How would you go peeless in a 3+ hours movie

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imagine being a manlet or woman with a tiny bladder. i bet you cant even handle a fucking double gulp cuck

i just can't
need to pee a little bit like every 20 minutes
waiting for the torrent, if there isn't anything more interesting by then

I can hold my piss for 8 hours. It should be easy to do the same for a measly 3 hour cam rip of this trash.

Women and effeminate faggots have big bladders by natural selection
Real men jus pee whenever they please

Whenever and wherever
Just pee on the floor they pay someone to clean that shit up

Don't drink caffeine the day prior and the day you're watching it.

This. I'm going to an 8am session. I'll just get up, piss and stroll down to the kinoplex in my PJs and slippers. No liquid intake.

bro i'm also having this situation. I pee like 6x in 1 hour and 30 mins. I tried not drinking too much water but my mouth goes extrremely dry. I need to drink like 4L in 4-5 hours if I'm doing something. I also sweat a lot if I feel uncomfortable/hot immediately. Is this normal?

I'm planning on watching this in a theatre a block away from my hosue

Sounds like you have AIDS user. And not the good kind.

Movies always have this part where they slow down the pace midway through, usually when they transition from 2nd to 3rd phase. I go pee when I know the part is coming. And I can watch the part I missed when I watch it again at the weekend.

how you go peeless in 8+ hours of sleep?

Just go piss during the Captain Marvel scenes.

There's good aids?!

Is this seriously your first 3 hour long film experience? Do capeshit manchildren literally just watch capeshit?

Unless you're middle aged or above this really shouldn't be an issue, just piss before you go to the cinema and don't drink while watching the movie.

I will piss onto the projector itself from the last row whenever Captain Marvel scenes occur.

it does look kinda boring, but i'm pretty sure the loud theater speakers will keep you awake

but i'll be fapping during those scenes

i'm a virgin bro

Well if that's what you think I'm going to assume you're well over 275 pounds, short and have an extremely stretched out stomach and blatter from all that food your fat ass consumes.

Yes. Magic Johnson has the good one.

you got an AIDS infested vaccine sorry

Have you ever had toilet water splash up on your anus?

i got through FotR and TT extended edition without peeing, dont be a baby

Gulp the soda in the first hour. Fill it with piss in the second. Throw it at the staff in the third.

Same but I did a massive rancid shit in between the two. Fired all over the back of the seat and wall like a shotgun blast

americans have rampant diabetes
increases urination

>don't drink while watching the movie
do americans really do this?

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>have free tickets
>give zero shit about capeshit
>go to see qt grils pissing themself

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you might have diabetes insipidis. i drink an absurd amount of water and am not pissing this much

clean up your diet user

Isn’t holding your bladder really bad for you?

I don't know why they don't have a 10-15 minute intermission for this very purpose, retarded

>it will be dark and the people beside you and in front will be too busy watching the movie

> reach under the seats in front and into the cup holders beside you , unzip your pants and take a wizz in their drink

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>be a projectionist
>will watch the movie tuesday night
>pause the movie if I need to piss or shit

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Don't drink all your söy milk right before the movie starts

Easy, dont drink anything and suck on hard candy to promote thy mouth staying moist.

Only if you constantly hold it in for long periods of time. Think long distance hauling as an 18-wheeler driver. Also at higher risk for DVT.

>he doesn't wear diapers
my Dry 24/7 with an abena stuffer will take care of this needless issue.

I dont

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Imagine paying to watch capeshit

Just piss on the floor

Get a load of this guy. He actually moves from his seat to piss.

I've always had a really small bladder. Fucking sucks when I'm out at a bar. I have to pee like every 15 minutes.

You’re dying

>need to pee a little bit like every 20 minutes
Sounds like poor urine retention. Should probably go see a doc, doc.

ahahahah fuck dude u made me choke on my own spit haha fuck

Based and chad pilled

I'm sure he would surely enjoy the urodynamic tests

"Here's your toilet, sir"

Just wait and download it
>going to cinema
lmao cucks


Have something to drink like an hour and a half before going, so you can 100% empty the tank before going in.
Don't think too much during the film. Don't spring for something super sized or whatever your theater calls it, just like a small or something.

No please see a doc or at least get a blood sugar testing kit immediately this sounds like diabetic ketoacidosis

Holy fuck my bladder

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Good thing my kinoplex has avengers diapers for sale.

Thankfully, I work in a hospital (3 12 hour shifts a week is pretty awesome and the pay is great btw) so I'll just snag one of these babies and I won't even have to get up to pee.

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Don't masturbate at least a day in advance and don't drink anything the night prior

piss right before the movie starts and that's it. If you don't drink anything during the movie you won't have to piss.

Lol! And also let the shit slip out of your ANUS down your leg and onto the floor! OOPSIES! Take a big enough shit and someone will think it's a nigger on the ground ROFL!

Not that hard. Just do regular ones throughout the day and add one before the movie.

Your pee hole is going to sting after marinating in a condom full of piss

Yes. It makes it so that you physically can't hold it even if you wanted to in your old age. Can't wait to be a senile old man wearing a diaper.

The condom drains the piss into the reservoir on my leg, I'll just bring an extra one in case it gets full so that my condom remains pee free.

That you know of. Babies can be raped.

I have a strong bladder and I'm seeing it at 12:30 so I won't have any liquids till then. The only film I have ever gone to the toilet instead of waiting was Alita because I just wasn't impressed.

>ITT: undiagnosed diabetics

But how will I stay awake during it?

Three hours before the listed show time, stop all liquids.

Obviously, go to the bathroom right before the start of the movie.

In the US, there are typically 20 minutes of previews, followed by the movie. You can start drinking a beverage an hour and a half before the end of the movie (calculated by taking the starting time, adding the movie length as displayed at IMDB or elsewhere, and then adding those 20 minutes of previews).

There generally won’t be any discomfort in terms of having to hold it in, because your bladder is empty for most of the movie.

Imagine sitting around for 3 hours watching this. There are people that are already paying to do this ahead of time. What is wrong with the world.

I tried to watch IW today for the first time and gave up after about half an hour. I'd be miserable sitting there for the rest.
This series just isn't for me I guess.

Normally they'd have intermissions but soilent reduces your need to pee so idk

You don't. Go to a quality theater and enjoy a mid-day sitting nap with your gf

the trick is not being a diabetic fat fuck

>tfw the kinoplex won’t let you pace while you watch a film
I’d pay double for this feature desu.

>Don't think too much during the film
how am i supposed to appreciate the subtle nuances of disney's cinematography?

Let me ask you a question. Does your father have good Hodgkins?

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How stupid you are?
Read a book fag, wonen had tiny bladders because they are tiny, also they have a fucking uterus over it pressing against.
Yeah hold your piss could be bad, but for 4hours you are not going to die, also brain turns off that function when you are entertained.
You never we're a kid and didn't go to pee for hours just to keep playing vidya, and then suddenly when you turn it off the need of pee comes back and you have to rush to release it holding your dick to stop the explotion??

I pee in every movie. Even the 90 minute ones. Sometime ill even pee twice. I make sure to walk quickly and discretely to mitigate the distraction from the other kinoplex attendees.

I worked 3 hours the other day without peeing, i'll be fine

You unironcally might have diabetes and/or prostate cancer. Go to a doctor.

im not giving those capeshit kikes any of my money.
i'll watch this endgame capeshit when its on fucking netflix in the next year.

i have a HUGE bladder and i have to pee every half hour when im drinking, i timed myself pissing for a minute straight once (60 seconds without stopping)

He has HIV, not AIDS.

>not Disney+

3 hours there will be plenty of downtime where you won't miss much. Also 3 hours isn't that long.

my kinoplex has a nurse that puts a catheter for any film longer than two hours.

easy, wait for the bluray rip to come out, and pause it when I need to use the bathroom

Sooo like the whole movie because they're gonna fucking force her into everything

abdl reporting in
love to wear a thick diaper to the kinoplex and drink a large drink