I have a potentially good idea for a thread: what film should be watched the greatest number of times...

i have a potentially good idea for a thread: what film should be watched the greatest number of times? either for kino quality, or for entertainment, or whatever. i say 2001 a space odyssey, its got great kino, a cosmic story of transcendence, and space scenes that are realistic and slow paced, and a psychedelic trip never equalled. one for the ages. seen it about 8 times. star wars i saw 6 times in theatre on original release, maybe a handful of times later. dont care for it much now.

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Batman vs Superman, it gets better the more times you rewatch it

i took your girl to hotel mario

>i have a potentially good idea for a thread

I hope this thread wasn't it

Mall Cop

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Groundhog Day

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2001 is a good choice, there's a lot of stuff packed into that film that you appreciate on rewatch.

Stalker is a film I've only seen once but it was dense enough to warrant several more viewings


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>re-watching a film for anything other than peeling more of the layers of the work and reaching a deeper truth

Big Lebowski
4th-6th are the best viewings

OP here: unironically i agree. its an opera, its melodrama, they should be singing their lines.

i've watched crank high voltage more times than any other movie

ive watched that one millions of times. it always ends the same. i cant change it. help!!!

i really hated this movie. it was so dumb, there was a lot of attempts at energy but nothing felt satisfying

For the past quarter century I've unironically seen Defending Your Life maybe 100 times. Every time I think something different about "judgment," what it means to live a good life, or more particularly what it means to have lived a good life, what if there is life after death, am I prepared for any possibility? What if someone wants to judge me?

It makes for kino because that's how characters watch their life, on a movie screen, and that's kind of alarming because that's a pretty harsh standard, to judge a scene from your life like a scene from a movie, but then how else do you judge yourself? Don't you replay the memories in your own life like it's a movie almost, a series of images and feelings, and you judge yourself on the movie you play in your head.

No one gets this movie but me. Every time I bring it up here someone just says it's made by an annoying Jew and well whatever go back to your christian church where you worship a zombie Jew like that's not annoying, hope he saves you. When I'm judged I hope Rip Torn is my lawyer.

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>star wars i saw 6 times in theatre on original release
~50 year old men should not be on Yea Forums(nel)

The other guys

>Meryl Streep
Just can't watch movies with her in a starring role.

total recall

Honorable mentions tmnt '90
the original Jurassic Park