ITT: Dead Careers

ITT: Dead Careers

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delete this

What’s up Veronica.

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unironically BLACKED

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Imagine the smell

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Dude im not fapping like couild you stop

Not like he really needs to do anything at this point. Dude had a pretty good career, I don't blame him for fucking off and doing whatever he wants now.


My dick, shame shes BLACKED


asking for a friend

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>there will never be another TD album
Fuck this gay earth.

so weird to think she got impaled by a 7 foot tall NBA player

I really hope ASR gets a starring role this year. If I was the head of Disney I would cast her as the main character in a erotic sci-fi space opera developed just for her.

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She's a committed nudist

that meme is only funny when isn't true

pick two

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Literally everybody from Spy Kids except Machete and the boy.

PROBABLY WHAT ruined her career btw

>Fantastic Planet shirt


that ass is unreal, why doesnt she just do porn?

what a damn SHAME
she has a great ass. made me hard a lot of times

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she said they went out for dinner and that was it, she didn't like him. lel she got blacked lets be real

the ass of her friend Miranda Cosgrove.... how come both of them do not do anything anymore. I saw the blonde bitch in some netflix movie or show or something but Miranda is awol

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he's filming the Jumanji sequel now

thats a great ass?
looks all floppy and droopy

fucking retard american


lucky it is 2019 and we are so enlightened that we respect the words of faggots

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you know why

the whole jablinski shit is work experience for his son. His son is getting experience producing, shooting, editing, promoting entertainment getting millions of views.

It's neopotism done right as far I'm concerned. Kid wants to produce or direct and they're making it happen. Creating value instead of just being given it.

real desperate for attention. hasn't she been living in a hotel for the last few years?

Yeah it makes sense. Didn't think about it that way

bet her hotel room looked like a brothalovers production

took him forever to play brutal legend

Miranda is going from college to college to fuck the football teams

His son looks like a fat sperg whose only skill is ripping off meme culture like pewdiepie. It's lazy.

The Wall is real

Like father like son

I'd watch it desu

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Why would she be living in a hotel?

Her Youtube channel is fucking depressing.This has been got a million subs overnight. She's been at it for 2 years and hasn't even cracked 300k lmao.

They did not have sex, they just went on a few dates

Why did she send him nudes if she didn't want his bbc?

In November 2010,The Hollywood Reporter named Taylor Kitsch as one of the young male actors who are "pushing – or being pushed" into taking over Hollywood as the new "A-List".

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She needs to do a BLACKED scene. Maybe interest in her will grow again.

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Her career is far from dead, she shoots short films now. She's on her way to make inevitable kino for us.

>They did not have sex, they just went on a few dates

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What's he up to nowadays?
Did he actually pay the debt?

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source or bullshit