Who the fuck does she think she is?

Who the fuck does she think she is?

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Other urls found in this thread:


lyanna mormont

Cute and funny

Let funny "the voice of reason and military strategy in a room full of grizzled war veterans is an 8 year old girl."

a queen

She's part of based House Mormont, so shut your whore mouth.

makes me happy that the male kid got btfo, but also wish she did instead

It was mildly funny the first time but why the hell do the other lords take that smug kid's bullshit?
One would assume they'd tell her to shut the fuck up while grown ups who actually experienced war and winter are talking.

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I really, really, fucking REALLY want to see her lead some soldiers and charge head-first into the white walkers with epic music in the background and then get immediately impaled on one of their ice spears of death.
Just show an epic wide shot of her running into the spear and then an ultra closeup of her face as blood starts leaking from her mouth and she has a look of complete and total shock on her as she suddenly realises that war isn't a game of quipping and impressing people with banter because you're a little girl, but is actually just a bloody brutal fight where small children who can barely hold a sword get slaughtered in seconds

She's head of the house you dimwit.

big frozen cock
splitting ass mouth and cunny
diamond hard ice shattering teeth and tearing cervix

It stopped being a neat gimmick about two appearances ago.

Does she have any sex scenes in the new season?


yeah, except they all agree with her. the only one backing jon up is, well nobody really everyones on team mormont

northmen are dumb as rocks, so political intrigue is an impossibility for their soft minds and children are literally put in charge without any hesitation
littlefinger would have ended up lord of winterfell if the show was realistic to any real degree

this needs to happen but wont

That doesn't make her any better/less annoying as a character though.

>Ser user, what does "cunny" mean?

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le epic sassy little girls really appeal to the nerd culture normies for some reason

Will he be legitimized for his service and made Lord as is his birthright? Before his obvious death of course.

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Gods I hope she gets killed in Ep 3

Do you think she will grow some huge tits when she hits puberty?

>when she hits puberty
She'll be 16 in September

>that face


maybe but she will certainly grow into a an ugly bong specimen like every other child on the show

He will be forced to watch Jon mounting Dany.

instead we'll get her slice up white walkers left and right while the men die to them

The first two seasons were incredibly different from the slop they're serving up now

>Who the fuck does she think she is?
poop she is poop :D seriously a poopu head made to say to the diarrhea fans that "yes , we listen, we read the occasional reddit threads", absolute scat. bRAAAP, that's the sound she lets out every time she speaks, BROOAAAPP *splurt*, that's the sound the audience lets out everythime they laugh at her sassy attituttde, absolute drivel. she is drivel, fuck. this "mama bear" fuck shit little cunt is so exhausting, like all i want to seeis emilias nice ass again, but nohoh we have to endure this little pissbrains quips "you hear that viewers? that's right, i'm a bold kid telling the old farts to go fuck themselves;)" no, no. sosajj f a ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooso tired im so tired gmae of thornse is boo

Be honest, Yea Forums. Could you take her in a fight?

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She's exactly the type of leader America needs right now.

>Somebody out there actually typed this

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Hohohohoho LOL

I was thinking of typing it meself, mate.

jesus christ

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The Official kino guidelines for ep3
>As the battle begins, we cut to king's landing
>Cersei has a very odd, cryptic talk with Qyburn - keeps mentioning chess and putting your pieces in the right place
>this is interspersed with the battle
>the battle is cold, violent and dark colours
>king's landing is warm, peaceful and bright
>towards the end of the episode, Cersei tells Qyburn that she has a bond with her brother that no one can understand
>back at Winterfell, we see Jaime fighting back to back with Brienne
>Cersei says that they're not really twins, just two sides of the same person
>Jaime takes a knife out and looks at Brienne who's still fighting
>Cersei says that for them to disagree would be insanity of the soul
>Jaime stabs Brienne in the side with his knife, Brienne collapses
>She sees Jaime running away, not even looking at her as the white walkers plunge their swords into her
>Cersei reveals that Jaime came back before he went to winterfell, he swore loyalty to her, valuing the need to protect his child at all costs
>Jaime goes back to winterfell and greets Sansa, telling her that Brienne has fallen
>Sansa immediately sends the nearby soldiers to investigate
>as soon as they leave, Jaime butchers Sansa
>Cersei says the Euron situation will be awkward, but they'll make it work
>Jaime goes out to find Bran and murders Theon - Bran has already disappeared
>Jaime then aims one of the winterfell trebuchets and kills Arya and some nearby soldiers
>then grabs Tyrion and the two ride south together as winterfell gets overrun

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Damn, that would be cool.

I can just chuck an axe at her or stab her with a spear or teep kick her if she gets too close

It's my ode to Game of Thrones and everything surrounding it. Don't be afraid to express yourselves through shitposting, you're here after all.

Imagine being treated like a little bitch by a 10yo girl and just having to stand there and take it.

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my queen!

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abloo bloo, piss poop shit electric boogaloo: the show.

Pure fanservice. This little girl was funny once, now she's insufferable. My ears almost bleed when she speaks on that better than thou tone.

that would be amazing

Chill out. It's AI.

>Brave 11-year-old girl explains why white men are stupid (and that's a good thing)

hope the night king murks her, the SJW plot armor will be too strong for him though

>Be head of any other house
>See Lyanna talking shit
>Backhand her so hard she falls to the ground and starts crying
>Ask her what she's going to do about it

It's fantastic

Is the fireplace scene the most Reddit moment in GoT history?
>literally everyone comes together out of nowhere and they all start drinking and quipping
honestly I'd rather see Tyrone quip about cock and balls rather than this shit.

ugly bongs grow up to be attractive. Cute ones hit a brick wall

as a formerly cute kid, I can confirm this

yeah imagine... if she like made you smell her feet haHA wouldn't that be crazy...
or or what if she, like, um, idk, like sat on your face, hehe, that would be something now wouldn't it?

Exactly, didn't she say she only had 60 men to give to Jon prior to the battle of the bastards? What the fuck is she gonna do?

Nell Tiger Free isn't ageing badly.

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extremely based

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What if those are 60 good men?

Safe to assume only half of them 'good men' survived up to now. She better watch her back, ain't got enough people to save her now dumb bitch.

she's the head of the house. they have to listen to her.

Honestly with all the war and day to day murder going on how is anyone alive in this show?

Will the Winterfell soldiers poop over the walls onto the White Walkers below??? Steaming hot poop dissolving Northern icemen??????

she gonna be 12 and look like john cleese

>you're about to die
>you wouldn't drink with your mates before it
even tormund had a reason to be there

She looks like the hitchhiker from Theres Something About Mary


>Meanwhile the male young lord is portrayed as a beta bitchboy begging his queen for aid and gets killed off at the end of his first episode
What did they mean by this?

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Pretty sure Emilia hit the wall. I'd like to see someone else naked

How'd they all end up together so conveniently?

I fucking wish

he should have been taking his hormone blockers

idk maybe that's one of the main hearths of the castle

It's her time now.

It was a comfy scene really. I wish the two of us were there with the cast, drinking and pretending we're actually in the show.

If you pay attention, that happens a lot in the show, especially with Jon Snow or a younger character ignoring good advice from older people

not to her

i agree with the sentiment

This is why I come here.

I see. So this is why sansa smartest


Snap! That's going in my based retard folder

>C ute and F unny

someone knows what's up

Umm try again sweaty

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Bro I like you, I think we could be the best of friends.

S ute's F unny and S unny

formerly C ute's

Only when you stop comparing

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based retarded poster

She realizes the show is fake, right?

The same way Brie isn't actually Captain Marvel? Of course. It's clickbait. Probably the journalist suggested the line herself

she was probably just being a cute kid and the adult took it seriously

She has 20 good Mormont men and she's not afraid to use them!

The original Myrcella actor had soul

they wasted such a great opportunity for nude scenes and now its gone

someone post the webm

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why do women think authority means being a bitch and nobody caring?

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

fucking based

>women peak around the mid teens

Well yeah. It's all damage control after that.

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fucking good kek

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stream where?

right here boss oload.services/f/fRT5GBzk-Jk/FudgeWaterGiveMeWine.mp4

>why do women think authority means being a bitch and nobody caring
>nobody caring
Fucking KEK. Why don't you get back to your Captain Marvel and Star Wars boycott, Mr. Nobody Cares.

why would i watch this shitty rip now when real broadcast started

Why don't they coat their swords with poop so it's infected and extra powerful?

Where can i stream this

Just download the torrent bro

have sex

Why's she so much paler than the other men?


I'd tell her to stfu

holy based

why so salty bro?
how can u live like that?
in Yea Forums we make fun of people, you cant get triggered by everything, get a gf or something dude isnt that hard ffs


Rape doujins when? Preferably featuring White Walkers.

anyone else wish to make her a woman?

she's going to kill the nightking

She a cute! no bully!

shadman is on the case

6 episodes, 2 were filler


/our guy/
You don't need to have sex

She panders to weeb pedophiles who love strong little girls.

They're setting up Jorah taking over the house when she dies.

he is legitimate
he was the lord
but he was made an outlaw by engaging in slavery

I read this in the Oncelers voice



Imagine waiting 6-8 seasons to finally watch your cunnyfu having a sex scene.

Tyrion will die in the battle, Arya will take his face and use it to go see Cersi and kill Cersi!!

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Imagine being Gendry in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Arya, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 15 year old girl from Flea Bottom. Like seriously imagine having to be Gendry and not only lie there while Arya flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her unshapely figure. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone in Winterfell tells her she's SO BADASS and DAMN, ARYA LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of young peasant girls with perfect bodies shaped by working in the fields all day. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get get laid one last time and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for while baking people into pies. And then she asks for another round, and you know you could kill every single person in this castle before the eunuchs could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gendry. You're not going to lose your future lordship over this. Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.

>Little lady of a tiny poor island that can only call 80 men to arms

i really hate this fucking show now

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She is the head of one of the smallest and poorest houses in the north.

She is truly one the most insignificant land ownders in the enire continent

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so did we all just forget that they paid bronn to go shoot jaime and tyrion with a crossbow?
when does he show up? does he come after the battle and kill them after everyone thinks they're safe?

She is a fucking meme.
It was fun the first time, but since this shit got so fucking popular, they just repeat it again and again without making her character interesting. She is a living proof that the writing is shit, they only think about what will people write on twitter after seeing those scenes.

Never have sex, user.

Are you a dum dum?
Bron is jaimes best friend. Bron risked being burned alive by dragon fire to save him.

As someone said a few days ago, cercei doesnt know that her hand is plotting to assassinate them in her name

Game of Thrones is for cuck faggots and dumb girls.

How does it feel to be addicted to the adult version of Harry Potter?


The true ruler of Westeros, deal with it

name 1 show where the writing doesn't go to shit towards the end

It's not nice to make fun of people with FAS op

not a lot of them left to choose from

based post. made me fucking cry

imagine she stands up and says something really cocky and arrogant to everyone, and they decide they aren't gonna let a little girl disrespect them like that anymore. so they put her on her knees and make her service every man in the room... it starts off tame with just a blowbang, but by the end she's got cocks pounding her every hole, a never-ending supply of men lined up, eager for their turn with her tiny, warm body. her mouth is filled to the brim with their semen, more than she can handle, but they make her swallow it all. her tight cunt filled with the loads of countless men, no doubt she'll bear a child - if she's even bled yet. after the night is over, she can't help but masturbate to the memories of being forcefully taken by all those strong, handsome men she previously talked down to. she knows it's wrong, but she feels a burning desire give up her title so she can take up work in the town brothel and feel that ecstasy again...

Pretty good.

>no doubt she will bear a child

She is supposed to be 11


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maybe read the next phrase before you post
> - if she's even bled yet

The real hero, lads.

baste cunny poster

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Please tell me autistic gook got knocked the fuck out

Funny once, possibly twice. Bored of it now and her actually fighting takes the joke to the point of retardation.

Bearmont fags BTFO'D!


she unironically dabbed on her opponent.

The Shield
The Knick
there, I named three.

holy incel alert

Nice scene, I read that imagining Wicked Games playing in the background.

Can't wait till the sex scene with her.



has a lot more responsibility than (You)

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he was cuter

Fucking beautiful

Based desu

based. good song

She is a smug queen.

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this one?

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The Weeknd has a song in this season. Fucking lol, can't wait to see him sing in King's Landing

She's based

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She looks like she didn't get much attention at school.

OI, Who the fuck is this lass then m8?


You just mean boobs, don't you?

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The only character that isn't trapped in the retard twitter soap opera that the rest of the show is trapped in?

>16 already
>not rocking immense khazar milkers

dead on arrival m8

Llyanna Mormont kid of looks like Amai Liu

wait what? i thought you meant the song by chis izaak youtube.com/watch?v=dlJew-Dw87I
I really hope there isn't going to be nigger rap, but I guess that would be a fitting end. women ruling everything and nigger culture taking over, just like in real life

I can see Sandor punting her in the noggin and then looking down "shut your fucking cunthole"

I wouldn't be sure about that

Agree. Cubbie needs a trip across the riverlands with Clegane to drop those bitch levels.

The men of the house convinced her that was the best way to punish criminals in her lands

this desu, why focus on the girls the boys in this show have always been the cute ones

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The Weeknd, SZA and Travis Scott have songs in this season.

not true, they're making a game of thrones-inspired album called for the throne. it's not going to be used in the show itself

Well said user

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He'll have to "prep the wolf" first.

When I fap to the thought of her...I picture Bessie as a Mormont.

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>mfw one of the older female characters puts her in her place at some point

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You wait till it starts blasting during the Winterfell battle.

She will promptly be raped by zomboids. Screencap this.

so basically this but with wights? that would actually be based

A civilization trained to obey the chain of command is why. She's a child, but her position allows her to be the way she is, and even demands it.

maisie is 22? she doesnt look 22 in the show, she looks flat af

>lyanna mormon
>not actually a mormon
lazy writing

She looks like a slag, is what.

can't tell if cringe or based

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She's cute.

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unequivocally based and never let the trannies tell you otherwise

sixhead and eyes are a bit weird but otherwise qt


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What's weird is is that she is a Ramsey.

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desu that would've been tight

The ultimate "fuck you" to any accusations of fan service... :^)

He's completely right though. Every women on the show is doing a terrible impression of what they think a strong man would do. It's completely unnatural and comes off as cringe. women just act bitchy when they are trying to be stronk


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based imagination dubs poster


hopefully dead in the next episoe

I can't see them actually doing it, but there could be an incredible payoff: they all die


Doesn't matter. Protocol is protocol. Lords demand respect, and even the shittiest lord is still a God compared to the most competent and badass plow-born. Welcome to feudalism kiddo


Dubs she dies and becomes the Night Cunny Queen and the NK rapes her and she stabs Jorah with Fatfuck Tarly's father's sword Heartbane.

based meryn trant. a shame our c*nnybro had to die that way

based and war pilled

God she is so hot

holy BASED

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Once Dany becomes Queen she would pardon him. However, the possibility of that now happening is low. Jon most likely wouldn't keeping with the decision of Ned and older Mormont.

late bloomers are the biggest lad

You are know hearing "cunny" in a cockney British accent.

Cringe and edgelordpilled

asked my sister this (she adheres to this empowering lifestyle) a while back. paraphrasing, she said its all about detecting bullshit from people and not staying quiet about it. women in particular come off as cunts in this way because they've been expected to be quiet all their lives.

my future wife

you will never be a real woman, degenerated trannyncel

>they've been expected to be quiet all their lives.

Tell her this isnt the 1950's.
Women havent kept their mouth shut in 70 years nor were they expected to

absolutely baste


Too on point with early Game of Thrones. When plot armor didn't exist and everyone was a rando's spear throw away from death.

The reaction from the Burlington Bar faggots would be kino.



Cancer in its purest form, I love it.

The most based shitpost I have ever read. I died laughing.

It's your misoginy duh

Based and strokepilled

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Incels literally feel threatened by little girls lmao

this guy gets it

Gonna take this baby all the way to the bump limit!

Is she related to Norah?

I would rather watch Lyanna Mormont have sex

There's only one way to overpower all men and claim the iron throne.

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that's ok. i'm satisfied being a horny boy

Please stop my daughter browses this board

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tell her it's board culture to post feet pics and if she doesn't she's disrespecting us

It's absurd. Always has been. A twelve year old, let alone a girl, commanding loyalty and obedience in a fuedal setting is almost entirely unexampled in history. She would at best have a regent, IF there were significant factor behind her for political reasons. Much more likely she'd just be sidelined or married off to a distant locale.

I'd tell her to but off her socks, so I can smell her feet.

How can a little girl hold a sword and engage in combat with undead and magical ice nigs?

I agree it's getting stupid, but to be fair, supposedly when he was young one of the Legions near worshiped Caligula as their mascot of sorts - which is apparently how he got his aforementioned name. Soldiers can get retarded over symbols and cute things to "fight for".

uhm sweetie, are you implying there's differences between seasoned war veterans and 11 year old girls? grow up, it's not 1250 AD anymore

I would laugh, and it would actually bring back the old spirit of this show



they should let her go fight and get BTFO instantly so that she can finally STFU

Holy fucking kek

Just why is she sixteen.



She represents anime in the series. Truly kino character.

She's probably the only person who could. Her lands are isolated and insular, she is the last legal heir of her house, and her mother was the last ruler of the house, who ruled in a way Lyanna is trying to emulate. By law, she has no family. There is too much anarchy for either the Boltons or the Starks to bother to appoint a regent for a small island off the north coast, and no-one on said island who can legally claim that right. Add in a very loyal court of advisors who had grown used to serving an outspoken woman, and you have the only situation it would occur

only females are allowed to survive and be rulers

Can't wait for Dany to castrate Jon, Tyrion and Jaime. The future is her

Even lords and kings get warden until they reach adulthood

i cant wait til this shit show is over. its been terrible since s4. the only reason i'm still watching is because i'm invested. this is sons of anarchy all over again

I love this bread

How is she going to "fight" exactly? Can she even hold a weapon?

You'd think she'd have someone to tell her to shut the fuck up and gain some experience first.

she's a girl tho

this is absolute shite

Based gangbang dubs poster

>how to completely fuck over westeros in one episode and put the ice manlet on the throne
I'd love to see that happen.

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top fucking kek i actually hope this is true. the absolute SEETHE generated from the audience would be glorious

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there is no hope for jorah. cucked by his wife, cucked by danaerys, humiliated by a fucking YAS QUEEN SLAY caricature...jesus christ

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It'd be like the red wedding all over again. The salt would be so glorious

beyond based

jokes on you, she kill the night king

>mfw she will never shame me for the incel i am in real life

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more of an alpha male then you will ever be, and she's a little girl

Does she really even have a future after GOT though?

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Lyanna Mormont, Lady of Bear Island. She's of high birth and the rightful lord that means she has a right to speak

>imagine she stands up and says something really cocky and arrogant to everyone, and they decide they aren't gonna let a little girl disrespect them like that anymore. so they

doesn't have to be a little girl, soldiers and noblemen around any king could have gotten that treatment, Genghis Khans horde could have raped him and his hole family to death if they wanted to, but something stopped them from doing it. Whatever that thing is that stopped Genghis Khans horde from raping his ass to death and respect, and stay loyal to him, is why this little girls people are following and respecting her.

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Oh god...

She also has a right to be kicked in the face, if you really think about it

If she had control of dragons the war would've ended 2 seasons ago


Big kek

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boys peak in their mid-teens much more drastically than girls. post-puberty they get disgusting amounts of body hair, start developing receding hairlines, and brgin to emit gross adult body odor. male beauty ends at 16 except for the lucky few that become twinks

>male beauty ends at 16

Imagine unironically believing that. You must be a girl or an ugly motherfucker.

sorry about the male pattern baldness

Jensen Ackles peaked in his 30s

Jorah tried.

no he didn’t. he still looks good but only because his looks have minimally changed since he was young. he has very feminine facial features, like a younger teenager. he was still hotter as a teen though

Why's she insisting on fighting when she's a 12 year old girl that can barely hold a sword or spear? She's going to get herself and the men protecting her killed?

we could tussle and anything could happen

hehe based

She's going to be hot isn't she? Like the reverse of all the cute child actors who turned into goblins?

Woman detected, enjoy that wall

Cute child actors have a 50/50 chance of turning into weird looking adults.

Ugly child actors pretty much always stay ugly


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:(( don’t be so upset just cause males hit the wall a decade earlier

what a feetlet

That's literally his point, that they're wrong in that assumption, people will lash back against poor leadership no matter what stupid title you have.

Put me in the screencap

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To be honest this is how i feel about it too

Remember when not every single scene in the show was about yass kween?

Oh yeah, back when people also used to talk as if it wasn't todays age.

It’s so annoying that no one important really dies anymore. In the beginning there was always sense of mystery, you never knew who the actual protagonist is. But then Jon Snow got resurrected and everything went downhill.

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I see this happening in early GoT

i really wish i didnt read this

this would have happened in the earlier seasons now everythings so predictable

Greta of House Thunfish.
Man made global cooling is the cause of rising streams of white walker refugees.

how to ruin the series with one bad fanfiction episode.

She thinks she's a great lord of the north loyal to the King in the North so is acting like that.

Hmmmm....thinking about it, why hasn't Cersi hired some of those Faceless Men chaps to take out the Starks? Remember when that was a thing?

Won't happen though, she'll take down at least several white walkers all by herself.

>haha probably getting up and talking down to all the adults
Not really inherently men r evul,

Please die