...And there's nothing you can do about it!

...And there's nothing you can do about it!

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Other urls found in this thread:


i've seen it zero times

That's a strange suicide method. There are many cheaper, less painful ways.

Was it a white guy? lol

>autists keep saying "disney is buying the tickets"
>turns out it's just one guy in wisconsin

>The one guy is Walt Disney's soul trying to salvage his empire from implosion

>man holds a world record

why tho

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Holy dick, mommy!

I’ll have sex.

I wish I was that dedicated to my waifu.

Asking the real questions. The kind of hard-hitting journalism we need.

I can watch the movie 0 times

Movie made for women

White dude is only one to enjoy it

have sex


watch me
*pirates it 117 times*
nothing personel

Seriously, is it a white male?
That shit would be hilarious.

There's something wrong with white Americans.

heres what he looks like

Attached: CAPTAIN MARVEL.jpg (1663x985, 250K)

it was Rich Evans

He's a kiddie diddler, screenshot this.

This is quite a sad attempt to draw attention to a shitty movie.

>inb4 Yea Forums claims the millions of tickets it sold is just one person and it isn't actually popular

What kind of cinema only has 4 rows of seats?

well he did it in rothschild wisconsin so maybe

That's an average of 2.7 viewings per day since it came out. Just, why?

a fucking white male!!!!!!!!!!!
white "men" need to be nuked

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>"Disney isn't buying all the theaters out, see people just went and saw it a ridiculous amount of times!"

Yeah, it's not like Disney would ever hire a third party to launder their money and make it look legit. They can't be THAT smart...

He's a guy who breaks easy world records as a hobby. It's not because he has any great love for the movie.

he wasn't an asshole... he was the hero we needed but not the one we deserved

That's the most amusing part. He threw away all of that money on a bitch who'd rather see him stabbed to death than acknowledge him as a human being just so he could break a record.

Hows your cunt doing?

I couldn't even bear watching it for free after 5 mins

Quoting multiple posts should have been a bannable offensive since the beginning.

he didn't actually watch it, tho
he just bought 116 tickets for different dates. most probably with disney money, too

Rogue has green eyes and a great ass.

>she points out that most reviewers are white men
>this means she wants to kill all white men

Imagine being this paranoid.

Attached: 88c.png (700x566, 33K)

He had to take photos at every screening and get signed statements from witnesses for the purpose of the world record.

id lick the pimples on her flabby pancake ass

Walt would fucking hate capeshit with a passion

But that's fiction honey, real girls don't look like that.

and then sleep and chat while the movie ends? or just went home right then?

Forget the money, thinking about all that TIME.
The runtime is 2 hours 3 minutes, meaning he spent 235 HOURS watching the same movie. when put into comparison with how long it's been out (44 days) that means he's seen it an average of 2 and a half times a day since it came out. 4 hours a day! That's almost as autistic as the math breakdown I just did.

Rich Evans has a lot of free time

If wanted to break a world record, why choose that movie. Why not a good one?

cause no one else wants to beat it

If you have the money, why would you care about the cost of your suicide?

A really good friend

guiness records are supposed to be a test of endurance reaching the limits of the humanly possible, not some shit any retard with enough money could do

Just had sex.

So this dude wasted over 200 hours of his life for this shit

no shit its a world record, he probably had the record at 3...

Plenty of empty theaters
For real: disney requires theaters a number of screens for a long time, even if no one is watching the movie anymore. this pretty much guarantees enough time to break the record

Why that number? Why not 115 or 117? Or why not just 100? I can understand wanting a three digit number when he's going for a crazy record like that, but why keep going until a random number like 116?

betafag how many times did he watch missing link 200?

>why Bolt's 100m record is 9.58 seconds instead of 10?

Who are you quoting? Do you even know what point you're trying to make?

jesus what a plain women. no redeeming features at all. i hate what hollywod has become.

he probably isn't done and thats just where he happened to be when the article was written

Always with the gaping open mouth lol like pottery

What a waste of decent skeletal genetics.

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Average ticket price - $10.00
Paid 116 time to see it


Cringe and Normalpilled.
This is a site for autists that would watch a show a hundred times over.


>The constant repetition became boring though, so he began focusing on details in the background of the film.
>‘So there’s one particular scene in the movie where in the background there’s a calendar. And it says June of 1995. And then later on in that particular day, there’s a full moon,’ he said. ‘So at the end, I just Googled when there was a full moon in June of 1995. And it came out to be Tuesday, June 13th of 1995.’
based autist

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Some people blow that much money on one night out. At least this gave him like 200 hours of "entertainment".

apparently the movie stopped showing at his local theater, plus he was well above the previous world record, so he just called it a day there

and that was just his first view

So wait, one of the Disney's ticket buying shills got caught in the act, so they went ahead and made a PR stunt out of it?
Lol, nice save, Mouse.

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The fuck is with the seating layout of that theater?

>Disney's ticket buying shills
based retard

Shut the fuck up leftshit, she would never point out over-abundance of black reviewers and you know it.

The point he's making is the guy probably did it as long as he could before he had enough. He didn't go into this already picking his max number

to get a paycheck from the mouse on the side

>literally a guy who bought hundreds for no reason at all
Shill Bill.

Don't care how much it sold or how many times he went to see it, of course it sells because it's a Marvel movie but movie sucked.

Couldn't even finish the movie because it was so boring. What a sad existence someone must have to watch this 3/10 garbage more than 2 times in a row.

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Where is the news story about the record 378 consecutive Alita threads?

I just found out Brie Larson is only 29. I thought she was like mid 40s

dumb meme

meme? It's literally a thought I had about 10 minutes ago seeing someone mention her age in a video.

he just wants to piss off Brie, after she said the movie "isn't for white men"

she never said that. you just stiched up different words she said together and convinced yourself that happened.
common occurrence on Yea Forums


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I'm seeing unicorn store at the moment. 20mins in. It seems to be typical netflix magical negro shit, but brie is so cute. How can you fags hate on her?

I can openly mock him for his shit taste. Even Gacha Whales have more common sense.

Wasn't there an """article""" EXACTLY like this about TLJ or something?

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>when disney pays you to buy tickets for the movie and you sit and watch it every time
the absolute mad man

>Captain Marvel got its $900,000,000 through legitimate mea...

>Captain Marvel 2: The Rogue Cut
>Daddario as Rogue
>Madmen Milktruck as Mystique

MY Body is ready

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>theater is only 4 rows

What third world shit is this?

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>There was just 1 betamale watching it dozens of time
>There is no way hundreds of other betamales could have watched it dozens of times too

Because you're Jewish

jesus christ, that's like 1300$

I could really go for a Bangs when I'm sitting in my fresh cut lawn, it really clears my head.

Dude took time off from work to do this

Why is she so unlikeable?

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Well I'm glad to see that this movie empowered little girls everywhere

I have seen it twice. I sneaked in after seeing other movies, so Disney has not made a dime from this.
I have seen Alita Battle Angel about 25 times. It is a far better movie. It is not playing in my podunk town anymore, sadly. I have to wait for the blu-ray.

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fucking nigger just erase the hypnotizing smile in her face with his prima donna bullshit

I can see why. The film is pretty great and Brie is sexy in it.

I just saw it with my wife and immediately afterwards she wanted to see it again and so did I!

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>25 times


have sex.

Because when you die you give your money to your loved ones

Hey, if he wants to waste his own money he can go right the fuck ahead for all I care.

>Mentally ill Wisconsin man sees "Captain Fungal" 116 Times, which is obviously a world record (its really not)

FTFY also pic related

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Kettle black etc


I had a lot of free movie tickets and watched shitty pirated versions, as well. I always snuck into another movie right after. I have one more I plan to use to see Godzilla: King of the Monsters.
I will probably be autistic about that, too.

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Why would you see CM twice instead of seeing another movie, like Alita or Shazam?

>which is obviously a world record

Why is it obvious?

Is she a psych?

Because no one would watch Captain Marvel that many times for enjoyment

I have seen Alita 25 times, and will not watch 1xbet rips anymore.Shazam had not opened yet, or I would have probably snuck into that, too.

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There is no way there was nothing better than CM to sneak into.

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I personally haven't watched it yet but it probably has entertainment value as an absolute disaster of a film and to see how bad it truly is. nice godly trips

Get back to your tumblr general you fucking freak. better yet why don’t you pedophiles make a discord already and leave, this board is shitty enough already without you freaks around. Surely theres other places you can circlejerk to your shit fan art


She looks like my little cousin that likes to touch my forearms.


I watched From Dusk Till Dawn on VHS like 413 times when i was a kid, where the fuck is my world record?

she wants your dick bro she's probably wet herself to the thought of you fucking her fucking based

Imagine defending this lying, stuck up, rude bitch

>literally constantly talks about thinning out and replacing white men
>ur just paranoid derp

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Here bro, got one ready for ya.

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Of course he’s white.

>watching CM
t. cuck

He sure showed those incels!

Ahhh... thanks user

I've seen it, it has no value. I'm a big MCU fag and CM is the first super hero movie I actually *hate*. Even Suicide Squad is useful as a cautionary tale, CM is worthless.