> Finn tries to sacrifice himself by destroying the weapon that is going to blow up the last rebel base
> Rose stops his heroic act by ramming into him with her ship
> she's all hurt and stuff
> "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love,"
> the door to the rebel base explodes in the background and she steals a kiss
> Boyega be like "Wtf was this even in the script?"
> He walks all the way back to the base carrying an unconscious Rose. The First Order doesn't notice them.

This must be the worst scene in the whole series. I feel bad for Boyega getting pushed into a second fiddle role and having his character butchered by bad writing. He seemed the most enthusiastic about the franchise out of the cast.


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Other urls found in this thread:


nigger lol

She could have killed him anyway, what are the chances of surviving that crash?

You can divide people into categories ad nauseum - and once you go far enough because everyone is different, you’re left with just the individual in their own category and the concept falls apart and crashes and burns.

We really are just a bunch of naked chimps if the majority of us can’t use their brain to realize this, and work on a solution to fix it.

I have no tolerance for low minded concepts like that in my interpretation of the world around me.

nigger lol

Based on things he said at Celebration, it sounds like JJ is completely dropping the Rose and Finn relationship lmao. Rian just wanted to see his chubby Asian dream girl get blacked to satisfy his fetishes. Also, more than likely, the Finn and Rey romance is back like JJ wanted to begin with.


Go back to /pol/, this is a Nu Wars thread.

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nigger lol

So can we all agree that Rian is the reason this trilogy failed on not (((JJ)))? He had set up so much stuff that Rian decided to not do in order to "subvert expectations" which ended up ruining the second movie and ruining the entire trilogy.

>making this thread AGAIN


Somebody overlay the closeup of Rose in the cockpit with this gif

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>He walks all the way back to the base carrying an unconscious Rose. The First Order doesn't notice them.
I’m trying to write my own version of Episode IX that treats the Last Jedi as canon, but I’ve had to change this to Finn gets captured by the first order at the end of TLJ. It mirrors ROTJ and it actually makes sense/adds tension

>Rian is the reason this trilogy failed on not (((JJ)))? He had set up so much stuff that Rian decided to not do
Literally KK’s fault

JJ and Kasdan are actually at fault for not writing the whole trilogy to begin with. It allowed Rian to go rogue and do whatever the hell he felt like because there was no plan set in stone.

Nah watch Rose be pregnant kek

>> "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love,"
>> the door to the rebel base explodes in the background and she steals a kiss
This was irony kino and you know it.

>TLJ ends with Finn and unconscious Rose being captured by the first order
>TROS starts with Rey and Poe on a rescue mission
>when they arrive at Finn's cell, he tells them that Rose was executed
I can dig it

Maybe these ships have some turbo feature that Rose discovered but Boyega didn't.

I just laugh because the jew decided to ruin the only decent character in the entire NewWarz story. The only character that showed any sort of growth got his hero/redemption arc shat upon, and racemixing with a gook pissed off the entire Chinese market.

Fin is the type of guy that allows any girl to like him

1. JJ wrote a draft ep8 that Rian ignored
2. It's not JJ's fucking job. He's a hack sure, but if you get hired to make a film you don't go and write two sequels to that film at the same time just in case

nigger lol

Rian didn't go to math school, he went to films (school)!

no. JJ set us up with these deadbeat characters and shitty plot.

>baby comes out Spanish and gay

What I find funny about this scene is despite with all the talk about how TLJ “subverted expectations”
Letting Finn have his heroic sacrifice, stopping the cannon and actually dying at that point probably would have been a lot more subversive then anything else in the whole film

I blocked out most of that movie. I have to say, im sorta upset that you reminded me of this
Any other parts that stand out?


This. Would have been unexpected and effective.

You mean besides Luke milking a disgusting alien cow lizard thing? Or Rey being racist towards alien nuns ("what are those THINGS?")? Or Yoda teaching the audience that reading is for nerds?

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Slave children not being saved by the rebels
Slave owner not punishing the children for freeing the horses
Luke reacts to Han’s death offscreen
BB8 driving an ATST

I hate this fucking part youtube.com/watch?v=BRSTsD_vrV8

She's Vietnamese and ugly. China doesn't care if she racemixes.

The problem is that Rian is not really subverting anything, he's doing something retarded and then immediately backing out of it, trying to eat cake and have cake at the same time.


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Rose crashing into Finn's ship doesnt even make any sense, and the shot where we see her gace as shes about hit is hilarious as a GIF.

Same with Leia's death scene. Would have been a subversion showing the horrors of war and how even beloved OR characters aren't invincible to a quick death.
My audience was in shock but in a good way and were ready to see how her death would affect Kylo. Then IT happened.

It’s like surviving a car crash and now we’re left with the body

>any disney shit above OT movie
Kys mouseshill

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>something presumably final and emotionally involving happens to a character
>immediately NOPES out of it and reverses the effect
there's nothing more blood boiling than when this happens

average african IQ ~70
I wish it wasn't true, but it is, and explains most of the issues with the world. again, i'm sorry

why does computing power of humans that dont do any important fast calculations affect anything, wut
did you not see robocop?

I’m gonna pray for you because there’s no way you can be this retarded and have a good life

people are in such a haze about how bad TLJ was that they always forget this. i honestly would not be surprised if JJ actually set this whole situation up just so he could come back in and "save the trilogy" with his subpar writing.

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you sound like an absolute tumor

It's been 1.3 years, stop whining faggot

It's the kind of scene that someone would write and then later delete when they reviewed it. The whole movie smells of work that nobody ever looked at with any kind of critical eye.

Shut the fuck up dude youre a moron yourself

Where did JJ set up a fat ugly Asian going on an anti capitalism rant on a shitty casino planet? TFA sucked but Rian did not do a single thing to save it and added his own shit wherever he could.

People with low IQs have less impulse control and so are more prone to criminal activity.

Other than Hamil who was always against this movie, was there anyone else that looked at this during production and tried to question Rian?


Rian’s writing partner advised against Rose being in such a boring costume and the Casino planet

seriously who let this out of the writing circle, still cant wrap my head around it

that scene after poe leads an armed coup to remove holdo from power, only to be shot by leia, where holdo and leia talk about poe like he's a charming scamp who just got caught stealing cookies from the baking tray.

IDK about this scene, but in the making of doc for TLJ the costume designer says Rose's costume is bad and that they should cast someone taller if possible. I'm surprised Disney put that scene in the documentary

The New Republic got fucked over so badly. Also, no Thrawn, the Yuuzhan Vong, Jacen and Jaina Solo...
There is so much they could have adapted from the Legends novels, and THIS is what they replace it with?

no, you're right, it's just important to remember the story was shit to begin with and jj should not be relied upon to fix anything.

Or maybe when you're planning a trilogy of movies you should work out an overall story instead of setting stuff up in the first movie and telling the next director "ok, do whatever the fuck you want m8"

Finn didn´t even show any signs of affection whatsoever. She treats him like an object that belongs to her and can´t be allowed to make it´s own decisions.

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I guarantee he'll kill Rose for a cheap 'emotional' moment

Disney wants to develop its own intellectual property. No shekels for third parties.

For 30 years after RotJ, Snoke was the most powerful Force user in the universe and Luke could do nothing against him or stop him from ruining Ben's life and Leia's marriage. Then Snoke dies as a gag.
Maybe the Mandalorian will start to fix this time period because it's a black hole of shit right now

Tfa was trash but at least his Arc was decent. I really thought he'd be more serious in tlj and prove himself and instead we got satire. How hard would it have been to give him scars and a metal spine? Make him a hardened rebel like han. But no. We got tubes flopping about and a pointless romance with a fat chink who hates the franchise and fans and was dropped after one entry.

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>I guarantee he'll kill Chewbacca for a cheap 'emotional' moment

watch the documentary from the bluray. that was when it really hit me how much of a total tragedy the whole thing was. and you can see how much fisher couldn't stand johnson. they tried to frame it in an endearing way, but it is obvious she couldn't stand him.


ESB > ANH > ROTJ > TPM > RO > TFA > ROTS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AOTC >>>>>>>> TRASH >>>>>>> TLJ

I have read multiple leaks that suggest that John Boyega pretty much hated TLJ, for both his character's plotline and for what happened to Luke. But he doesn't want to rock the boat because his career isn't established enough to survive pissing off Disney, so he wasn't vocal about it publicly like Mark Hamill. Daisy has said a number of times that she hates the Reylo shit and that those scenes made her uncomfortable though, so that's definitely gone.

Oh noes everybody, a triggered moon cricket.

First Order got lucky in this timeline. There's no Kyle Katarn to oppose them. There's only the Mary Sue and flip floppy writing.

>and having his character butchered by bad writing.
But he was a non-character from the start. Literally the diversity hire who does nothing in either of the movies.

Finn could have been a Mace Windu Blade type nigga who wanted revenge against the First Order and been trained as a Jedi like JJ teased, instead we get a cuck Rey orbiter friendzoned dude who might be gay now

Most leaks suggest she's either only in a couple of cameo-type scenes or that she dies off pretty early in the film. Either way, it sounded like she is not in it much at all.

ESB > ROTJ > ANH > RO > PM (Purely Nostalgia) = Solo = TFA > ROTS > AOTC > TLJ

One argument I always hear in favor of Holdo is
>"Poe wouldn't have asked questions if it was Leia's plan"
which is probably true, but the flip side of this is that Holdo should have had realized she does not automatically carry the same clout as Leia yet.

When you realize that Poe was supposed to be going to Canto Bight and not even have this conflict with Holdo, it makes sense why it feels so tacked on.

Didn't Thrawn get stuck in the same place Ezra did in Rebels?

Makes sense. She's not even ON the poster.

my fav part of that bit when rian says no and says "i want to cast someone who looks like they dont velong in star wars" which is racist liberal code for "i bet ppl dont expect a fat asian in star wars" even tho literally no one in the world has any concept of a race of ppl who "belong in star wars" it's a hammer searching for a nail and a hole. its fixing a problem that didnt exist and the only reason he feels that way is he is infected with racist identitarian politics

lost all respect for Boyega the moment he said he won't watch shows with too many white people in

his "character" getting butchered by Disney is poetic justice

>second fiddle
he is lower then Screech Powers Tier

>this movie needs a major girl power scene Rian you midget fuck
>uh... Hehe.. what if like, hear me out, Leia is literally Jesus Christ in space
I promise that's what happened

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TFA set up a lot of questions that were really hard to answer
>luke hiding
>luke's map
>reys skills
>reys parents
ofcourse the answers were so hyped they were bound to be disappointing so i believe rian just burned it all down by dropping plot points, not answering the most questions, and ""subverting"" the ones he did. then he squeezed a bit of his politics in to display infront of the fire because "the force is female" and "fuck drumpf" etc.

They ended up escaping anyway after retreating so if he did sacrifice himself it would have been literally pointless.

Kill me bro you right

I realize space travel in SW doesn't work on hard science or anything, but shouldn't the Raddus have been thousands of kilometers away from Leia's body by the time she tried to pull herself back to the ship?

I mean, it was still moving. I assume it was moving faster than 2 miles an hour.

>luke hiding
Instead say he went looking for ancient jedi knowledge that would help him oppose Snoke
>luke's map
Becasue he didn't go into exile to die, he left the map in case he got stranded or lost or didn't come back in X number of years
>reys skills
high midichlorian count and came in contact with a holocron while scavening. Studied it in her off-time because she had literally nothing else to do
>reys parents
First Order defectors that were being hunted down. Left her on a remote world for her own safety.

just off the top of my head

>tfw this is actually the reason
disney is overtly racist, they shit on black people all the time through subtext. disney loves to make blacks wear the dress as chapelle said.

also oogaboyega was causing too much bullshit for them on social media and in interviews so they fucked his character after tlj. he brought too much heat on himself and got punished for it

You know what, actually to think of it, the disappointing answers to JJs set ups were the best part of TLJ. Think of everything else that Rian came up with on his own - it's absolutely abhorrent.

finn was pretty much the only character who had any development whatsoever
granted, it was just angsty coward learns to stick up for something/people he cares about but at least it was something compared to every other character

It is kind of a jarring transition for Finn if you watch the two movies back to back.

He goes from fighting Kylo against all odds and having his spine sliced in half to bumbling around in a weird water-bubble suit.

The EU already did that to be edgy back in the day, so I was actually surprised they didn't do that in TFA. I bet Chewie and Lando kamikaze the Falcon to destroy EVIL SUPERWEAPON SHIP #27 in the end of this though. I have a feeling the First Order salvaged the Death Star laser from the wreckage and built a Super Star Destroyer around it like in the EU with the Eclipse.

Well no you don't suddenly decelerate when you leave a moving vehicle, especially not in space where there's nothing to hit or no atmospheric friction.

>Boyega be like "Wtf was this even in the script?
Rian Johnson admitted the first draft was greenlit, along with admitting he knows he is a shitty writer. Its on the commentary.

Except the momentum and acceleration of the ship would have been greater than hers after being ejected from it, so it theoretically should have still passed her.

>2. It's not JJ's fucking job. He's a hack sure, but if you get hired to make a film you don't go and write two sequels to that film at the same time just in case

>implying something as big as Star Wars should've been a "job" and not an actual passion

The entire making of, commentary, and BTS content is full of him doubting himself too. It's like he was terrified the whole time he was making the movie.

you expect a twist that good in nu-wars?
>looking knowledge that would help oppose Snoke
he went searching for that little map device in palps' vault before snoke even showed up so he was planning on leaving before that
>high midichlorian count and came in contact with a holocron while scavening
that cant be rians answer to the question because he'd have to revise what happened in the last movie and jewjewbrams wouldnt be happy
>First Order defectors
why couldnt they go literally anywhere else in the galaxy where the republic was in control

Snoke being Plagueis would have been awful as it would have completely undermined the point of Palpatine's story.

Yeah those are good points, so if we were working on SW together we'd sit down and hash out those issues with other writers and rework them until they were better.

> He goes from fighting Kylo against all odds and having his spine sliced in half to bumbling around in a weird water-bubble suit.

That was just awful. After TFA, I was hyped to find out how Finn could deal with this life-altering injury. He had his spine cleaved by a lightsaber, something like that should have consequences in-universe, at least a metal spine. I wanted to see his character overcome this struggle. Instead Ryan demoted him to comic relief. If I were Boyega I would be really pissed off.

What makes it strange is the explosion because you know that killed whatever friends she had left from the fleet. At the end there is like a dozen people left.

Boyega can't say that he's pissed, but you know he is. At least during very early promotional stuff for TFA and even into the filming of TLJ, you can tell that he thought he had a little force power in him and would become a Jedi or force user of some kind.

The most important contributions Finn have made is knowing where First Order rooms are because he mopped them.

Why didn't he get the white girl he was entitled to?

They already used variants of the Death Star technology in Rogue One and TLJ.

It's amazing that TLJ actually does this twice

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Again, not his fault. If they wanted someone passionate, they should have hired someone passionate. The handling of this trilogy can't be blamed on JJ. Even Rian can't be blamed for the trilogy as a whole, just his part in making a fucking terrible film that shat on an already bad film and made it near impossible to have a satisfying follow-up. But even there the producer should have reigned him in

I'm sure JJ will throw you a bone and in the last 10 minutes of IX Rey will invite him to come train with her because he has the potential

My favorite part is him explaining what Luke was going through in his death scene, and that he "needed to show the audience that Luke died in peace and purpose"
So in the final movie he just has Rey tell Leia "I felt Luke. He didnt die in sadness and pain, but peace and purpose" aka the laziest way possible

>Leia's not death
>Finn's not sacrifice
>Luke's not killing Kylo
>The sacred texts burning
I count four times

He will, JJ is doing it.

>The sacred texts burning
Rey alrady had them on the falcon. Yoda was just fucking with Luke for some reason.

That was the based wardrobe guy

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I’m going to say the n word

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Rian is so self-aware of his poor writing skills, he brings them up constantly. It makes me wonder why he didn't just play to his strengths. He's a good visual director but he can't write - OK - so get a writer. I don't understand why he agreed to write/direct when he had no confidence in his ability to do it.

He was listing fakeouts, so the texts count because the audience thinks they burned and were unimportant but then nope they're back like Leia

This guy was the unsung hero of the behind the scenes documentary material. Every single scene with him in it is him cringing at Rian's ideas.

yeah thats the guy from the webm where you can tell everyone wants to tell Rian his ideas are terrible

Ah, thanks I misunderstood.

Nigger is a fine category, and all one needs.



They even had him do his own storyboards, and he's not an artist so they were just stick figures and scribbles that look like a 4 year old did, lmao. Why didn't they just hire people to help do this shit?

This guy was the worst, some literally who producer and KK's cocksleeve who said everything in the script was brilliant

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He's not Lucasfilm, he's Johnson's buddy. He's produced all his movies, he probably came with the deal

But yeah he looked almost as bad as Johnson did on the doc

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Don't worry JJ haters and Rian fans.
If this is true and IX is about search for a Luke Skywalker videotape to broadcast to the galaxy, then JJ will have done worse than Last Jedi and be the true villain of the trilogy

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>behind the scenes documentary material

Where can I watch it?


2 hours of Star Wars being killed for your pleasure.

It might be on YouTube, otherwise I don't know.

Jesus that chinks face is flat as a wall

Based, thank you
not the user who asked but I've been looking for this material too

thanks for posting this... my god Rians laugh at the start of part 2 is spine chilling cringe.


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>for some reason
He trained him wrong, as a joke

I guess Luke would have immediately found out once becoming a ghost
>Haha you thought I burned the texts. I got you Skywalker

I've heard of other leaks that say they go from planet to planet for a MacGuffin, so this might be legit.

God I hope so, then I can truly disavow this shit fucking trilogy and literally pretend it never happened.

>feel bad for Boyega getting pushed into a second fiddle role and having his character butchered by bad writing. He seemed the most enthusiastic about the franchise out of the cast.

Why do you do this?

Why and where do you and others get this notion that elevating and adoring black people somehow makes you a good or better person?

Yeah fuck niggers, I feel bad for Oscar Isaac, aka Poe Dameron.
Doesn't even have a love interest and was just cuckolded by two old retarded women in episode VIII
He behaved logically and admirably, and got shouted down for it.

Nothing about his post hinged on race.

do you really expect a man who looks like this and has a wife that looks like that to have ANY idea how romance works, user?

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> elevating and adoring black people

It wasn't about race, I liked his performance in TFA. Oscar Isaac was good too, but he's a secondary character and had fewer scenes.

But it did, even if he is not fully aware of it.

That is why I am asking him.

JJ still doesn't get a free pass for making Episode 7 into "A New Hope except Luke and Darth Vader might fuck"
You can't just throw a bunch of plot elements into the air and promise that when they land, they'll be interesting and narratively satisfying, particularly when you admit that you had no idea what the fuck you wanted the full three-movie storyline to be

> But it did, even if he is not fully aware of it.
> this is your brain on /pol/

See my answer He was one of the few characters the audience could relate to. Rey is perfect, Poe is an amazing pilot and hero of the resistance, Kylo is space Hitler. He's a flawed normie stuck in the middle of a galactic conflict. In TFA his humor was a way to cope with the situation.

>mfw i thought this was supposed to be a merchant caricature with a big nose and two rubbing hands

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People will bash you but you're absolutely right. These people have nothing going for them out of laziness so of course they try to hoard some vain pride off the success of others.

I don't know how Rose managed to stop Finn but Finn would've died. His ship was melting and he wasn't even close.

Oh right. Pretty much forgot that whole movie. The series is over for me now

Oscar Isaac is too good for Nuwars anyway.
Poe gets a backstory in IX btw, but they will probably make him even more boring. Still, he was the first POV character in TFA and seemed like a better hero to follow than Finn, but they pushed Finn more, I guess because Boyega is darker.

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>why do people show basic empathy for their fellow human beings
gee I wonder

Holy shit making Tormund drink in a disgusting way is so fucking poor direction ffs

I'll allow it.

Poe already has backstory from the comics, my guess is the movie will touch on this. He was born and raised on a Republic colony on Yavin IV. There are rumored to be scenes that take place there with them looking for an old Rebel blockade runner. His past will likely come up there if so.

Dude like burning books is so progressive

I know he has a backstory in the comics (I didn't read them though), I just didn't expect them to put it the movie. And putting it there after making Poe irrelevant for two movies seems desperate, like they have no idea for the actual story so they put there some filler. I like Oscar but Poe is shit, like any other character in Nuwars (still, I want to see him having more spotlight than Finn or Rose simply because he's played by a better actor). I just want this movie to be an absolute clusterfuck, I want the leaks to be true, I want to see Kylo dying and tumblr committing mass suicide when both Reylo and Finnpoe are flushed down the toilet. Would be even funnier if Finn or Poe died.

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>you cant take credit/pride in the accomplishments of your ancestors
>we still need to talk about white people and slavery
pick one


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Did ghost yoda in TLJ take ghost lsd?

>1. JJ wrote a draft ep8 that Rian ignored
Source: My ass. JJ never wrote a script for episode 7 or 9 nevermind 8.
>2. It's not JJ's fucking job. He's a hack sure, but if you get hired to make a film you don't go and write two sequels to that film at the same time just in case
Actually, it IS. Episode 7 and 8 were written at the same time and JJ was the one who wanted to make constant but big changes during filming, including fucking up Finn and making Poe a main character when he was supposed to die early in the film. Not to mention that JJ stated that he wouldn't have changed a thing with episode 8 and still praises it on a daily basis. He also fucked away Lucas' outline of the whole trilogy which meant that each director had to make up their own story as they went along instead of following the storyline, plenty of people including Mark Hamill backed this up.

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I watched TLJ on LSD. Interesting experience.

What was it like?

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Mark is cool and based

doubt they will cancel on reylo at this point. that was literally the only plot progression in tlj

I actually loved Finn in TFA, he reminded me of Luke in a lot of ways. What TLJ did to him was an injustice.

They are, that's not happening. Rey is Luke's daughter. Kylo Ren dies and there is no redemption for him. JJ always wanted Finn and Rey.

I was mostly distracted by the visuals and my own looping thoughts, but there was a pervasive feeling that something was "off". I wasn't certain if it was the acid or the movie itself until I rewatched it sober (it was the movie). I considered turning it off a few times, and the Canto Bight sequence was kind of a nightmare. When Finn and Rose are riding on the space horses I had a strange moment of dissociation where I wasn't sure what I was actually watching.

I wouldn't recommend it.

Finn was flying directly into the beam, he was being pushed back by it as it charged up while Rose was able to move unimpeded outside the beam.


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Rey is not luke's daughter, she's a palpatine creation. Finn already has a fat asian girlfriend now.

light doesnt have mass, it cant push him back

It's already confirmed that Rey is Luke's daughter and that the Rose and Finn relationship is gone.

It was a giant energy beam, not a flashlight. You saw his salt skimmer peeling apart right?

energy doesnt have mass either. Go back to school rian

proof? luke had no mention of having a wife. They can't just get rid of the blasian relationship. itll be too obvious

What I hate the most is Rey training a new generation of Jedis, something Luke failed spectacularly at and something she will obviously succeed at, because The Force is female.

Star Wars blaster lasers, it doesn't obey your physics.

Rose is reduced to a cameo-tier role, she's basically not even in the movie. And Rey's mom in the movie has been described as the new version of Mara Jade in leaked production documents.

source? otherwise ill assume youre just pulling shit out of your ass

> Rose is reduced to a cameo-tier role, she's basically not even in the movie.

That's a big retcon, considering that almost half of TLJ builds up their relationship.

So Luke just didn't know?

I'm thinking Rey dies via sacrifice and it's actually Ben who starts the new order.


user asked for proof, not more unsourced "leaks"

this is so hot...you fat pieces of shit are jelly hes kissing on your azn whore

That's the implication, yes.

Kylo Ren dies.

It was just Rian going off on a personally motivated tangent. All the rumors are saying she has only a couple scenes in the movie and the excuse as to why she isn't with Finn, Rey, and Poe is because she's a Resistance general now or something. In other words, JJ had no need for her character or interest in doing that, so he dumped her off to the side and relegated her to a small handful scenes in the command center of their new base like Ackbar or Mon Mothma.

>Kylo Ren dies.
First half or second? I've heard both.

Blasters actually fire a physical projectile super heated and at speed.

opening scene


Can they just show them banging with full pen already

No idea, I haven't heard definitively one way or the other. I'd guess towards the end, but it would be quite a twist if it happened earlier I suppose. I have heard he has an awesome scene at one point that is reminiscent of the Vader scene in Rogue One where he goes on a rampage and slaughters a bunch of resistance soldiers though.

Not me.

Light has momentum my friend.

here I will write a better TLJ death scene for Leia.

>missiles pass kylos ship, he tries at last second to shoot them down knowing its going for his mom
>cut to leia inside, she knows they are coming, she is going to die
>SHE force projects to wherever look is, we cut to her sitting next to him, he is taken aback, the force allows her to say goodbye to him
>he goes to hug her and as the missiles hit the bridge, his arms fade through her harking back to obi won, she is gone
>cut to kylo realizing what just happened while a tragic version of her theme plays
>or we have superman leia in space your choice

you're delusional. you dont know anything

Ive got a better idea. Kylo kills his mom by mind controling Admiral Akbar. Akbar walks up to her and traps her in his fich mouth and rapes her puussy then kills her. The cliche slide whistle sound effect plays written and directed by rian johnson

Or literally do what they did but Leia actually just dies

you gotta have luke and leia on screen together, they already fucked up royally with Han, but Luke and Leia NEEDED to share a screen in some way. I hate the fucking ST

That's not entirely true. Rian did do some shitty stick figure storyboards initially, but by the time of production they had actual real storyboards going on.

Attached: TLJstoryboard.png (1041x579, 638K)

They did. Luke and Leia meet at the end before he confronts Kylo. Gives her the dice.

cant..stop..the signal...

>it looks like they don’t know what to do sith finn as a characters
>get to this scene
>looks like he is about to sacrifice himself
>think o shit this is finally going to be a good scene
>it’s about to happen. music and everything in this scene is great. thinking this is going to be the perfect end for the character
>chink comes out of nowhere somehow fast enough to kamikazi into finn without killing neither of them
>actually loudly exclaim “what the fuck” in the middle of a crowded theatre
>starts making out with him uncomfortably with this gay love quote shit as everyone else is dying
>once the movie is done feel immense confusion about the whole thing
without a doubt the worst scene in starwars and possibly the worst i have ever seen

Attached: AB6A3AF6-AA94-4B98-99B4-DEC51DCD6174.jpg (449x449, 37K)

I mean, if they just outright killed Leia then and there, they would have never had them on screen together.

yeah.... no

>death beam able to destroy like 5 feet thick steel bunker door
>does not vaporize a shitty fucking scrap ship with a completely exposed pilot in seconds

Fucking retarded

>Light has momentum therefore it has mass

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>> "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love,"

This fucking line to me smacked of we gotta force in some inspirational line dems can potentially use in marketing for the next election.

Mind you most of the movie felt like some weird reaction to the election.

rent free

>Here's your love interest, dude

Attached: rose-tico-kelly-marie-tran-last-jedi-1200x675.jpg (1200x675, 64K)

i would walk out of the cinema and demand a refund

Rose kills him

reminder that it was a plot point in the previous film that finn didn't know how to fly ships at all


It will win an Oscar if that happens

The funniest thing is that the novelization tried to explain it away by saying that Rose trained him in between the time we see them on that ship and the opening of the casino planet.

Which still doesn't make sense because there's still a limited time there.

So instead of siblings kinda having the hots for one another, it's cousins who have the hots for one antoher.

the cult of the auteur. fuck the french forever

By doing that, trying to avoid Finn's sacrifice, she actually was responsible for killing many more rebels. Now, there are two ways to aproach this:

>she loved Finn more than her duty, and did that out of self interest, as she didn't want to experience the lost of another loved one, and valued her own feelings more than the future of the galaxy, as a self proclaimed and unnapologetical egotistic girl
This would be something interesting and real, that could easily give depth to her character, be it for good of bad.

>"nhe nhe fighting what we hate saving what we love, I totally make sense LMAO, who cares about faceless henchmen, let then burn"
This is offensivelly retarded. The problem is not just being dumb, but expecting you to swallow it, as if the movie was saying "user, I know you're stupid, I did this because you're stupid". The way that scene disrespect the audience is why so many people hate it, with good reasoning.

Attached: feh.jpg (600x449, 89K)

It's a mixed up line because it implies you can't do both. Finn is destroying what he hates to save the people he loves.


Finn was not kamikazing a ship full of people, he was trowing himself at a weapon just about to kill his friends, and would destroy only the weapon. If anything, the explosion might have made some walkers fall to the sides and kill some people around, but that is just eventual.

Painting the disposal of a killing machine as a "hateful act" is exactly why the republic are a bunch of faggot losers who got rekt by the First Order in a single day. Bunch of weak hippies.

tend to*

>your ancestors
>in reality your ancestor was cleaning the shit out of the toilet of the people actually doing anything worthwhile.

It was charging up.

go to minute 23 where he does some exaggerated yawn

24:30 of the first video
>some fashion parade with gowns and jewels
>it feels star wars

M8, it has no rest mass. No argument there. But that doesn't mean that light can't push you back. It has momentum and as a result is capable of "pushing" matter.

Christ, shouldn't Skywalker already be famous around the galaxy?

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Think about it this way, when a photon strikes an object it can transfer it's momentum and "push it" back.

>people unironically not liking the prequels

Look, sorry to be spamming you at this point. But check this out:


>whole thread didn't see the leaks
Finn and Rose are still together, Kylo dies and is brought back to life and Rey is involved, Han Solo shows up again as part of an "intervention" Force ghost Luke stages in order to make Kylo rediscover his heart. Adam Driver and Harrison Ford filmed scenes together and this is how it was described. Kylo's struggling with his "love" for Rey.

It's absolutely stupid, I think Rian Johnson was punking us with that scene.

boyega's actually a total bro. i'm sure he's also disappointed with the way the movies have gone.

Further confirming that people who post this garbage reddit meme are literal retards, always. Fuck off, retard.

>take year long hiatus from Yea Forums
>faggots still crying over a shitty children’s movie

It's his fault for allowing himself to be cast in them.

So ugly

>I saved Yood Umi

Who was she talking about? I thought she saved Finn

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Bitch this was the best part of the entire movie. I tear up a bit every time I see it (inb4 this has to be b8). Rose's amazing acting, the laser blasting the door in the background as she steals a quick, innocent kiss before passing out.
It was movie magic.

Every SW trilogy has this pivotal, romantic scene. In ESB I felt the same way when Leia stole a kiss from Han before he was frozen in carbonite.

Also, in AOTC, I felt the exact same way when Anakin and Padme kissed each other as they were led out to the arena to their deaths.

I'm glad Rian recognized that every SW trilogy needs this moving, romantic element since JJ obviously didn't get it. Finn saves Rey's life in TFA and she kisses him on the fucking forehead??? Seriously??? Like, Finn was a good friend. Ridiculous.

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