a byproduct of a man's ambition. But if I meet a woman and don't see any spark of motherhood in her, then I don't even want to look her in the eye. It's similar to abortion. I actually understand men who support abortion because they want to be able to screw without consequences. But if a woman is a vocal supporter of abortion and could actually see herself going through with it, there's no way she's not mentally damaged.
The men in power want a dystopia that's only good for the .1% elite
they hate us cus they ain't us
I'm a balding nobody, no kid would benefit from being my son. So I think finding a girl with the same aversion to kids is the best option. If the white race really needed our help I'd be given incentives to have lots of kids but since it's every man for himself I don't give a crap what happens to the rest of you.
Liberalism and feminism happened. Sweden was the leading nation of that shit too.
>user... you still have to deal with the penis aspect and because blowjobs are neat, the twink will want you to give a blowjob at some point.
I'm a twink and I don't mind that my bf doesn't give me blowjobs
just give your bottom boy a reach around(and affection/kisses) while you fuck him
desu if a man shoots cum inside me then I can cum almost instantly just by fingering my loose cum filled boypussy and thinking about how slutty I am
I know the pain of not being able to have children, why would someone ever willingly do that to themselves?
I could perhaps understand if they had a 99% chance of passing on mentla illness or something.
fpbp. Got a vasectomy 7 years ago and thank god. Humanity has unequivocally fucked itself in the ass. Peak oil, selling all your clean drinking water to nestle, being ballless in the face of "muh white genocide" to actually do anything useful unless you count 'memes'. All I can do at this point is laugh at the impending wasteland earth is going to become.
based but blackpilled
Children are the worst, and I 100% support anyone who does this. Unironically based.
>tfw have infertile gf
It happens. Just enjoy life the best way you can.
ok ahmed
American Paranoid mental illness --thank you for vasectomy - you would've made a useless Dad.
Sterilization will be the best way to eliminate non-whites in the world after america finally dies and Europe can be fascist again.
god i have dreams about an asteroid dooming us all.
Nigga I'm whiter than most burgers, native Viking. Children are cancer.
Your women are our property ching chong.
this is the biggest red pill
racism is for plebs misanthropy is where it's at
Based white women
Economics you fucking mongoloid. It's not as fucking easy as it was for boomers anymore.
Remember on twitter not /feedback/ or /qa/
>actually dating twinks long enough for then to get gross
lmao dude just get a different 18 year old twink every year or so
you'll find out in a couple of years, if you don't plan on having kids after 35 you're mentally deficient
Cucked and nihlism pilled
Fuck man I remember seeing this a couple months back. Even if I despised kids/having kids, I couldn't do some procedure to permanently alter myself.
What kind of mind virus drives someone into destroying its primary source of value as a human being?
t. elitist scumbag
stay mad butthurt Nazis
It was a gall bladder surgery. The pic is faked.
search the title you absolute retard brainlet
The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. While making children is your natural purpose, you do not have to stick to it.
An elitist would want separate rules for himself. I am perfectly fine with my country, and my people, myself included, being subjected to those same population limits. I would rather live in a country of 300 million, where everyone has a job, education, and a future, than one of 600 million, where we're all on the border of the poverty line. After a certain point, increasing the population limit has diminishing returns for the GDP, but still increases resource drain. I think we’re already past the planet’s safe carrying capacity, we should be attempting to lower the population already, until agricultural/energy technology can develop further. If we had fusion power, free food, and infinite housing in space, then we could have unchecked population growth, but right now, every new child puts further strain on our already struggling system. Population controls don’t have to be orwellian.