Bane dies to Smee before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the mask's infinity tubes...

Bane dies to Smee before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the mask's infinity tubes. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Plane to retrieve the gas tubes from the past timeline.

Anna Lyst and Robin go to retrieve the soul tube, with Robin sacrificing Anna to access it.

Doctor Pavel builds a mask to wield the retrieved infinity gas tubes to reverse the fire.

Foley has become a Hothead permanently, but retains his intelligence and memories as Deputy Police Commissioner.

Juan Ovus, Foley, CIA, and Dr Pavel travel to the battle of Uzbekistan to retrieve the mind, space, and time tube. CIA fights his past self.

Smee is living with Maimen and Button-Lee, getting drunk and not caring about what happened. Foley and Batman go to get him, and his beard and hair are messy and grown out.

Foley tried to wield the Pavel mask, but it appears to be too big for him.

CIA dual wields his hired gun and Briefcase, it’s unclear how briefcase comes back. Smee still has Firepisser, possible meaning he’s become unworthy due to him neglecting his duties.

Ittin is the first dusted agent to come back, we hear him say to CIA “On Your Left,” then we see Dunnhier and Bank Manager coming out of a portal, and Ittin flying good.

Big scene with all the Flight plan, including Smee, Maimen, Doctor Pavel, Heer, vs Bane and a revived League of Shadows. It looks like the big fight in The Dark Knight Rises, and we still don't care about the characters

Doctor Pavel reunites with Mosquito man and gives him a hug

Talia gets the short hair she has in recent comics, and Mosquito man gives her the Pavel Mask

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blessed thread


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I love this board with all my heart

where's the CIA version of the key?

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>ewan yafrenz r ded!
>no no, ikhilda busj ryevir!
was he ikhilda busj ryevir the whole time? was he icelandic too?

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when you see lego leaks, there is a chance that there will be some aircraft action but you cant 100% trust lego anyway

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holy shit hotheads on suicide watch

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Imagine having a head this hot.

>hotheads in 2019

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Bruh.... look at this kek

fuck off

His real name is Amana Meiwurd

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