Okay, this guy has now put out a video crying at the trailer for clone wars season 7, a children's show...

Okay, this guy has now put out a video crying at the trailer for clone wars season 7, a children's show. It's time to admit he is clearly mentally ill and that we have been bullying somebody who needs serious help and should feel bad


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Other urls found in this thread:


Clone Wars is actually good though

Imagine ever liking star wars

It's an act. All reaction videos are disingenuous. Nobody reacts to a trailer like that

Oh boy, this is going to be one of those people who pretend their 5 minutes of fame are going to be eternal.


It's season 7, not a reveal of a new show. Nobody normal would ever cry at that , a 5 year old wouldn't



You want to tell me that when you watched trailer for battle of azeroth you didn't get up
and started doing a nazi salute while shedding a manly tear seeing all those brave white Alliance men sacrificing themselves to fight the Horde menace?

what the heck is wrong with americans, what went so wrong?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-21 REACTION Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer #2 - Disney Cartoon Series (666x842, 107K)


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bots, npcs, etc


And to think. Just a few weeks ago his comments were filled with cuck remarks. My how time flies.

He’s a dude who can cry on command. Do you think people actually act this way when they watch this shit? Reaction videos are the dumbest thing ever. People trying to act and doing a very shitty job. Someone explain to me why anyone watches reaction videos? It’s one of the dumbest YouTube trends ever.

youtubers are desperate to find their niche, whatever the fuck it is, they are greedy, feel no shame or dignity. He became popular as they guy who cried over a stupid fucking trailer, and he probably made a lot of ad revenue, and now that's his shtick and that's what he'll continue doing.

Just learn to stop being a retard and ignore him, he's fucking pointless.

Bully him to death! Put an end to this faggotry.

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This is all because a roastie called him a nerd, the whole thing is bizarre. Yea Forums started a bullying campaign, spammed his channel with thousands of death threats and hate but nobody cared

ONE woman calls him undateable and now he's a celebrity

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>brave white Alliance men
Bitch, I only care about the Draenei.

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wtf I love women now?

It’s just virtue signaling, deep down they agree with us. Redditors lack to ability to express true thoughts, they just maintain a very creepy politeness, shown here. The funniest part is the women, who I know for a fact think of this guy virtually as another woman

>tfw agree with her two points but am a SW/marvel fan
Idk how to feel

Based ashley

ITT people that cry to anime

only the ones brave enough to call him out, fuck all these virtue signalers pretending they would date him if chad left them

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>Cries from the edge: real
>Cries from the centre: fake

Remember this

Why doesn't he blink? Did he put bengay under his eyes so he can cry?

You whites are so fucking cringy, you never see a black dude doing shit like this. That's why all your women are falling for black dudes nowadays.

If he lived in the hood, I'd personally come to his house and stab him in the heart. He pisses me off so fucking much I cant even describe it.

but doesn't