Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup

>Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup
Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup>Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup
Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup>Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup
Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup>Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup
Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup

Attached: 1555427426623.png (357x406, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:!qYlywaaK!ZU83BGrFB1iPsjKSjlRdhmPTEH5u1x1-rfyfwpFrDko

Written by 19 year old calarts student btw

writing is sooo bad holy shit

>tyrion: "hum. Maybe when I'm dead I'll go to kings landing and rip HER apart"

>Im here because i love your brother and trust him
>And I know he is true to his word. He is only the 2nd man in my life i can say that about
>Who's the first?
>Someone taller
Lines delivered with 0 comic timing btw.

>Game of Thrones S08E02 WEB x264-Nogroup
How do I download pls

step one: put a bullet in your brain

fake as fuck bro

>"I took this castle from you. Let me defend you now."
truly eloquent writing.

What a garbage episode, next one better make up for the set up over two episodes.


Have sex

Thanks bro!

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This can't be true

hope i dont get into trouble with my private tracker for this shit

You'd better start believing in clowny timelines.. you're in one

Attached: honk.png (700x700, 618K)

honk bump

my eyes are rolling back into my scull. This writing holy shit.

shitty quality

AMZN WEBRIP or nothing.

>"We can't stay here, these people are racists!"

when will they learn?

That was shit
Where's ep3
The faster they're all leaked the faster we can get through this rough patch in our Yea Forums lives

>no one posting screencaps

There’s nothing worth posting

how does one episode leak but not the rest of them?

So far this episode has been great. I cannot wait for the next one.

I was expecting the night king to pass them up and fuck up cercie.

theres multiple short jokes in it

no thanks

here's the mega but you have to promise to spoil a normie before tonight!qYlywaaK!ZU83BGrFB1iPsjKSjlRdhmPTEH5u1x1-rfyfwpFrDko

spoil the arya sex scene to everyone

Attached: FudgeWaterGiveMeWine.mp4_snapshot_41.38_[2019.04.21_12.24.34].jpg (864x540, 24K)

>arya sex scene
oh god my eyes


Attached: 1N0UjV3.jpg (600x450, 78K)

remember when half a season got leaked

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Faggot. That tush was divine

>cast someone as child
>watch them grow up
>make them fuck on camera

Wouldn't be complete without the copypasta

Attached: inout.jpg (1012x531, 85K)

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have sex

I'm going to watch the remaining episodes and skip every scene with a woman in it.

how do i vew this link

>tfw too much of a brainlet to play this

Basted and broiled.

Unless they are naked

Open uTorrent, add torrent, paste it in "magnet link" section

>and a pinta larger for me edache
never fails to make me crack

Attached: 1426867789563.jpg (500x500, 56K)

I've never read more than a few lines of this. Who even bothers?

mother of pigs

I only watched the first 3 seasons and then the last half of 7 and the two episodes of 8. When the fuck is The Hound interacting with Sansa.

gone :(

>pussy ass Yea Forums faggot has never read the books
oh boy when your momma lets you read grown up stuff youre gonna go crazy :>

>durr violent and sexually explicit medieval fantasy stories are for children!
don't reproduce


Lmao that's the exact opposite thing I was saying you fucking mouth breathing imbecile
>stop breathing
>thanks for your contribution

does anyone have a link to stream the episode?


Kit getting joked on even in a fantasy universe.


Someone posted it above

Tormund also said he had a lil dick

It's been like that since season 5. You're just now realizing it?


Attached: arya.png (853x496, 477K)

did episode 3 really leaked?

What kind of fag complains about copypasta? It’s not like this show warrants serious discussion.

What kind of fag defends stale copypasta? It’s not like pasta is serious business.

Why is jorah still calling yasqueen khaleesi srsly, it's embarassing.

Low level guy who only has access to the programming for the immediate future.

Because it's unfunny, and gets posted in EVERY SINGLE THREAD, as if it's the most hilarious thing in the world. Give it a rest.

Post the third episode.

So the Architect finally got to her.

Sounds like a problem for (you) to get over, you silly pussy.

The entire episode is dialogue you retard. You don't need HD for that crap.

I cope by informing people how unfunny they are. Makes me feel a lot better.

>he believed him
it's not even in English, it's german

Is it the same shitty quality that's been floating around on a mega link? If so I'll just wait until tonight, I can't even watch it right now anyway...

Nope, it's dutch

Mashallah brother

Does she show her titties?

Unless the leak is 1080p there's no point in watching it a few hours before the broadcast

So is there an eousode 3 leak or not, because episode 2 sucked balls

I thought beastiality was illegal in the game of shit universe.

fucking amazing

Whst was the point of Stannis turning up just to show him as a White Walker? Can they make anyone they want a white wslker, should he not be a wight

Considering Arya is cannononically 15 years old was having a pedophilic sex scene a good move for this show?

>muh tits and ass and sword fights make it so mature xd

I sent you a link, check your 4channel inbox

>downloading a leaked Game Of Thrones ep on a public torrent where HBO's lawyers can track everyone's IPs

Attached: costanza gameofthrones Viserys.jpg (890x890, 302K)

Depends. If you're in Europe the show airs early in the morning. Being able to watch it at a reasonable hour on a sunday is refreshing.

>I let my kids watch gory soft core porn shows
put a gun in your mouth pedo

I'd raise my kids to not be the neckbeard brainlets and normie drones who make up the fanbase of all fantasy.

what a completely useless episode

Oh, right, forgot about timezones. Anyway, I used to wait until monday to download a rip when streams weren't as steady as they are nowadays, that's why watching a leak at 480 seems stupid to me

It was a good episode. A bit fanservicey. But there were a lot of great character interactions. The dialogue was mostly good. They addressed a lot of stuff that needed addressing. The scene with Brienne made me well up.

If the fucking battle of winterfell leaked, you wouldn't need to ask.

Yea Forums's VPN

Attached: mpv-shot0004.jpg (864x540, 46K)

Wait what's Dutch?

oh my god it's real
manlets on suiwatch

Attached: mpv-shot0005.jpg (864x540, 29K)

He is right though user you are a horrible father, your kids will turn out to be trannys. Also you ard a nonce fod watching softcore porn shows with kids

10 bucks ghost was made due the react of fans because no ghost

Nobody claimed it's appropriate for children, you just can't read.

>skipping the entire series
Smart move lad

Watching this episode

Attached: agoKy94g3_480w_v1.jpg (480x993, 90K)

is suptv still going to live stream GoT?

Hurry up hbo the last 2 episodes sucked




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It turns out that it's not even her, it's just a body double like they do with Dany.

>wanting hd for an episode that's just talking

This could've just been a podcast. Nothing of note happens.

A sex scene with someone you hired as a child actress would come off as fucked up anyway

Why would you think that? Look at those shoulders.

when will they learn?

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Notice how there are no webm's of any scene in the episode. There is a reason for that. It is fake. Take a red pill and get smart you fucking idiots.

You're clearly an ageist.

What are you talking about? I just watched it, it was pretty boring desu - everyone's just preparing

lol you fucking retard, like someone is gonna bother. one of the most boring episodes ever.

she's 18

is that a fucking dolphin

Where would they find another goblin?


seed niggers

mate i watch podcasts in 1080
you're a pleb

>Implying there is a difference between 360 and 1080p
Get your eyes checked gramps

at least put bait on the hook user

Why do you fags keep calling the preparations "boring"? Do you just want non stop action all season? There are a lot of good scenes.

You WATCH podcasts? You mean you actually sit there and watch people talking about bullshit?

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What was the good scene? I must've missed it.

Brienne got knighted.

That's about it.

Get your eyes checked you blind nigger

jesus christ i fucking lost it and its too late for it

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By Jamie?

Sansa and Dany having a real, frank conversation. I almost forgot adults can have real conversations in the show, because the show has degraded to epositing and quipping, glued together by stares. But here, they just hashed out there issues with real dialogue.

Jon, Sam and Edd talking.

Everyone getting drunk by the fire.

Jaime and brienne out at the practice yard.

Pod singing

Brienne finally becoming a Knight.

Tormund being Tormund.

The singing scene was unironically the best sequence since like Hardhome

>uses vpn
heh nothing personnel kiddo

no way thats in the ep. no way. i wont be seeing it til tomorrow, but.. no way.

>Tormound being Tormound

Davos was like, I think I'll have that drink now.

Yes, Tormund says he'd knight Brienne if he was king, and Jaime has to one up him

Wait, you think that was a good scene with Tormund talking about giant titty milk?

Yep. The story he told is slightly different in the book. But that's something Tormund would say.
In the book, he doesn't slay the giant's husband. Rather, he cuts open her stomach, and sleeps inside of her for warmth. The implication being that she things she gave birth to him, because he came out of her stomach. Or at least that's how I interpret it.

Roughly how long until an actual torrent? Is the episode airing right now?

check eztv

Is there no scene before the credits?

The torrent is real.

Yeah but it's poop quality.

We all watched the leak.

It's hilariously bad, too. The guy keeps moving his mouse, which brings up the HUD of his video player. And his VPN service keeps popping up in notifications. At some point, you can hear the sound of a USB device being removed.

Like, nigga, seriously. How do you manage to make digital quality just as bad as cam?

That's actually fucking kino, nice.

Well fuck. I guess I'll just keep refreshing my tracker every now and then.

I saw the file size and didn't even bother.

Dear hackers - leak the season plz

Attached: 8-2-1.webm (864x540, 2.99M)

I don't watch this show but the end had a cliffhanger of sorts

Attached: 8-2-2.webm (864x540, 2.85M)

Attached: rise sir brienne.png (986x538, 504K)

Stop spoiling yourself, you mong. It was an emotional scene.

Jamie's character arc is complete, he can die now.

why whould she have shaved armpits?

>Well, this is me

Attached: are they gon fug tho.png (883x454, 347K)

>Two virgins ripping their clothes off with absolutely no hesitation or shyness
>Zero foreplay, she just jumps on his dick
I hate tv sex.

Is there any sex scenes besides the Arya one i need to look out for watching with the family tonight

>implying she hasn't fucked herself with lots of stuff before

she's not a virgin

Nope, just leave the room when you see Arya doing archery in a basement


>watching GoT with your family
This show is softcore porn, how do you not expect a sex scene in every episode?

If it's not with a man, it's not a sin

That was four or five seasons ago, now is Yass Queen feminist approved

Ok thanks i watched the leaked clip of the Arya moment not to bad should be able to watch it then

Entered this thread because it was a boring as fuck feminist circle jerk between Sansa and Dany, read that post at the same time it was playing.

100% real.

you need to move out

>tfw stunt double in the Arya sex scene
>what's the point in living

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The last episode had one of the most explicit sex scenes in the series. Honestly, it would have been hardcore, if they didn't CGI out the naughtybits.

How do you properly use this? Just click on it or post it in MPC or something?

it's a link for your torrent client

I don't even care if its a body double. lets be honest the real thing would look much worse

you are 13 hours too late everyone already have seen it

The user that was replied to mentioned a stream, so that's what confused me.



how many bings and bongs until release?

Unfortunately that is not a option


>not living in a country with actual consumer protection laws
>implying i can even be prosecuted for piracy

Attached: 1522478479584.gif (399x369, 39K)

>episode 2 leaked
>no episode title either on Wikipedia or HBOGo
hbo get your goddamn shit together jesus

3.45 GB version dropped, so hopefully webm's will look better.


Feels good man

Attached: got.png (609x370, 282K)

>this Dany and Sansa conversation
the dialogue is so amateur hour lmao

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Why do these eps feel so cheap?

Attached: 8-2-1.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

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Where do I download this shit?

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free trial hbo now

HBO Now or get sued. Enjoy paying.

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who the fuck did Cersei order Bron to kill?

which site is this?

both her brothers

>getting sued for pirating a show that has had no plot for 5 seasons

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Did they body double naked Arya or does she actually have a pretty nice body?

>who the fuck did Cersei order Bron to kill?
Are you deaf?

Body double.

They said episode 3 is leaked 2 WHHHEREE ?!

it's not leaked user they lied to you.

>which site is this?
So you can report it? No thanks

>does she actually have a pretty nice body?

Attached: cc9b53491200961.jpg (1080x1080, 169K)

torrent is taking forever there aren't enough sneeds

can someone post a direct download link?

>does she actually have a pretty nice body?

Attached: e1qa2v6J_o.jpg (1080x1320, 208K)

>can someone post a direct download link?

>does she actually have a pretty nice body?

>which site is this?
not for you

Attached: bYjhyaz.jpg (960x960, 147K)

I guess it's plausible it was her. The sideboob looked real nice.

get a load of these faggots

excuse me

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Manlets are master race. Why did the Lanklet get fucking destroyed by a lkittle fucking FLESH WOUND. Meanwhile the manlet took multiple dagger thrusts to the heart and survived. He grew up looking at quasimodo his whole life and it gave him super powers.

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>we wants it... we needs it!!!!