Why did it flop ?

Why did it flop ?

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Because Yea Forums always has to be wrong, even when a movie is destined to be succesful it's doomed as soon as Yea Forums supports it.


>Movie not relealsed anywhere.
If you are gonna make a bait thread try to atleast not go full autist with it.

Mr time traveller please tell us more info from the future

This isn't late 90s anymore

>movie comes out on May 10th
What did you mean by this OP?

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It won't flop as long as it has enough cheese in it!! HA!!

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they know it's gonna flop because despite being the biggest franchise of all time, the electric mouse is still afraid of big daddy Thanos, they've already mentally given up, which means actual failure is sure to follow

OP here. To put it simply I am a time traveler from the future.

I can't believe Endgame made a fucking trillion bros, cinema is dead.

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because of the Yea Forums curse

you should have had them turn on it the second that first trailer dropped


If by "to put it simply" you mean you haven't taken your meds and by ""I am a time traveler" you mean that you are having side effects then I would say you are correct.

>out in two weeks
>nothing from critics not even a social media reaction
it's dead WBshills

All the people who saw the pre-screening liked it

Pokemon has never done well theatrically

prove it shill

Why the hell are they making a movie based on a mobile game that’s like 3 years old?

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Fuck anybody who isn’t team /pikapika/

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wow one person literally being paid by WB liked it

fucking moron

Dubs and James Holmes will escape prison and shoot up the movie premiere wearing a Misty costume.

Looks like a movie you take your kids too. I don't understand why any of you want to see it. I bet you fucking weird faggots went and saw Frozen too. These are fucking kids films you guys

What does he know about filmmaking. Kong Skull Island was generic factory produced trash.

Peter Jackson's King Kong still remains the best one.

1 billion

>still using the Aquaman one
What happened to the Shazam variant lol


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Why would he have side effects if he hasn't taken his meds?

Will make a billion dollars EZ

just like MCU

Okay, now this is based

Yea Forums was right Solo was gonna flop

>releasing a movie so close post Avengers
Why do they keep doing this?
No one wants to go to the theater so soon after Endgame. They should have save Pickachu for June or July.

its on its way.

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Pokémon don't look cute and are in firmly in that uncanny valley. Not helped but the kid just being an ugly mutt.

>only a trillion
So a flop?

I didn't grow up with Pokémon but I thought the trailer looked good .