Now that technology has advanced and TV shows can create even more massive scenes for a cheaper price, is a Horus Heresy series possible in the near future?
Now that technology has advanced and TV shows can create even more massive scenes for a cheaper price...
Absolutely not
It would be shit.
(((hollywood))) would purposefully ruin it because it's fascist
Not a prayer. Games workshop don't seem to realise the quickest way to turn massive profit out of their IP would be film or tv rights.
Shame, as a sad old GW nerd I'd love to see massed futuristic combat on that scale, titans and marines and all.
Cheap price will result in a cheap product.
remember that time when they pulled their IP from starcraft?
Imagine how big WH40k would've been if they didn't.
>Here's your Magnus, bro.
The biggest battle in Star Trek Discovery is a common minor naval scrap in WH. The supposedly massive Terran empire from last season was a ridiculously small sector empire. The potential to pretty much anykind of a conflict is possible in WH and makes all the wars we've seen on the screen so far smaller.
Is the purposeful overkill and over the top bolter porn what keeps WH off the screens?
they were shopping around film rights about a year ago
What kind of nerd shit is that?
Grow up
it has nothing positive whatsoever to say about fascism you moron, and the Imperium was actually tolerant in most ways, it didn't give a shit as long as you accepted the emperor as master.
>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation... again.
it really isn't overkill, in fact it's laughably under estimated considering that it is about a human empire stretching the galaxy. Space marine legions conquering worlds when they are at best 100k strong is totally absurd.
The nerd shit for married men who want to have free time from their family.
Space Marines don't actually take any land. They do precision strikes to take out leadership, fortified bases or other high value units. Like so;
They ignore the planet but go for the ship with the big cheeses.
>it has nothing positive whatsoever to say about fascism you moron
Humanity is grim dark because all the nicer idealogies died off already. That's literally canon.
>worlds that burned heretics, mutants, xenos and psykers survive
>every single world that ever tried to nice or reasonable dies screaming in agony due to heretics, mutants, xenos or psykers
I'd rather it be an anime. Everything in the west is gay now.
The majority of the Imperiums military might consists of the Imperial Guard. Active soldiers number in the billions. Space Marines are the specialist force. The spear striking at the heart of any fortified world. The Guard is the endless sea of soldiers who actually capture the planet after the greatest threats are dead.
Quality shit right there.
Part four is coming soon.
i can't wait to see a ragtag group of diverse young people overthrow a bumbling evil white male inquisitor
actually most of the destruction derives from treachery, a happy and accomodating culture would be the best defence against any of those threats, the Imperium just uses ostentatious and over the top means to quell the problems it's own culture causes to make it seem like it is a success, underlined with dogma and the church.
Big points for remembering who fetty wap is.
>holy fucking shit private pile shoot your fucking plasma rifle
I hope not. No one would do 40k correctly.
Hopefully not, most of the horus heresy series is retarded.
But most the TV shows getting produced are retarded.
slice of life for a guardsman on some backwater planet
40K is for people who wear underwear on the outside of their pants
That’s true, but giants with daddy issues are pathetic.
some of the books are pretty good
>prospero burns
>know no fear
>slaves to darkness
>the first heretic
>no mention of Legion
user, I...
I'm conflicted because overall Legion is at least a 9/10 book but it really makes no sense that the Alpha Legion Primarchs would take a vision forced on them by a conspiratorial, manipulative confederacy of aliens at face value.
Similar problem to False Gods really.
No, because GW won't allow it
Just enjoy things for what they are. Movies aren't better than books, and so many 40K books are of high quality that you needn't be pining for a movie.
In case anyone's interested:
Good 40K books to just pick up for any newbies who are curious:
Eisenhorn Trilogy
Armageddon by Aaron Demski Bowden
Storm of Iron by Graham McNeil, followed by the Ultramarines series and assorted Iron Warriors short stories if you like it.
The Gaunts Ghosts Series
Night Lords Trilogy(I've read book 1 of 3 and liked it)
Ravenor Trilogy(sequel to Eisenhorn)
The short story "Survivor" by Steve Parker. Best 40K short story I've read. Bit hard to get your hands on. You should read up on who Yarrick is before reading it.
These Horus Heresy books, but all of them if you're into it enough(set 10,000 years before other 40K books)
First 5 books in the series(Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames, Flight of the Eisenstein, Fulgrim)
A Thousand Sons
Prospero Burns
The First Heretic
Deliverance Lost
Know No Fear
(This catches you up on the must reads of the first 20 heresy books, and honestly you could drop Mechanicum and Deliverance Lost, I just like them more than most people)
They’d ruin it
I liked it, but a lot of people thought the ending was retarded.
>is a Horus Heresy series possible in the nea
Fuck no. Why would one even want one about the HH. The setting should be 40k with anything about the HH being rumor, legend and history
It'd be hilarious to see the reactions of people who never touched anything 40k related
>Oh my god did that guy with the funny hat just shoot that soldier?
>These giant green orc things are so funny speaking like that OH GOD DID HE JUST SMASH THAT GUY INTO CHUNKS?
>Why aren't the big guys caring that the regular soldiers are getting killed?
Do we really want the Americans to ruin yet another franchise? For me, no.
*British franchise
Alright Yea Forums, big hollywood production team gets the rights to the 40k movie. What would be the best outcome? What would be the worst outcome?
It'd be a disaster and is totally unrealistic. But a man can still dream
Yes, the Imperium is fascist even in the HH era. Though it also has many communist elements as well. It's basically an amalgamation of the worst systems of governance in human history.
Anyway I love how it's so over-the-top satirical yet goes over the heads of dumb incels who think the imperium are the unironic goodguys
>M41 Imperial navy warships in atmosphere
DROPPED. The Imperium lost the tech for atmospheric-capable large ships
To be fair, at least in the Emperor's imperium, almost everything done was done because it would be one of the only ways humanity would survive the universe. Post heresy imperium is just corrupt though.
How many of the 40 HH books actually matter?
Everyone in 40k is an over-the-top jackass. The Imperium is not a nice place to live and the setting really emphasizes that.
Also it's canon that there are more progressive/humane human cultures to have survived such as the Interex or Adrantis Five. The Imperium genocides them tho
>monkey wrench
some others is kino tho
One of the newer books tries to fix this somewhat by having Alpharius state he has been having dreams of the end of the galaxy since childhood and the cabal just gave it a name
I really hate how it devolved into "Daddy issues: The series". Sure, Horus' daddy issues was always a thing, but now every primarch has something against the Emperor.
HH hasn't been "rumor and legend" since like 2001 when Index Astartes came out.
>genetically-engineered soldiers led by loli psykers
It was always daddy issues from the beginning. At least since 1993 when Realm of Chaos retconned Horus from being a general to the Emperor's son
Based cast but it'd cost them about a billion per episode
Pic related is 10/10
who would have thought that the weeb scars would have been the most bro-tier and interesting legion
Do you think it would be possible to show a proper tomb world awakening on the big screen?
Know No Fear and Prospero Burns are pure 40kino. Actually anything by Dan Abnett is.
>No Ciaphas Cain series mixing the Imperial Propaganda (Cain played by Bruce Campbell) with the inquisitorial archives (Cain played by Rowan Atkinson)
Hollywood's creativity is dead.
Pretty amazing indeed.
I remember being completly surprised by how cool Scars was. Never really cared about the WS but they got lucky with the Heresy Series as opposed to the Iron Hands lol.
I mean setting wise. HH is the background for 40k and that means it should be just that. Have your setting in 40k first then maybe after it gets a normalfag fanbase you can do a 30k story
Cain is actually a very competent leader, his motives just are more self centered than the Propaganda. Even Space Marines respect his fighting skills.
>Here's your Angron, bro
The Iron Hands are the absolute worst. Started a civil war within the remains of their legion towards the end of the HH because Shadrak Meduson was a Terran and got him killed.
The Mandalorian
100 million for 8 episodes
Do with that information as you will
>get married
>have a family
>play children's miniatures game to avoid them
Holy fuck how hard can you cuck yourself
it would need Avatar levels of funding to look good. I don't think GW has the balls to do it
Is there a tl;dr for the entire universe?
Shit's fucked, there is only war.
Super soldiers, aliens, demons, endless war.
Why would you want that?
>Forced diversity
>Space marine removes helmet to show strong woman
>Lore inconsistencies because lol nerd who cares
>We want the iPhone audience
It's be a nightmare.
Reminder that everything that has ever happened in 40k is the Necron's fault. The warp would not have existed if Necron's weren't edgy fuckers who "tamed" the C'tan.
necron lore is fucking stupid, feel free to ignore all of it
But this was true even with oldcron lore.
pffffffffffff m8 there really isnt
>mankind spreads out across the galaxy
>turns out wizards are real
>more and more psychic humans are born
>psychic humans draw attention from demons and shit
>demons get so horny and blood thirsty that the warp decides to shit itself
>A.I. decides humans are retarded and the galactic empire is plunged into war
>A.I ALMOST wins
>humanity barely survives
>can't communicate with each other anymore because warp travel is still fucked.
>The Man God Emperor Of Mankind decides its time to help humanity out because shit is really fucked up now
oh and also don't forget about eldar, orks, tyranids and a load of other shit
So the canon is that the fascist imperium killed all naysayers, and you're arguing that it does have something positive to say about fascism??
>No 'Forge of Mars' series in this list
Son, I am dissapoint
I read First Heretic first, as it was first part of the partworks release, and it seemed like the start of the story to me. Is there a reason why it's not?
it doesn't matter if it's negative, jews won't let anything a nazi might DEUS VULT over be made
I actually own it. I just haven't read it yet. I buy things then don't read them for years, but in the end I always get around to it.
>forced diversity
Imperium has and always will be diverse. They don't give a shit about race or gender, only that you're a purestrain human. Bionics, power armor, and genetic augmentation undoes whatever physical differences between men and women exist.
this would be unfortunate, 40k is supposed to be very straight in its humor
>space marine women
GW has shown no indication of going down this path and is in fact updating existing female armies (Sisters of Battle, Sisters of Silence) instead
>Lore inconsistencies
GW does this CONSTANTLY as it is
>Iphone audience
already the case
No. Heresy/40K is just as bad as Capeshit
it already is
Galaxy-spanning human religious nuts (whose god is a real person) get corrupted by space demons who live in the ftl dimension.
I guess they wanted the Horus Heresy series to start with a story about Horus, which does make sense from a structural perspective.
But yeah, The First Heretic mostly takes place 50 years before any other book in the series.
I liked it.
Who would win, a happy and accomodating culture or one bald guy with a creepy book?
WHFB is an underrated setting
I've not touched 40k in about 20 years. What the fuck is a Necron? I don't remember them.
40K. TV Show. The Space Wolf Omnibus.
This could actually work.
Fantasy is peak /comfy/
I can idle in the Vermintide 1 tavern for hours.
Any books for this pic's feel?
A 40k movie or TV is eventually going to happen. Interest in it is too much.
>massive chaos mutant apocalypse going on around you
>Still nice cozy tavern serving drinks and roasted pork
I still like it, played it today in fact. The setting is great but it's ruined TW for me now. Who cares about China with the same character models repeated? Give me my dragons.
I haven't read it in a while but I think The Last Chancers had a great bit where they were in the middle of a tyranid invasion
>Straight in its humor
40k should have no humour at least not intentionally.
Fuck off with this hurr durr 40k show when bullshit. Fucking fa/tg/uys.
There's , about regular IG fighting Tyranids. It's a bit game-divergent as it says the tyranid minis are only the species MOST COMMONLY ENCOUNTERED. So there's lots of new/lesser tyranids like giant centipedes and frogs with shit spawning from its back-like horror factories.
So what you're saying is it should be camp? That would work.
Poker is called wife evade for a reason, dipshit.
Warriors of Ultramar, though the second book in its series, does a good job portraying a tyranid invasion. Read this one and can recommend it.
If you just want sheer hopelessness, I've heard Fifteen Hours is like that. I haven't read it yet, but know its about being completely fucked on the battlefield.
I've also read Armageddon (combination of a novel and novella) by Aaron Demski Bowdem, and it also does a great job portraying an impossible siege against countless enemies.
A personal favourite that I think doesn't get talked about enough is Storm of Iron. This tells the story of a hellish siege where the good guys don't have much hope, and does so from the perspective of both sides.
Its always been full of intentional humor. The thing is it isn't "quippy". The humor is all told 100% dry and with a straight face
There's a cathedral-shape tanks that has a priest playing the keys to shoot rockets out of the pipe organ mounted on top. This is completely sensible within universe
These guys. Ancient "machines" made out of living metal. They sleep under planets called "tomb worlds" and are slowly reawakening after a massive war against Orkz, Eldar and the Old Ones.
>Actually anything by Dan Abnett is.
latest Gaunt's Ghosts was pretty meh desu
You probably wouldn't know about the Tau as well. They are the space communists of the setting now.
thats star wars/trek/*-man movies
Kind of cool. So are they something that has been introduced in a last few years?
This. Not only would the CGI budget have to be massive, there isn't even an interesting plotline to follow. Grimdark for the sake of grimdark makes for shit television.
They were introduced late 3rd edition I think, so somewhere between 1998 and 2004
There was a recent interview by Gav Thorpe one of the old guard still left at GW and denied there being a communist influence in the development of the Tau and said that the real communists were supposed to be the Imperium.
He said the Tau was mainly the brainchild of a developer he wouldn't name in the 90s that was obsessed with anime, specifically Gundam and Robotech
Back in my day it was Space Marines, Chaos, Eldar, Tyranids and Orks. I need to check out the new stuff.
Necrons and Tau have been around since like 2003, christ you're old.
There was a 40k movie already, you turbo pleb.
In that case you also probably haven't seen what Tyranids look like these days
This. But it is still doable.
it could work
No there was not.
Jesus christ
You don't want a 40k movie (the shitty Ultramarine film will not be mentioned). You think you do, but you don't.
There was and it was fucking shit.
Not one mention of Helsreach yet
>dumb incels
you can leave that limo liberal marketing jargon at the door mate
why do you need power armor just to stand around
No. There. Was. Not.
Is it not more to do with it being literally the only way to survive in the fucked up universe of the future?
Power projection.
I don't think Horus Heresy is a good way to introduce people into 40k.
You'd need a series playing in 40k, preferably some pre Fall of Cadia stuff. Just think about something like Eisenhorn turned into a TV series, you could introduce the different organisations within the Imperium from a pov that has access to everything except a few select places. It would also limit the action and give people time to get used to a fascist space theocracy ruled by a corpse but they are kinda the good guys since they are the only ones that don't want to wipe mankind from the face of the galaxy.
The other thing would be some action oriented thing with the guardsman as pov in a sector war or some shit, maybe against cultists. You wouldn't get much background information about how the Imperium works and focus on the individual soldiers.
40k is a lot to take in if you have no idea what it is about and it takes time to get into it since there is so much lore to it, a Inquisitor story would be the best to be honest, get some chaos in there as the main antagonist and maybe have some eldar corsairs raid some stuff or whatever to show people there is aliens and shit.
A series has to be accessible to the mainstream, and the Horus Heresy or some Black Crusade really isn't since it requires a lot of background information in order to understand it.
I'm excited for Death Of Hope. Helsreach was cool but DOH looks amazing
Sometimes I like to sit and remember that people literally walked around and fought in armour like that.
This, the comedy stems from how insanely over-the-top horrible the 40k universe is. It reminds me of the humor in Judge Dredd in that sense.
That animated ultramarines movie? It wasnt so good.
Agreed. You'd need to start small with the background stories like Imperial Guard vs a rebellion before throwing in all the wild factions.
It would HAVE to be an animated R-rated series to ever have a chance of repping the series well.
> don't think Horus Heresy is a good way to introduce people into 40k.
That's why I said this Space Wolf starts off from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about anything really outside of his tribe and island (much like newcomers to 40k)
you nerds have got it all wrong.
the first 40k film wouldn't be some epic retelling of the horus heresy or any other elongated narrative. it'd be better off a single location mood piece. a stranded platoon of imperial guard holding a trench on a god forsaken planet against a horde of greenskins. basically zulu 40k.
it could be dripping with 40k imagery and all the quasi fascist trimmings and rhetoric required, but would also be a small character story to stop the audience just getting lost in a sea of lore. wouldn't need to be a massive budget either.
think about mad max fury road, and how much imagery there is and how much you learn about the universe without having whole pages of codex read out ad verbatim.
if that's a hit, then you can move forward with the more lofty narratives.
yeah, there's a difference between humour and gags.
it's like iron maiden or judas priest artwork with skeletons riding harleys and shit. it has a comfortable sense of its own ridiculousness without being played for laughs.
>Grimdark for the sake of grimdark
GOT is doing pretty well, thats all recycled english history for "plot"
they will never capture the over the top feeling
most people not familiar with 40k for example think bolter are gothic machine guns and not a semi automatic rocket launcher
Start with guardsman who is fighting for his life on some planet. Far before Emeperor was on the throne. Build up from there. Guardsman need to survive and become fucking mary sue living for eternity. Final episode will be this guadsman forever suffering in the void. Just to say to normies to fuck off.
>wanting to exist in a universe where Dow doesn't exist
Strong as Horus put a big smile on my face.
>is a Horus Heresy series possible in the near future?
It should be a trilogy with a 3.5 hour Part 3. This is literally an untapped goldmine.
"30k," I like the sound of it
who are the spacemarines standing around looking all mad,
ITT: Bad suggestions that coat too much money with too much more for normals to digest
What we need is patrician kino following Ignace Karkasy, prove me wrong.
Fucking phone poasting
Still prove me wrong.
all the capeshit tv shows still look like ass garbage even with all the technology on earth. i thought there would be good cgi by the current year.
I am Alpharius
The fascists didn't kill the naysayers so much as the naysayers kept turning into demon worshippers and tried to start civil wars against the imperium or all died in their own private civil wars or planet scale demonic sacrifices. Also the naysayers are necessarily anti-fascists, just don't want to report to the imperium which just makes them rebel fascists.
Games Workshop is so insanely paranoid of anything that isn't miniatures taking money away from the miniatures that it's a miracle even shitty mobile games are getting made. Combine that with the veteran staff being a mix of out of touch businessmen who only understand it as a toy company and not the goldmine it could very easily be turned into and whinging leftists who are actively working to both spite the fanbase and ruin why people like it and odds are the IP's potential will just remain untapped forever.
Oh shit I hadn't seen these before. Thanks.
Shame it was absolutely destroyed. Total War Warhammer and Vermintide series are probably the last we'll get in the old FB and the newer games will take place in Age of Sigmar.
That armor from 1544 is aesthetic as fuck.
Stay the fuck away from 40K.
A tv show built around an Inquisitor story should be a good starting point. I haven't read Eisenhorn but that might just be it. In general something where you can limit the scope of the universe to appeal to a wider audience without having to spend hours explaining shit. Simply start with humans, grim dark scifi setting and introduce stuff bit by bit as it is relevant to the story.
They literally are humanity's "good guys" you stupid faggot, you just see everything in black and white morality like a brainlet.
So why are books being pumped out constantly? And there's comics, but nobody buys comics, and vidya.
One of the run-down apartment complexes in South Africa might make for a pretty good set to film a hive city. There's something deeply dystopian about that country.
> Magnus
> black guy fucking ruins everything
cast it
Gaunt's ghosts movie would be pretty cool.
No its far too complicated for such a limited format. Video games are probably most likely.
Starship Troopers was the closest we'll ever get to a Imperium vs Tyranids movie.
Event Horizon was the closest we'll get to a Dark Age of Technology movie.
>It didn't give a shit as long as you accepted the Emperor as your master
Just like Fascism. Though they used other terms.
Fascism has been demonised due to National Socialism which is an extremely virulent sub ideology of the original which ironically we based a lot of our modern day social and environmental policies off.
At its classical core, Fascism is Civic Nationalist not believing in race but nation and culture, Secular,traditionalist, and a central government minded run by one man. Much like how the Roman Empire was controlled. One man who was advised by a close knit circle of around a dozen individuals who in turn commanded dozens of other officials and on the cycle goes all power ultimately goes back to that one individual.
However each culture had different forms of Fascism and how they wished to implement it based on their ideals. It's a very diverse ideology.
Black Library, a publishing company makes the books.
Black Library is owned by Games Workshop, who own the IP.
So Black Library gets to actually make good use of the IP because Games Workshop retains full veto on anything that happens.
Unfortunately in the past few years Black Library has taken a massive downturn as Games Workshop's corporate suits have limited its freedom and made it a much more direct and less artistically legitimate advertisement for its toys.
You can't say Fascism has been demonized due to National Socialist Fascism when the original and most ideologically pure fascism as practiced by Mussolini led to him fully participating in the evil of the nazis and getting his country destroyed and occupied at the complete mercy of foreign powers.
The most successful Fascist was Franco, and really that says everything.
this. british films for british franchises, it's the only way to guarantee quality.
This is the only idea that would work. It's basically Sharpe's Rifles in space.
The nice guy planets in the imperium that didn`t kill witches and psychers on sight exploded into daemons and chaos due to the instability of the warp, and the fact that untrained psychers are basically living nukes waiting to go off. Terra and all of the successful planets in the imperium shipped off/lobotomized/slaughtered anyone with psychic abilities
Who would play /ourguy/ and dare i say best character in the fluff, erebus?
But why is it so expensive reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
also fuck all that dlc shit
seething incels hate to be named
Mussolini was forced to.
Read into the history of his alliance of convenience. Prior to their alliance, it saw what was happening to its neighbours. The "allies" had a deep distrust of each other from beginning to end.
Italy as a nation hated having to side with Germany. The 1938 Italian racial laws proved that and its reaction among the Italian people who were disgusted by the German demands of Jews and the few thousand non Europeans that lived in Italy at the time.
But Germany was the superior power(and still is in Europe today). Italy felt its only chance of gaining a Mediterranean empire was with Germany after their humiliation by the allies in WW1. After spilling so much blood fighting the central powers only to be brushed aside and not given what was promised, was the final insult.
It's not black and white. It's a very complex history.
Irony is the alliance with Italy is what ultimately doomed Germany. Italy's incompetence in warfare meant precious resources and manpower were diverted to North Africa and South East Europe instead of the Eastern Front which cost them heavily and actually delayed Barbarossa by several weeks due to the Greek intervention/fiasco.
Imperium is actually killing itself through its policies. Thats always been a point. Their regime just makes the Chaos Gods stronger.
This is why tyhe chaos gods were happy about the heresy ending with an imperial "win"
Based Khan.
>tfw no Dredd 2
Alpharius was right and the hero the galaxy needs
>>tfw no Dredd 2
There's a television series in the works, as well as Rogue Trooper if you're into that.
Is it true Gulliman is alive? Why couldn't it be a better primarch.
W40k coined grimdark
love that film.
He's the least autistic among the loyalist ones.
You guys realise Blood angels is coming out this year right?
how the fuck would they even set up the background information for all the dumb popcorn americans? That alone would take several episodes at least.
But Gulliman IS the best primarch
Brett Dalton
haven't read this one yet, read scars awhile back but dont remember anything
No background you just drop them in the shit and figure it out along the way, one user had an idea where the first episode follows a guardsman in training, end of the episode he's on a date or something and the camera pans up to reveal the eye of terror and you realise they are on Cadia before it broke
HH could start with a massive war against the last Ork empire in Ullanor system. A simple beginning and showing how much of a good guy Horus was, saving Emperor's life in the that campaign and all.
Angron, Perturabo, and the Khan are the only good primarchs. Everyone else is gay and stupid.
/tg/ fag
>Though it also has many communist elements as well.
Americans need to stop posting. Absolutely NOTHING in Warhammer 40k is communist. The Eldar are the closest thing you have in the lore with their post-scarcity stuff but that is the only parallel that can be drawn to it. Literally everything else is fascism, and that's the way it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be an extremely shitty future where fascism, for all its terribleness, is the only thing that keep humanity in the fight and it's supposed to be completely shitty for that.
I don't know where you retards get that fascism is good. So fucking stupid. Crawl back in your holes.
>that absolutely disgusting art
>Literally everything else is fascism
More like feudalism.
So nothing changed?
>Empire of Man
That's heresy, user.
I was floored when I found out how much stuff Starcraft ripped from 40k. When I was younger I was like "pfffft Orks in space that's fucking gay, lmfao Eldar are so lame" and thought Zerg, Terran and Protoss were on another level of coolness and lore. I'm glad I learned how wrong I was, Starcraft Brood War was a great game but Blizzard can't make up their own stories or characters if their fucking life depended on it.
>Tyranids are Zerg but far more creative units, utterly terrifying and alien
>Terran have no religious symbolism, no culture, no "spice", units are generic as fuck and so are the characters and stories surrounding them
>the Protoss Dragoon housing fallen soldiers ripped straight from the Dreadknaught / Ork Stompa
>Protoss lore is watered down Eldar lore
>40k has more than 3 Walmart Mcfactions and they are all fleshed out with incredible variation in how they live, act, and battle
Meanwhile Starcraft 2 is like "I'm Raynor, I'm a drunk now, and I forgot about Fenix and wanting to kill Kerrigan, I want to fuck her, also now she's space Shesus and shit"
>Terran have no religious symbolism, no culture, no "spice"
Starcraft 1 had them as space rednecks, it didn't last but I wouldn't say they were without character.
God is real and he's dead, humans worship his corpse. Ftl travel happens through hell. Humans rule the galaxy but are hanging on by a thread. Reality is coming apart at the seams as demons pour into the galaxy through a gigantic rift in the sky. Also bugs are coming to eat us all.
>God is real and he's dead,
He doesn't want to be worshiped as a god though because that prevents people from being enlightened by their own intelligence.
Tau aren't communists either. Stop this shit. It's so annoying to see you retards blabber this inanity.
Dude they all ripped Starship Troopers.
honestly what a cuck why did he do it
food shortages are a thing and that's communist as fuc
There are no space kulaks to burn grain and slaughter livestock because they don't want to collectivise. I mean, there were food shortages in Ireland too (because of Britain) so is the Imperium a bunch of leprechauns?
>is the Imperium a bunch of leprechauns?
Uh... yeah? At least that's how it used to be. There's catgirls and ogres too.
If the technology gets cheap enough some russian guy is going to animate the perfect Horus Heresy.
Hollywood wouldn't understand it though.
They'd try to make it marketable. Make humans the good guys. Make it accessible for larger audiences. Change the ending.
No matter how good they'd make it look, they'd mess up the world and the story.
Russia is pretty much the Imperium anyway.