Redrum in Kubrick's The Shining is 'murder' spelled backwards.
Kino mindfucks
Neo is an anagram of One
Joe Pesci also plays the cop at the beginning of Home Alone
Kubrick has never made a good movie despite being hailed as one of the best directors ever
Cant refute those dubdubs
moon landing was kino
The movie "Se7en" actually has the number 7 hidden in its title.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that Tony Stark dies the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
>Redrum in Kubrick's The Shining is 'murder' spelled backwards.
I think you're the first one ever to notice that. Nice catch!
In Planet of the Apes, the scarecrows are literal visual indicators that the astronauts should have stayed away.
I felt really smart when i figured that out.
Did they ever explain why? Was there a reshoot or something? And if so, why cast one of the fucking leads as another character?
Fucking ruined an otherwise good film.
the best part is the movie is actually called Seven, just like the number
In the Truman Show, the character ‘Sylvia’ is a symbolic representation of the gnostic god ‘Sophia’. At the beginning Truman is talking about climbing up a mountain (common theme in masonry is a quest up a mountain). And at the end he walks into the black cube from 2001. Also that ring he wears throughout the movie looks really evil and there’s a couple weird moments where I think any visually literate person would think he’s doing something weird with the ring. Also in order to escape Christofs gaze he does some sort of mock astral projection.
At the beginning of Saving Private Ryan you are led to believe that the guy visiting the graveyard is Tom Hanks’ character but it’s actually just some old dude.
epic take
In star wars 3, Luke has defeated the evil cyborg warlord Darth Vader. Before dealing the killing blow, he looks at earth's severed cyber limb and then looks at his own cyber hand and realized he has more in common with the cyborg than he initially assumed and that's why he decides to spare him
>HAR HER HUR it's funni because those things are obvious and we're pointing them out and pretending they aren't funni
Grow up or leave!
I'd really love to discuss film. My favourite cinemá project is Fight Club. I have a 3,000 word exploration of how it mirrors the struggle faced by transgender youth if you would like me to post it.
Please share.
do it user
please do
Fight club is literally about homos, before Palahniuk came out of the closet I wouldn't believe but here we are in 2019's clownworld.
>clockwork orange
>not kino
give me five minutes. its written on my ipad and my mum is using it for internet banking
Based and redpilled
Yeah, he doesn't make movies, he makes films
Imagine unironically believing this.
imagine unironically posting something this cringe
back to twitter
But I still can't find a torrent for Seen - Se6en. Will I understand Se7en if I haven't seen those?
Eyes Wide Shut is his real masterpiece. People were actually doing that magical ritual shit in the 80s and 90s, it was like a trend like Joe Rogan does hot yoga. Look at Bergmans The Magician or Has’ The Saragossa Manuscript. Sergei Parajanovs Sayat-Nova is basically a whole film of similar ‘magical rituals’, except that movie kind of sucks. And don’t forget every part where Tom Cruise is just walking around the city is filmed on a big ass set that Kubrick had built.
i want to have sex with your mum and steal her money!
Every episode of Seinfeld is just a carefully crafted 22 minute long product placement.
Sometimes it's obvious, like the Drake's Coffee cake episode, or the Junior Mints.
Sometimes it's extremely subtle, like the contest being a porn advertisement.
but each episode is designed to sell you a product.
Lou cypher in angelheart was lucifer
Never seen the Sargossa Manuscript mentioned on here before. Awesome
That film is pure undistilled kino. Wish more people watched it so we could discuss it