What did Disney mean by this?
What did Disney mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
wacky reddit post my fellow redditor
Car Hitler
Was he a VW or a Mercedes?
Yep, check this.
Also Jesus Chrysler was real.
Is reddit, dare I say, redpilled?
how many times must these dumb holocaust denial claims be refuted by historians before you retards stop?
He was a pink convertible
They don't even try to argue anymore they just try to hide behind memes and "haha I'm joking brah". It shows their defeatism.
what the fuck, hitler was an assmuncher? did he lick out jewish men before killing them?
Were all the nazi cars trans too? What is a trans car like anyway?
>Making holocaust jokes and puns
That reddit place does seem so imposibly despicable. How disgusting.
Read Jesse Owens auto-biography. He had to fight off Hitler's advances at the Olympics
Unironically reddit > Yea Forums
Incels have infested both tho. Incel genocide when?
Ever since losing the same arguments over and over they just pretend they're joking and act passive-aggressive. It's progress I guess.
How do trans-nazi cars dilate?
maybe they actually are just joking and you have autism
imagine spending all of your time trying to rationalize a kids movie
Anything with automatic transmission
they're called transmission switches
Maybe I just am not a tranny
They will never stop because they get a kick out of trolling anons
maybe, most people don't really find incel humor funny tho. Try doing this to real/normal people and watch the stares.
I think you need autism to find incel humor funny in the first place
imagine spending all your time trying to rationalize holocaust denial
>Day 1,434 of spamming the same thing again and again
>haha yeah, I'm such an ebin troll.
Don't try to use rational/real arguments with these freaks they just think it validates them. Mock them as trannies instead it pisses them off.
Based user standing up to /pol/ynesian denierfags
They weren’t “trans” by today’s definition. There were just cross-dressing “prison gays”, but most of these guys were just joking around. There’s a scene in Das Boot that depicts one of these guys who was goofing around.
Welcome to shill valley
>IT WAS A JOKE!!! A JOKE!!!!!!!
>everyone still disgusted
literally a sopranos ep
>all the seething bikes come out of the woodworks at the first mention of holocaust
it's so funny
He ran on METH-ane
Shitposting threads take 5 seconds to make while getting you dozens of (you)s
A reason I like Das Boot is that it accurately depicts the tendency of WW2-era german soldiers to engage in transexual activities.
The "it's just a joke" stuff is damage control tho.
Yea Forums is unironically swarmed by bikes and trannies at all hours now trying to uphold the narrative. It's spreading to other boards too.
>justifying wasting your life spamming again and again all day every day
you mean nazis?
>rationalizing autism
Im trying to make you understand why people make shitposting threads designed to piss you off
I heard Car hitler was a bit jittery. Like riding a sedan over a dirt road
I'm trying to explain to you why incels need to be put in camps
Your handlers passing this shit down to you doesn't make it any more than them making jokes. The worst thing you could be is a woman, and that's the joke. It's self deprecation humor that's been a tradition for hundreds of years.
wtf was wrong with him?
lmao seething tranny
>well you see it was just a joke. Yeah a joke....it doesn't count! You're just a shill!
Why is /pol/ so trans-enabling?
>wh*te ""'comedy"""
>getting this mad over tranny nazi memes
wtf I thought you were hella f*ckin epic trolls?!?!
Do germans really think it's funny to be drag queens? Why does /pol/ get so mad over modern drag queens then?
Trannies have been a tradition for hundreds of years also. They've always been part of society.
>poorly coping tranny
Oh I agree. The Nazi's were just the first openly trans army in history.
I'm not even saying that you should hate the Nazi's because they were predominately trans. But this part of history has to be acknowledged.
how did they dispose of so many bodies so quickly then?
your obsession with nazis is unhealthy my dude, did they gas your family or something lol
The holocaust didn't happen LOL
Why did Car-Hitler kill himself mere hours after marrying a female car? Did the thought of being in a heterosexual relationship bother him that bad?
OP here, I regret making this thread
What can I say, I love traps and tranny porn featuring vintage soldiers. It just so happens that given the Nazi's pioneered such things, my collection is mostly them.
I've TRIED to find non-german vintage tranny soldiers. It's very hard.
a transformer
This thread belongs to tranny nazi posting now.
>Anonymous 04/21/19(Sun)23:54:32 No.113272617▶
>OP here, I regret making this thread
op here im gay lol
I know you guys are just shitposting but the topic of female masculinity in Nazi Germany sounds very interesting to me. Nazism necessitated an enormous change to German ideals of masculinity; much of Nazi aesthetic was a reaction to the "modern man", cross-dressing, effeminate Roaring Twenties, so it's fascinating that Nazis ended up going back to these same things.
they hired David Copperfield
Damn, Discord trannies unironically BTFOed pretend nazis for once. Good job ladies.
It seems to be that Nazism was a reaction to the hyper-masculinity of WW1 and sought to have men embrace their feminine side.
How many crossdressing german soldiers in WW1 do you see? Not many. Yet in WW2 they're everywhere, always proudly waving nazi symbols.
I mean look at Hitler, he was a vegan who wanted everyone on soi diets, died a virgin, and had gay rumors swirl around him his entire life.
These threads usually go like this now. They either btfo /pol/ shitposting with archiving their pics or nazi tranny spamming.
It's p fun to watch I don't even report the threads anymore.
wtf is a "discord tranny" and why do I always get called this for making fun of pol?
I think a discord means that you're causing discord or something.
He was hit with some kind nerve or mustard gas in WW1 so it fucked up his health as he got older. Even if he lived after WW2 he most likely would have died sometime in the 1950s or 1960s because he was deteriorating from the inside
There is an actual verified discord server full of trannies that try to lure in people on /r9k/ and blackmail them into becoming trannies. Reactionaries think everyone who disagrees with them on this website is secretly one of the trannies from that discord.
lmao sounds BS like everything else /pol/ chimps out over
we've already established that nazi's are the trannies ITT M8. Are you calling me a nazi?
You must be ANTIFA, they always call everyone they disagree with nazis
>lure in people
so its a cult?
yes, nazism is a cult
Yes most neo-nazi groups often descend into mass gay sex orgies.
Nazis really were left-wingers.
Why don't you go discuss this on reddit?
you guys should sign up for that, since you're clearly obsessed
They were called national SOCIALISTS for a reason
>Implying I already don't meet up with my fat sweaty brown /pol/ bros and have gay orgies whilst talking about how jews gave me diabetes
You're equally a faggot for having an opinion about how others' waste their own time.
Also I am a faggot for correctly noting you're a faggot.
I was there on r9k when the threads started calling it out
is this what average Yea Forums users look like, or is this a concentrated exception?
what is the purpose of these meetings besides the cringy pictures? do they really bond? are they talking only about pol related shit the whole meetup?
those pictures are taken out of context, it was a joke but the disgusting gross tranny will use his to push his agenda.
>cringe pictures
These are the aryan master race I'd have you know. Dilate discorder tranny JIDF kike
Why are leftists always the first to shame someone for being gay?
because being gay is funny lmao stop being so mad tranny
>most of these guys were just joking around
whatever helps you sleep at night...
>if you point out historical facts, you're a leftist
He literally killed his dog so it's funny you get triggered over that
in a thread mentioning the holohoax, the shills really tend go hard
why are you so mad that Hitler was a fairy? You can still look up to gay people. What are you, some kind of bigot?
but the pixar theory states that cars takes place long after our time.
So there was just a regular hitler.
wtf?! I thought it was all just a joke?! you're just epic trolls right?! what's the problem?!?!?!?!
/pol/ has a tantrum whenever their shill threads don't go the way they wanted.
>It's a /pol/ gets triggered over humor thread
>Eh 'Tones, why dey build em swimming pools and livin quarters if dey were just gonna whack em?
wooden doors
>Eh Tone howcome they gassed the fairies if they were always dressin up as dames?
what is that, some sort of gay sex term?
I'm not really familiar with the gay stuff nazis did with each other.
Some food for thought:
Why did Hitler initiate the Night of Long Knives against noted homosexual nazi leader Ernst Rohm?
>tfw wooden doors are more real than the nazi's that tried to be women
Holohoax? More like holojokes amirite?
How many Jews can fit into a Volkswagen?
Depends on how big the ash tray is.
Lot of drugs. He got injured in WW1 and become a drug addict because of pain. By the end of the war he wasnt able to walk or speak propperly, also he only eat oatmeal and some grains. He didnt sleep also, that make him really difficult to be lucid discuss about strategy and was one of the reason for why Nazi lost the battle of Dunkirk.
>became a drug addict
not of his own accord, his doctor is the one who fucked him over in that regard
cringe and samefag pilled
>it's known throughout the ages that us jews are compulsive liars
>after WW2 we tell a huge lie
oh wow you must be so shocked and dissapointed in us, what did you fucking expect
Oil change
>Nazis were a bunch of cross dressing perverts
But trans people cant be evil?????
uh oh checkmate atheists.
>h-haha wouldn't it be funny if u insert your cock in my ass bro, haha just as a joke
Holy shit lmao
>love trannies but hate nazis
>trannies are nazis
??? The JIDF bot needs some work
Why are you perpetuating the holocaust myth
Hitler was gay and the Nazis were trannies and wished for a LGBT ethnostate. However the homophobic Jews initiated their destruction. The Talmud condemns homosexuality after all
What’s the lie? Hitler being gay? I’m sorry m8 the rumors existed at the time for a reason
He killed Ernst Rohm because he tried to go public with their relationship
Who said to judge them? Trans be good,
They can be bad. It’s up to the individual
Why does basic history like Nazi transsexuality trigger you?
Literally meth
Did you know the term "that's so gay" to mean something negative was started by communists trying to infiltrate youth culture. They knew by associating "gay" with "bad", that youth would discriminate against nazism.
it's just a dumb meme nobody's triggered it's like if i started calling you a poopoo head and just did it repeatedly regardless of how you react. it's just dumb
based jesse owens fighting off faggler
You just know this meme was created on Yea Forums
Literally /pol/ ITT
me on the right
>Hitler was on lots of drugs
>rumors of homosexuality CONSTANTLY
was he AIDS patient zero? How would he contract the disease though?
Gay rumors are usually accurate. "muh jewish lie" won't save you, fairy.
>Nazi lost the battle of Dunkirk.
make us
WTF I love commies now
/pol/yps truly a the new tumblarinas, holy shit
it literaly has the mustache in the middle of the face betwen the eyes
idk /pol/ seems p mad ITT. Literally trying to "explain" how the joke isn't funny which is #1 indicator they're mad.
just look at this shit
How can /pol/tards ever recover?
>has been widely debunked[3] and drawn extensive criticism from historians.
do the hormone and AIDS-med cocktail make it that hard for you to think?
This. Ever notice that "faggot" became a term of endearment on Yea Forums? This began on /pol/
/pol/ is a continuation of gay nazi legacy, so they use faggot in a positive. It's like a black guy saying nigger to "take the word back" from the bigots!
>every slave ship & auction was owned by jews
kek@that pic. Great read based user
good point, carry on
that's what the bumhole engineers always say
SEETHING pillowbiter
>/pol/ says wikipedia lies when it says the holocaust and moon landing and etc happened
>uses wikipedia to deny Hitler was a fairy
there's no need for that user /pol/ is getting btfo p hard ITT
>This. Ever notice that "faggot" became a term of endearment on Yea Forums? This began on /pol/
K E K I just realized this. Holy shit you're onto something.
Is that a nazi dildo? Aren't regular penises enough for you buttsex maniacs?
it's so sad watching JIDF's attempts at memeing
Shut the fuck up libtard cuck SJW jidf kike slide thread Soros shill leftie
I think it's p funny desu and it's certainly getting angry reactions
It's so funny watching /pol/ceels seethe and damage control over gay nazi jokes
If you think that will trigger me then dont bother. I went over my nazi phase long time ago. Now I am more of a Churchill kind of guy.
This dump has been brought to you by /his/.
I read that due to all his drugs, Hitlers body chemistry and internal structure changed and he became pregnant with Ernst Rohm's lovechild.
Overjoyed, Rohm wanted to go public with the amazing news but Hitler became defensive and initiated the Night of Long Knives to silence him.
However Hitler couldnt bring himself to kill Rohm's child and secretly gave birth in the Fuhrerbunker (which, suspiciously, had a OBGYN clinic, look it up).
That child was....Angela Merkel
based, but he still looks like porky pig
jews calling Hitler a half jew to smear his name. Trannies and gays calling Hitler a gay to demean his honor. americans calling Hitler a drug addict to slander him, gotta love americans.
I also like how holocaust denial is a crime in countries with free speech. I also like how any mention of holocaust denial gets the shill squad hyper active in a thread.
If you're a sane, still on the fence type individual still reading this thread, you make your own conclusions
I'm the ghost of a kiwi who died at Gallipoli and this post triggered me
I didn't get bayoneted in the ass by an angry turk just some american boomers can worship Churchill 80 years later
>(((Siobhan Pat Mulcahy)))
>getting this mad over historical facts
This one is even more based.
>"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
You tell em gurl!
Do you have any proof these pics are fake? Bit suspicious that so many exist if you ask me...
it's all a huge projection.
>everybody is wrong but me
t. jewish transexual drug addict coping poorly with the facts presented
Why are so triggered by basic historical photographs? It's not my fault that nazi's liked to dress up as girls lmao
You will NEVER be a woman
>provides a citation
>citation directly refutes claim
something about these responses seem a little insincere
If you're sane then you know how historiography works and trust the experts who do it. The Holocaust happened, you may as well be "open minded" about whether the earth is flat or not.
>Trannies suicide themselves far more often than everyone else
>Hitler killed himself
C O I N C I D E N C E ?
Draw your own conclusions
the citation is from (((wikipedia))). Fuck off JIDF transphobe. Hitler was gay and proud.
wtf i hate Hitler now
The Holocaust is for another thread. This is to discuss if Hitler was gay or not.
Personally, I think evidence is leaning towards the "yes"
Nobody ever said to judge him for being gay. That's not the Christian thing to do. Though, it does say that being gay is evil in the Bible...AND (((Torah))).
Hitler could still have been a swell guy even though he was gay
Based /his/ Chads BTFOing /pol/eddit zoomers every single time
Fun fact: Nazism was a conspiracy by homosexuals and transexuals to destroy Christian and conservative institutions in order to further the LGBT agenda
Here's what Chief Nazi Ideologue and mentor to Hitler Alfred Rosenberg wanted to do with Christianity:
>the National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches
>publication of the Bible would cease
>crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars
>Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as "to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book"
>the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika
And here's a list of just some of the christian clergy martyred by the germans
Are we watching the same thread?
Hitler was definetly Jewish. He gave birth to the State of Israel, after all.
Every single thing he did benefited Jews. Coincidence? Don't say he persecuted them, because that's just the holohoax propaganda.
I'm watching this thread and /pol/ is basically chased out of it and coping p poorly.
>Hitler formed Israel
>Israel is the gay friendly capital of the world
Coincidence? I think not
How? By some photos that say that nazis were trannies? Does that really convince someone? That is highschool level trolling.
>this thread
JIDF > /pol/ in bantz/memes
>ah yes all these pictures are fake you see. And all those accounts and testimonies, also fake. Also the fact that hitler formed the only gay friendly country in the ME and hated christianity? A coincidence!
are you a shill for the gay mafia trying to cover up their nazi roots?
what? This is all memes man, we're joking. Was OP serious about holocaust denial? He said nah, it was just a meme. just a joke.
So what's the problem? Why are you so defensive and trying to explain how these nazi tranny jokes are actually problematic?
>and trying to explain how these nazi tranny jokes are actually problematic?
How am I doing that?
>holocaust jokes
hahaha just take a joke man
>gay nazi jokes
can somebody explain this?
the wikipedia citation was provided by the person in agreement with you. See >en.wikipedia.org
it comes off as a pathetic JIDF attempt at sm subversion
Explaining that someone is trying to "convince" the poor innocent youth with this dastardly offensive propaganda.
I mean, yeah.
As I thought, one of the chosen trying to erase the homosexual roots of the nazi's. Can't have the goyim learning the truth that gay people were based and redpilled, amirite schlomo? That would contradict the Talmud
Who says I'm joking about the holocaust?
So why did Germany break the peace pact with the Soviets? They had a good relationship, why didn’t they try to team up? Maybe the party would’ve been better under the helm of Rohm, Goebbels, or one of the Strassers.
Why are you even here normalfag? Your kind belongs on reddit.
This will be the largest amount of (you)s you will ever get because of this
Who are you quoting?
You can laugh all you like, I'm not stopping you.
Well compare this stuff
to this stuff:
p telling how rapidly they changed their tune
Lol, he was also jewish, had one ball, and he was actually transexual
Idk why other /pol/fags care so much about the tranny shit. I’m a cross dresser but I hate 90% of the LGBT community cuz of their shitty politics. Sexuality/gender has nothing to do with your love of nationalism.
If you really believe that this isn't larp you deserve a rope.
>tfw no qt german nazi soldier trap gf
>Works as an engineer
Truly the most redit thing on that list. Job market is heavily saturated because every s+y boy got an engineering degree
>he was also jewish
Stop pushing this. We don't want him.
all of this is accurate. Why so mad about it friendo?
No one changed their tune, samefag tranny kike.
Pretty much this, yeah.
>Tfw no hardcore nationalist trans gf
We could save our country together
It doesn't matter that Hitler was gay. It doesn't matter that most nazi's were transexuals, or at the very least like 40%.
They can still be based and redpilled! Heil our fabulous fuhrer!!!!
seems genuine to me idkman
unironically meth
oomf why so defensive? Try to explain how these jokes are actually offensive and not-funny some more.
It's too late, Moshe. Hitler was as jewish as bagels.
Rohm was a complete Fag but he was more based than most modern “nationalists”. I care about people who can lead and are willing to fight for your beliefs. I could care less what you do in the bedroom.
This. I mean he basically strengthened the jews to unlimited powah levels. Literally the ONLY thing he did.
He also killed almost solely european whites. Coincidence?
I never said anything was or wasn't funny. Your absolute assumption that you know who is who in a thread where everyone's anonymous is telling. You think you're trolling because people are replying to your mass quotes, but you're not even making sense. You should zoom yourself back to red dit so you can farm upvotes for your consistent narrative posting.
National Syndicalism was far more based than Natsoc.
Fuck, you caught me. I thought I could get away with straightwashing those nasty goyim.
>muh plebbit
Why the inferiority complex friendo?
Be gone kike. Nazi's were gay and proud.
>236 replies
>57 posters
>be ribbiter
>go onto /pol/
>type "hitler was gay"
>click post
>watch chimpout
I'm going to run with this narrative. Hitler was gay and Jewish and should have been applauded for courageously attacking western civilization. Thanks, JIDF in this thread.
Oh yeah? Because historians say otherwise
Let's be real Ok?
based. He was just trying to overturn centuries of homophobia.
Why do you think he loved roman aesthetics so much? Homosexuality was fine in Rome!
> Hitler had many gay partners, but his attempts at relationships with women proved disastrous,
>SJWs compare everything to Harry Potter
>Incels compare everything to LOTR
whats the difference besides the fact SJWs are actually powerful/competent?
>Non scholarly sources
How can people possibly attack the Nazi's when they were trying to live their best life in drag? It makes no sense, they were so progressive. They were socialists for Goddesses sake!
>/pol/ thinly-veiled holocaust denial thread
>ctrl + f
>14 mentions
>ctrl + f
>159 mentions
this is how you know /pol/ got btfo btw
>post count doesn't go up
Indeed. Russia was their main enemy, because Russia is extremely homophobic.
Just look at this shit. Hitler would have prevented this