Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#404 Flop Not Found EDITION
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Repostan from last thread, feedback welcome:
Best OP
May this thread be blessed with Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
nice work OP.
I will allow your use of thread number and edition in OP because of the special occasion.
I don't need your permission to post.
I don't need your permission to edition.
I don't know what bad writing looks like but this doesn't work for me.
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita's cute little scar on the bridge of her nose.
i want sequel now
>I don't know what bad writing looks like
It looks like that.
The official novelization is so garbage it makes the scrapyard look like not a big pile of garbage
Why does it look like that one paragraph doesn't have any spaces between words? Is that on purpose?
>you now realise someone got paid to write this
Why are all of you rooting for the villain? Zapan was the true hero of the story.
Hey Zapan!
jesus who proofread that? Were they drunk? Good thing those books aren't considered canon.
What did you say?
Literally all he did in the movie was fight crime. And he's supposed to be the bad guy? Gimme a break.
You'd think they'd run a spell check. Even my autistic nephew would do that.
No one is greater than the game.
We need some more 404 memes for the special occasion. Anyone got anything?
Hey Zapan! Not the furniture!
>insult her friend with the 'meatboy' slur
>schemes to mess with her
>kills someone
>frames Hugo for murder
>crushes Hugo's shoulder until it beeds
>kills someone else
>tries to kill Hugo by stabbing him
YES, he IS supposed to be a bad guy.
Me on the left
some of these words look likethey'recongealedtogether wtf
I heard the mods were planning to ban these generals after #404. Enjoy our last thread, fellas.
The only good thing he did was stab Hugo.
>i feel a connection to it
the cut to the song right after this line seems a little abrupt, but otherwise it was really good and gave me goosebumps
not really 404 related but I want an edit of Dyson posting in /alita/ surrounded by merch and with Martian warpaint.
I doubt that but we'll enjoy it as we usually do either way
>I heard
>I wish with all my butthurt tears
Thisiswhatpeak writing lookslike
zapan looked so cool and was a badass
not the dumbest OC I've made, but close
I'm fresh out of money and sexual mark meme. But here's this ol' thing.
Hugo and Tanji were jacking cyborgs, they deserved what they got. And from Zapan's point of view Hugo was some rando who just strolled into a hangout for hunter-warriors like he has any right to, he deserved to get shat on. Also bitch broke his nose, of course he's gonna be mad, what did little miss full-of-herself expect?
Lol, the cake one was my meme. I actually have an idea, and it ties into my special OC I've been working on.
Jacking off cyborgs, you mean
nice work but yes that was pretty dumb lol
>Also bitch broke his nose
almost justified but nope. He was getting creepy and handsy. His nose was living on borrowed time after that.
I like the first sentence, at least.
>they deserved what they got
Still doesn't excuse Zapan for being an evil killer for two people without marks on them.
>Hugo was some rando who just strolled into a hangout for hunter-warriors like he has any right to,
Still doesn't excuse his multiple murders.
/r/ing the drawings of Alita training with Yotsuba, the one in color and the one in black and white
Zapan was a tough guy using his cybernetic enhancements to bully the weak and prey on the defenseless. He was also shameless enough to try to assault a smaller and rookie hunter warrior, a female at that. A pathetic excuse for a WARRIOR. In other words, he was a little bitch.
he was a dick but his cybernetics are /fa/ and he's OUR dickhead and we love him
Don't lie, if Alita walked into your local watering hole you'd hit on her too. It's implied Zapan is somewhat of a local celebrity so he's probably used to having women throw themselves at him, so no wonder he was so confident in his charm.
Maybe that puts him in a morally grey area, like Dirty Harry or Harvey Bullock, but he's still protecting the public. It's also stated that the system sometimes protects criminals who are useful, so it's no wonder someone like Zapan would heroically put his own livelihood at stake just to get rid of a public menace. Why is him killing Tanji wrong but Alita killing Grewishka justified? Grewishka had no bounty on his head either.
Fucking saved.
One of McTeague's dogs brings something in its mouth when it returns. Is it a piece of Grewishka, or its own tail?
Also I noticed that at least one of the dogs has a table fork as a foot.
5 seconds in paint. Follow up soon.
Your argument falls apart when you remember he killed an innocent cyborg to frame Hugo.
even if I was a minor celeb I still wouldn't flirt by immediately touching them like he did.
>Why is him killing Tanji wrong but Alita killing Grewishka justified?
He murdered Tanji in cold blood. Alita killed Grew in self defense. I'm open to Zapan getting redeemed but I don't think that's in the cards for FA.
Because Grewishka drew first blood.
Grewishka was throwing Ido around. He tried to kill Ido and Alita. He's a known killer of innocent women. It was in self-defense. HE STARTED IT.
Also, really, his intent wan't even in bringing justice. The whole plot that involved killing that rando (as proof of the framed murder), and killing Tanji (he got in the way), was so he could have a mark out on Hugo, so he could force Alita to either watch Hugo be killed at his own hands or her. That some sick, twisted shit.
What does it mean to be alive, /ALITA/?
I like it!
one coin for funny work, user.
I don't know fren. This is what Alita and K and all the other extended-fren universe contemplate. It's why we like these movies so much.
at least use the nicer one
They made Zapan pretty much irredeemable in the movie, in the manga he's not as blatantly evil. He doesn't kill an innocent person to frame Yugo for muder; Yugo is already guilty of spine theft which is punishable by death. Yugo is accused of a murder he didn't commit, but that was actually done by Vector, who walks in on Yugo jacking someone and then puts an axe through the cyborg's head because he heard Vector say Yugo's name.
Zapan kills Yugo's friends (the third guy doesn't get away in the manga) but he does so after they try to jack him, you can't say it's not legit to kill someone who tried to steal your spine.Also, Zapan isn't the one who mortally wounds Yugo, that's another hunter-warrior. Zapan just shows up when Alita is escaping with Yugo's head hooked to her life support system. However, Zapan does knock out Ido and take him hostage to use as leverage against Alita, so he's still morally in the hole.
Alita&! when?
>Alita & Chocolate
>Alita & the Amusement Park
>Alita & Halloween
manga Zapan is definitely more grey, you're right. Your post honestly just added fuel to my "Yugo is irredeemable and Hugo is best meatboy" fire.
As said it was necessary because Vector was obviously pulling strings to protect Hugo's cyborg jacking operation, same as what he was doing with Grewishka. Zapan must have a grudge against people who jack cyborgs, pretty obvious why he'd have a problem with criminals like that. Also it's not like Alita isn't skirting the morally grey area, bitch used entrapment tactics to make Zapan commit a violation, while she herself was committing a more grave one by protecting a criminal. Zapan tried to uphold justice by exposing that fact and what does he get in return? His face cut off. It's just not fair to him at all, he's a stand up bloke and all he gets is shit on while the audience fucking cheers.
Mild kek
Zapan in the manga did nothing wrong, unironically.
He’s the one that tells Gally and Ido that Yugo is jacking off cyborgs before attacking him.
In fact, it’s Gally who acts like a bitch by destroying his face, as even tho Zapan threatened her for not killing Yugo, he was following the hunter’s law and stopped when the Centurion called him out.
Movie zapan is a Bad guy for beheading the cyborg, but not for killing Hugo and Tanji
there has to be a video
>killing an innocent cyborg was necessary
>Zapan has a grudge against people who jack cyborgs
Does not compute.
Zapan was already planning to kill Hugo long before he knew about the jacking. He's just a bitch who's salty he got owned by a teenage girl.
he killed a random person just so he could frame someone just so he could fuck with his girlfriend to get her to kill him or watch himself kill him. Killed some random guy because he was trying to protect his friend. Murder carries a bounty. Getting his face sliced off is getting off easy. The the Factory was paying attention, Zapan would be on the wrap for fraud, framing, conspiracy, murder, and attempted murder. Penalty = death.
Kind of fitting we hit our 404 thread the same day Alita is removed from China theaters.
Also he doesn't get handsy with Gally in the manga, he just tells Ido he and the other hunters won't go after Makaku because Makaku's too dangerous and they're in it to make a living not get killed.
Gally beats up everyone in the bar and Zapan takes it way more personally than the others, maybe partially because he was kind of representing the others, also there's a funny sequence where Gally uses him like a puppet and cuts other cyborgs up with his blade.
Nova does say that Zapan is Gally's karma come back to haunt her so it implies that she wasn't entirely blameless for what happened.
Zapan is bad but I'm glad he killed off this awful character.
>Zapan takes it way more personally than the others, maybe partially because he was kind of representing the others
It's because he lost face in front of everyone.
They're both pretty morally reprehensible. I think I actually dislike Hugo more because he lacks the PTSD-like motivation of Yugo to go to Zalem at any cost to escape what a city that is metaphorically destroying him. He's not even looking for a better life, just an escape. Hugo is more mentally stable but that also makes his desire to go to Zalem a bit more petty and whimsical, especially since his life in Iron City seems to be pretty decent.
Yeah she's completely unaware of the vendetta he has against her. She doesn't even remember his name iirc.
Fuck off, Tanji was a bro in the end.
He didn't like /ourgirl/
He even called her a bitch
He told Hugo that they should have jacked her
He was mean, but he died to save Hugo in the end. That's something Alita would do. He was redeemed.
That's what I'm saying.
>we should have jacked that bitch when we had the chance
This, if it wasn't for /outfit/ Tanji Hugo would of hand his head sliced off and Alita would of been mortified when Zapan showed her that.... So ever tho he's not been 100% on board, he's definitely based in my eyes.
Yes but I think wanting to tear her arms and limbs off is worse than just calling her a bitch lol
fuck you autocorrect.
404girl protected from evil cardboard moster
I'm glad he's dead.
He said that shit in the heat of the moment to piss Hugo off... But I don't know if you were still watching or what happened bet he did save Hugo from being beheaded, ultimately costing him his life...
Everyone in the film did some questionable shit. Even Alita commits murder by killing Vector.
>oH nOoo
>lOokS liKe HeS gOt uSSS
>Defending Vector
Well that's the whole point, no one in the film is honest. There's a constant theme of breaking promises, Alita does it just as much as the other characters.
Drawfren #2 here
Just got home from easter with family and girlfriend, any simple requests you guys have?
Also, I think my girlfriend was getting jelous of Alita
Being Alive is being able to be healed by Alita
Glad you had a good Easter. Maybe for the occassion, just a simple Alita drawing about easter. You aren't the one who does the kiddie Alita doodles, are you? Do something similar.
I'm not, just stating the obvious. What Alita did was murder in cold blood and thanks to her we're not gonna have Vector in the sequels. I really liked him as a character.
Cyberpunk as a genre tends to have the "everyone bends the rules sometimes" thing as a common theme.
>Also, I think my girlfriend was getting jelous of Alita
don't be that guy, user. Don't ruin a relationship. but that would be hilarious if it did
Compare her eyes to Alitas. That should do the trick.
"As long as I get her eyes."
Im the alita doodles user
Im on it
improved my oc a bit
I hope it brings you comfort.
Oh, I was just joking, we are fine!
Thank you for your concern, fren
Fucking love these pictures, thank you again user!
very nice
What’s good about the first one is that she’s looking at Yotsuba.
very comfy, user
Sneed- Feed and Seed
pinnacle of comfy and now I'm sad because I don't have a bedroom with that view.
>build a small shrine to Alita
>make it sort of hidden but in a place where she's gonna find it
>watch as hilarity ensues
I missed this one Nice bit of Blade Runner/Alita crossover.
thanks :3
>user what's this?
>it's a shrine, what's wrong with you?
Needs an edit
Im thinking of doing her with the trech coat from the bar scene
Knowing her, she would just back off while closing the door slowly
Writeanon, if you're here, I fell asleep last night thinking of ideas for your OC list. Sorry
While I do this, Im making a doodle on Motorball, anyone got a good image of the other racers trying to kill Alita?
beyond my skills, commissar. But I'll do my best. Give me a minute.
This do the trick?
The way that the motorball tryout progresses, is that one of the wingmen gets pushed out the way by a hunter-warrior because he wants to claim the kill for himself - and then they each take her on one on a time. It's only when they stop hogging the kill and team up against her that they make any headway.
What was Hugo, her Coach or Agent?
Screwhead is hot. Or was hot. Her hair and crazy eyes and eye shadow totally do it for me.
Look at /ourgirl/ so small but man she can do some damage.
>tfw you will never be Alita's coach
You sure?
>tfw hugo will never be your coach
okay, did my bare minimum best
She's got 4 arms and wheels instead of feet. Weird flex, but okay
>Vector wants you to try out for second league.
>I can't be a pro motorball player!
>Ali, you could be the best! You win this tryout, make a pile of credits? We can go to Zalem together!
>Only if you'll be my coach.
>If that's what it takes~
I'm ok with this.
In the Motorball, yes. But her street body is more conventional with two arms and two legs.
Ok, will finish this soon.
Thanks, fren
Hey VA, hows it hangin'?
>it's not useless stuff, mom
>it's my waifu!
I wish the paper I am doing this was a bit bigger so I could write something like "Dad will totally let me eat chocolate for dinner if I win" or something
Absolutely adorable
I'm tired and need to work on Beach but I'm playing Fire Emblem
Where did you get the pins?
The Alita Experience.
Are we to believe that disabled WW1 veteran at 0:03 is an actual hunter warrior?
Heck, nice.
Weird to see this image and then look over at the glass I have now. Thanks again fren!
Did the gift user die? This is Iron City after all.
...Are the beers any good?
I can't quite tell if Screwhead thinks Alita is pretty or if Alita thinks Screwhead is pretty.
Yes, that short jacket she wears in Kansas + the tight jeans...
Taste like any other IPAs. Badlands is the best one IMO.
yw fren
Jelly of that Ali cutout o_o
don't do what you're about to do user
Don't like the pictures either, but
>implying alita and hugo weren't going at it like the horny teenagers they literally were
>Why do you keep doing this to me user?
Posty bois are comfy and ready for temporary storage. I'm waiting on the polypropylene sleeves so I can slide them into large plastic tubes. Eventually they will all be stored flat in an acid free container.
fuck you
they probably didn't because their relationship was super short.
>plastic glove
why user?
Some of the hunter warriors don't look very intimidating at all so maybe they just enforce traffic tickets. Jokes aside since Ajakutty is there just hanging out casually they probably have alternate bodies for when they go hunting. Sorta like how Alita has different bodies for different purposes.
It's probably to not damage the posters with the natural oil from his hands.
>when you can't get enough of your favorite yogurt
New cut of our theme song for the user that requested i finish it
>tfw you realize you're Zapan
hey kid... what are you doing?
Here you go, fren
Happy easter
I swear I wasn't grabbing my crotch before handling the posters.
No matter how clean your hands are, they still produce oil and acid. That oil leaves stains and the acid eventually eats up the poster.
I forgot the bunny ears while inking
Man that's some quality work.
Room for Nurse Gerhad?
Do we really assume that the movie only takes places within the time frame of noticeable day/night interchanges?
c u t e
Your style there kinda reminds me of like, old cartoons
There's hardly any difference between manga Zapan and movie Zapan. He's a narcissistic asshole in both, and follows the same plotline.
>gets trashed by Alita at Kansas Bar
>becomes obsessed with getting revenge on her
>spies on her and finds her weakness - Hugo
>catches Hugo in act of crime and kills his friends (only Tanji in movie)
>arranges for a situation where Alita is forced to kill Hugo so he can watch her suffer
>gets 4d chessed by Alita and loses his face again, this time literally
Great work, frens.
S-stop !
Oh yes. I do try to go "chibi" tho
you really hit the nail on the head with this one
Maybe on the next one, this one is too crowded already.
Any ideas?
It is adorable
Really like the alternate cut version.
I mean we don't have much to go on so it's very possible. I'll be generous and say that the whole movie MAYBE takes place over a month.
very confused what
Thanks, frens.
I havent made any drawing for almost a year before checking the /alita/ threads, but it feels good to be back at it.
Is this what the healing feels like?
/healing/ has taken on many forms. Improved attitudes, rekindling old interests, making positive changes in our lives... All sorts of things.
I think a fair few of us have had the fire of creative expression rekindled thanks to Alita.
God, this is lovely ;-;
Very cute work indeed ! Do more please !
Sure, any simple idea?
anyone got an image of zapan with the berserker body?
Alita making cutesy/lovey faces at Hugo
I wish I had more comfy to offer but the stress of finals has me down.
I did just order another set of stickers though so I'm looking forward to those.
Of all Peaches' webms, this is the one I'm most looking forward to seeing remade. Never fails to make me smile.
>All this new OC
That looks metal af
Yeah, this and the xenomorph form aren't getting into the movies
Is K taking a leak and got it stuck in the fly?
agreed. This and his 'strong heart' one are top of my list.
K is a representation of my stress while Alita represents myself trying to make comfy OC.
but your idea works too
la creatura
reminds me of this kind of lol
I'll try to doodle something nice
Drawfren #2 here.
I would like to request a version of this, only with Alita and Hugo for a more skilled drawfren
can some kind user cut out Erica and Damjen?
What are you anons doing in the meantime until the sequel comes out? I hope you're not wasting your life in these generals instead of having sex
work work work, gym gym gym comfypost I choose not to have sex. Very easily could date; not bad looking, pretty good with girls, just not in the right mental space for it.
Making OC, working, watching other movies. If you have sex regularly you don't belong here.
Jerome when he doesnt get his tendies.
Well, there'll be set photos and stuff leading up to the sequel's release, plus OC's because of the blu-ray footage now being available.
Tbf you don't really belong anywhere.
School, work, creative stuff and registering as an extra so I can be on the sequel.
Most of my time is devoted to trying not to kill myself but you can bet I'll be on these generals till then.
> ex gf calls me for the first time since breakup
> make pleasant conversation, she was really nice, but she just wanted an opening to get back together
> I tell her kindly “I'm sorry but I found someone else”
> I was talking about Alita all along
where does one register to be an extra?
Thanks user
stone cold m8
fucking kek
Don't be like that, fren. We're always here to help eachother. Are you the user with the drug problem from a while back?
Alita is a cute succubus confirmed
No, I'm not him.
I really do hope he's ok though. Everyone has something that's hard to overcome.
tfw walking around with the confidence of gigachad because I'll never be any of you fucking losers. God DAMN I love alita threads.
s u c c
Damn right user
>he built all of me!
>except my core... that's mine
How can she be so cute?
Martian Blood magic
we may never know
it's the way she says it. She's barely able to hide how proud she is about it.
Alita was meticulously designed to be as fucking adorable as possible. You can pick out every single aspect of her appearance to the way she behaves, and it ticks all the boxes to making a cute character. Soft clean, black hair, smiling a lot, idealistic beauty in the face, the way it's shaped, her big inviting eyes, etc.
Hell, Plinkett explained this about the NaVi in his old Avatar review.
This scene melted my heart holy shit
You're just mentally ill
Alita's face makes the rest of the world feel dull in comparison, I can't handle it.
Ayy good to see the koozies! Hope you get good use out of them. Any other anons want a koozie let me know.
>you're pretty cute too, user
>i'm ready for it
>i'm ready for the kissu
Stop, Alita. You're a fictional character that ruined my outlook on life.
I'm sorry, it's my fault.
James Cameron wanted us all to feel what he was feeling.
Draw her with cat ears and a tail, munching on some chocolate !
Why would you make this
James did this to me.
How did this man endure the pain of waiting over 20 years to bring his waifu to life? What strength. You think he cried when he saw it for the first time?
I bet Jim Jim watches Alita every night before bed
JC does not sleep.
Non cgi Rosa already looks like an anime character
If you’d tell me they just added cgi to her eyes only I’d believe it
Also she’s very curvy
Is it possible, Mr. Cameron, that you made Alita too cute?
Fuck I still can't believe this movie got made.
I'm watching the motorball prerelease clip and it's just all "I'm bringing cyberpunk action on you with a girl with big eyes like anime but real based on early 90s anime that was only liked by that weird guy you knew from high school and I give one fuck what you think take a look it's awesome"
like fuck, how, HOW
This man claimed his waifu and you all got NOTHING on him!
Who is this and why is she posted so much lately?
>looks like an anime character
you're not wrong
She's your new girlfriend. She loves Alita, holding hands and cuddling.
>that temp announcer
>that temp music
The scene is so much fucking better in the movie.
that old announcer was horrible
Is /ourgirl/ actually playing where next week's meet-up is going to be?
>eating denny's voluntarily
Denny's is a place you end up, not one anyone really wants to go.
In-N-Out Burger probably better?
She’s just a symbol that represents never losing hope. There’s an Alita in every girl and one day you will find your Alita
Oh. I love you guys, but I was really hoping to see /ourgirl/ again.
Is the meet with at least 4 anons going confirmed? I wanna to but I don’t wanna drive like 3 hours for nothing
Sure, but they close at 1
Me too buddy, me too
I believe so far we have five confirmed.
They actually released that clip as part of the promotional material? Fuck, that music is horrible. It makes the movie look so bland and generic.
It's likely a temp track - but they should have re-released the marketing material once the movie was finished. They had several months extra due to the release date being pushed back.
How long until Elon Musk makes cyborg waifus real?
But I can think of far better temp tracks. Junkie XL could've had them use like Brothers in Arms or something.
new bread when?
I give it 20 years MAX
Gabe Newell or James Cameron will do it faster than Elon Musk. Unless all three work together.
when we hit 310 fren.
Wheat destroyed by locusts. New bread never. I send the scourge. I send the horde. Thus say Jerome.
Did anyone else notice this:
>One of McTeague's dogs brings something in its mouth when it returns. Is it a piece of Grewishka, or its own tail?
I like this Biblical Jerome
Oh fuck that’s great count me in
i think alita is cute
In the kissing scene, he puts her hair behind her ear - he noticed that she likes it.
Crazy how every action and every little thing that happens in the film is important and comes back later in some way.
holla holla. We're meeting at the moreno valley mall at 3pm, then heading to a range, then round one, then some food.
Can someone post some CHOCOLATE
Any anons from previous meets going?
everyone from the last one I believe
She's too cute I think she was a mistake, this level of cute is dangerous we all know it.
Count me in
In addition, can someone post the nurse too?
it's weapons grade cuteness and humanity is NOT ready to handle it responsibly
Super-cute of both of you for noticing
I sure wasn't ready, user.
I really wasn't ready.
New bread wjhen?
my dudes..
on it
>Gather untold talent and spend hundreds of millions to bring your perfect waifu to the silver screen for us to meet.
A man of limitless vision