The face you make when you realise you've been fucking your nephew but don't actually care about that you only care that he's a male Targaryen and has a better claim to the throne than you.
The face you make when you realise you've been fucking your nephew but don't actually care about that you only care that he's a male Targaryen and has a better claim to the throne than you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Tyrion has literally become the most useless filler character in the entire show.
and when the horn is blown to signal the army of zombies she doesn't even move, still upset about her challenge to the throne
How are they going to wrap *everything* up in 4 episodes? We've had two entire fucking episodes of
>member this character?
>member *this* character?
>haha, member this character?
So we've got 4 episodes to kill the nightking and fight Cersei? It's going to be so rushed, why have they wasted these two episodes
Exactly, what the fuck was ghost doing randomly in the background of that one scene? I'm predicting right now that they'll actually win the battle of Winterfell albeit a lot of main characters will die.
The last 3 are all 80 minutes, so the equivalent of, oh, just an extra episode.
Yeah they don't know what they're doing, but that's been obvious for at least a couple of seasons now.
None saw it yet you fucking faggot
Lol, read the rest of the board. It's been out for hours.
Uh, yeah, sure user. "Nobody" saw it yet.
She did say to Sansa that her only goal is the Iron Throne and has no fucking idea what to do afterwards when Sansa pressed her on that. She'll rather throw Jon to the walkers or Cersei if it secures her reign.
ok my bad
any link or magnet? :^)
do we get to see the goblins lil tits and puss?
Magnet and Mega link in this thread
Side boob no nipple.
I don't remember this wildboyz episode
I haven't seen any of the recent Game of Thrones, but it's going to seem awkward watching a sex scene when at the beginning, she looked like she was just ten.
Thanks bud
Imagine being Joe in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in the UK. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
shes so hot
>mfw thinks 60 + 20 = equivalent to 120
Could you imagine having the last episodes of a tv show and nothing fucking happens for an hour haha
Check'd and kek'd goddamn
Honestly, the way that convo ended, I'm inclined to believe the slightly older leaks that Dany gets wounded on the battlefield and makes Jon kill her to become Azor Ahai and his sword sets on fire as it stabs her body
D&D just don't seem like the type that can actually resolve shit beyond vague implications or explicit exposition
Hey! Did you miss the super important scene of Arya chatting with the Hound and Beric again? Or Jaime's reunion with Brienne and the super emotional scene of him knighting her? If that didn't make you tear up then you're not a real fan
Where can I watch this? can I have a link?
I don't even remember seeing Ghost lol it was so boring
Didn't Renly knight her earlier? Jesus
No, Varys is now the most useless character. Also, holy fuck did Gilly get fat.
It's hard to remember Bran and Arya used to be cute.
This show is gay
I wish. The books are 100x gayer than this
Based King Snek poster.
dany would kill bran and put a stop to this jon is a targaryen nonsense if this was true to the book
I've read the books and no they're not.
I have a friend who unironically finds the goblina attractive. I'm afraid that he might actually wank to this scene.
Yea he made her a kings guard, I'm guessing automatic knight hood comes with
Give me a quick rundown how Jon tells Dany. How can he even prove that he is a Targ? Does that mean theres not going to be anymore incest action between the 2?
Why would either of them know to do that not going to happen imo
Absolutely correct
Mfw she go straight to bringing up that fact that he would have a claim to the throne if it were true
Literally the one female on this show I do not want to see naked. I'd wanna see Varys' taint before this.
anybody else mad as fuck Bronn wasn't a part of the fireplace scene.... where the fuck is Bronn man, he should be there chillin with his bros before they die
>He's looking at Lyannas statue in the crypt
>she asks who the statue is
>she says she can't believe Raegar would rape her
>Jon says he didn't, he loved her and they got married in secret
>Jon then says she had a son in secret with him and that she gave that son to Ned to hide from Bobby B
>He then says that the son grew up as Ned's bastard
>She gets annoyed because hes heir
Watch S8E1 again.
luckily all nudity is a betterlooking bodydouble
Quints > DubDubs, but I still agree with you.
Everyone in the kingsguard is a knight. Even the undead Mountain, he's Ser Robert Strong.
I like how show Dany is a complete cunt in every way yet we're still pretty positive that she's supposed to be the good guy
i know "where" he is. im just mad that they chose to have him doing his own thing when he should be in winterfell fighting the dead with jaime/tyrion/pod
i hope he arrives next episode and we get to see him fight some dead at least.
if he doesn't then that pretty much means tyrion/jaime are going to survive and make it back to kings landing since they have to have a payoff for that season for EP1
quints confirm
How long the long last ? Last time
Do you really want to see Brienne naked?
fuck here we go boys
Is the fireplace scene the most Reddit moment in GoT history?
>literally everyone comes together out of nowhere and they all start drinking and quipping
honestly I'd rather see Tyrone quip about cock and balls rather than this shit.
Yea but he was a night before regardless
Dany was raised thinking she'd marry Viserys, her parents were siblings, their parents were siblings, I think she'd be fine with the incest. She just wants the Throne all to herself.
Some fucker in some comment earlier said episode 3 is leaked.
Was that fucker telling the truth, I don't want to to wait 168 hours for the battle?
>why have they wasted
The last 6 years.
>A conversation between these guys would be amazing
I would take Albino Amazon over Quasifuckingmodo everyday of the week. At least Bizarro-Dabicki has an iota of "womanliness" instead of being an actual goblin.
So far no one has posted screens or quotes or whatever from episode 3 though,
Why are the targs so incestuous? And what are they trying to say by casting them all as attractive actors?
All the scenes in King's Landing are so fucking stupid. It's cartoonishly "evil" and actually kind of off-putting for the pseudo-grey morality and atmosphere they've built up through the series.
>Everyone in all black
>Everything dimly lit
>Literal zombie knights
>The Joker-pirate
My first thought was "that looks vaguely like Gilly" then "maybe she's pregnant maybe Sam would have an actual child that isn't the result of three generations of inbreeding with the same father."
Anyone have a SC of a post some user made about >10 years into the long night and jon is wondering through the frozen north dual wielding long claw and oathkeeper with heart's bane on his back, or something like that
I always imagined that famous people had at least one person keeping an eye their wiki page at any given time time.
Maybe I was wrong, surely someone with a same mind wouldn't keep such a ridiculously terrible photo as their wiki photo? I mean I'm not even a 'hater', I'd would bang her. But this is a seriously bad photo, yuck.
Valyrians were polgyamous and incestous, and when Aegon took over Westeros the Targs decided to drop the polygamy (or his son dropped it) to appease the Faith of the Seven. They kept the incest though because "welp we're already inbred can't change it." I think as well the whole "our bloodline is better than yours" factored into it.
Not all Targs were into the sister-fucking, Danerys' great-grandfather (?) hated it, he married Betha Blackwood and arranged alliances with all the noble houses, than his kid shacked up with a commoner out love (the song Jenny of Oldstones in today's episodes was based on that), so then his next two kids were in love, broke their betrothals and shacked up. They then forced their two kids to marry (Daenerys' parents) because of some prophecy about the Prince that was Promised.
There's like 10 gay men, and Dany and Cersei finger blast their friends all the time. It's definitely gayer.
>mfw litterally cannot do math
The state of the american education system BAKA
20*3 = 60
the all black outfits last season were the last straw for me
i'm not even fucking attempting to slog through this last season. i don't care anymore
Also because of everyone breaking betrothals, the Baratheons got pissed off, Daenerys' great-aunt Rhaella had to marry a Baratheon, and thus her grandson Robert Baratheon got his claim on the Iron Throne.
What does that sentence even mean?
>he was a night before
Good guy D&D reminding us of notre dame burning by giving us more quasimodo
On piratebayu
Why'd you bang someone you're not 100% attracted to?
Daenerys gets blacked
Literally not one scene where there's gay shit or finger blasting going on in the books.
Read slower
Would you never eat a piece of food that wasn't your absolute favourite?
What's the best way to inbreed and keep bloodline pure while avoiding genetic defects from inbreeding?
Asking for a friend
Don't have genetic defects.
Start your bloodline with hot sister-wives.
Also the Targs married non-Targs... occasionally.
It's still good food, even if it's not my favorite. It's perfectly flavored and well cooked. It's like eating a soggy pizza when you can eat a nice, fresh, hot one.
I fucking hate this website, I've seen this exact comment chain before a few times now and it's driving me mad.
Ok...I thought the leak was fake, but obviously not.
i guess i will fap
WAT HAPPENED TO THEM, they grew up to be straight up uggly
Hipersatan tells the truth.
I've put alot of thought into this and I think it should be like this
>1st generation close inbreeding (direct family)
>2nd generation outbreed (someone unrelated)
>3rd generation distant inbreeding (2nd cousin)
>4th generation close inbreeding (direct family)
Correct me if I'm wrong
This episode had so much cringy filler dialogue. Jon revealing that he's a Targaryan was probably one of the worst scenes of the show yet.
Id knight her so hard and a 1000 times or more until excalibur lost its edge and stiff metal and was nothing more than a spongy mound of flesh!
They're really laying it on thick with the Tyrion betrayal aren't they?
Nothing about this show has any subtlety at all anymore
Will this manage to rival the other one? We shall see.
What the fuck are you on about man, this is the first time in my life I've typed that out.
>one of the worst scenes of the show yet
how? Did you expect him to leap out from behind a statue and say "I'm a Targ!"?
Just fuck every female relative you have and kill the baby if it comes out as retarded as you. SURELY at least 1 will be somewhat okay to allow it to live.
>pic related
This series outcome. You know it to be true.
El Goblino
this was the most shocking thing. gilly blew up like a blimp
Never underestimate the ability of a woman to bloat up into a fat hog in seemingly no time.
Where's sexy Melisandre???
Did you people honestly believe this season wasn't gonna be Lost 2.0? Did you really think questions would be answered and stories would have a well written logical ending?
El faggoto
the hound was in the kingsguard and he wasnt a knight
>Hair keeps changing position
Definitely not her.
Dude... She's not conventionally attractive... Actually, far from it.
this user has never had intercourse
I don't even remember that. When was this? During Joff's rule?
yea gilly is fucking obese now JFL
Dany gets finger blasted by her dothraki hamdmaids
Cersei finger blasts her friend because she wants to be a man
Sounds fucking hot desu
Isnt the actress only like 21
Imagine how hairy her pusy must be haha. I bet it stinks eww lol
you say eww i say mmmm
Grrm is a fat perv
Wouldn't you be too?
I'm not fat.
There's a perv in every man, and it stirs when you put chloroform in his hand.
I'm denying being a perv m8.
When people laud John's performance when Dany tells him his family got fired, they're memeing right? Came off kinda bad/mediocre to me.
wait a minute i havent kept up with this hsit heap for 3 years or so... did the fan theories of jon snow being a Targaryen actually turn out to be true???
LMFFFAAAAAAAOOOOO what a fucking pile
Not breading with your offsprings offspring until the Kwisatz Haderach was produced
How long is s08e02? I complained to my friends about how HBO was jewing us like last season and they just repeated the bullshit HBO fed them about how the next episodes are like 1.5 hours long
It was absolutely garbage. There are no words for how shitty it was.
leaked spoilers from that foreign guy: queen of burgers is going to have tyrion burned by dragons for treason.
A little under an hour and absolutely nothing happens.
Was it legit?
Lmfao. Fuck this show.
A-at least the books will be better r-right?
If you can't see their face and their nips in the same shot it's a 99% chance it was a body double, and even then you can't be sure since they've already done the CGI compositing with Lena before
Fuck this slag
>la criatura desnuda
I just want to see Sansa tits goddammit
just watched it (out of the corner of my eye, couldn't bare looking at it)
She'll leak them when she's an old hag and Jonas has divorced her and she's got no roles lined up.
My God, spirit of the Lord, spirit of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin. Angels, archangels and saints of Paradise, descend on me. Fuse me, Lord. Fill me with you; It expels all the forces of evil from me.
Aniquílalas, destroy them, expel from me the evil spells, black magic. The Ogre of The Darkness. The Extinguished Light. The insect. Please, destroy the diabolical infestation. Everything that is evil, sin, envy, jealousy and perfidy. The physical, mental, moral, spiritual and diabolic disease. Destroy the Monster. To The Creature. He burns this evil in Hell, so that they never touch me or any other being.
I command and command with the might of God omnipotent in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior, through the Immaculate Virgin, all the unclean spirits, all the presence of the Goblin, that they leave me immediately, that they abandon me definitively and that they go to Hell eternal.
The Chupacabras Chupa can not succeed. The monster. The Abomination must die. Chained by San Miguel Arcángel, by San Gabriel, by San Rafael, crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate. Move away from genetic aberration. To the Ogre of the East.
they banned deepfake software
but ended up using it themselves
bravo hollywood
Is his last name Hapsburg?
isn't the actress actually pregnant?
Any retard could have figured out they were gonna bang.
Or maybe they don't want to completely show a character that viewers knew since she was like 10 totally nude
>Daenerys makes lol manlets joke
>Emilia Clarke is 5'2
I knocked gilly up
>Why would either of them know to do that not going to happen imo
Yeah it's not like the writers would just have Bran explain it to them. They're not complete hacks or anything lol.
4 Episodes:
1 for White walkers battle
1 for killing Cersei
1 for Danaerys going crazy
1 for the aftermath
Real talk here
So Arya had sex with Gendry because she wanted to know what it felt like.
Right before this happening, she went to go see the Hound.
Was she trying to fuck the Hound first, and did Beric cock block her?????????
Based Rayposter.
Imagine the look on the hounds face if she made that advance. he might throw himself from that bridge
She's a Stark, not a Targareyn. She's not into fucking realities, why would she bang her dad?
Tyrion is the greatest pleb filter of all time
All Bobby wanted was to merge the Baratheon house with the Stark house
With this, it finally happened
There were a couple of decently filmed shots in this episode. Few and far between though, an not enough to make it not boring when the dialogue and interactions were so uninteresting.
I really liked the episode. Was kino af, comfy af, didn't just feel like filler like the first episode, kind of reminded me of the old /got/. Reminded me of when we actually cared about these characters and their relationships and reminded me that those characters I once cared about will be yeeted next episode.
Refreshing non-autistic opinion.
the people complaining about muh nothing happened are attention spanlets
>didn't just feel like filler like the first episode
>"You used to talk a lot, now you don't."
>"I guess I've undergone some character development."
Cool, thanks for not complaining.
They looked cheap.
>tfw arya finally goes nude but it's from a fucking meme angle
>tfw the army of the dead are attacking right now and we will never ever see Sansa nude unless she gets gangraped by the night king's men
You bloody fuckers
Here’s your (((you)))
yeah this but also they have about 4.5 hours left to wrap this shit up
>25 seconds
someone kill me please
Somebody should photoshop it into a black actor.
I'm dead
They are turning Dany into the villain in this last season. I wasn't expecting this at all.
yeah, sure
But the dead arrive at the wall at the end of this episode so from here on it there's no going back. This was the final character moments part before most of them get blown the fuck out.
I like em big. I like em chunky.
True, but it made me actually care about the upcoming battles more, remembering why I care about some of these characters (or used to anyway). Reminded me a bit of the buildup to battle of the blackwater idk
NK will job next episode and ALL of his army will shatter as soon as he dies.
Euron will be the final boss but also die in just one battle vs the north and then Cersei will get cornered and use wildfire to destroy KL.
Remember to clap when it's all over.
The buildup was fine. This episode was actually as good as it gets this late in the game. It was needed. Watching them cram the battle and denouement into the remaining 4 episodes will be the real assrape.
PUT THE MORETZ mexican guy face on the guy please!!!!!!
Pulled a sneaky on ya
Look at the poor boy, he's petrified.
Fucking lol
Wtf lol. Certainly seems like that
Anglo genes. If you watch enough British TV, you'll find that they all look like that. Even their pornstars are subpar. After a while, you'll be able to tell if someone is British just by looking at them.
holy shit batman
that'd be cool if this wasn't the last season and shit isn't going to be incredibly rushed as a result of this basically wasting time
prepare your body for the compression
i think she would not THAT BAD if she actually had her eyebrows worked on like when she was younger......... ever since that cunt Cara Delavigne and Kaleesee started to let those furry things out all the woman are doing it
3 80 minute episodes, that almost like a movie trilogy
Thanks for posting the pic, I wanted to get a still image with as much of her bare butt as possible to jerk off to, I will be thinking about the child version of her while I do so :)
based and cunnypilled
>Ghostly pale skin
>Bad teeth
>Bad hair
>Bad clothes
>Misshapen jaws
>Big fucked up noses
>Beady little eyes
>Awkward, lankey, and boney physique
Don't understand why /pol/ gets worked up about racemixing in the UK. At some point you have to ask yourself if Bong genes are really worth preserving
Why does that look shopped
>Bong genes
also if someone had kept the damn potato chips away from her, that's always the downfall of anglo women, they just can't resist carb dumps
Why do the girls in Nuts, Front and the like look so hot then?
He lights himself on fire. If he isn't effected he's not lying.
Southern English are some other kind of ugly. I don't know what he fuck is wrong with them.
Those toes..
Someone here said there's an unofficial TV rule where you never sexualize a character whose actor was a child in the same show, the fact that they broke this (and with my inbred retard waifu who i have 30 pictures of) makes me love the show again.
Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail are the two halves of Ned's sword, watch this cone into play
This episode was like Cheers on steroids. Kino af
Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously, imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit on those sandbags whilst Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her scars and pimple ridden skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that undressing scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SO GROWN UP and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking troll face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of fangirls and strippers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the arsecrack of Nottingham. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future Bond career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it
I fucking hope this happens.
Its definitely her, but the tits were edited in. You can just make out the difference in skin tones. They move wrong, too.
Imagine being Joe in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your pudgy body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her splotchy leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, as she seizes on top of your body. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SOOO HOT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to lay there and feel her mannish fucking gremlin face contort press against his. Contorting into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of sluts and instagram models since you were FIFTEEN. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out between her asscheeks as she thrusts and writhes suggestively as she kisses you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lay there and make out with this girl of statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the off season. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could strangle this bitch before studio security could put you down, but you lay there there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future hollywood career over this. Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.
ps1 fap
He will probably get caught in some dragon fire during the next episode or will be set on fire by Dany.
Both based
Despite her idiotic speech when killing stannis, Renly was not a legitimate king, at best he was a tyrel puppet, his legal claim rested entirely on wishfull thinking. A pretend king cant knight people, he can only say he did, and since none of his actual knights did it, its moot. Renly making her a knight is like a bum saying you are the president, he dosent have the legal authority to actualy make you that thing. It only works retroactively if he managed to press his claim.
He got a terrible burn in the hands when defending lord mormont from a zombie in the early seasons, i wonder if D&D even remember that...
It would be a mercy killing. He'd kill her with his valyrian steel sword to stop her from becoming one of the undead. He'd be clueless about the legend, but his sword would set alight and thus he'd fulfil the prophecy.
Targs are not immune to fire. GRRM has said that Dany surviving the fire was a 1 off magical occurrence. Jon got his hand burned in season 1
What that meera reed talking to gilly?
The dragons won’t burn him.
She'll probably try to dracaris his ass in the next battle. My guess is she gets crazy mad when he starts second guessing her, they are supposed to be reinforcements, she has the dragons light him on fire, and it wont' hurt him
they shot the show like 8 months ago if she was pregnant then she would have had a kid by now.
The child with the burnt face? I dont think so.
please tell me you are northern lmao. poorfag northerner probably ugly as fuck and fat
Glad to see Stannis alive and well.
nah. she got in the tub when the servant said it was too hot and her hands did not burn when she grabbed the hot dragon eggs from the fire
pierce pls
i miss old cr1tikal, I'm glad he's doing better personally with a much bigger audience that ever before, but his deadpan videos were the best
The Hound was Kingsguard. He's not a knight.
Yes. And episode 5 is only sex scenes for 80 minutes. Then there is a 250 year time jump and the last episode is a modern Westeros. We see a democratic King´s Landing where president Tarly is ruling wisely, building windfarms and skyscrapers.
I heard GRRM has a cameo as an older Sam Tarly
No one else is watching this garbage?
>P I E R C E D
I'm all for marrying your second cousins and such.
Maybe, but I'm glad the A Baratheon got to pop her cherry instead of knight incel.
First thing I thought of. Felt sick that whole scene.
You should have known we’d never see Sansa nude as soon as Sophie Turner got cast in those X-men movies
These two episodes have been great, stop being a faggot. Slow paced episodes are usually the best because of character development, fucking ADHD americans.
>These two episodes have been
Cancer. Woman's daytime soap opera tier cancer.
Their big features made them look more adorable as kids but bad as adults. Happens to many child actors.
>beady eyed manlet jew
>literal half-niggress with a wig
They're both disgusting.
>but his intelligence!
everyone keeps yapping about how smart he is and he hasn't done anything cunning or witty for the past 4 seasons now, other than shitty dick jokes maybe
>holy fuck did Gilly get fat
her chin almost looks like a prosthesis
There you go
Anything supposed to happen this season? Or is everything just talking and having meet-ups?
it was absolutely gross and pointless
>What, you don't enjoy culture shat out by Jews? You must be an autist!
Yeah, that's body double, her own tits are even smaller than that.
Almost as good as the rape was beautiful Sansa scene. Why does Bran like watching people during intercourse?
>there are people who think its pregnancy
>with those chins
wrong buddy, jaime and cersei are the mad kings
Where even is Varys? At winterfell? I completely forgot where the fuck he went. Where was he this episode? And where is Melissandre? What the fuck?
The only part of this episode I kind of enjoyed was the group that was hanging out in front of the fireplace, even though that bit with Tormund was more awkward than funny.
She's also clearly dressed to conceal something.
Sam has the diary from the Maester or Septon or whatever.
He jumped the shark when he got a camera. His schtick sort of lost its authenticity when you can see that he's an ok looking dude who lives in a nice house, and seems to have a cute girlfriend (based on her voice anyway).
have sex
imagine the smell
Crayonbois will shit all over GRRM and they'll show Jon survive dragonfire or something.
Yeah it's showing how possessive and obsessed she is about the 7 kingdoms and how she s just like her father. She'll probably inadvertently kill Jon by abandoning him on the battlefield
Next ep, big fight at Winterfell, most of the cast dies but humans win. However they get keikaku'd by the Night King, who turns out to have marched around Winterfell and is headed toward King's Landing.
Ep 4, Cersei hears the north is getting BTFO (NK approaching), misunderstands and thinks Winterfell lost, sends her troops. Lannister army and Golden Company is wrecked by NK, KL is besieged and taken over. Cersei panicks and lights the wildfire caché, KL blows up, NK survives, raises the entirety of dead KL as his army.
Ep 5, Winterfell army goes south through a Mad Max post-wight hellscape. Ep 6, battle at King's Landing vs. NK. All sideplots out the window
Slow pace would be extremely good if the season were still 12 episodes. It isn't.
Seems a bit shit that she wouldn't get her tits out on GoT.
>gf is a slampig that went too far
>Even she doesn't like the blacksmith and recognises that he serves no purpose
how were the "characters" "developed"?
they just referenced old shit in the past for the 1000th time, NOTHING in the present. almost nobody has their own real motivations or goals in the coming battle. no characters actually developed, they just emoted at each other. character development means change, y'know
He was in this episode standing in the background. That's about it. He's going to die next episode I bet. Actually after watching the making of Episode 2 and what the directors were saying. It sounds like most of them are going to die at Winterfell.
Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous goblin face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 18 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that stance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's GOT IT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face barely contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and tight Skins fans for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in the UK. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her fake scars as she suggestively looks at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe. You're not going to lose your acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
He could have done better, but only slightly
>two episodes down
>literally nothing has happened apart from Jon and Daenerys finding out about Jon's real parent
He's been useless filler since the end of season 4.
>so juicy sweeet
Night king is going to be defeated phantom menace style next episode.
It's Habsburg.
Medieval Europe had clapping and wheelchairs???
She has a fat brapper.
I want to disagree, but those quints can't be wrong.
Fat? No, my friend this iteration of her is coming along nicely.
Is Cersei literally the only character that is better than her book counterpart?
Its just crazy enough to work bby
In the war room why doesn't Bran just go back and see how Azor Ahai defeated the white walkers.
Its all so tiresome.
Sam, Ed, and Jon on the wall was the only good scene.
He's done literally nothing of consequence for the season so far, same with Varys.
I would kind of find it cathartic if it just went full apocalyptic and none of the clever shit mattered at all against the sheer power they’re up against
Absolutely based
this sounds pretty awesome actually.
Only short men are bad
Thank you I feel like I just popped a brain zit
short women are cute
Her body is repulsive despite the favorable lighting
British genes. You don't want them.
imagine being gendry in that scene
Everything he did after killing his dad was dumb and pointless.