But doctor

but doctor...

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This isn't news since america elected a clown

>Yea Forums - Television & Film


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Remember when Reagan starred in a movie alongside a monkey? lol

Surely he has televised comedy specials.

Someone give me the basic gestalt

Why the fuck would a country under constant threat from Russia elect a fucking clown to lead

oh no, will he continue to make his kino show tho?
he can just change the format to reality i guess

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This is the current president of Guatemala, also a comedian. You are not alone my fellow alternative timeliner

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What a world, lads.

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What's my man on the left listening to? Joe Rogan?

The OST of The Sneedsons.

and then he became Americas greatest president and destroyed the Union of Soviet Socialist Reptilians

>when a user tries to get the SNL audience

I'll give you the whole enchilada. We are literally living in a clown world.

reddit considers him trump lite

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reading how this guy got elected is reminding me of that black mirror episode with the weird cartoon character that got elected

>president of a joke of a country
like pottery

Based Guatemala. Best President, best cars.

He killed California. He's one of the worst Presidents in history.