How old were you when you committed 100% to film? Just started watching 3 films per day. I'm 22 BTW.
How old were you when you committed 100% to film? Just started watching 3 films per day. I'm 22 BTW
Never, and I still don't.
No job? Are you going to a college or something?
>he actually watches television or film
Is that Gone With The Wind? I just started watching it for the first time today.
It's damn fine, but LONG.
>I just started watching it for the first time today
Unless you mean that you have a habit of watching it multiple times in a day, this is bad. Watch it in one sitting or not at all. You can stop if you need to piss or shit, and you can have a ten minute break at the intermission, but you don't watch films in increments unless you're a turbocasual.
3 fims a day!? Are you a NEET?
Between 4.5 and 8 hours a day on film? Sure....... must be easy if you don't leave a basement and mom brings you your food.
No one is impressed by this. Go outdoors, meet people, have sex.
i only watch capeshit
One of my brothers and my cousins like to watch movies and tv shows a lot.
Like they'd pirate entire years worth of releases and watch them in a month or two.
I personally think that's not sane.
As for me, I can't start watching a movie or tv show if I don't have a TV. I can have Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime, et all, but I won't for the life of me sit in front of my laptop to watch a movie. I need a sofa and a TV
Am I the only one? 24 years old btw
Its escapism
yes, 22. I enrolled in a film studies course. It was fun but the people I went to school with were 95% obnoxious psueds. the only cool people were about half the lecturers. then I dropped out after 2 years because shitposting on Yea Forums is more fun and rewarding than academia and i was too much of a weirdo to actually get a job in the industry. I'm pretty sure a bachelor's in film studies isn't worth a whole lot anyway.
Not him, but I only watch this many films in months when the paycheck's too lean for sex workers.
Never saw the point of watching movies everyday or worse, multiple a day
Best way to watch an endless wave of forgettable trash that you will not remember barely a year from now, even the very best movies will be lost in that indistinguishable litany of shit
Opinion made in 5 minutes about it, then parroted for the rest of your life as you don't even remember one line of the shit you're talking about
I just don't get it
A single movie takes me two days to finish it
you'll burn out fast on three a day. a double feature before you go to bed is the way to do it.
>Opinion made in 5 minutes about it, then parroted for the rest of your life as you don't even remember one line of the shit you're talking about
Maybe you just have a bad memory.
>I'm pretty sure a bachelor's in film studies isn't worth a whole lot anyway.
Nowadays everything is about proving yourself, and it's easy because it's not like you can't just buy/pirate a professional grade movie studio software and get the equipment with not that much money.
All you need is the will to do it, really. There are lots of free/paid/pirated courses all around the Internet. I learned design and digital marketing that way and I've been getting jobs in that field. I don't consider myself particularly good, but I can handle what I'm thrown at.
Who here 4-a-day master race?
Watch three movies a day for a year or two and we'll see how many you actually properly remember two years later.
And I have a pretty good memory, thanks for asking.
I'd binge watch a very good tv show or anime during week nights and if I'm not feeling like going out/spending money I'd just watch something on Netflix or whatever.
I've wasted so much of my early 20s watching movies. I should save that them for when I'm 70 and cant move around.
Between my job, house, wife and kids, I don't have time for more than one movie a week, tops.
The difference being that a single TV show or anime or whatever has a single plot, atmosphere, casting, background and history
Really no comparison between this and watching 10 different movies in 3 days.
It’s 2019, I haven’t been to a theatre since TLJ.
Why waste my time streaming movies when television is so consistently superior?
Between the ages of 16-24 I used to watch about 6 films a week. I definitely watched around 2000+ movies in that time span. Once I had watched and re-watched films for that long I got bored. It's really not about the amount of films you watch, or the level of quality even: It's about the people you can share the experience with. Watching films on your own gets boring.
>Watch three movies a day for a year or two and we'll see how many you actually properly remember two years later.
I have done this, and I remembered them all. On one occasion, I rewatched something without having intended to because I had forgotten its title, but I recognized it within the first three shots.
Yeah, you're right, cinema is lost on someone like you.
>I remembered them all
Yeah you can maybe make a brief summary of it, half of those will be inaccurate or have massive holes in them, but it indeed comes back when you re-watch them
What an absolute genius
At 26 I feel done with this medium. I feel like all the "mainstream" films become very predictable once you've seen hundreds already. And I'm too ADD to dive into arthouse.
Get the fuck off this board, newfag. We hate film here.
>watching films on your own gets boring
this is the most plebeian opinion I have ever seen posted on this board
>sex workers
just say prostitutes or whores
More like being alone makes film harder to like since film is about human interplay.
Watching one film a day is perfectly manageable and standout works will leave a markable impression.
>Opinion made in 5 minutes about it, then parroted for the rest of your life as you don't even remember one line of the shit you're talking about
The frequency of your film viewing makes no difference. Some people watch a film only once every other weekend and it's the same outcome. Only your interest and enjoyment of the medium matters. If you like a film you will read critiques, you will listen to interviews by the people involved, you will want to know the context and the production behind the work. The Criterion Channel for example is a great source for this.
>And I'm too ADD to dive into arthouse.
Too bad because that's where the best films are.
Sex workers is the preferred term.
I miss my early twenties, working part time, smoking a ton of weed, watching classic movies all day.
You're projecting, and you didn't bother reading what I wrote properly. Stay mad.
One a day is probably the limit to do it properly, with actual interest for behind the scenes and interviews as you describe, I can agree with that.
Though at this point it's your one and only hobby if you also have a job. Which is fine, don't get me wring, I just don't personally work like that. But more than one a day every day doesn't leave enough time to leave an actual impression, and even one a day imo is more tiring than anything. Especially the days you watch a particularly good or bad one, the next day you're not in the mood to give another one the attention it deserves imo.
>One a day is probably the limit to do it properly, with actual interest for behind the scenes and interviews as you describe, I can agree with that.
FOUR a day.
that is the number
>muh projection
>muh stay mad
Says the guy jumping to attack me in the first post he made. You're also kidding yourself and I'd really love to interrogate you in person about the movies you claim to remember, if you weren't such a boring fuck.
Nothing wrong with being an escapist monomaniac I guess
Oh wait
I would check her plumbing if you catch my drift
>Just started watching 3 films per day.
I did this for about two years. It gets old, and you'll run out of interesting things to watch.
But do you think about the films you watch?
I don't think they think at all
Doesn't everyone.
Yes while watching the next one
Just let the moving images flow in front of your eyes. No thinking needed
>you'll burn out fast on three a day. a double feature before you go to bed is the way to do it.
I average around 250 movies each year + some rewatches + some series. Slow and steady is the right way.
I went through my backlog of everything I had never seen. Mostly older classics like Stalker, Chinatown, 8 1/2 etc. I managed to get to up to watching 3-4 films a day. I'll go back to doing it again when I've got the time.
>Watching films on your own gets boring.
Movies make me feel less lonely, user.
One after waking and one before sleeping is better.
I find films more immersive and impactful when watching alone.
I probably watch like 1 film every 4 months. Go to the theaters 1-2 a year.
No, you attacked everyone in the thread with that post. If you're too mediocre, and too much of a peasant, to commit to a hobby, by all means stay away from people who are genuinely interested in it.
It's called self-discipline.
>All you need is the will to do it, really.
It's simple but true
I don't have the attention span yo watch one film a day let alone 3.
Same to be honest
You are fucking coping, ong stop lying to yourself, if you really watch 4 movies a day and are interesting in doing research about them you clearly are not doing anything else and thats evading the world around you. Sheit i like movies but i can't imagine what kind of life someone must have to commit themselves to watch numerous movie per day on a long period of time. Sad.
The only thing I'm comitted to is my qt3.14. Pretty nice, you should try it sometime. ;)
Plus your wasting your precious time posting on this shit site. No one serious about movie this much would lurk around 4 chan. All the people here watches movies like a junkie put a needle in is arm
Didn't this guy watch 3 per day? Personally I think over 2 is a bit excessive.
>i started watching it
The users of this board legitemately sicken me as someone who ACTUALLY likes film. "started watching". What a little shitstain. People in the 1930's sat thru the whole bloody thing and loved it and this obese incel faggot is gonna watch it in 20 minute bursts because kike supplied dopamine rekt his brain. I spit on you parasite.
hahaso funny xdddd, give me some (you)'s my friends! this is why i come here after all haha, i have no hobbies, no passions, no life but at least i have (you)s haha XDD i love life
he's on Yea Forums, everyone here is genuienly (shiet) retarded
average "person" on Yea Forums ladies and faggotmen
>only watches new, popular garbage
>complains its bad
what other outcome could there possibly fucking be, cretin? Hmm i wonder what will happen if i drop a bucket of paint on my head. is it gonna make a rainbow on the wall heh heh hu hu ha ha
please keep whining, that should help
>All the people here watches movies like a junkie put a needle in is arm
have you read this thread? they couldn't sit thru a 10 minute short without taking a Yea Forums break
yeah and he's an acclaimed director, who the fuck are u gonna end up as, user?
>hurr if you don't watch 3 movies a day you are a peasant not interested in the hobby hurr
My god, do I hate worthless pseuds like you.
I watch 3-4 movies a day but I let them all play at once. I make sure they're the same genre when I made the mistake of watching a comedy and the notebook together. It completely ruined the experience for me when I was trying to laugh at a scene and trying to cry at the same time to a different scene.
>look I replied to everyone saying they're retarded do I fit in yet???
Fuck off, nigger.
You don't like to let them sink in?
All that matters to the pseud is the number
Do you actually think I'd like to fit in with people who are this pathetic?
If it's good enough to sink in, it will.
She is perfect
>have you read this thread? they couldn't sit thru a 10 minute short without taking a Yea Forums break
Thats my point, a junkie would put a needle in is arm then take a cigarette, maybe a drink too. Id say we can easily assume the majority of people who post here are addicted to the bullshit they see here. Theres nothing of value, a lot of us agree on that and a lot of us stay here still. Those are signs of unhealty living.
Clearly, I misunderstood you
I don't give a fuck about what you'd like, retarded namefag, go fuck yourself and be a moronic pseud elsewhere, I'm sure you have some dumb shit to circlejerk about so go do that.
I was around 13. I rated over 3k movies before I was 20. But the fact that I have no life helped a lot.
How many now?
"moving pictures" are for retards