Literally a harem ending

>Literally a harem ending
Holy fuck based

Attached: Robots_2005_DVD_Cover.PNG.png (364x517, 556K)

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I don't even remember the ending. Movie was hot garbage.


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They literally copied Zootopia's subplot.

Le epic "junk" music + fuck and suck silver slut and orange slut

This. Literally "WE LIVE IN DA SOCIETY" but with robots instead of animals.

this was before ZT

Zootopia's script was written in 1997.

Based retard

Zootopia's script was made in 1997 though, sweetie :)

So they still released a film first.

>Mfw you can be made of old parts, new parts or spare parts and shine no matter what you're made of

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loved the videogame as a kid

Was just going to mention that.

It was the pinnacle of late 90's/early 00's platformers

I'm thinking BASED

I liked the domino scene


I don't even remember this movie

Actual based retard

>that tidal wave

Attached: disney-incredibles-2-deluxe-frozone-mens-costume.jpg (1750x2500, 304K)

Is Robots /ourmovie/ ?

I had no idea

It's by far the most redpilled movie of the 2000s
It's okay, sweetie :)

GBA soundtrack was kino

Tranny propaganda

it had a tom waits song in it

im thinking it's based
