Why is China so racist?
Why is China so racist?
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translation: "why is china so based?"
Their tiny bug eyes make them even uglier than black people so of course they're always seething and lashing out
>t. nigger
>t. chinku faced bugman
Niggers on my board?
Or I just find chinks and blacks disgusting...you do know that's possible right?
It actually made a shitload of money over there but nice try rewriting history you buttblasted faggot. Remember when they even gave him an award for it?
What about gooks?
I mean, chinks are still racist as fuck.
They hate the fact they love big black cock
the Chinese are indeed ugly but what’s going on here is that they’re unaffected by liberalism, aka black worship
The west just makes a dumb racial issue out of everything if it doesn't get its way. They probably got some racist Chinese remarks and amplified it as if that's how the entirety of China thinks about it and that's why it did bad (not because it's a shit movie). Just another instance of the media manipulating and taking advantage of the stupidity of its audience (mutts).
Is she that hungry for bread?
Bruh I love marvel movies and not even racist and it was the 2nd most boring marvel movie I ever watched, after captain marvel.
Ah, I'm just being bias to captain foot fungus, I actually couldn't even finish it. Dr strange and captain America winter soldier were far far better.
How many years until the US starts invading countries to fight global racism
Chinks will still murder a dude because he's a different color of skin, out of precaution.
The US can't even invade desert shitholes anymore. They're finished in 50 years. RussoChina Invasion and takeover is inevitable (and I can't wait).
When China rules the world you'll understand how merciful we were as a world power.
When China rules the world they will meddle a hell of a fuckload less with certain places. Yes, the chinks have their downside, but honestly I'd rather take a more oppressive regime that at least fucking preserves the future of my children than what you motherfuckers have done.
It's the simple fact everyone would rather die a clean death from a stab than slowly infected with a crippling illness.
>A torture for the eyes
top fucking keks
They will charge you so far up the way in trade and destroy you just for the extra buck and not give a fuck when the media cries "no fair ):"
They will be the literal definition of corruption. All these movies of "le evil American government." Won't even scratch the surface of what they'll do.
I'm sure they'll leave the UN just to ignore your squeaks In their ear.
And deep down you know that.
Mao 2.0 world reboot.
>They will charge you so far up the way in trade and destroy you just for the extra buck and not give a fuck when the media cries "no fair ):"
You really think the US doesn't do that? Seriously? Do they indoctrinate you that hard over there?
dude there would be a world war 3 that kind of conflict wouldn't end quickly
also moving large amount of people around the globe is not as easy as some one may think
>charge you so far up
Oh no whitey China is taking over the entire planet your jewish world economy designed to fuck over countries that arent jew ruled will end.
Yet supposedly it broke records there or something. This is how you know Disney is lying its fucking ass off.
Bread's fucking good.
Tell it to Iraq, cocksucker.
Because Americans aren't already doing this, right?
Gee I wonder (((who))) is behind this post
>uglier than black people
Only thing that's uglier than a nigger is an abbo.
Id get into Echo's Chamber
>even the ass did not even!
>torture to the eyes
BASED Chinamen reject western kikery
That's called being normal, your ancestors were racists too still 60 years ago. Everyone is racist but you white boy doesn't have the right to anymore. I wonder (((what))) happened.
Most people are racist, nothing wrong with having preferences.
>make them even uglier than black people
Sorry Tyrone.
This is why China will become a super power within the next 5 yrs while the West will turn into Africa 2.0, long past its prime and a couple thousand niggers away from total apocalypse.
3 Oscars. Stay mad.
It's more likely than you think.
China had a flourishing civilization, Mao and the commies ruined them.
>Soon to be father-in-law sitting in living room
>TV is on
>He's flipping through the channels with his usual disapproving look
>He turns to me, asking in his broken English, how I watch any of this shit
>Tell him I don't watch TV since most of it is garbage
>He nods approvingly and looks back at the TV
>Mumbles something in Cantonese and starts again in his broken English
>"Yes - too many blacks"
lol this pic is not about china... it's literally illustrating what the other user said.
Get out nig
How is it racism to want to see beautiful people in your movies?
Black Panther was too dark. I couldn't tell what the hell was going in in half the scenes.
Nuke the west (america)
I hate how this article is portrayed.
Its not
>China is is going to see this movie over the new star wars movie
>it's all so tiresome.jpg
Are we really gonna act like Europe is any better?
They known how to catch alt right before it starts
++good, user. It's our duty to stop wrongthink before it occurs.
>black ppl needed 2 white ppl to create black panther to be empowered.
Chinese people have a very, very different perception of beauty than the west, and they're not used to seeing black people. Maybe they should've balanced the cast out a bit more if they wanted chinese people to see it.
China just jealous of their math skills.
I literally laughed out loud when I saw the Wakanda sequence in Infinity, I didn't see BP before. It is so opposite to any sort of reality that its preaching seems almost ironical (and you bet the people who made that shit were laughing too).
This. Americans are increasingly becoming poorer than the chinese. Ameritards think they make more money now because of their inflated $USheckelD value currency, but most don't live much better than their bug-eyed brethren who are mostly trilingual and know how to build electronics while Americants mostly know only english and how to flip burgers or stay at home and smoke weed. Kek. America is doomed. China will take over and kick all the black people on welfare out back to Africa.
The actual BP movie calls the only white guy in it colonizer first thing
I have higher hopes, at least in the west. Chinks are buying the entirety of canada out from under us, the US won't want their greatest enemy sitting on their heads with shitloads of natural resources so they'll annex us and we can become house serfs to chad americans
I will bang a asian girl, but never a black girl...the smell
brack peeple so ugry
oh I see, it's a joke about babysitting niggers
shit I'm dumb.
brack ugry
you really think she's not being a smartass here? Come on. I don't believe it. I never met blacks but I can't believe they're this dumb
At least they look clean.
arr rook same
If they are so racist why are they going to Africa and having plenty of Chinese/African children?
It really is easy to get people riled up by mentioning ethnic beauty huh?
>brack ugr-
Even Chinese people think niggers are ugly. That's pretty ugly.
I don't know dude I don't see modern China murdering their own countrymen and blowing up their own skyscrapers to justify a war against bunch of goat fuckers living in a land filled with oil.
The chinksect fears the African warrior.
>Literal seething negro on my Yea Forums
Lmao why do you even come here if you know that 90% of Yea Forums hates your kind? And before you start projecting and claiming you're a white guy who just hates bugmen - you being black is the best case scenario because at least you defend your race. My opinion on white mentally ill leftists who praise minorities over themselves is even lower.
It’s not the Jews fault women find you repulsive m8
Is that awkwafina?
You have to go back chang
/g/ here and this is a beautiful, beautiful man.
How dare you!
China and Japan are already controlled by the western Elite families. Their elites sold out a long time ago. The Japanese after WWII, and the Chinese after Maoist Marxism. That's why there won't need to be a WWIII.
Lmao incels btfo
>fight scene in a jungle at night, with black characters fighting a guy in a black suit
not fucking shit
Jews and Chinese actually signed an alliance in 90s. Jews rule the Western Hemisphere, China the Eastern
It's not my fault you're a beta male.
they'll also murder you if they accidentally bump into you with their car
Once when this chinaman was asked why he repeatedly backed over a 3 year old child he said "if injured her I could be paying her medical bills for the rest of my life but if I killed her then I'd only have to pay for her funeral expenses
chinese are like the mexicans of asia
I'm black, and chinks were always cool with me.
East Asia will get blacked just as fast of not faster than whites. Slant women are huge whores that would sell their new born child for a bag of rice. This is what happens when you worship a weak race such as whites.
I'm white, yellow lover
Asians haven't been brainwashed for decades by the Jews so they have no problem telling the truth about yard apes being undesirable. Fascinating.
I've been thinking about it: China is set to be our next overlords, they hate muslims, black people, and loses their mind over anything that looks like white culture.
Are there our saviours? I mean: economically they need us, and culturally they adore traditional Western culture, I don't see them destroy us even if they could, however getting rid of muslims and blacks sounds like a plan to them.
Ghosts are banned in China.
>multi-culturalism and immigration is necessary for our survival.
I wonder how the mankind managed to survive all those centuries and at the same time be nationalistic and isolationist enough to have so many different, characteristic ethnics lmao.
Chocolate eggs are banned in the US.
when's Hiro finally deleting /pol/?
China fails at a lot of things
You should stop thinking
When you off yourself.
Which one is the more prevalent cinematic trope, insufferable faggot?
that's pretty much the rest of the world
real question is wtf is wrong with americans?
What board do you think you are on kid?
it's actually about how the movie was actually too dark, literally
couldn't see anything, like the gamma was turned down or something
and people thought the projector was broken or something
And where will the thousands upon thousands of pol users go, genius?
They'll stay right in these boards. And you will euphorically type--"Back to /po-"
and you will realize your bogeyman no longer exists. It's been here right beside you the entire time.
>I wonder how the mankind managed to survive all those centuries and at the same time be nationalistic and isolationist
This has never been true. Populations have never been settled. The original Etruscans were displaced by immigration before Rome became a significant power. The English didn't settle Britain until the 5th century AD. You should probably actually study history, culture and genetics before you comment on any of them.
cant really compare it honestly, with technology and warfare like we have not finding a way to live together could quite literally kill us all, it only takes one crazy country with nukes to ruin the world
>And where will the thousands upon thousands of pol users go, genius?
The same place they existed before phone posting, the fappening and 2016 election.
Awwwww......some racist has it in for BASED Chinaman Lao Yang.
>And where will the thousands upon thousands of pol users go
Reddit where they belong
Cope, nigger.
>pretending to be retarded is still retarded
>thinks /pol/ lives on /pol/
That's just where all the crybabies go to complain about /pol/. /pol/ is everywhere. It's a state of mind, and no amount of SJW cancer can kill it.
/new/ was dead for years before Moot made the biggest mistake he ever made by creating /pol/
Nice fantasy that will never happen. US can't be invaded anymore than Chinese mainland could be successfully invaded. Not with current technology anyway. Stay assblasted, Muhammad.
When they said black they meant it was too dark not that there where too many Africans..
This was some american shit and the movie really didn't make much money over there unless you're delusional and retarded.
>chinese "american" film festival in California
Top kek, you're absolutely delusional if you think people in China actually give a fuck about this guy.
>I've never met a group of people
>but I refuse to believe bad things about them.
Oh user, you young sweet naive man.
It's so much worse than you think. Black culture actually just rejects education, I went to a public school with a 50/50 split of black to white, and while there were a handful of very very smart black people. A lot of them were dumb as shit, and violent. In fact we had metal detectors and drug searches daily, as well gang violence.
Why are chinese such racist fucking shits?
They're worse than australians
Chinks want white cock & wombs
>the movie really didn't make much money over there
>"Black Panther grossed $646,853,595 outside the United States and Canada market.[4] The film's top-five markets were China ($105 million), the United Kingdom ($70.6 million), South Korea ($42.9 million), Brazil ($36.9 million), and France ($33.1 million)"
I know your narrative is very important to you but try not making shit up
Soulless Maoist Insects living in a Cyberpunk Dystopian shithole where people eat sewage.
The chinese people are still sane.
>only 100m
>in china - a market that rivals the USA in box office gross
>when Hollywood only gets 20% of that gross
>when 100m would be trash in the USA
I was right, you're fucking delusional.
“Too Black !?”?? ... Yea ... They got THAT right. It didn’t get washed up in any ways Y’know OP ???
2nd biggest market in the world for one of the highest grossing movies of all time and I'm delusional?
are you one of those retards that actually thought Ms Marvel would bomb?
>translation: "why is china so based?"
Kek (笑´・艸・) It’s because they have gotten one of the biggest market on face of the earth. Ya gotta listen to what they hafta say.
Nigger you can say that about NYC and LA. It's all the urbanites that fuck shit up for everyone else.
>entirety of china barely more than britain
wow such a hit there lmao
They are hiveminded collectivist tribalists, so they are prone to xenophobia and intolerance.
no jews
>Nigger you can say that about NYC and LA
No, you can't. China is a hellhole. NYC and LA are not even remotely comparable. You're a retard.
People with autism often have problems with social, emotional and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities.
>2nd biggest market in the world for one of the highest grossing movies of all time and I'm delusional?
Yes, it's true. China's box office potential is massive, it's is dollar for dollar the second largest in the world, but bringing this up does absolutely nothing but to shit out your own argument because it only made 100m there, and hollywood doesn't even get most of that gross. Even better is how you seem to be ignoring that if the movie only made 100m in the USA, despite the USA and China being very close to box office gross potential, it would have been considered a domestic flop.
>muh money made
Yeah, on a global scale, it made 1.4 billion, but even if you removed China from the equation it would have made 1 billion dollars anyway, and 700m of that 1.4 billion came only from the USA alone. This movie did not do well in China no matter how much you want to delude yourself into thinking otherwise, and there's no logical way for you to argue against this without looking like a fucking idiot. You even went out of your way to post a USA film festival award ceremony, like some kind of argument that would prove you right, for asians in America (California, specifically) as some kind of statement for fucking China. You are actually retarded.
They're not racist. They're just not pussified westerners bullies into complacency as leftists engage in social engineering.
>Why is China so racist?
They're not.
Their "media and entertainment" isn't inundated with kikery the way ours is.
We should follow their example and reject the influence of foreign cultures.
>thinking there is no social engineering in fucking China
>not knowing the real topic of the article
this entire thread is bait
the real article talks about how DARK the scenes are in the movie (to hide the cgi), not the skin of the actors
>>multi-culturalism and immigration is necessary for our survival
The jew is not really wrong. Multiculturalism and immigration is necessary... for (((their))) survival.
nigga u gay
They don’t give a single fuck about political correctness. They are 100% pragmatists without any unifying spiritual cohesion. If the modern left of today is mega empathetic and modern china is apathetic than the founding fathers were the healthy medium.
Affirmative action after Disney failed to get a "Best popular movie" category atdded and blacks scream Oscars were too white so they wanted guaranteed nominations and wins.
That's like saying the Nobel Peace Prize still means anything after Obama won one just for being black while having done nothing.
Americans are so scared people of liking China for the more trivial things. Give credit where it's due you fatty.
You should see /k/
Americans there are absolutely terrified of China and in full damage control mode all the time
I remember losing my first Yea Forums argument and posting a dead meme. Good times.
Such bullshit. Responsible birthrates will raise labor rates while the lowered demand will lower things like food and rent costs.
High birthrates and/or high immigration cause the opposite to happen. Right here where I live democrats just went through the latest round of pre-election importing of democrat voters and dumping them into my city, and grocery store food prices immediately went up thanks to the surge in demand.
The whole point of immigration is to make jewish billionaires richer, provide a shield and a distraction from people pointing fingers at them. As well as new goyim to vote for them. Before you know it, the people are so divided, they don't know who to blame? Immigration, the rich, the politicians? In the end, the jew wins. They've been expulsed from so many countries, but after two thousand years they have finally perfected their craft.
>Responsible birthrates will raise labor rates
we're not in the 1800s
countries need to compete in the global market. high min wage wont push the economy forward. why do you think china is a growing superpower?
China número 1
>countries need to compete in the global market. high min wage wont push the economy forward. why do you think china is a growing superpower?
China is a growing superpower but only on paper. The people are poor as fuck. Sorry, but I rather live in Denmark which it's infinitely small economy compared to China than to live as a chink in Beijing. Couldn't care less what my country's total GDP is.
So you WANT America and Europe to have 3rd-world wage rates?
Holy shit you're an idiot! That'll only make the west like Mexico with a wealthy class that lives behind walls, a huge poverty class, and not a lot in between
>>only 100m
>populations have never been settled
>English settle in britain in the 5th century
Nice self contracition. There has always been travel between nations but not at such a massive scale. on top of which most immigration is to relatively close nations. Not dragging south africans and iranians into fucking japan.
Based China. Wish I was a Chinese native that country is going places in every field.
stfu cuckleaf your already got RICED
tribal countries are hostile to foreigners, what a surprise.
Wondering earth made about 670m in China
Thankfully, I'm already wealthy. I don't give a fucking shit about poor people lmao
i'm not debating whether it's good or bad
what i'm saying is that a country's GDP comes from taxing big companies (multinationals). if you dont have cheap labour that company will go elsewhere (china) and the numbers drop
japan's population dropping like a comet is not good
i'm not advocating for immigration. im just saying it is what it is
japan's past as a tech giant is long gone. korea and china dominate that market and soon japan won't have anything to export
ooga booga errythin' is about tha cooch
>White people are cheering on other people's race wars.
Never change, Yea Forums. Never change. But also change. You're terrible.
>They are 100% pragmatists
They're communists who use a nonsensical written language made up of vague pictographs.
>Nice self contracition
Based retard
why is there absolutely no subtlety with this movie?
even the "normal" clothing is try-hard cringe
and keep being retarded.
>argues about the grammar instead of the topic at hand
ahh good ol' nigger lovers, they never change, do they?
Pic related
>tries to create a strawman because of the usage of a word he doesn't understand
ahh good ol' illiterates, they never read, do they?
How would I write an answer and know what to respond, if I couldn't write, spermo? ;)
Not a strawman btw, unless you're talking about what your 'gf' is made of.
The modern Chinese are not communist at all. They're practically libertarians.
>Why didn't China spend as much money on Black Panther as they did on a Chinese space adventure?
The answer is obvious. You'd have to be very self-oriented, thinking in arabesques not to get it.
Youre seething and lashing out right now LOL post face
this argument falls apart when you realize that the top grossing movie in Japan is an American movie, and most western European countries are the same way. You're trying to argue that they would obviously watch their own native films more when there is evidence to the contrary across the globe. That doesn't even negate anything that I stated in that post. I never even brought up any other movie. If your only argument against me is to basically attack something else, you're already lost.
This is the future that awaits you