What will Yea Forums's funeral look like?

What will Yea Forums's funeral look like?

Attached: file.png (634x570, 423K)


if my parents are still alive people will go for them but if they're dead no one will be there

that's a dude right

nameless grave
windchimes hanging on the dead tree above it
a cross labeled "trouble - do not ressurrect" over it.
empty bottles close by, their labels have decayed and are no longer readable
a strange sense of peace as well as a good moist soil smell
nobody around but it feels better that way.

there wont be one

No, this is dyke

one overweight guy and a regular guy dressed up as CIA

The guy who murdered her sounds like a really based dude.

Literally who

Came here to say this desu

No one will be there except maybe my dad.

My body being dumped in a mass grave along with other white incel males after they've started rounding us up and putting us in camps, hopefully.

I've told my family to cremate me and put my ashes in one of those bio earns so I can be reborn as a fucking tree.

Captcha: Palm Trees

It'll probably look a lot like our wedding.

Attached: 1515749038621.jpg (2048x1664, 1.3M)

So did I!
I’m going to be a redwood.

What if your consciousness travels with your ashes into the tree. And your'e stuck here for 500 years.

I get why they murdered her.

If just like one fucking occasion where my family actually dressed appropriately. I don't know what has happened to decorum and social standards but the last funeral I went to people just showed up in whatever.

what if digimon were real and they came to torture you in your sleep tonight

Me too except my ashes can be thrown away wherever, doesn't matter where.

But I just KNOW they will do a typical funeral even against my wishes to feel good about themselves.

>What will Yea Forums's funeral look like?

Attached: mario themed funeral.jpg (2048x1152, 174K)

I just want to be isekai'd somewhere after death.

I'd be fine with that if I get to choose which.

Attached: LadyDevimon.full.2470543.jpg (636x900, 407K)

A dead dyke is reason for celebration.

Whatever the mortician decides to do with the body

What happens if I attend her funeral wearing a suit instead?

>anglo """"women""""

Fuck off. This is a journalist murdered by the IRA recently.

I couldn't make up my mind so I told them to just pick the cheapest when the time came.

that's why I'd like someone to go into the wet part of the forest and throw my ashes around, this way I sort of become part of Nature
Sleeping in a casket for eternity is spooky as shit

>dead journalists
oh no that sucks