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>kill a kill leez

>the chad hector who died for his people vs the virgin achilles who died for a roastie

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>nobody remembers Hector's name
>Trojans don't even exist
>meanwhile Achilles stands next to Odysseus, Homer and Alexander
>Greeks still exist

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>muh noble turk
yeah fuck off

mutt education

respectable bait

yea but the greatest duel of all time was over boipussy. he didnt give a shit about troy really.

>Trojans don't exist
>what is Rome
I mean bruh

>muh creation myths
Kek. Besides, Italians got mutted worse than the Greeks.

>Achilles too busy with roastie
>Cousin steals his armor and gets raped by Hector

>Italians got mutted worse than the Greeks.
very debatable, but if we're to believe ankleman killing machibe we're to believe Med Wars: The Roman Empire Strikes Back

Was Achilles, dare I say cucked?


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I still don't understand why Hector went outside if he knew he was going to die

>t. woman

>"Only one man wields the sword better than you."
>spoiling the movie 10 minutes in

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>spoiling an epic that was written 2800 years ago


They cut the part about him dying out of his script so when he went out there he just thought it was for some friendly banter.

What a kino line.

I wanted to read it but it's a fucking poem. No way I'm reading hundreds of pages of a fucking poem.

which translation should I read, lads? I for the life of me cannot comprehend plot details out of poetry

He didn't die for a female, he died because of a female. Thetis was bein' a silly goose and missed a spot.

>no sequel covering the Odyssey with based Sean

It still hurts bros

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It's an original line from the Iliad.

Too bad they didn't fill the entire film with the original lines, it's got some incredible stuff

It's a poem but it doesn't read like one, it reads more like a grandiose tale with epic heroes, battles, and basically no bad guys other than some god doing cunty things from time to time. I read the original ancient Greek edition when I was 15 years old for school. I didn't have to read the entire thing other than the parts the class covered for ancient Greek, and normally I wouldn't give a shit, but it was such high kino even a retarded 14 year old like myself could appreciate its importance.

be glad it didn't happen, it was gonna be a cgi wankfest that would shit all over the complex moralities that made the Odyssey so amazing.

This, don't let the medium dissuade you. It's fucking kino. Don't let yourself go without reading it.

This is the true suffering. Maybe they didn't knew how to take the magic shit out of the story.

so what english translation is best, then?

Honestly my favorite movie. Just absolute hero kino, people like marvel and stuff for heroes and heroic stories but all you have to do to find unbelievable tales is look at history.

Because the gods made it happen.

why are sandalkino and sandalkino threads so comfy, lads?

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I'm no expert, but most go for Robert Fagles' translation. Pretty sure it's what I read.

Cause they're patrician and so are the people who watch them.

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>Finally get around to read the Iliad
>Get to the part where Hector fights Achilles
>Hector ends up just running around the city walls 30 times and then Achilles just stabs him

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>Don't know about Hector
We're literally talking about the dude RIGHT NOW. What the fuck

you guys should read pic related

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I've seen this suggested all over the place. Why's it good? Rootin'-tootin', headsplitting adventures? If so, weird that Chabon wrote the introduction.

read the introduction

Okey dokey, smokey.

>reading books in the current year



>nobody remembers Hector's name

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If you aren't a coward, you answer the call to battle.

>the one movie where Sean Bean is the main character and is the only survivor

It would've been kino

Great book. I've been shilling it on Yea Forums for years

>being an honourlet