Here's your Rise Of Skywalker plot, bro

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>everyone is a skywalker
I would expect nothing more from jj and disney at this point. gotta make them dollarydoos. imagine how much disney thinks they can profit from selling "become a slywalker" kits in stores and adventures at disneyworld.

its meta.
all the star wars films are holographic representations of the legend of skywaler beamed to us from that galaxy a long long time ago.

Sounds like shit desu senpai

>different trip
um cringe

yeah im sure someone would have the same trip after 5 years.
everyone remembers the password they used once, kys faggot.

If true that sounds gay as fuck. I could write something way better.

lmao retard

t. fake leaker
Try harder next time lil guy

>have to make up a new conflict for the end of your trilogy because the middle movie wrapped everything up
The absolute fucking state

>I could write something way better.
Which is why it's true. Only Disney could write something so un-Star Wars and soulless as a videotape of Luke Skywalker bringing peace to the galaxy.
Real fans would do better.

Dear God that sounds fucking awful

of course jews would make it about brainwashing people via mass communicaiton

The Rise of Skywalker was the friends we made along the way

Nigga, that's basically the ending of Glass with a few changes lmao
I hope it's true cause I'm not paying for any Disney movies after Endgame ever again. They ruined SW with TLJ anyway so why bother?

Did they literally just rip off a doctor who script? Yeah, I can see Jar Jar's untalented overpraised ass doing exactly that.

Rise of the mystery mcguffin sound like peak JJ, the larper planned this out really nice

More like here's your made up spoilers bro
There will be 15 different """"""""""spoiler""""""""""" drafts before the movie comes out. Like every single time. Yea Forums never learns.

>post something you made up as a "leak"
>it naturally is total garbage and doesn't happen
>"a lot ended up changing but anyway here's my new prediction pls give me attention :^)"

The tripcode algorithm has been changed at some point. I don't remember if it happened between those "leaks", but it's entirely possible that the trip is different even if he used the same password.

The secure tripcode hash was indeed changed between then and now.

You think a lot changed between that synopsis and the movie?