Wtf why did nobody tell me about this masterpiece
Wtf why did nobody tell me about this masterpiece
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It goes without saying that a of Cronenberg's films are masterpieces.
>mfw my cousin told me "you like The Matrix and video games, you'll love this" and gave me this movie on VHS when I was 12 years old
Cringenberg and his ever so dull schlocky flicks.
They appease to dirty numales.
Don't tell me you're one of those s o yboys. Capeshit tier.
Literally just a bunch of buzzwords without any substantial criticism.
Did he die?
go to school, kids
Cronenberg at his worst. Terrible acting, music which plays in the background without any rhythmic synergy with the cuts, simple themes and messages. This was probably his worst film until he made Map to the Stars.
Came out during the same time as The Matrix and Dark City
The Matrix became a huge success, Dark City became a cult classic, I have no idea what this became
All I know is no one remembers The Thirteenth Floor
There are dozens of science fiction films from the 90s that were really good but were forgotten for some reason. I blame The Star Wars prequels and Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Maps to the Stars is one of his best films though.
It stars Jude Law, you should have known that it was kino.
Ian Holm's dying leap after being pelted with an uzi burst made me laugh so hard
Prove me wrong, embryo.
Post some argument on why he is bad, zygote.
Good movie, not for zoomer though, because they are retarded poofters.
This is probably the most stupid thing I will read today
Because it's a shittier, dumber Videodrome.
Yea Forums only watch capeshit like the zoomers they are
There are a lot of 30+ anons on Yea Forums
i found it pretty gross and had nightmares
proof that Yea Forums causes brain damage
90s born queer detected
I thought it sucked!
Of course someone called (((David Cronenberg))) will make something as degenerate as this
Yes, we heard you the first time. Now log off and go to bed before mommy takes away your computer privileges.
Don't blame those movies, blame The Matrix, Independence Day, and Men in Black.
A gun made from bones and shoots teeth. That is all.
Don't blame those movies, blame the jews!
It's nothing like Videodrome, brainlet.
>Imagine being this Zogged
they remember black insurance man, I could have sworn there was something very similar to the thirteenth floor but with one of the lesser baldwins but I can't find anything of the sort.
kek at all the seething /pol/ fags in this will never be as talented as a jew.
imagine being this much of a self-victimizing pussy
>thinking Hollywood Jews give one solitary shit about the religion
>>appease to
Nor will I be as universally reviled either.
eat shit
>only a jew would be against /pol/
Yea i thought so, manchild.
or someone who fell for the vices created by (((them))
>watching weird movies is a "vice"
church ladies have more balls than you do user
i tried watching this a while back. ended up just turning it off after 30mins or so cause how stupid and boring it was.
t. born 1988
Yep, even if VR hadn't been a dead in the water meme dream this movie's got bad pacing issues compared to more polished cronenberg shit. Great ensemble cast but they fuck it up spend most of it in jude law's & leighs faces and then rush to the finish.
its still pretty cool and made me question myself