IMO it was arguably the greatest cartoon series of all time, minus the gay innuendo that folks later attached to it to try to defame it.
Also 90's nickelodeon was the golden age of cartoons. no?
IMO it was arguably the greatest cartoon series of all time, minus the gay innuendo that folks later attached to it to try to defame it.
Also 90's nickelodeon was the golden age of cartoons. no?
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I remember finding this show disgusting, even as a kid. Not saying it was bad or anything, I barely remember watching much of it it was so long ago but I do remember having a sincere revulsion to it.
Rocko and Zim were better
Also action league now
Unironically the best cartoon since Golden Age Warner Bros. Only the John K. stuff, though,.
That only means the show was doing it's job.
what's your favorite episode bros
this one's pretty good
I watched it as a kid at local tv, fun times.
I also jerked off with the X rated beach special, the girls were hot
I'm old enough to remember when this first hit tv, and even then I thought "what kind of sick fuck dreams this up?" Turns out it's some pedo that liked to abuse underage female interns and hide under his desk crying.
Stimpy's Cartoon is probably my all time favorite.
>Lots of people make cartoons that can't draw!
This still in my memory, I suppose it will be there forever, it's too catchy
It's one of the better Games episodes, but the original concept would have been literal kino, imo.
I don't know whether Ren and Stimpy was a "good show" - I think it probably has a lot of shit episodes. But I do remember absolutely pissing myself at the one where they join the army, the one where they wrestle, and
memes from before the internet
OOOH Lord loves a hanging
Rockos modern life is better.
It's really fucking good but seriously rough around the edges. I rewatched it about a year ago and it has big flaws. A lot of jokes don't land and some episodes have 5+ minute stretches of no gags whatsoever.
I honestly think R&S's greatest achievement is their influence in cartoons. When you watch some of it and then watch any cartoon made after it you'll see clear parallels. Spongebob in particular feels like almost the same show but with a different set of characters and more consistent writing.
Underneath all that booger humor it dealt with some deep themes especially considering it's era and genre. Themes like delusions of grandeur, disillusionment, loneliness, consumerism, mental health. It conveyed had strange and dangerous the world can, but covered in a kid's show veneer, which was remarkable. I'm surprised it was allowed to air for as long as it did.
this is such bullshit none of this is actually addressed on the show
its just gross out humor and nothing more
sponge bob definitely appears to have heavily influenced been R&S, but not nearly as raw. Spongebob was moderated to make it more mainstream friendly.
Catdog was better than rocko.
>Any other Ren and Stimpy fans out there?
We are few in numbers, but we are here, user.
Hillenburg was in Rocko's Modern Life so maybe they share drinks and ideas from R&S's crew
John K was the one would made them a fag couple in Adult Party Cartoon.
>minus the gay innuendo that folks later attached to it to try to defame it.
how come i never see or read about any of this ridiculous shit except on Yea Forums? obsessed loons
yeah man drinking mayonaise through a straw and eating boogers is really thought provoking! such deep themes! the part about the fart marrying a rotten fish corpse really made me think about consumerism and delusions of grandeur!!
you never actually watched ren and stimpy.
Don't you remember log?
Rugrats was never good
debatable. For it's time and audience, it cornered it's market for a while.
Are you actually a fucking moron or are you pretending to be one?
Was gonna say this too. John K is the reason it was good originally, but he's also the reason it's reputation has been so tarnished.
jumped the shark when Chuckie's dad married an asian woman
I've seen people say that even before Yea Forums and Adult Party Cartoon. It's the same as how kids joked about Spongebob and Patrick being gay.
Fucking loved myself some Log and Powdered Toast Man. I agree on Spongebob being the same show basically.
It has good jokes and plot hooks but those jokes are few and far between and the plot is largely ignored because every episode is heavily comprised of unfunny visual gags that have a habit of lingering in frame way too fucking long.
yeah It was well on its way out even before then.
Didn't John K get removed immediately and everything like the art style and tone (like the classical music) was just Nickelodeon being a good sport and not shitting on his original directives?
>John K now is a deviantart artist tier for a living
The space madness episode is actual horror. The writing for this show was top notch and I think it was really intended for young adults. Rocko was the best cartoon on nick but you cant compare it to this because they are way too different.
>"oh my beloved ice cream bar."
>that time when john K was asked to do a Simpsons Couch Gag and he was pushing the deadline so Fox had to finish it by themselves
Anything of decent quality in animation requires time, otherwise it's copypasted shit like The Simpsons or Adult Swim cartoons.
I miss the days when actual proof was needed to find someone guilty and the court of public opinion didn't hold so much sway.
It's literally dangerous to be in the presence of females in 2019.
>Animators Robyn Byrd and Katie Rice disclosed to BuzzFeed in March 2018 that Kricfalusi sexually harassed and groomed them for sexual abuse while they were underage.[96] Byrd told the website that she was in a sexual relationship with Kricfalusi in 1997 at age 16, and flew to California to live with him when she was 17. Rice said that Kricfalusi flirted with her and made overt sexual comments towards her since she was 14, and was sexually harassed by him when she turned 18 and began working at his animation studio, Spümco. Documents they had saved from those years corroborate their stories, and several people who worked with Kricfalusi referred to his sexual harassment as an open secret in the animation industry. Kricfalusi was also alleged to possess child pornography on his computer. Kricfalusi's lawyer confirmed that "for a brief time, 25 years ago, he had a 16-year-old girlfriend", but denied that Kricfalusi's "avid pursuit" of Rice was sexual harassment or that he had ever possessed child pornography.[96] Kricfalusi released an apology to the women and his fans for his behavior, which he said was motivated by undiagnosed bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as "poor impulse control".[97] Byrd and Rice criticized Kricfalusi's statement as a non-apology and an attempt to deflect the blame
He outright admitted to it in an 11 page meandering "apology" full of excuses and self-aggrandizing bullshit.
>implying ren and stimpy weren't always meant to be a gay couple
beavers were the shit, what episode is it where they spray things with their musk and those things become unapproachable to the other, ive been looking for it forever
No, he was removed after 2 of 3 three seasons. He then went and made Adult Party Cartoon which shat all over the original show. The episode with the frog being one exception.
Cool, who's qt?
Who cares? I still like the show, I don't give a fuck if he did it or not
absolutely fucking BASED
as if I couldn't love this man any more
Spike TV wanted an adult version of R&S to compete against [as]
Great show, funny, disturbing, bizzare...I miss it
>First? Im gonna tear your lips off. Yeah, thats what I'm gonna do. Then, I'm gonna...WRENCH your arms..out of their sockets. And you know what else? I'm gonna hit ya! And you're gonna faaaaall
I haven't seen that episode since I was eight years old but I know exactly what you're talking about.
dammit i need it, its at the core of who i am at this stage kek
Damn he boned a 16 year old when he was 40+? He's even more BASED than I thought.
This. Except this show legit gave me nightmares as well.
Episode is called "Another One Bites the Musk"
oh man
im a little scared to open it up, jesus thanks dude, i went through the wiki episode list a few times never saw it
i didnt speak the language when i first saw it wtf
Does anybody know the episode where Stimpy goose steps like a Nazi?
How could I hate a cartoon that has songs like this:
and scenes like this:
The only things that were good about the Adult Party Cartoon was the episode Naked Beach Frenzy because of the washing scene and the Mr. Horse scene at the end of Ren Seeks Help:
After all the shit that happened in Ren Seeks Help the end still made me laugh for like a minute.
I swear to christ that that same music is in night of the living dead, in the walrus clip
>night of the living dead
It was:
‘Rubber nipple salesmen’ episode was right on the money for all of these.