What's your favourite Bond opening and why is it Moonraker?
What's your favourite Bond opening and why is it Moonraker?
i appreciate die another day for being full early 00s cgi crazy. the madonna song i could've done without though.
>brosnan bond movies
reminder they don't exist
Unironically the intro from the Nightfire video game.
None top this one desu.
clang lang a lang a lang a lang
From Russia With Love.
I like The World is not Enough aesthetically. The black figures contrasting with the multicolour oil effects were nice. Song was meh.
Octopussy had the best opening because it was Binder's ballsiest work, he barely even tries to conceal the nudity and you get to see nipples plain as day. It's also just a beautiful piece of work all around
>Best bonds
>Best films
The Living Daylights
>Best themes
Nobody Does It Better
Live and Let die
Diamonds Are Forever
Tomorrow Never Dies
Thunderball. Second is You Only Live Twice.
Goldfinger is overrated to the extreme, Bond spends half the movie hanging out in a fucking ranch
>Brosnan and Brosnan movies anywhere but bottom
zoomers out
I always like For Your Eyes Only, Moore is definitely the most underappreciated Bond
Absolutely, Moore is my favorite. Also he wasn't so hated before Daniel Craig popularized edgy Bond
you only live twice
or so it seems
I want to fuck doctor goodhead!
reminder she was in this scene
His films are also the most rewatchable in my opinion, even more than Connery
Skyfall and Casino Royal were both top tier openings
Live and let die was cool, and I liked gold finger too
The most disappointing thing about Moonraker is that she never wears the sexy outfit shown on the poster. Flagrant false advertising
Every Bond girl should have at least one bikini scene, this should be a requirement.
the song for Casino Royale is incredible. nothing comes close.
I can respect that the Casino Royale opening is well made but I still hate it on principal. Throwing out the sexy sillhouttes because "Bond is serious business now! This ain't your daddy's bond movie!"
His movies are the best, period. Not liking Moore is as NPC as it gets
like 15 minutes
No it's closer to 30-40 minutes. And then you have the stupid climax where tens of thousands of soldiers play dead, god that was dumb
Spectre could've been top kino if they used the Radiohead song but until alas it's still Casino Royale. Goldeneye close second.
>genuinely looks like Bond as described in the books
>implying Goldeneye isn't a top 5 bond film
The Architect >>>>> some clueless boomer
TWINE is better and Martin Campbell is an overrated director. Neither are top 10 though
>"Sigmund freud... analyse this?"
What did they mean by this?
She was clearly referencing the Robert De Niro/Billy Crystal comedy
He's slowly turning her into a whale...
The what?
This guy gets it. Brosnan is second best Bond after Connery, but only Goldeneye is gud.
Spectre is criminally underrated. The audience expectations did not meet up with what the film really is, thus caused a lot of damage. No one was expecting so much homage and inspiration to the classic bond films but were expecting more of a modern action movie.
>For England James?
No, for calories.
I agree mostly but felt the AUFOR OF ALL UR PAIN was just really shitty and came way too quickly, was too obvious, just bad execution.
I enjoyed it until Bond and Swan showed up at Not-Blofeld's lair and then it turned to shit. Still enjoyed it more than Casino Royale which is the most overrated film in the franchise
i've seen 3 bond movies and i can't remember anything about them. they're just awful. the gadgets aren't interesting, he doesn't do any spying, all he does is get lucky to be with a chick who is involved in the plan and fall into situations beyond his understanding.
Thank you, damn I thought I was alone.
I liked the train scene. Reminded me of From Russia with Love.
here's an even more unpopular opinion: i think it's the second best craig bond after skyfall.
QoS > Skyfall > Spectre > CR
your memearrows are backwards
Qos is the best because it's the shortest. the less I have to be subjected to Craig's shit tier Bond the better
Ah... but why would the singer reference it?
I was expecting a movie that made sense and had actual interesting characters and actual exciting action scenes. Spectre was a heap of shit.
Because she's Madonna and probably high on goofballs when she wrote the song
>all these hipsters pretending the Craig openings aren't the best ones
The only exception is You Only Live Twice