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I'm more of a Smocaine man myself

Smocaine was proof Nick is the best member of MDE


I'm an oxy 80 kind of cop... I eat perc 30s blues reds like to go downnnnnnn I don't like to come up.....

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was it autism?

Why would he say a few lines in one of same hit or miss sketches when he could just hang out and talk to his followers and reap the donations until he starts a physical Charles world cult?

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Sam is clearly some kind of sick narcissistic asshole who betrays people

Chuck is a schizoid and nothing he says makes sense

Nick seems just to be a normal guy kind of a jock with a blown out knee

Charls is so fucking based

Sam didn't do anything, the show got pulles because of buzzfeed hitpieces and that free real estate guy egging people on to call the advertisers

Nick is having a kid too and besides his shop shitting down he will probably sell stuff online

He's not as esoteric as people make him out to be. He just I'd more eloquent and speaks carefully. Something dumbfuck Sam couldn't figure out how to do. which is why Charles is streaming Sam is living in a mobile sauna and Nick antique store just closed down when if they just kept his mouth shut and spoke little more carefully they'd all be adult swim Stars and set for the rest of their life. imagine working on a passion project with your best friend for almost 10 years and him fucking ruining it and fucking one week with some stupid tweets. THAT'S how fucking enraging Sam is too Charles. There all cool but Sam said it himself. He is an insufferable person to be around bc he has that only child conversation style Sam described as "sandpaper" . He just was way to cocky once the show took off and burnt bridges they didn't even have yet. I'm not saying that if Sam is simply just get Donna normal interview with that Bernstein guy at BuzzFeed that the same thing wouldn't have happened. but it would have been an awful lot harder for them to pull the show without all of his fucking autistic /pol/ outbursts that weren't even funny.

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Look I enjoyed wp and still watch his stuff, the iPhone years were incredible but he played a part in his own destruction by being very vocal about the whole white genocide thing

I don't even remember Sam mentioning white genocide in any way, the most he did was make edgy jokes about jews. There was no reason for his show to get fucked

Facebook posts about Europe being invaded, I make no comment as to whether his views are right or not, simply that he should have known that to say what he did was to put everything he and his friends worked for in jeopardy, basically for no reason

Agreed but WP had A lot of blantant Stuff that nobody would think would yield good responses from the vultures across the field. Shit was hilarious but I wasn't very surprised

terrible take.

have sex

>very vocal about the whole white genocide thing

So, it's not real? How come white people are being replaced and attacked in every single western white majority country? Coincidence, right?

I'm a huge fan and watch them both separately and I fuck at least 16 girls a week sir

Cringe Bro I already said that's beside the point

>Sam didn't do anything
When Sam signed onto Adult Swim he knew he was getting into an industry that's run by leftists. He knew that far right topics, such as white genocide, will get you instantly blacklisted. So what did he do? Openly talk about white genocide and other far right stuff on twitter and facebook. Then when the hitpieces rolled in he made everything worse by intentionally pissing off the hitpiece writers. I despise the hypocritical leftists that run the film industry, but I also don't feel any sympathy for Sam. He destroyed himself.

kill all white people and rape their kids haha

You are a mentalist and you will do nothing constructive for your people or sympathisers and your failure to recognise this leads to people saying subscribe to pewdiepie into webcams and then shooting children

The real tragedy is that Sam's comedy is uniquely suited to the present-decade cultural climate, and yet socially suicidal to enjoy or condone, and self-destructing as a consequence. It's impossible right now to know whether the leftist inquisition is going to prevail, but whether it self-immolates or wins out in the end it won't last forever, and one day I think his material might find a wider and well-deserved audience.

>Cringe Bro I already said that's beside the point

So, white people shouldn't care about white countries being fucked? If it doesn't matter to his "FINANCIAL SUCCESS" then he shouldn't talk about it?

How much of a soul less consumer bug man piece of shit are you?

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All you had to do was keep your mouth shut and ignore the retarded journalists, and you didn't. You basically tied a noose around your neck and begged the people who hate you to knock the chair over. You could've built on your initial success. You could've brought more like-minded people into the industry. You could've had a career. You instead sabotaged yourself, and have become as whiny and entitled as the people you mock. Fuck you, Sam. If I was Charls or Nick, I would've beaten you to death for fucking everything up.

He achieved nothing with his explicit comments how can you not see this

Also what is this consumer criticism, everyone is a consumer, you're a consumer

>Also what is this consumer criticism, everyone is a consumer, you're a consumer

spoken like a true small souled bugman, go suck some more corporate cock and shame people who aren't as empty inside as you.

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I agree, but I also think that politics aside, Sam is just a naturally funny guy. Even the cell phone videos he did where he's just talking about random stuff are funny, he just has this funny energy, like when he would randomly kick his fan, or start doing a chinese accent, or the ones where he would annoy his mom.