Reverse dystopia

what are some dystopia movies where the government are the good guys and the "revolutionaries" are the baddies

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real life

Star Wars

the patriot


Schindlers List

Inglorious Bastards


the movie has to actually portray the govment as the good guys -.-

I haven't seen the movie yet, but if it's loyal to the book; the governments from World War Z.
Each government goes about it differently, but all to the same effect.
The American government that fled over the Rockies rebuilt, but in order to get control they reinstated things like public punishments, forced labor and executing prisoners that were too dangerous.
The people chafed terribly under this. People who used to be important now being used to clean floors or sew clothes. Survivors who felt abandoned after the disaster having to reintegrate.
Small pockets of survivors having formed their own little kingdoms not wanting to give up their independence, and so on.
The hammer came down hard on all of them but in the end it proved successful as the government gathered enough manpower and industry to actually be able to push back the zombies instead of just surviving them.

the movie has basically nothing to do with the book


That godawful 2012 movie counts, I think.
The government knows the world is going to end, so in the time they have left they build as many ark ships as they can, and select the best of humanity has to offer (plus the rich people who paid for it) to fill them.
The movie has group of average joes finding out and forcing their way on board, despite the ship not having enough resources to sustain that many other people.
The 'heroes' end up sabotaging a survival project in their attempt to survive the coming disaster, and it is pretty much plot armor that they all survive.

That sucks, but I can't say I'm surprised.

demolition man

Defiance (2008)

That's not a dystopia, you dumb frognigger retard.

Its called a fucking Utopia then. Christ you can fucking look this shit up

I think he means where the world has gone to shit, but the government is still trying to do good.


Starship Troopers

children of men kind of shows the gubment as an equal part goodie and baddie as the baddies were equal parts baddie and goodie

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