/got/ general

Old one

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Other urls found in this thread:


Azor Jon!

>eve of the battle of the bastards
>vastly outnumbered
>literally just have some freefolk and a few northerners vs the full might and cavalry of house bolton and the other major nothern houses
>no one drinks and stays up all night
>davos just goes and shits a lot
>eve of the battle of winterfell
>have tens of thousands of northerns, unsullied, siege weapons, a huge castle, and dothraki plus 2 fucking dragons
>fully prepared with dragonglass, fire, picket lines, trenches, etc
>everyone drinks and fucks all night long thinking they're fucked

that was a little weird

first for the lord of light


it's so round... and nice...

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Tywin died on the shitter.

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Pls leak ep3





Imagine being this moronic.

EP3 here buffer it quick



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>dat body double

We saw her tits

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>4 more episodes to wrap up the NK army, iron throne and about 50 character plotlines

looks like they wrote themselves into the 'everybody dies lmao' corner

>Sir Davos: I'd never fought in combat and then I survived fighting in the battle of the blackwat.... I mean the Battle of the Bastards™

ummmmmmmmm i'm seeding it right now sweaty

Jon kills the Night King next episode.

I cannot believe I pigged myself on two episodes tonight. Now I have to wait two weeks ffs.

100% real arya, if you saw her other movies you'd know she's never had a problem with sexual scenes

Honestly not a bad way to go.
He was getting too old for this shit

Bros im only 19 and i am very horny af, how do i get prime teen ass and pussy like arya, please help me bros. I'm mentally dying everytime i see couples.

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larping faggot

woah... this gives me chills...

>if jon kept his mouth shut at the meeting with cersei at the dragonpit, she would have actually of helped
>dany doesn't get pissed at him
>tyrion believes cersei will send them troops
>she doesn't
>they didn't even make any plans for the lannister troops. they didn't waste time or supplies trying to accomodate them nor were they included in their battleplans

why is dany so pissed at tyrion for being misled on cersei's support?

Epic, thx, upvoted my good sir

Remember when the actor had
>actor. atheist. poet.
in the description on his site?

nth for Stannis

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Fuck you upload on mega

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What does teenage lovemaking feels like bros

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He's right

I doubt OP will deliver - work of the assumption that OP is a fag

>Sansa about to grill Dany about what will happen to north, who vowed to never be ruled by the iron throne again, after the war is over
>*random squire interrupts*

>Jon reveals that he's a targ and Dany and him have a tense moment about him having claim to the iron throne
>*horn of battle interrupts right then*

Why is the writing so fucking shit?

arent they both like 30 at this point?



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Imagine being Gendry in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Arya, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 15 year old girl from Flea Bottom. Like seriously imagine having to be Gendry and not only lie there while Arya flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her unshapely figure. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone in Winterfell tells her she's SO BADASS and DAMN, ARYA LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of young peasant girls with perfect bodies shaped by working in the fields all day. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get get laid one last time and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for while baking people into pies. And then she asks for another round, and you know you could kill every single person in this castle before the eunuchs could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gendry. You're not going to lose your future lordship over this. Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.

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someone post links please

ep 3 leak????

Its not amazing - sex in your 20's is better - less awkward

I don't get it either, it's like the writers themselves forgot that the only thing Dany went there for was a temporary truce till after the War against the Dead and they're just hoping the audience forgot that too.

And why the fuck btw are there no Dothraki archers manning the walls around winterfell or dothraki women and children in the crypt, did Dany just leave all these people in the Dothraki Sea defenseless or back at dragonstone where Cersei can get to them?

>the copypasta became real life




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So did tonight episode get leaked or what?

It's the last season. You think they care anymore? just be done with it. In the end the most retarded characters will still be alive...

There's nothing wrong with the writing you pedantic piece of shit. Stop whining or kill yourself.

late bloomer cope

You're wrong.

So how did they feed all those unsullied soldiers and 2 fully-grown dragons in the end?

>Dany: if they want independence they can ask for it
>Sansa asks for independence
>Dany pulls her hand away
Why can't D&D keep their shit straight?

yes everyone has see nit .. we are waiting for next weeks episodes leak

Will Jon cuck Gendry to follow on his father's footsteps?

yes and noone is posting links

this, same exact setting

She looked rather disappointed.

Stop asking questions. Or else.

Sing me a song master Podrick

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When was episode 2 leaked, you're telling me I could have watched it by now?

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He's 30, she's 20 going on 40.

however they wanted

Deanerys is FIREPROOF.

Prove otherwise.
Pro tip: you cant

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They look like the gay couple that owns a B+B in a converted Brooklyn brownstone.

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plot food


What did they mean by that?

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The show never brought it up but I assume it must've been a deleted scene since there's no way they would completely forget this very legitimate and important plot point about the realistic cost of war brought up by Sansa to show her intelligence


It was done on purpose, to show and drive Dany to be more and more angry. She is unstable.

post yfw Jon already seeded her and she's just sleeping with Gendry to pass him off as the dad

why do lena headey and jerome flynn avoid each other? like in that scene where they meet in the dragon pits where bronn fucks off with podrick away from the stage


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This was without a doubt the worst episode in all of GOT history, about 45 minutes could just be skipped, and only the last 5 minutes are important plot wise, but even that was fucking butchered to shit.

The dialogue is also WAY TOO COHERENT, which makes it feel extremely unnatural.

Oh also

>Racist white kids
>Muh feminism

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Did the ep leak? How did the sex scene get out?

>bran saying they need jaime for the battle
are d&d gonna redeem themselves? is he azor ahai?

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Apparently ALL of Season 8 was briefly available on Amazon Prime Germany. Episode 2, for somer reason, is the only one most people know about, but 3 is floating around on invite-only trackers. No doubt it will filter down to the public in a few hours. Other episodes may even follow.

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>they finally took down the original source


>Arya flirting with Gendry

I am very uncomfortable

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Upload the episode before I piss meself


bullshit until the links are here

>Winterfell has food enough to last the Winter
>winter lasts years
>fight against the Walkers won't last years
>Dany brought food with her anyway including food for dragons that they aren't eating as much as they should
Gee, wonder how

>tfw waif has been going around cucking arya all along while on a faceless man mission to fuck up LF for his debts
Best twist possible.

No shit they think they're fucked. They're against an army of undead, untiring hivemind bound zombies that dont feel pain and can only die from fire and dragonglass, except their leaders can stop fire, they have their own dragon and there's hundreds of thousands, if not millions of them, and every time they kill one of you they add another to their army. And their leaders are immortal, superstrong death machines that can shatter normal weapons.

It's like the eve of the literal apocalypse

magnet link==



the absolute pinnacle of British beauty

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Please private trackers, we are stupid fags, please.

They all took turns being nursed by sansa

If you can't even find EP02 leaks, it's not like you have the capacity to follow the show.


Did this episode have different writers than the premiere? The dialogue wasn't amazing but it at least felt real, as did the character's relationships and motivations.

Uploading ep 3 now, it will be 298mb

>getting baited into thinking ep 3 is coming
don't do this to yourselves anons

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You and I both know it'll all get resolved in episode 4 after Winterfell gets destroyed and Dany finds out she's pregnant. North will support her and she'll help them rebuild, and her and Jon can just take the throne together

>3 is floating around on invite-only trackers

I hope you're not bullshitting m80

Was the Tarly nigger the dumbest person in the series?
>Spends his entire life as a Targaryen apologist
>Muh loyalty
>Betrays the Tyrells because they sides with fucking Danaerys, a Targaryen
>Joins Cersei, who doesn't have 2 (formerly 3) fucking dragons on her side
Literally all he had to do was bend the knee and he'd keep his life.

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Burn the trees you retards.

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What a fake laugh. It's cringe


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What do Dragons eat anyway?

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if it's true... "inhales"


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She looks cute in that lighting, anyone who says they wouldn't is a liar.

So are you saying that Sansa's an idiot? Arya called her the smartest person she knew

They fully believe they're all going to die. They have literally zero hope. Jon and Daenerys are the only ones conceited enough to think they might win. Spending the night drinking and fucking sounds like a good idea in these circumstances.

but it is.

Next week

>literally nothing happened AGAIN
>only 6 episodes left
confirmed shit and rushed

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yes amazon leaked it by accident



Please don't be lying!!!!!

>he's never laughed like a madman out of despair.

> "Milk, Milk -- Lemonade..."

I give you 10 mins to finish. It better be out by then or op is a phaghot

And they'll leave happily ever after, the end.
Get fucked, there won't be a baby and if it's born it'll be a monstrous freak just like the last one.

>only 6 episodes left

This second episode was fucking horrible. It is like the writers are all isolated to individual rooms not being able to talk with each other and than this horrible episode happens.

I'm on BTN, PTP and various 0-day trackers and it's not there. He's laarping.


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Who stitched up Arya's wound? You know, the one where she got stabbed multiple times and fell into bacteria-infected water.

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What! I bought the season pass and no-one told me? I even saw it was a German fag posting screencaps, I could've just opened amazon and skipped ahead to find out who wins.

I like how this episode and last episode were BOTH just a montage or reunions and acknowledging all the inter-weaving plotlines throughout the show. You'd think that they wouldn't have time for 2 whole episodes of fan service. But here we are

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Post link when you do friend, I'd seed so fucking hard.

i have an eating disorder but i've never felt so bad about myself off of something i've consumed than this pile of shit tv show

explained numerous times, his region will suffer more if dany (and by extension, the dothraki) wins

Remember when Tormund wasn't a comic relief meme character?

quick rundown pls use spoiler tags so the jannies don't get too mad

>55 minutes of talking
They're going to kill off 90% of the cast to get rid of almost all plotlines.

And yet faggots think Dany is wrong for killing him, Dude was in a prime position to make himself and his son the new Great House and Lord Paramounts since Olenna is inevitably gonna die, but went for the harder option that involves starving and killing their own

Only 4 episodes left. Which is more than enough. And if they didn't do all the filler shit, they could've ended it all with season 7.

when was that? even in books he is retarded

A male prostitue with his cum.

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With love user. With love

Can somebody provide leaked script plz? I remember reading it years ago and till now it is pretty accurate.

based retard user

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turn your brain off

How old is Show Arya at this point? She filmed S1 at 13ish. Is she ~15 in show canon?

No, unless you mean the books.


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Arya had to kill herself while being in the disguise of the waif but failed. When Arya killed the waif, actually Arya died.

The line about being suckled by a giant for 3 months was funny tbqh

It was the fat man's intention from the beginning.
sex with sister (cousin)> sex with aunt

im pretty sure that's his deal but it was in overdrive this episode

>next week
>pic related
Predict who won't survive the attack on Winterfell by replying to this post.

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All true.


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Rate the episode.

ned and cat are rolling in their graves desu
>robb fucks a spunky foreign peasant with a large ass
>sansa gets her ass rearranged by a psychotic bastard
>arya rapes a bastard in a filthy smithy
>bran is a deviant re-watching sansa's wedding night on loop for eternity

>tfw her body wasn't prepared for southern plenty

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She survived through sheer force of will

the actress lady


Why is Ayra such a cunt to the hound

> *horn of battle interrupts right then*

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This is the current battle formation for Winterfell
Any thoughts? I'm assuming both parts of the wing are vale, but it's possible only one side is the vale and the other is a mishmash of others

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I remember back when S3 was airing when people complained about him not being portrayed as a comic relief meme character

Why are minorities entitled to screen time?

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>"Who was the first?"
>"Someone taller."

Why would she say that?

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I didnt start getting teen pussy til i turned 30

Well glad someone is enjoying it.

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>no tiddies
>takes off shirt
>suddenly filled out side boob

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Still mad that Lady Stoneheart was retconned lads

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based and funny.
I chuckled my self.

why if you could spend the week complaining and having fun with us.

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Anyone who lives in Winter-Town.

4/10 I guess?
Entire extra hour of filler/setup shit. When more and more random characters filtered into the room with the fireplace at some point I said "are you fucking serious" out loud. Entire ep was just "what if these two interacted before battle". Also awkward ass child sex scene with down syndrome brit assassin was hard to watch

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Because writers can only make jokes about physical defects of the characters.

Because making fun of manlets is funny due how butthurt they get.

because dany is shallow and has extreme standards for men, and she thought sansa had the same standards and tried to bond over it

I genuinely enjoyed the episode, even got a little emotional towards the end.

Everyone. Rest of the series is just the whitewalkers slaughtering their way through the continent

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Cat is still celebrating that Ned never broke his vows and giving him the best ghost sex she can while LF drinks himself to re-death in a ghost cuckshed along with Robert

>George promises ending as bittersweet as it is happy
>loves Targaryens
>skips writing his book to write targshit
>Dany has prophecy that involves pregnancy
>George loves prophecies that resolve in unexpected ways
>original outline says Dany and Jon survive to the end and book is about them and three others growing up an changing
>loves LOTR ending
How could you possibly believe it'll end any other way than Targ restoration and Dany getting knocked up?

body double

Because FUCK MANLETS that's why.


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Stupid to not just sit in the castle as it's a force multiplier

could you imagine not hugging yourself and rocking side-to-side with pure embarrassment from that?
honestly it makes me think i am mentally ill because i can't take this kind of shit.
i did easter with my folks and drove back home and watched this pile of shit, and there is no fucking way this was not one of the worst and most useless episodes

>unsullied behind the catapults

Artillery is supposed to be at the very back

>he doesn't know
That's literally what all women sound like when they're discussing men whose height starts with 5 in private.

Because making fun of manlets is a universal way women bond with each other.

t. manlet

She wasn't retconned, she never existed in the GoT continuity and still exists in the books.

has varys even learned about littlefingers death yet?

>Cavalry in the front
>Spear as backup in second line


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d&d are so bad that they managed to make manlet jokes boring

these writers would probably find a way to make jaime seem one-dimensional if you gave them enough time

How could one line save a whole episode?

>Naked goblin
I don't think I wanted that.

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I'm honestly glad that they are stuck in their own retarded subplot while the former Night's Watch brothers, and Jaime, Tyrion, Brienne, Tormund and Davos get the kino scenes.

he knows that LF is still alive

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You are simple.

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i noticed that immediately
shit like this takes you out of the show. food is a concern but you get this type of shit. it's just pure dissonance. they can sort that out with cgi
or just hire an actress who gives a flying fuck but i guess the show is just overall extremely low-effort now

For me, its Ed.

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>literally a shitty parody of lotr

Just like Stannis, Littlefinger won't ever be mentioned again. Problematic white males have no place on this show.

well well well , look here - no Episode 3 leak - Larp fag confirmed

But I still have a cock :^)

Can't Jon and Dany just fly away if things start to go south?

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mfw the Dothraki get turned into walkers

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He's in Winterfell and he's nowhere to be seen. Probably. Hopefully it'll get mentioned at some point. Probably not though. FUCK DABID

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But that's not Cogman

why are sansa and dany such giant cocks

>real Arya has hair falling over the shoulders
>body double doesn't

Very sloppy job.

Danny has to die, every night king needs his night queen.

they don't look like typical soibois
>mfw you realize it is normie chads that ruined GOT

What are they gonna do if the Night King split his army like Robb did and attacks from the back?

>they lose all speed and now march at the same pace as the rest of the army of the dead
do it dabid

>Davos walks in
>i'ma freezin my BALLS off out there
This fucking show...

why the FUCK are d&d so obsessed with the fact jon is short? we get it lmao

Can he really save got for a third time?

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How many white (walker) males will this strong brave independent she-bear slay?

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Doubt she actually said this.
If a woman's fucking you she doesn't care about your height, if she says something like this it's a test to see your level of confidence/how insecure you are.

hulk kills thanos

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Her first husband was a 193cm, buff, brown and high testosterone ultra Chad.

Anything lesser than that is a joke to her.

> Another 12 hours of this

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He didn't even said a word. One of the best players of the game of thrones is just left as the main source of cockless jokes. The other best players are dead

Anyone else hyped for the Benioff documentary by Dragon Demands? It will be pure unadulterated autismkino

when did Yea Forums start moderating spoilers



kek , Emilia acting , kek

If she fights next episode and doesn't die, the writers have sacrificed all backbone in favor of pleasing those moronic fans who tape themselves screaming while watching the episodes

my ex constantly remarked about my height, then she left me for someone shorter


I don't care I don't watch capeshit

>nothing happens
>more stupid jokes
>goblino fucks
>giant woman was knighted
>bad parody of pippin singing

I rate it shit/10
I think previous episode was better.

wont work


I wish someone would slap the midget

It happened in 2015 with Force Awakens.

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The audio is already out. He seems kind of unhinged, desu


>Imagine if she died within the first 2 minutes of Ep 3

All the literally-whos will die, i.e. the ones that don't have an arc to finish. Pod, Beric, Thormund, Lyanna are all dead for sure. Davos, Jaime, Gendry, Brienne, Ed, Gilly and Jorah might die. Jon, Dany, Sansa, Arya and Sam are safe.

I hope he marries her.

What? Isn't it out already? He's making an actual documentary not just a video?

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Yeah, but she lost the biggest downgrade title thanks to Gendry.

fucking reddit

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>he thinks George's Targloving ass will have a complex ending
LMAO. One thing I never understood about guys like you, why is it only if Jon and Dany have kids and take the throne that the ending is shit and too happy? If Sansa never has kids, Tyrion gets killed, Jaime dies, Brienne goes back to Tarth, Arya dies or sails West, or any of these people have happy endings, no one ever seems to care, but whether Jon and Dany die or have kids that's the only thing that seems to matter to you guys

>Your father... he taught me to me how to be a man, how to do what's right. This is right
I never thought that Sam would become one of the better characters

i wish

i've never liked this gay as fuck GoT stewie character

>no hound and Sansa
I want to hear him talk to his little bird

He's really the standout of this season.

>cersei 'if you want a whore buy one, if you want a queen earn her'
>whores herself out 30 mins later

>dany "he's too little for me" and "someone taller"
>fucks him and falls in love with him

d&d are 300IQ and are accurately portraying the mental gymnastics of women


He could just siege them or walk around Winterfell and kill the population of White Harbor. Good thing that just like Ramsay and John he has no clue of battle strategies.


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That's just his "elevator pitch"
He's making an actual documentary.


>Davos, Jaime, Gendry, Brienne, Ed, Gilly and Jorah might die
Other than Ed, since dying fighting the WW is a decent end for a Night's Watch brother, any of them dying will be a fucking waste. Literally just killing them for the sake of it, or because they're too lazy to write a proper conclusion for them.

He believes that the Jon and Deny of the books fall in love .... hahahahah

>tfw just finished ep 3

holy fucking shit, please put this on public trackers already

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The song that Podrick sings is Jenny's Song.

If you don't know the history of this song, it is related to Jenny of Oldstones, a smallfolk woman that Duncan Targaryan fell in love with and married, giving up his claim to the throne to be with her.

The point of them using this in the show is that it's foreshadowing to Jon or Dany giving up their claims to the throne out of love, so it's pretty much confirmed that only one of them will sit on the throne.

Also, re-watching the leaked episode Melisandre still hasn't made an appearance yet, telling us that they're definitely not winning the battle and will definitely have to flee Winterfell in defeat, also the fact that the Night King isn't even at the battle (from what we know so far) tells us that either he has another plan (bringing part of his army past winterfell south to attack KL?) or will show up later in the battle. Regardless, I doubt he will fall there, nor will the army of the dead be defeated. It's clear that the story HAS to involve melisandre at some point again later in the season.

>It's "ma'am"

this is a fuck you in the face to all the faggots that think Ser Cúck of the Friendzone is le epic knight rather than a pathetic failure that fucks whores similar in appearance to dany

So the white walkers are gone after episode 4?

Seriously. I hope she tries to fight, but gets immediately rekt

Theon and most of the Ironborn, Jaime.

ep 3 when

Are they going to scissor?

Attached: Graygoy.webm (864x540, 2.41M)

>If you don't know the history of this song

You have had sex.

give us the details

>it is a storming fort battle
>all army stays outside of the fort and fights open against overwhelming forces

It was so low iq I am starting to want the actually lose.

They also made Euron slaughter the sand snek's and their feminism in a massive brutal fashion.
Also made tons of women love a rapist (Jaime)

I like their dynamics in the books. Not enough to turn into a 40 year old cat lady and ship it, but I found it interesting. But there was no dynamic between them in the show at all. He rescued her once, that's the extent of their relationship. It doesn't merit a reunion.

>he has no clue of battle strategies
8 thousand years and this is what D&D have him come up with. Fucker could just cause endless storms to make Winterfell practically inhospitable and force them all indoors or fight blind as they slowly starve and freeze.

It's not a lie.

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not soon enough.

There dropping redpills quietly, two fucking 4D Chess geniuses.

Just watched episode 2 and wow its just another filler wtf???

>giants milk


>endless storms to make Winterfell practically inhospitable

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>le episode 3 memay

eheheeheheh epic xDDD

I highly doubt they will pass up the opportunity for a NK showdown, even if they won't beat him. They've had him present for far smaller occasions. He's likely just going to come in partway through on his dragon and fuck shit up.

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Looks like kino is back on the menu boys

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>he thinks it won't
>he probably also thinks it's a coincidence that they're around the same age, both Targs, have leadership as the main part of their arcs and parallels that even the show keeps

No, she'll peg him. That was an unexpectedly cute reunion desu

lmao at all the virgins and roasties thinking this is a sign of a sexual relationship

these people grew up together and went through their own personal hells and they respect and trust each other, why is everything about sex now? why can't characters interact without it being sexual? why are shippers so retarded?

Until episode 3 link is given, you're all lying cunts.

Why don't they just rule together?


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Amazon Germany strikes again. They already did it with The Terror, but just left the episodes up. This is the first time they've retracted them.

D&D have spoken about the fact they frequently put jokes about Jon's height in to mess with him.

Uuhhh waaaaiiiitt aaaa mmiinnuuutteee what is happening

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Her face is so freakish and misshapen it's hard to tell if it's really her or a botched cgi placement over a double.

Where's this from? I don't recall that scene from ep2


Winterfell got smashed and burned by the Boltons, and those Hot Springs aren't gonna keep it warm enough for everyone if it stays well below zero for months on end and with windchill and snow


fake and gay

Oh, it will happen, just not in episode 3. I think it will be a major plot point (Where it the Night King?) and they will still lose the battle regardless, I think the Night King has fooled them, and is attacking the south far earlier than anyone anticipates. Others have theorized the same, as there's MILLIONS of people to become wights in the south. MILLIONS. He could take his dragon and a large portion of his hundreds of thousands of wights and attack king's landing. They;'re also completely unprepared for this, they literally cannot stop him. They don't have dragonglass weapons, they don't know how to fight the wights and are completely unprepared.

Poor Daario.


Imagine the Night King sieging Winterfell and everyone just starves and freezes to death.

Could you fucking faggots please stop LARPING here? This is BTN, the most exclusive and one of the fastest tv trackers out there and it doesn't even have Episode 2 yet because these kinds of shit tier captures are usually not allowed. Also, the pre time private trackers have ahead of public trackers isn't more than 5 minutes these days. Just stop.

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>litter ally
at least he knows his place

It's from E3

ep2 during the song

Pod singing

Fake confirmed. Dumb faggot.

Based as fuck Krauts

I'm sure that they just wanted to use one of the already written songs that they haven't put in the show yet.

Especially since they spent like 3 seasons using only Rains of Castamere and Bear and Maiden Fair


third ep is out aswell


since when does dragonglass work on wights?

Why does Bran think this plan to expose Night King will work when he already knows Night King has a dragon?

Dude never needs to get off his dragon, he could literally fly right over the godswood really fast with Viserion and burn the whole thing down along with Bran in a hot second


More romantic than JonxDany, amazing.

>41 207 J'aime
Tu aurais au moins pu rendre ça crédible, user.

anons stop getting baited, ep 3 is not coming, not for another 7-8 days anyway

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it's not

>Doesnt even have episode 2
>Somehow we should care if they have ep3

git gud

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What single event could happen in the show that would redeem all of got for you?

Arya and Deny have been united in the TV series, it's Arya the lover of Jon, and the fat man has never changed his mind even if he says otherwise, just read the books to understand it

You're gonna need to have sex.

Nah, the scene literally right after the song ends is Jon telling Dany about his parentage. You really don't understand how foreshadowing works if you think it's just a meaningless song. They choose that song specifically for a reason.

>falling for your former husband's dickless slave
They are trying to top auntcest


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I'm on every noteworthy private tracker and not a single one even has episode 2. So please, where would I look for episode 3 then?

>someone taller

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No seriously, it is never stated in the books and even in the show it was never stated. Jon just says it in S07E07 and nobody bats an eyelid at the inconsistency.

fake and gay

Dis ça au 18/25 sale fou

Beric surviving

Arya pulls off face to reveal Littlefinger.

jaime being azor ahai

To all tha faggots that will claim they have seen the leaked 3rd episode there is an old saying that goes:Pics or it didnt happen faggots.

sam is a feeder

Attached: eatin good in the neighborhood.webm (864x540, 2.96M)

link to website?

I dont want to spoil it for anyone else

>This is BTN, the most exclusive and one of the fastest tv trackers out there

Spotted the ratio-fag.

>He thinks episode 3 is a torrent


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as if they would draw more attention to it.

they are so mad in this thread also. It's hilarious

The only people claiming to have episode 3 on twitter are nigerians. That should tell you all you need to know.

Stannis' return

>Sam is actually Pierce Brosnam's disciple

> Desperate zoomers on their phones

An unexpected holiday treat.

do they fight the golden company in ep2 or what

It works on wights since exactly then. The production team stated they changed it behind the scenes because they couldn't have 30 or more extras in wight costumes set on fire for the battle scenes.

dont be a faggot.if you've seen it one pic from episode wont spoil it for others.

so is there any explanation for this whatsoever or are we just expected to overlook it

BTN is ratio-less you dumb fucking doublenigger

>battle for winter fell
>lowest point about to lose
>stanis shows up 10000 niggas deep wreathed in flames

It is, only a few 0-day trackers have it. Eventually someone will risk their neck and do something stupid like upload it to mega, just give it a few hours. The quality is only 480p anyway. Trust me, it's better to see the battle in HD.

The best part is how unnecessary that comment was.

The writers just couldn't resist dunking on the manlet population

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Khal Droggo coming back and showing me his penis on a closeup shot for about 5 mins and then the rest of the running time is us watching him stroke his massive dick.

bobby B riding a dragon with a legion of asshaian shadowbinders hotter than melissandre at his back

user, believe me, I want Jon to fuck the everloving shit out of Arya too when she reaches maturity, but it's not gonna happen

>golden company

Jaime killing Cersei the same way he killed King Aerys

I actually thought she was pregnant

tfw my public trackers has episode 2.
How does it feel to btfo by the lowest denominator?

there is a battle between the gc and a ghost army led by stannis

was it a body double??

No. More reunions, more talking, more filler.

How long has it been in the show since her last scene?

>tfw only watching this to see it through, laugh at the mess, and see if jaime's story ends with dignity

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Jaime being Azor Ahai. Or Stannis returning, I don't care how implausible it is.

>arya seducing gendry

why the fuck is it so easy for girls? She didn't even do anything

With the left hand no less, to form the perfect mirror.

>It is, only a few 0-day trackers have it
Name one

Kill yourself faggot. Obviously ep 3 didnt leak.

why am i even paying for hbo

Quality is subjective, I'd rather see it now than wait.

I'd rather watch a close up of Cersei's uncomfortable face as Euron plows her stinky granny pussy than watch a second of this shit

Gendry is Bobby B's son. He'd bed a boar.

pusy smells and feel good no matter the face

Because men allow it to be that easy.

who else is jamierys here?

>paying for hbo

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people talk about some scenes breaking the suspension of disbelief, but this scene broke it for me. explain why the FUCK gendry would fuck that goblin instead of getting it on with a good looking whore? he's probably gonna die anyway, might as well make your last time pleasant

I had shit for buildup too. Like hey haven't seen you in years since you were like 10 and pretending to be a boy, oh we're fucking now, okay

She hit the wall, it happens to most women. Especially after they have kids. Would be weirder if she stayed hot and skinny.




He doesn't like niggers in westeros. good man. Death to danyfags.

You clearly have not smelled enough variations of pussy..

Daenerys accepting Jon's claim to the Iron Throne and returning to Essos to finish conquering the continent with fire & blood the way Aegon I did in Westeros.

Where do you think I downloaded the episode? Private trackers have the best pre-times for regular capture (because all noteworthy teams release straight to BTN for example) but it doesn't even matter in terms of speed, just in terms of organization and availability of older episodes. Nobody gives a shit about leaks on private trackers because they don't matter in the long run. Ina few hours, this file will become worthless.

use the other dragons to fight him off? Guess we'll find out later

At least Gendry managed to get Stark pussy

New Bread
New Bread


Бaceд aнд peдпиллeд

Tonights episode was shit, but Jamie knighting Brienne was kino.

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in real life, arya would try to kiss him, gendry would push her back and leave, then arya would cry, have a psychotic break and try to sleep with strangers on her way home

>Emilia acting , kek

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If Daenerys gets the throne at the end, who long she will last? The thing is, whoever who sit on that throne dies soon after

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If Martin had consistency in his writing he would not change his original idea, otherwise do not write their relationship in the books in that way, looking at the series one understands that Dany and Jon don't make sense, they don't work

Anyone else have a thing for eyebrows now?

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You're late.

No they don't. The dude you just posted sat on the thing for like 60 years.

That Arya from the draft has more in common with book Sansa than the Arya he ended up writing.

Dany death. Jaime and The Hound survives like a buddies. Euron wins.

careful or I might honour you too

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>Dany and Jon don't make sense, they don't work
Well that's just not true since they'd naturally need each other. Dany is a woman even if she does have dragons, Jon will have no proof of legitimacy and no fucking way will Bran just be some omniscient dude that everyone believes, so they'll need each other to properly take the throne. Will it be instant love like the show, fuck no, but the union would make sense.

The books might avoid it either way. In the show they make perfect sense and the build up was surprisingly good.

Jon and Dany are the literal song of ice and fire. They are bound to meet eventually and in Dany's case meeting semi-attractive men usually means fucking them.

Glad to see they teach advanced architecture lessons at the Citadel.

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In that case they don't need Bran as bait since he'd come for Bran whether he's inside of the castle or in the Godswood and would probably show up anyway if Jon and Dany are burning the fuck out of his army

Season 14 of Stranger Things

Aнyc ceбe бaзни, пec.

Its already been posted...

Because if you build up enough good boy points with her she'll turn into any damn woman you want. Gendry is a smart lad.