So the fucking leaks were real. I'm fucking pissed.
So the fucking leaks were real. I'm fucking pissed
what leaks faggot
the leaks shansha
you have urinary incontinence due to an STD from Ramsay
I only saw the ep2 leak but only just rumors of ep 3
The leaks are ruining my fun of the show. I've been watching talking thrones and emergency awesome theories.
I'm going to black out all social media. Peace out.
Haven't seen a single episode but Emilia Clarke is A CUTE! I hope her character wins the game or whatever it is.
What were the leaks user?
>didn't read leaks because I barely give a shit anymore
there was a mega link of ep2 in an earlier thread that got pruned, its probably in torrents by now. Still just seen teases of ep3
OP is a fag, the only real leaks were episode 1 and some shit about Tyrion being executed for treason in a later episode, which hasn't happened yet, so barring episode 1 there is currently no reason to say the leaks were real.
post leaks niggers
Here’s the Quick rundown of the leaks fags
>good guys go to Winterfell, meanwhile Cercei is a bitch as usual and chills in King’s Landing waiting out the winter
>Euron Greyjoy brings the Golden Company
>Jon is told that he real dad was Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon+Dany is still a thing
>Dany even reassures Jon that it’s totally natural to have incest
>Theon and Yara Greyjoy go to Pyke
>White Walkers fight good guys
>Bran is killed by White Walkers
>so is Grey Worm
>good guys lose Winterfell and retreat further south
>Dany is preggo by Jon
>Pyke isn’t safe at all since the ocean can turn into solid ice
>final battle against the White Walkers is in the Eerie.... halfway through the series
>Dany’s dragons start dying off an only Drogon lives
>Euron has Arya kill Cersei out of spite for her not having sex with him
>Euron takes the Iron Throne
>good guys decide to kill Euron is best
>Euron sends the Golden Company to purge good guys at Dragonstone
>Dany and most of the smart ones die, but she gives birth to a girl
>final battle in episode 10, Jon wears epic Stark/Targaryen hybrid armor
>Euron prepares with barrels of wildfire
>uses wildfire to kill off all the fighting male characters
>epilogue shows with Tyrion mentoring Jon and Dany’s baby Lyanna Targaryen
>Sansa rules the North, Riverlands, and the Vale
>Yara Greyjoy is queen of the Iron Islands
>Gendry, being the last Baratheon, is lord of Storm’s End
>Sanwell Tarly was too fat to be killed off so he rules The Reach
>Arya is a badass adventurer
>Tyrion is back in King’s Landing eating out Missandei, cucking Grey Worm’s corpse
>final scene is Bran made new Night King
Say hello to the GoT Cinematic Universe onions boys!
>Go through all past threads of GOT >everyone claiming leaks
>No actual leaks/links
>Leaked info is differing between anons
Aight so um what the fuck is all this then?
Leaks told a lot of people that Cersei had an abortion, which has not happened. Most leaks are BS.
Oh cool that shitty fanfiction leak from months ago that was proven false is back again
>Euron has Arya kill Cersei out of spite for her not having sex with him
But she did?
>Bran is killed by White Walkers
>final scene is Bran made new Night King
Which is it?
Well this was the episode 2 leak before it aired
Watch at your own peril.
>not killing Cersei
Actually, Martin is a hack, so this undoubtedly isn't happening
See now this makes sense, not like mr Euron is the new King and Tyrion eats out the darkie leak
This is the supposed ending of the show leak
>final battle in episode 10, Jon wears epic Stark/Targaryen hybrid armor
>final battle in episode 10
>in episode 10
>episode 10
Calling bullshit right now.
You sick fuck.
And this is the last bit of the leaks that I have
Welp, we got a live one boys
This is fake. Eerye set was destroyed a few years ago. Google it.
havent checked it cus got the og leak
So how does she have the experience to act as a slut? Did I miss her prostitution arc?
That sounds fake, it contradicts Tyrion arguing last season about an allout assault on KL with the Dragons that was emphasized like 20 times in the season
>Theon and Yara Greyjoy go to Pyke
>Euron has Arya kill Cersei out of spite for her not having sex with him
Already debunked as fake.
How will they make it with the story if the plot goes so slowly? It's going to be another LOST isn't it?
>final battle in episode 10
there's only six episodes you dumb nigger lol
STFU faggot those leaks were published two years ago.
Technically, yes, but Cersei had a miscarriage. She lies about this to Euron, he finds out, and hires the Faceless Men to kill her off.
>Which is it?
Both, actually. The White Walkers Kill off Bran, drag him back to their place at the Lands of Always Winter and resurrect him as their new Night King, thus the cycle continues anew, and more shekels for (((Dan And Dave)))
Thanks for the support, big guy. Pretty much validates the leaks from years ago.
My bad. The first episode only lasting one hour long threw a curveball at me as I thought they went back to a ten episode format. The rest of that I stand by.
>shitty fanfiction
>got writing
Go ahead. Tell us there's a difference.
So defensive, your leak is shit and wrong compared to other proven leak. Fuck off now
You don't think her and The Hound fugged?
although if I’m being honest, her tits are nice
Link me the episode 3 leak lads
.........................I agree as well. Oh god im into ogres arent i
why did they cut off the tits? are hers off limits or something?
There's no E3 leak, it's all LARPing faggots.
is there one?
Its not ep 3, just tonight. And script leaks
You got me there
Can this "Maisie isn't attractive" meme die already? If you don't think she's hot you're clearly a fag.
Obviously a body double.
>Thanks for the support, big guy. Pretty much validates the leaks from years ago.
Which ones?
The episode 2 leak image you posted. It’s pretty much 100% accurate to the leaked scripts from 2 years ago.
That guy seems legit.Did he leak anything else?
Im not the one who posted the image what script leaks from 2 years ago?
This is all bullshit. Gendry dies at the battle of Winterfell, he is mortally wounded and Arya mercy kills him.
>watching emergency awesome theories.
Literally the lamest shit ever, a show that has become as one dimensional as GOT doesn't require theories. Jon will be king, dany will be his incest wife and Sansa will be hand of the King/Queen.
Script leaks?
imagine being gentry
Well the three images I posted were in the same thread and I assumed it was the same guy. That's all he posted I think. The other shit was clearly fan fiction from other people trying to larp
I also want to see this script leaks
Contradiction in Dumb&Dumber's writing? Not possible
cgi tits
I guess nobody's going to point out the other inconsistency since a bunch of it is bullshit, but he's going to help the Starks.
Diverse humans fight white nationalists. They don't win until like ep4-5.
no your just into body doubles, or nice bods with disgusting hunchback faces
anyone share the mega for ep2 leak?
>Tyrion is back in King’s Landing eating out Missandei, cucking Grey Worm’s corpse
had me till that kek
so where the fuck is the actual link to ep 2?
I'm a retard, what am I supposed to do with this?
i already jerked off twice to aryas ass
That mega link is down
they cgi'd out the bikini top she wore
And yet the world still turns, the sun still rises and churches are bombed in Sri Lanka. This is barely worthy of emotion compared to those things.
>Because of these some of my colleagues have already watched the episode! I already prepared extra snacks for our weekly GOT work party!
I didn't pay attention to them, so I was not spoiled. OP is a moron.
ive been trying to figure out how to work mega for 40 minutes, kill me please god kill me i just want to see arya ass
Imagine being Joe in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in the UK. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
the ones with the dragons winking to the audience at the end?
How stupid are you?
>Bran realises he can stop the army of the dead by going BACK IN TIME
>Jon and Dany get married
>Cersei kills herself when the Golden Company turn on her
>Jaime and Tyrion make up
>Jon gives up the Iron Throne to Dany because his "home is the north, and always has been"
>smashes down the rest of the wall with the help of Archmaester Tarly because "the world needs less borders". Jon replies: "fewer".
>Samwell is revealed to the narrator of the entire story as an old man, played by GURM, writing the "history of the game of thrones", comments on how it's a snappier title than the old book
>has been reading it to three silver-haired children, who he refers to as Eddard, Rhaegar and Lyanna
>"Truly, it was a song of Ice and Fire"
>closes the book
>a dragon flies past the window, and they all watch
>camera pans out, and the dragon winks
>Ariana Grande sings over the credits
>"And who....are you...."
>seeing your work colleagues on Sunday
Not based or redpilled
please help me i 'm extremely stupid
Please let this be true
>Gendry, being the last Baratheon, is lord of Storm’s End
this and Euron winning are ok
what is this from
>smashes down the rest of the wall with the help of Archmaester Tarly because "the world needs less borders". Jon replies: "fewer".
i fucking missed shitposting like this
It's been posted.
>Stannis, Radmure, and the Blackfish return at the head of an army of mountain clansmen, crannogmen, and the remaining sellsword companies of the Free Cities to save the realm and return it to it's rightful king
Gods I hope it's true
I just want a proper Cleganebowl (no mid war random fight bs)
Also, Dany's head on a pike
so this is what caused the fire of Notre-Dame
They took it down
Best copypasta, but it can't save the thread tonight.
>it's a body doubl-
that isnt even Maisie you dumb mongoloid
>>"Truly, it was a song of Ice and Fire"
Fucking wish this was real so the Yea Forums collapses on itself
Well, they already pulled a "when you play the Game of Thrones®, you win or you die"
That's a direct quote from the first book.
Reverse image search you wetback fucking nigger lover.
>and the dragon winks
This gets me every time
absolute madman
She's shown as much side boob on her own instagram. Why waste the money for a body double? Oh, you're an idiot, that's right.
They are talking about episode 2 early release, which is true, it's on kickass right now.
Is Dany preggers? Is Jon immune to fire?
precisly. Go fuck your mother
Hey Faggots
now stop asking
>STFU faggot those leaks were published two years ago.
and they are fake. First two episodes were completely different to the fake leaks.
What the fuck is this then you fucking dipshit ?
I have never watched Game of Thrones and know next to nothing about it, did I miss out?
it's the perfect amount of boring, i believe
>Jaime and Brienne
and cucking what's his face? fucking really
and who
are you
like bovril and a yeast infection.
This is some screwed up shit.
My penis is circumcised So I can't get yeast infection.
Stannin's kitchen before the war.
why is there no GoT general
Does anyoe know what the fuck even happened to edmure? Last i remember he was held as hostage by the freys and after arya screwed them, they never revealed what happened to him and a ton of other people.
Jesus, Emergency Awesome? Dude. There are literally dozens of better shows. Try Radio Westeros, History of Westeros, Alt-Shift-X, Not A Cast Podcast... Try anything that isn't regurgitated crap like Emergency Awesome.
Emergency Awful has never had an original thought in his head.
I see alofi torrent ...? is ot good?
Anyone got a stream?
nice try, faggot.
here it is
learn to read you fucking retarded faggots
Yeah, shoulda been awkward
Not really, it's just the show everyone's talking about right now
read the books
Found a stream but I'm not sharing until I see 20 posts saying something nice about Arya.
>>Bran is killed by White Walkers
he better do something fucking relevant before this
I think she was wearing some kind or cover over her tits that they cjied out. They looked a little weird to me
i'd rimjob the mountain and the hounds hairy asses before i'd look at that ogres face one more time in my life
Ill take the bait, that's incredibly gay considering their massive men
Ay hol up, wer dat streem be?
Its amazing how despite having 2 years to make it, they managed to absolutely shit the bed, Jesus Christ, this was God awful.
That actually would be kino
so, the book?
>>smashes down the rest of the wall with the help of Archmaester Tarly because "the world needs less borders". Jon replies: "fewer".
I love when popular TV shows end, it brings the good shitposting out of Yea Forums.