Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

Would you let him date your daughter?

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Why not? Hard mode: no incel replies

Fuck no I would never accept my daughter dating a non-white, ever. God that would be awful

Doesnt matter, if she's okay with bringing him home the battle is already over

he is to shiney. Wipe him down with many cloths or bad levels of flash in family portraits lol

The real reason is so you can actually connect with your grandkids and not cause them to have fucked up identity issues.

>incel replies
>i.e. any reply i dont like

Attached: everyone i dont like.jpg (552x720, 106K)

My father is a black American doctor who married an upper-class white American woman. We had this movie on DVD and he'd play it for us at least once a month. I'm not saying it's propaganda necessarily, but he clearly had a weird fixation with this movie (which came out when he was 5 years old) and I can't help but think it had some kind of impact on him long-term.

>connecting with the children of zoomers
Race would be the least of your problems

Higher chance of domestic violence

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Because I think interracial relationships are icky

No I'd disown her and cut her out of the inheritence

Excuse me, but I don't own my daughter. She's her own person and therefore I'm in no position to "let" or not "let" her do anything.

Yeah I hate myself and I wish I was never born

The children will often have serious identity issues. Usually we'll side with one race, depending on which we physically resemble more, and spread hateful propaganda about the other race. Look at Jordan Peele, half-white/half-black who hates whites, or Enrique Tarrio, another half-white/black who runs a white supremacist organization.

have sex, jesus

Not just like that. If he wants to fuck my daughter, he'd have to fuck me first, and fill my ass with that giant mandingo dick.

This but unironically

I thought all amerimutts grandparents were euros anyway.
Fucking cringe watching Americans "connecting" with their Italian heritage because they like pizza and the godfather.

>I thought all amerimutts grandparents were euros anyway.
The last major wave of European immigration was about 100 years ago.

depends if she was my only daughter

Hell no. My parents told me they'd disown and disinherit me if I brought a non-human home.

By the time she reaches the age where she's dating men i will have already stretched out my little girl's pussy fully. She can date whoever she desires at that point. Her purpose for me has already been fulfilled.

Would he split you open over the dinner table or would you be facetiming your daughter while doing that?

That's not that long ago kek

92% of Biracial Children Born to Black Fathers Out of Wedlock; 82% on Welfare.
Marriages between a black husband and white wife were twice as likely to divorce as marriages involving a white husband and white wife.
Using a nationally representative sample, regression analyses indicated that interracial couples demonstrated a higher level of mutual IPV than monoracial white couples but a level similar to monoracial black couples.

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Sidney Poitier? Sure.

be original you faggot zombie. at least show me that you can

Sidney Poitier is like the whitest black guy ever. Might as well have brought Wayne Brady home.

I'd disown her right then and there, so... sure, he could go ahead and date a stranger to me. Besides, the point is to raise your kids right so that they won't bring home shitskins. If they do, the battle's already lost. Might as well cut your loses and be done with it. And I'm genuinely not kidding.

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>92% of Biracial Children Born to Black Fathers Out of Wedlock; 82% on Welfare.
My siblings and I were all born to our parents while they were still married, and they were both well-off so we were never on welfare
>Marriages between a black husband and white wife were twice as likely to divorce as marriages involving a white husband and white wife.
They did get divorced though, my dad just ended up marrying some other younger white girl a year later. Personally, I blame American culture for reducing the black male-white female relationship down entirely to a sexual fetish, it only encourages short-lived marriages based entirely on physical attraction.

Sidney's daughter Sydney got BLEACHED by a white guy

Unironically based
I think most people would do this, if not for the social repercussions associated with the act of disowning your kid

Fuck no.

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t. incel

It used to be standard practice. My mother's parents didn't even talk to her until she divorced my dad. And even then they refused to talk to me or my sisters.

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>The children will often have serious identity issues.

How much of that is just due to daddy issues from the black father abandoning them, and the kids developing a retarded hero worship complex around that?

How many siblings did you have that you believe your family to constitute over 8% of all biracial children born to black fathers?

This unironically. Why would I ever humor the notion that I'd care for niglet grandkids? If she's left your family for another society, that's tragic, and you failed in some capacity, but it's already done.

I think it's less social repercussions and more that it's your kid right there that you're basically deleting from your life. But God's honest truth, I don't care. I could forgive murder or any other illegal activity (within logical parameters), but bringing home a nigger is my absolute limit.
Wasn't it revealed that the guy was a poorfag living in a 95+% nigger neighborhood and school? I mean, in that case, you're kinda inviting this shit.

I like racial purity in my household, no outsiders plox

Cringe but incredibly redpilled dad

>hero worship
What? It’s the exact opposite; they end up hating their deadbeat dad and by extension the black half of themselves.

>The children will often have serious identity issues.

Anyone who has the gall to say this in 2019 isn't paying much attention to the people around them. Literally everyone i meet has identity issues except devout Buddhists.

>How much of that is just due to daddy issues from the black father abandoning them
Idk, maybe that's part of it? But my dad never abandoned me and I still have issues around identity regardless. I think the way American entertainment and political culture is structured, where there's clearly a dividing line between white and black, inevitably causes confusion and mental problems in people who can't fit in one camp or the other.

I'm not saying we constitute 8% of biracial children, only bringing up my own experience as an example.

>Why would I ever humor the notion that I'd care for niglet grandkids?
Exactly. Were I to be faced with such a situation, I think it'd be hard to restraint myself from not killing them both right then and there. But I think just calling her a "massive dissapointment" and shutting the door on her, would be the best course of action. Dignified and to the point. They're not worth an emotional response.
>If she's left your family for another society, that's tragic, and you failed in some capacity, but it's already done.
Yup. She's turned traitor. There's nothing more to be done.

>I'm not saying we constitute 8% of biracial children


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Because he's a nigger.

fuck no, I'd probably disown her on the spot.
If she brought home a mud that means I've failed as a father.

That final line is the icing on the cake. Based and redpilled father.

Why would you think you experience matters when it's already been affirmed that 8% of biracial children born to a black father share it?

underrated post

>I didn't do anything wrong
Classic whore thinking. Been there.

Your dad knows he's doing something wrong by spawning you, but tries his best to convince himself (and his abomination children) that he's in the right.

Good luck finding a wife that would stand by your side while you disown her child.
That's your biggest hurdle right there. Even if they agree with you while you're dating, once she pops out that kid, the child can do no wrong.

Unironically a really endearing and well-made film that was brave for it's time.

>her body, her rules!
Based free-range chicken parent.

>Americans "connecting" with their Italian heritage because they like pizza and the godfather

Is having a mafia uncle in prison considered "connecting" with my heritage?

In that case she can leave too. I won't change who I am. Not for her,not for my kids, not for anybody. My hate is part of me. And I think that being upfront helps clear any such misunderstandings. People should know what they're walking into before making such huge commitments.

my names not jesus

I would resolve myself to continuing to love my children, with the added expectation of either being a shoulder to cry on when he leaves her with a child, a witness for the prosecution when he beats her, or a man with a truck and a length of rope when he kills her.

But, hey, maybe they'll have a great marriage filled with love. It's her life and her decision. If he meets me wearing nice clothes (ie: I don't learn what color underwear he wears before I learn his name), then I'll absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt.

Fuck no.

I'd disown my daughter if she dated a nigger, as niggerspawn is dumb as a rock.

Funny how it's a white family and not a kike family in that flick....imagine that.

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>But, hey, maybe they'll have a great marriage filled with love. It's her life and her decision. If he meets me wearing nice clothes (ie: I don't learn what color underwear he wears before I learn his name), then I'll absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt.
Do you whisper "I'm having second thoughts about this" when you film your wife fucking niggers, or do you just roll with it?

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Disowning only works if you have another kid of the same sex asap and give them the same name. Also dont rule out honor killing

This is your brain on jewish propaganda

no because letting any man fuck your daughter is cuckoldry

>dumb white bitches breed niggerspawn
>niggerspawn is slightly lighter in skin and slightly more intelligent
Maybe we can breed the nigger out of them with tard white bitches?


you know he wont answer that honestly, user

I'd lament the end of my bloodline but take some solace in how more comfortable my retirement will be after disinheriting my daughter.

>directed by Stanley Kramer
>a Jew

/pol/ is right again.

Isnt that how Mexicans were made?


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Almost everyone in Hollywood is a Jew. Most of the head founders of the studios were Jews.
Are you at all surprised?

Mexicans were Spaniards mating with indigenous Americans. The same people that had Aztec and Inca empires. Pretty small compared to white empires, but still better than anything the niggers have made for themselves.

No, not at all my friend.

grandparents cry

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The funny thing about racists is that they always think in groups as opposed to individuals.

Would any sane man be against his daughter dating a black medical doctor, or a famous pianist? Probably not.

Would any sane man oppose his daughter dating a white criminal, or junkie? Probably.

Based but bluepilled

Its actually redpilled, because telling your daughter whom or whom not to date as an adult will only lead to alienating her.

All that matters is the quality of a man, not his skin.

>He still believes that the only difference between races is skin

>It's actually redpilled
It's bluepilled, but still based

>Would any sane man be against his daughter dating a black medical doctor, or a famous pianist? Probably not.
Yes they would.

You can views about ethnic groups and also judge people on an individual basis. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive

>All that matters is the quality of a man, not his skin.

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Certainly better than dating a /pol/rat, that's for sure!

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I don't think you know what redpill is but that's okay, you're still above the /pol/tards in this respect


There's a superior remake with Based Zoe

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upvoted haha +1

>If you don't let your daughter date black men, she will just end up dating white criminals

>Letting your daughter date a dark skin
Fuck no. Ruin our attractive complexion and lower our average IQ just because some chimp dances well?

>Id rather my daughter date a white loser than a black successful man

>any sane man
Not "any", all of them.

You'd end up with some retarded half-breed that would always have "identity issues" and feel the need to go full supernigger/niggerhater like they always do. They'd go throughout their life expecting the world to revolve around them, and not the other way around.


Blacks are statistically far more likely to physically abuse their spouse, or murder their spouse. And no it isn't just a class thing, blacks just have shorter tempers and less self control

>You'd end up with some retarded half-breed that would always have "identity issues"
As opposed to the "white men" in the USA that are being driven to extremes by the lack of social, cultural and emotional identiy?

>I'd rather my daughter date a nigger otherwise she will end up dating white druglords

Ugly/stupid grandkids

Imagine being so brainwashed by the MSM that you unironically think there are situations where your daughter should date niggers
Also checked

Right...because what the (((media))) shows is the way shit "really is" in the U.S..

That's why Hillary won.

>I am ok with my daughter erasing my genes so as long as the man can buy her expensive jewelry

>Hard mode: no incel replies
I think I'll pass

your genes aren't worth shit

>As opposed to the "white men" in the USA that are being driven to extremes by the lack of social, cultural and emotional identiy?
Only MSM influenced s*ytards in melting pot cities think like that

Sure, he's his own man. My daughter is her own woman. However, if she lets him date her then she will be disowned.

>t. mutt
Why do you hate light eyes and colored hair so much?

Speak for yourself incel

Yeah, but you've never had sex.

big if true

Hahaha +1'd! That'll teach that retarded /pol/cel!

If I had to choose then yes.

I'm married

>Why not?
This is why

"A new study that involved surveying 90,000 adolescent U.S. students showed that those who considered themselves to be of mixed race were more likely than others to suffer from depression, substance abuse, sleep problems and various aches and pains."

"Quite a few studies attest in some way to the emotional, health and behavioral risk problems of multiracial adolescents," he said. "The most common explanation for the high-risk status is the struggle with identity formation, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation and problems of family dynamics in biracial households."

"Children from interracial marriages are about three times more likely to be abused by parents and others, compared to those raised by Korean parents, a government report showed Friday"

"A new study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals concludes that biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder."

"Mixed-race youth had the lowest mean score and white youth the highest for mother-adolescent relationships and maternal support, the study showed. For father-adolescent relationships, African-American youth had the lowest score, while whites had the highest."

"Biracial and multiracial youth are more likely to be victimized (bullying) than youth who identify with a single race."

This, I’d be like “that’s okay, I still have a son. He won’t fuck up like you have, bringing a dindu to this household.

This, the failure occurred years ago

Hey guys, this chick is really into me and gorgeous, but she's dark skinned. What should I do?

Lure her to a secluded area, then kill her.

Bleach the hell out of her and dump her so that she's forever wandering around for another white cock to fuck her brains out.

have sex

>dark skinned

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Go for it, WMBF relationships have a higher success rate than any other interracial pairing, and they also have happiest marriages from what I've read.


>implying you wouldn't

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George was right all along

Of course not, Hard mode: no cuck replies

a creature this perfect is very intimidating

Fuck her, then dump her for a blonde bimbo
Be the Chad you always wanted to be

I honestly wouldn't anything with her. I wouldn't fuck her. I wouldn't fap to her. I have never seen a dark-skinned person that is even remotely attractive.

she looks like she F _ _ _s wh*te guys

looks like some tranny twink from Brazil

Ok now post breeding sows, not starving niggers

This. I will never understand this jungle fever bullshit.

It's called variety. It's hot because it's different and exotic. How is this hard to grasp?

is she a sow?

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Fucking a horse would also be different and exotic. Why aren't you doing that then?

It's funny when Yea Forums discusses things like what their children would do.

you probably don't understand a lot

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True, but still more than race mixers

based and checked

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Ahem fuck negresses

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Because they can't consent

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Yes this is the bodytype I seek. Please continue and post more.

obviously you've never done it

Niggers don't have the mental capacity to consent either.

ITT: 1965.

>"racist much"
>dates a nigger because of racial stereotype
uhm sweetie...

So he wanted to become Sidney Poiter and seduce rich white women thanks to this film? Sounds inspiring

Shes some YouTube makeup chick, blanking on her name apparently she got a reduction

>dat hideous white girl makeup
when will negresses stop falling for the make up jew?

>apparently she got a reduction
Absolutely and unironically disgusting.
I have nothing bu disdain for women that think it's a good idea to chop off their tits.

based and redpilled

>leaves Monica Belucci
>marries a 19 year old top model
based Vincent

SP was the denzel of his era

13 do 50

She wouldn't be my daughter any more if she even thought about dating a nigger, so he could do whatever he likes with her by that point.

Or maybe she just lost some weight I just heard about it earlier so not confirmed

The absolute madman, based and hecutepilled

But shes black though.

If it was my daughter, I'd disown her on the spot
If it was my son, I'd give him a high five

This is the only correct answer ITT