
Lineup was a little disappointing this year. Almodovar, the Dardennes, Dolan, and Loach are hacks. Jarmusch being in competition over Serra is embarrassing. At least Malick and Bellochio will have new films.

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Other urls found in this thread:éma's_Annual_Top_10_Lists

do you guys even watch movies?

please reply

I disliked Dolan until I watched his movies. The dude is a good director and very young, I don't care if hes a fag and the industry favorite. Loach is the most overrated britbong director in existence.
Haven't watched anything from Serra but he looks like a bad one trick Andy director. Jarmusch is still good imo, even if he lost relevance.

>The dude is a good director and very young,
he is not a good director his movies wouldn't be out of place on the Hallmark channel.


What year is it? He hasn't made a good movie in a decade. LOL at thinking he's better then the others.

almodovar is good, what is this contrarian silliness

It's Only the End of the World was a very good movie and that farm thing was very fun. I agree that he may not deserve ALL the praise and resources he gets but hating on him isn't right.

>Haven't watched anything from Serra
then shut the fuck up retard.

Tom at the Farm was a tonal mess and turned completely retarded when the female character arrives. The movie hinges on the characters acting like retards to drive the story forward. It's the laziest kind of filmmaking there is: No tension, no bite, no verve, just a silly "erotic thriller" without either component. A failure.

wow you really sold him to me pleb.

I don't need to sell anything. Good movies speak for themselves. They don't need your worthless eyes.

Why are Dardennes and Loach hacks?

>Jarmusch being in competition over Serra is embarrassing
Agree though

what is Loach's style? "social realism"? give me a break. his views and style have been espoused by much better directors over the years. Mike Leigh off the top of my head. Loach is a sermonizing embarrassment. and the Dardennes' "shaky cam + grim characters" without even a hint of environmental or human realism got old when the 90s ended.

You are entitled to your opinion even though you are wrong. The Tree of Life, The Thin Red Line and The New World prove that he is better than everybody else on the list. His new film also had a script so it will be more like the films i mentioned and less like his newer films. His newer films are still interesting, you may not like them but at least he does something that other directors don't even attempt.
It seems alright to me. I agree about Loach, his social realism style is really old he just does the same thing over and over. Dardennes have the same problem although they are not as stale as Loach. I don't see any reasoning on why you think that Almodóvar is a hack. So Jarmusch, Almodóvar, Bellocchio, Bong, Desplechin, Diao, Hausner, Porumboiu, Sciamma all seem good to me. The rest doesn't seem bad either. I don't care about Dolan but it might be good, i liked Mommy. Filho seems great and it has Udo Kier it also seems like a genre movie so that one i'm really looking forward to. Malick is the one i'm anticipating the most.

Bong is an embarrassment I deliberately left him out on purpose. where the fuck is Wong Kar Wai's new film?

Wong Kar-Wai hasn't even started shooting. Why is he an embarrassment?

Bong Joon Ho is a terrible director. Memories of Murder is his only good movie and it was a fluke.

The Host = capeshit sensibilities, thin characters, terrible special effects, kickstarted the "bow-girl trend" in Hollywood, unfounded praise from everyone.

Snowpiercer = Decent premise, performances are okay, totally falls apart in the third act, ending is limp.

Mother = Retarded as a mystery, characters act in a contrived manner to create tension, tries to be realistic but is actually quite absurd and implausible. Twist is nonsense and so is the ending.

Barking Dogs Never Bite = Juvenile, edgy trash. it's his first movie so it has all of his problems exemplified tenfold.

Okja = Not quite terrible as the rest but still quite messy and embarrassing. Ending was nonsense. Maybe he's learning but I can't say for sure

Different user here I whole-heartedly agree with this post. He's the Korean Guillermo del Torro

This post sounds like someone with no experience in any kind of genre filmmaking

>liking okja at all
stopped reading there

i didn't like Okja at all you retard.

Few directors juggle genres as well as Bong.

yes yes the science fiction action film is much different from the monster action drama film which is much different from the monster action comedy drama film which is different from the detective mystery drama film which is even more different from the mystery comedy drama film.

you are a fucking idiot user.

based malick coming through with another 3 hour blast of pure kinography

Well i haven't seen his first film yet. Memories of Murder is definitely his most accomplished film. That one is pretty great. The Host is silly fun flick. Mother is enjoyable thriller, i don't remember the twist but i remember liking it. Snowpiercer is perfectly decent i agree that the ending is limp but i still think it's a decent film. I didn't like Okja. If he delivers something on the level of Memories of Murder or Mother i will be satisfied.

Pure grasskino

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Film critics seems to live his film.
The Host 85
The Snowpiercer 84
Memories of Murder 82
Mother 79

The Host and The Snowpiercer is one of the highest score of modern sci-fi film

Mother 4.4/5
Memories of Murder 4.3
The Snowpiercer 4.1
The Host 4.1
Okja 4.1

Cahiers du cinéma's Top 10 film

2006 No.3 The Host
2010 No.10 Mother
2000s No.4 The Hostéma's_Annual_Top_10_Lists

Film critics seems to love his film.

Based fat retard

I am just saying critics love most of his film not only Memories of Murder

You're the idiot. He juggles separate genres within each of his movies. Genre bending is one of the greatest traits an artist can have.

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Will based TMack make an appearance?

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>those washed out colors
Why did he drop Chivo?

He didn't drop him, Chivo just happens to be a very busy man.

The cinematographer is the guy who was camera operator on his films since The Tree of Life. I think Chivo gets too much credit for the look of Malick's films. Malick had great visuals before he started to work with Chivo.

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Was the life and death of john f donovan really that bad? I was so hyped for it up until RT gave it a rotten way back then.

>implying you can't immediately tell from a single frame whether it's a Lubezki/Malick collab

Sure, they have a certain style when they work together. Doesn't mean that Chivo is more responsible for the look than Malick. Badlands, The Thin Red Line and Days of Heaven look beautiful, i think A Hidden Life will look good too because Malick understands cinematography and he knows how to craft visually stunning images.

I wonder what Green Day album he listened to to edit it in less than 3 years
Also why did he change the title from something interesting to something you'd expect to see on the lineup of Lifetime?

>Badlands, The Thin Red Line and Days of Heaven look beautiful
No wonder. They were shot on film. Film looks majestic, while digital needs a genius like Chivo to make it look good.

cannes is next month wtf


>Terrence Malick is actually Syrian

Agree! Dolan's worst film and I generally like him. Mommy was very good and he never plays the victim card for his characters

serra isn't a "bad one trick Andy director", read the fireflies magazine volume about him

Loach is lefty bait and Jarmusch is just Wes Anderson nowadays (especially when he works with Bill Murray)

I have zero idea. I think Radegund was just a working title.
I think Malick's later films are not entirely digital. And film can look shit too if you don't know how to shoot it.

>And film can look shit too if you don't know how to shoot it.
it's easier for digital to look shit than for film to do so, though.

make sense


I agree but i still don't think that Chivo is the main reason why Malick's film look good. There are many cinematographers who know how to colour correct their footage. I wouldn't be surprised if Malick supervised the colour correction.

Malick is Syrian guys!!!!

Dolor y Gloria is the most simple movie he has done, and the blandest. Doubt he gets any award this time.

>Lineup was a little disappointing this year.
Isn't the Sciamma lesbian film screening at this?

>Terrence Malick (Arabic: تيرينس ماليك) is a Syrian-American film director mainly known for his films Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, and The Tree of Life.

>Dolor y Gloria is the most simple movie he has done, and the blandest.
Simpler and blander than Los amantes pasajeros aka I'm So Excited??

So his family added a C to their original Malik last name just to make it look more Anglo? Pathetic.

>Malick, although typically elusive, was more than happy to sit down with us for a chat about his Assyrian heritage.
>"We're an outgoing and hardy people who've shaped the world throughout the millenniums. For instance, one of my ancestors was a ruthless tyrant who besieged Jerusalem and forced its Hebrew king to empty out the treasury and pay him tribute. Another sacked that same godless city and carried off the entire population to Babylonia to work his vineyards. And my great granduncle? Killed the King of Egypt in battle and captured Memphis in a single day. We are the Übermensch. Do not fuck with us"
>Terence Malick then took out a gold orthodox cross and kissed it
>"We are not a vengeful people. But I am."

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Knight of Cups started really well but fell into a complete wreck just before halway through the film


>same bunch of old fart hacks as always
wow very innovation much interesting

>doge memes in 2019

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My memes are as old, worn out and uninteresting as Cannes

just like ur pusy

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based pusyposter

Yes, it's about Almodovar's childhood. Imagine Amarcord but without salt. His most straightforward film.
Pretty good cinematography, tho.

i acted in a movie that submitted to cannes this year. we were rejected.


How do submissions work?
Was it submitted to the official section, un certain regard, another...? What are the requisites?

>Yes, it's about Almodovar's childhood.
Is this a new trends for film directors? Movies about huh childhood? Cuarón's Roma and now this wtf

>"immigrants and refugees are scum and not productive!"
>Terrence Malik (Arabic: تيرينس ماليك) is a Syrian-American film director mainly known for his films Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, and The Tree of Life. His paternal grandparents were Assyrian immigrants from Syria and Urmia, in what is now modern day Iran. Malik received a B.A. in philosophy from Harvard College, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1965.
>tfw the best filmmaker in history is a Syrian guy

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they only accept like 20 films each year in the main category, don't they? it's a hard competition so don't worry.


A twitter mob is already forming, consider them #CANCELLED

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They don't give a shit about discord trannies in France.

they direct like discord trannies from france.

he's as much syrian as steve jobs was

Why would you go to Cannes when you could go to Il Cinema Ritrovato and watch actual great movies instead of flavour-of-the-month trash?

I'm out if it ain't got a Lynch film
That's right a Lynch film

Why can't malick show some restraint? It's going to be a tedious watch.

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The Warrior

A shapeshifting horse (Anya Taylor-Joy) must find a warrior to help slay a dragon in the hope to save her family.

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who funds this shit?

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I would fund many an ayy-kino

>too busy to shoot Roma
>too busy to shoot the new Malick
Oh I’m sure he has some exciting projects coming out soo-
>fucking nothing
What gives? Is there something we don’t know about? Is Inarritu secretly directing a follow-up to Chivo’s best work? Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat Comes Back

Who is the more absolute madman, Malickmyballs or Godtard?

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The Image Book is pure cinema.

He did an ad for Dior lol

Xavier Dolan writes scripts so melodramatic he'd be laughed out of a Skins writers room if he submitted any of his shit there. Dude is a primadonna who needs to get a grip.

He's a DP who can't admit he has no place writing scripts or in the director's seat.

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he cute tho

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Looks like a chipmunk with a butchered jewfro robbed an American Apparel.

he was busy doing this:

>Outlives everyone
Can he challenge Kirk?

Holy shit never thought I'd see such a based opinion on Yea Forums

Yeah I read it and was like "what year is it? 1999?"

Tree of Life is a masterpiece

is it his masterpiece, though? that word gets thrown around very easily

"bow-girl tend" what the fuck is that??

Mother and Snowpiercer are good... agree about Snowpiercer's ending but it has a videogame sensibility with Ed Harris being the final boss

If you think his first three films are less stunning, you are a total retard (or blind).

I think you're the only retard here my dude

That looks pretty.

They aren't. Nobody said this.
I support this opinion

Prettier than you mother's cunt, anyway.

If you think Badlands, Days of Heaven, and The Thin Red Line are anything less than visually stunning, you need to fuck off back to Yea Forums or whatever shithole you came from.

>you mother's cunt

We speak English on Yea Forums Muhammad.

Thank you for doubling down on your retardation.

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That niggerised shite you bark in America? That's not English, mate.

>Terrence "One Green Day song a day keeps the editors away" Malick