> Lifts up half a mountain with the Force


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Other urls found in this thread:


I remember

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> Rey isn't a Ma-

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>implying luke didn't do literally the same things
you literally just hate her because she's a girl, luke was the same character, only difference is she has a better arc than him. it's not just good vs evil its actually considering why something is even bad, but you idiots just dont get it
star wars is a lot deeper now, its not the same old hero saves damsel stories of days old, we have thought provoking plots about what bad and good really mean
perhaps you should start thinking for yourself instead

>using the prequles as an etalon of how the force works

Yoshi wasn't just lifting debris like Rey was. That stuff was being flung at him by a force user.



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Do normal people feel anything watching this shit?

>someone took the time to type all this out just to shitpost
Get a job.

This just reminded me of one of the big differences between the original and sequel trilogies: Vader was the kind of villain that (with the exception of Luke) the heroes fled from, because they knew that if they caught up to him they were fucked. Kylo really doesn't have that; after all, he's right behind them here but nobody really seems to care.

Be honest, does the mouse pay well? I wouldn’t mind getting a few extra bucks for just acting retarded online

> youtube.com/watch?v=jDHXYiMh7WY
> Rian: "I just kept saying, 'Make the boulders rounder, make them look like Looney Tunes boulders. Make them look like Wile E. Coyote boulders.'"

That cgi looks pretty bad

the ps3 games aren't canon retard

It's an okay scene in context. To the escaping rebellion forces who are trapped behind the rocks Rey is a nobody and Luke is the legendary Jedi that is supposed to save them. They see her pull out the rocks while they're running while Luke is fighting off Kylo and buying them time, and he's narrating that he is not the last Jedi. This is a lot of people's first experience seeing another force user at all. Someone who isn't a Sith enemy, I mean. It's not about the size of force it's that she's there at all because they go into the cave on a dare and don't actually expect to make it out alive.

>okay so Daisy this scene you're lifting a mountain so we need you to put out your hands and really have a go at it
>Daisy puts one hand up and looks left and right
>Cut! Perfect great job okay that's lunch everyone

I do it for free, I'm a bit of a (you) addict myself. Star Wars "fans" pay out in spades.

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Here, get yourself a new pair of shoes.

holy shit the cope meme is real

Yoshi is like over 800 years old and still can't speak English.

>the force isn't just about lifting rocks
>literally just lifts rocks

>movie establishes Leia as a trained Force user
>Leia is right there behind the rockfall
>somehow doesn't even offer to help Rey
It would've been fine if Leia and Rey had been working together to clear the rubble, but no.

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im at the shop with my mom right now so i cant hear the video
does he agree with rey or disgree?
if he thinks what rey did is not ok then thats good


Also Rey is canonically as powerful as Kylo when it comes to force pull/push (he couldn't pull the lightsaber from her in the throne room) and he could stop a blaster bolt in midair and hold it... Yoda also needed to concentrate to lift the X-Wing of of the swamp. There's no defending how OP she is.

God I hate Rey

He explains that the limitation is not the size of the object being lifted but the internal limitations in the force user's mind, what one can believe to be able to accomplish, in other words the----
>at the shop with my mom
Shit you baited me good.

Why not just put some rocks on wires and CGI out the wires? It would look a hell of a lot more real.

of course luke is wrong, rey can do anything

>size matters not

Lucas confirmed dicklet

Why do so many people have a hard time accepting that the force is not super saiyan ki powerlevels? Is the EU to blame or the prequels?

Like if you just take the og even Palpatine's force lightning is not that strong. It's just a different manifestations of the force but it's not like it kills or does any serious damage to Luke. It's about as kinetically strong as a Jedi force lift. That's the power ceiling of the Force. Lifting heavy shit and affecting the minds of the weak are pretty much all there is to it. It has a very low power ceiling. That's how it's balanced. And what little you can do depends on what you can BELIEVE you can do. Yoda tells Luke it's not about learning it's about un-learning the limitations of his own mind.

I feel like people cling to an idea of the Force that it never was supposed to be. It's far more often used for intuition that exerting power.

Imagine what she could do if she had ever been trained or had practiced.

>Implying Mouse Wars is canon

And yet not one of the faggots in the ST can do THIS.

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>drags an entire star destroyer out of orbit

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Hey all you have to do is believe you can do it

Well, the title of the game literally is "The Force UNLEASHED"

The character just sucks balls, they couldn't even be assed to give a her a proper backstory or character development and if you dare question that then you are a sexist incel no sex nigger.

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>Is the EU to blame or the prequels?
This is a strange direction to go, since the Force can't be anything but what Lucas decides it to be. You could say "I don't like where Lucas went with the Force," but that's very different from, "no, Lucas was wrong, the Force exists independently of the storytelling."

>spends ages tearing it down out of the sky, grimacing and focussing every muscle
>looks left and right and sticks an arm out

I agree it is dumb though.

The Force is Female, deal with it Sweetie

Hell, didn't Kyp Durron also push a ship in orbit away? Though that may have been all students working together, it's been a while

it was the prequels, force users work as amazing politicians, diplomats, generals, etc but lucas tried to made them shock troopers and messed everything up

Did they tell her what she was supposed to be doing in this scene? I mean, what they were going to CGI in? She's just holding her hand out and looking around with a confused expression.

Empire was written almost entirely by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett.

This meme that Lucas had a "vision" needs to end. He didn't even have a general idea for Star Wars 2, he did it becasue at the time it was expected of blockbusters to do a sequel. Lucas is the Steve Jobs or cinema. Or more like an Edison.

Most people cannot understand low (but powerful) magic settings like the first SW movie, LotR and Conan. In LotR spells don't all look flashy and shiny but they are extremely powerful, so much so that the rings corrupt the will of any mortal bearer. If you want the mainstream audience you need explosions and WWE effects. > I feel like people cling to an idea of the Force that it never was supposed to be. It's far more often used for intuition that exerting power.

That's too subtle for Star Wars, and it's been this way since the prequels. The original emperor was more like a LotR sorcerer.

The left is discipline. The right is pure luck.

This fucking bitch closes her eyes and wonders what happened. Yoda is putting all his strength to control and spin the object.

Rey is absolute garbage.

I liked the Thrawn novels for that because Timothy Zahn specifically called out how Luke used his force powers liberally to solve every conflict in the EU and that shit is exactly what the dark side is for

Okay, but if you really want to split those hairs, the Force was established in the movie called Star Wars, and the same mythology was laid on a bit thicker in The Empire Strikes Back. More importantly, this is a really interesting way of missing the forest for the trees: if you're going to establish what the Force is, you have to establish what Star Wars is, and if you're just gonna dither and diffuse--well this'll just turn into "head I'm right, tails you're wrong."

Size matters not, sure. But it looks lame when Rey shows little to no strain when lifting that much shit with a power she only knew she had for like 2 weeks at most.

Too bad she can't lift up my dick ;)

Fuck off. Retard

This is way too true.

The scene looks so fake, it this what a million dollar of budget goes into?

Yeah, it's just... it feels like SW is wasted on this motherfuckers. Just go watch Dragon Ball Z. I don't even know how all the /pol/acks came into the picture because the force is literally "a life energy that connects all life", all of us. It's literally the most new age liberal spiritual concept ever. Yet they somehow magically latched on the little implication that a family line has a strong connection with the force and over the years fan-wanked it into an bloodline-based elitism superpower.

It's like the IP was hijacked somehow and now that it was returned to its roots they are all uppity about it like they fucked owned this shit.

I wish the new trilogy was less shit so I cold say this with more of a sense of victory.

Oh well. Maybe that KOTOR adaption is gonna be awesome. If they wanted a power fantasy so far Kreia is gonna fuck it in the ass even harder.

I didn't watch TLJ but I knew this happened anyway. I'm serious.

He literally had Jedi acting as diplomats and fleet battle generals along with being shock troopers.

>Just go watch Dragon Ball Z
At least in DBZ when Goku reaches a new level of bullshit powers he earns it through constant dedicated training

They retconned this whole thing though, plus it's a CUHRAYZE game entirely. This is hardly its worst moment.
Kyp who? Remember none of that shit is canon any more.

strong female character =/= physical strength/super powers

When will they learn?

One of Luke's students in that new jedi order storyline, found a holocron of Exar Kun and got converted to the dark side
IIRC he is most well-known for using the Sun Crusher

Dude the whole premise of the prequels is the jedi losing their way by going from their natural place as peacekeepers to warriors.

There's pretty much a scene where they wonder how they missed a sith lord in their midst and it's because they are no longer true jedi but just glorified soldiers. It's pretty much the idea of why Yoda goes into hiding instead of trying to fight the emperor, because he realizes he needs to be a Jedi and follow the force, instead of being a general. That's the whole theme of the goddamn prequels, it's the underlying current of being good buried beneath piles of crap, what the fuck were you watching?

Sure, I can concede on that. All I'm saying is that it was a pretty consistent lore for the first 3 movies, then Lucas shat right in the middle of it with his stupid over-scientification in the prequels. Midichlorians are a meme, but let's discuss why it's shit and why it's actually also a retcon. It's a life force that permeates through all life. Not all life has even a blood stream. And the symbolism falls the fuck apart. It becomes something incredibly dry and when you think about it it doesn't even become more explained. You still need to headcanon how that shit enables telekinesis or telepathy, or lightning. It's basically X-men tier "science". Lol genes contrast you can turn to ice. The logical answer to that is "how about no". It's literally just shit, there is no gain to it except an almost cynical removal of the spiritual aspect. No gain, only loss.

And if you listen ot Lucas's idea for episodes 7-9, it's "the life of midichlorians in the blood stream", Osmosis Jones style. The man is just fucking insane, crazy, or a troll at this point actually being curious if he has created something so big that not even he could crash it. Like that sounds like something Hideo Kojima would write.

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I would cum in Rey so hard

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When a great number of people say it and it becomes an expectation. People themselves aren't aware of this. Capitalism is demand -> supply.

>stronk as fuck abs
>high enough bf% that no sixpack is showing
>giant legs
This is my favorite body type. Post more

look train got overconfident and lost an arm and need to flee
rey didn't train and if not for the exploding planet she would most likely defeat kylo because vagina*force=unlimited power
ye the same...

>Rey didn't do any of it
>Palpatine was controlling her all along

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I'd say the EU. The prequels didn't expand too much on how crazy the force powers were. The strongest we see in the PT were Yoda catching and throwing some rocks, throwing that disk thing at Palpatine, and that anti-lightning power he used a couple of times. A few force jumps and the sensing stuff felt about the same as what Luke could do by RotJ.

Meanwhile, Clone Wars had Windu blowing up entire droid armies, we had comics with people using powers that could take out star ships and harm planets, and Force Unleashed had all its crazy force powers even with Vader and Palpatine.

It's too bad. As a kid I loved the power fantasy and crazy powerlevels we had in the games/EU, and I suppose that's why we have that. But now I appreciate the Force as a "magic" system that's super effective as a power in a world where very few people can use said power. The subtle use of the force in the OT and the strong but not over the top powers in the PT feel much better than the EU's or Disney's powerlevels

Ironic. She could give others a motivation, but not herself.

it was jar jar the whole time

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man of culture

It might be because they couldn't show crazy over the top force powers in live action stuff in 2003 when the PT was being made without it not feeling natural. Lucas oversaw The Clone Wars show and signed off on the crazy stuff so it was obviously how he imagined it to be too.

Fuck off, mike.

big legs are best legs

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>Disney's powerlevels
Disney's power-levels are the same as the OT though. The baddest shit anyone did was Kylo stopping a laser blast.

I choose to believe that the Magic School Bus plot was a troll, but then you never can tell. That said, yes, of course the prequels are bad, and my only actual objection relates to this:
>Why do so many people have a hard time accepting that the force is not super saiyan ki powerlevels?
because the Force is nothing but the stories that are told about it. The discussion now is about the narrative of Star Wars, and yes, that narrative is shit and the Force has been ruined. The only good thing in the Star Wars franchise (besides the movie called Star Wars) still fucks it up: Kreia talks about how the Force isn't the same thing as our ideas about the Force, but then game mechanically it's a bunch of superpowers with a hard alignment system and prescriptive morality.
I think this problem was inevitable, because the sort of Joseph Campbell apotheosis routine can't really be implemented into a story beyond Luke choosing to turn off his targeting computer. After all, The Empire Strikes Back sows the seeds of "power levels" in the confrontation between Luke and Vader, i.e., by turning the Force into a competition.

>Son of two Jedi knights, trained since before he was 6 as a Jedi, then trained personally by Darth Vader to the point of being more powerful than several Jedi masters and Vader himself, straining himself to pull it down and still being unable to stop it when it's about to crush him.


>Daughter of two junkies who had no formal training up to and including her teens, defeats a trained Sith apprentice, has several hours of lessons over two days and is suddenly powerful enough to show feats unseen in the films with no strain or effort.

Starkiller's feats might be rediculous, but they have logic behind them.

is there a rey themed penis chart

Reys actions have logic as well- The Force is female. She gets a natural boost.

Maybe. Maybe the moment two force users were pitted against each other the power scaling started. Although that would be Vader and Obi Wan, but Obi War cleverly NOPEd out of that by choosing self-sacrifice instead of confrontation. So I guess it would be the end of Empire, Vader and Luke.

Maybe Rich Evans is right and Star Wars is just creatively bankrupt. And by that I mean you can only do two things, play it straight or deconstruct it.

1. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Star Wars The Last Jedi
4. Solo A Star Wars Story
5. Star Wars Return of the Jedi
6. Star Wars The Force Awakens
7. Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace
8. Rogue One A Star Wars Story
9. Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
10. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith

This is objective

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Laurence is a jewish hack.

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>Stopping a blaster for several minutes mid-air
>Lifting up thousands of tons of rocks and debris
>Creating holograms and projections that can physically interact with the world around them from a different solar system
>Forcing information out of people using the force even if they have strong minds or the force
>Creating space-time bridges allowing two different people to talk and touch one another, again, from entirely different solar systems

Yeah, same level exactly.

>half a mountain
how many of you retards don't know that something like perspective exists? In another shot you can literally see it's a small pile of rocks

The first one is subtitled A New Hope you insufferable faggot

>nuwars being above anything

I never even watched this garbage but this shit looks like it's from a tv show. I guess it's not hard to lift rocks when they're made of foam.

>Creating holograms and projections that can physically interact with the world around them from a different solar system
Correction on this one. 1. Luke was meditating in the Jedi Temple, which in an of itself had a strong Force presence so we could say that his power was boosted. 2. He did not actually interact with the environment. If you a watch the scene he dodged every attack and he doesn't even leave footprints, which was a telling sign that a lot of people caught onto.


All the other shit is classic SW. Lifting shit to that size is still ok, and people can sense each other across the galaxy. Like when the Death Star first blows a planet up Obi Wan is like "some shit just happened" and they're not even there.

He's not 100% wrong, the Yoda scene is good because he transcended, not just sat there and died. If he died and Luke buried him, it would have not been as amazing as it was.

reddit spacing check
sequel shilling check
stupid headcanon because he couldn't be a jedi check

>and people can sense each other across the galaxy. Like when the Death Star first blows a planet up Obi Wan is like "some shit just happened" and they're not even there.
That was billions of people being ripped out of the force. That is completely different from getting a facetime from Kylo

>Lucas: No, no no. Come on, this is for kids.
>Lucas: You don't have to kill people. You're a producer of the 1980s. You don't go around killing people. It's not nice.
>Lucas: By killing somebody, I think you alienate the audience.
>Lucas: I have always hated that in movies when one of the main characters gets killed. This is a fairy tale. You want everybody to live happily ever after and nothing bad happens to anybody.

*smash cut to fast montage of qui-gon being impaled, shmi dying of anal rape, anakin killing women and children, mace windu extrajudicial assassination attempt, anakin betraying mace windu one of his mentors since he was a child, all of the jedi dying, anakin killing more children, anakin killing the surrendering separatists, anakin with no limbs on fire, padme dying of depression*

all to the tune of yub nub or jedi rocks

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Based on the very human assumption that distance matters to the force at all, which I don't see why it should, considering size doesn't matter to it.

Explain Leia's Force flying in space

The force isn't a fucking bullshit mcguffin generator.

>Attack of the Clones above literally anything

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Star Wars isn't creatively bankrupt. It's just being run by people who look to charts and marketing data to determine what to do with the franchise. Lucas' poor management with the prequels "told" Disney to avoid doing anything "new" but to instead "play it safe" by throwing familiar things at us. I'm sure if you had a well done Star Wars movie that is different and doesn't rely heavily on what we've already seen, it would go over well with audiences. Anyone that would complain there was enough of the "old stuff" isn't really a fan but more so a consumer of the same product.

Here's an idea:
Set it a thousand years after the OT. The New Republic isn't as big as the old one with their being other planetary unions with enough power to secure and pursue their own interests. Have a great and evil force come from the unknown regions that threatens to destroy them all and these factions now have to unite to defeat this common enemy and you spend the trilogy showing this new galactic coalition being formed and end it with the formation a new galactic republic forged by war which leaves it stronger and more centralized to defend itself from any threat. It's not a rag tag group of rebels taking on an all powerful empire, but something with real political intrigue and witnessing the rise of new, legendary figures.

Fuck you, George
>anywhere near the level of 1977-1980

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Force is mysterious but everywhere. Control comes from supreme disciple and meditation.
Force is thrown into the lap of a women because of affirmative action. If the narrative calls for it, this women can do it. No question.

post yfw the whole star wars franchise is dead and buried

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She pulled herself in zero gravity. She didn’t fly.

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Time Cops suck sweaty donkey balls and Jew Jew is a mistake

god this looks awful

It's like the 3rd most valuable franchise on the planet. It'll be here forever unless they really fuck up

Not only is she lifting all that shit, but she's lifting it with absolutely no effort. Glad I didn't watch it. Glad i'm done with Star Wars.

user, iI don't want to say something radical but it actually kind of is.

Do you know how Luke learned to telepathically connect Leila? He pulled it out of his ass by necessity when he was hanging on the bottom of the sky city. This is not even like the force mind control he saw Obi Wan do, or the force pull that he also pulled out of his ass (but we saw other do it too, like Vader's choke). He saw absolutely nobody do it. He wasn't taught. And there is nobody else in the entire show who ever does it before or after. Not in the originals at least.

You know what he did learn? This: "you must un-learn what you know". He learned that what limits the use of Force is the user's self-confidence and imagination.

Basically, that moment was Luke completing his Dagobah training by doing something that he needed to do, by believing that he could.

Now this may sound like I'm portraying the force like a bullshit strong asspull power, but remember the low power ceiling I talked about. This doesn't mean that you can destroy planets with the force if you believe it, but in utility use it may have as many uses, to a limited power extent, as a person can imagine.

Leila temporarily surviving in space and pulling herself to the nearest airlock is ok becasue of this, too. Even if she never trained. Force powers sometimes manifest when the user is near death. Luke first pulling his saber to him was a moment like that, in the ice cave.

All I am saying is OT>>>Prequels>>>>>>>>>>>>Nuwars

In ROTS Grievous breaks the window to the main bridge in order to escape. Due to being an alien with cybernetics, he is able to escape while Obi-Wan and Anakin cling for dear life to stay inside the ship. It sure would have done them good if they knew they could survive in space and simply pull themselves back in after they killed Grievous and ended the Clone Wars there and then. I guess 10,000 years of Jedi knowledge can't compare to the power of a strong womyn.


She's a Neil Breen:
Lived in the desert where she collected computer junk.
-Wonders around the desert just being a badass.
-Has existential confusion about what the purpose of her awesome power is supposed to be.
-Competent at everything she does.
-Everybody likes her.
-Does unnecessary weird looking force jumps (Rise of Skywalker Trailer, new Twisted Pair Breen movie)
-Can talk to the dead (Rey: Luke, Breen: His parents)
-Can mind control people.
-She's THE ONE, central to the fate of all peoples.

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the exact moment I saw this I knew this scene was literally created to justify "3d" screenings, that & the bs opening with flyby ships.

No, Lucas was a really nice guy and he put that in to make Mark feel better about his height

The problem with Star Wars is that OTards ruined it, the entire sequels are a OTard fanfest

>George decides Anakin/Darth Vader should be the central character of the entire Star Wars story and ROTS is the slated to be the most important chapter of the entire tale, the fall, and so on
>Anakin gets Mace Windu killed
>Anakin: So how do I save Padme?
>Sheev: Uhhhh sorry I lied. Maybe we can figure it out. Go kill children and the Seperatists leaders trying to surrender
>Anakin: Sure thing
>*Anakin has no limbs and is on fire*
>*Wakes up in a robot suit*
>Anakin: So do we know how to save Padme yet
>Sheev: Lol she died, and u caused it by being evil

It's not that I like AOTC it's just maybe slightly less actively destructive to the entire star wars series as ROTS

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They could’ve but they would’ve had to pull themselves back after the oxygen escaped and then would have to find a way to reoxygenate the control deck. Leia pulled herself to an airlock and didn’t have to worry about that.

I completely agree with you.

>Do you know how Luke learned to telepathically connect Leila?
He didn't. The force just gave her a gut instinct.
I'll repeat again since you didn't hear me. The way the force is used in the new trilogy is a laughably bad mcguffin that gets everybody out of trouble and now idiots like you think that it is perfectly fine to allow this bad writing because you are guilt tripping yourself into liking it.
The force is not a mcguffin generator. It is not something you can just do on the fly with no skill or practice.

>he thinks SW isn't being killed on purpose to let Marvel completely monopolize the movies
My man, jews don't produce a good product and sell it to you for profit, they remove all other products and leave only their own so they can use it to leverage power over you. Kikery 101.

Disney star wars is not as bad as the prequels and if george lucas hadn't sold SW to disney his sequels would have been as bad or worse

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>Surviving the vacuum of space is on the same level as mild telepathy

I completely disagree here. At least RotS has some sort of action going on, Attack of the Clones was one of the most BORING pieces of shit I've ever seen.

>Disney star wars is not as bad as the prequels
imagine actually thinking this.

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>Disney star wars is not as bad as the prequels
Even paid drones realize they can't pull off the "nuwars is good" crap, kek


>Disney star wars is not as bad as the prequels
this Disney Star Wars have AT-AT's and X-Wings how you can say prequels are better?

>Leila temporarily surviving in space and pulling herself to the nearest airlock is ok becasue of this, too.
Well, the real problem is that it was shot too much like Superman. I mean, it's not okay overall because levitation would've been a useful power for others to have on one or two occasions, but the real issue is that it looked ridiculous. Certain insecure filmmakers talk about zero-g and no air resistance, but then if size doesn't matter to the Force, I doubt that, in the long run, friction matters that much to people who have "bad motherfucker" written on their lightsaber.

Retards are more toxic than Raylo faggots.

>Disney star wars is not as bad as the prequels

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sequels will be forgotten in a year like all marvel trash

She opened a door directly into space right before the other rebels eyes, rewatch the scene, it's extremely sloppy.

size matters not dumbdumb

>Disney star wars is not as bad as the prequels
unironically kys. The prequels at least have a modicum of originality.

>there is nobody else in the entire show who ever does it before or after.
Obi Wan telepathically connects with and hears the screams of ever single person on Alderaan, dumbass lmao

You can easily survive a couple of minutes in space if you empty your lungs

Yeah no argument there, it did look stupid. I wish they didn't do it, actually. The whole scene serves no narrative purpose but to temporarily remove Leila and introduce Holdo, who is another badly written character. If you write Holdo out and have Leila have no faith in Poe (but in a much less arrogant manner) it would have been much better. And then have Leila sacrifice herself with the suicide run to save the fleet and go out like the badass heroine she is.

I just don't think it's the biggest problem with the movie. I can forgive Leila having enough force power to literally just not die (coma and medical help after that), there are bigger narrative issues.

My audience thought it was a pretty effective death scene. Showed the horrors of war and how quickly it can end for even a beloved OT cast member.
Everyone was into it and eager to see how Kylo would react to being responsible for his wingman killing her, and then she flew back for no reason and people were laughing instead of being frozen in shock at her death.

shit taste

the prequels fucking suck keep seething

So it's a marvel movie? Lol,
Film critics and RLM and anyone with a brain that hasn't been rotted by prequel Stockholm syndrome agrees.
>paid drones
Double wrong
I also said Rogue One is worse than The Phantom Menace, which I actually don't mind
You heard me
Yeah I put The Phantom Menace over Rogue One. At least TPM has new visual design while RO has nothing

Oh, you are just baiting.
I thought you were serious for a second there.

>he actually thinks this

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>mass replying like a redditor
suits the nuwars fag

You can't just say "you are baiting" to everything you disagree with.

SW: everyone agrees it's a masterpiece
ESB: everyone agrees it's a masterpiece
ROTJ: lucas stated during production he was only doing the movie because he started SW and has to finish it. kurtz left over lucas selling out and giving up. its got a lot of a cringe and stains the otherwise masterpiece OT
TPM: do we need to go over this? very boring movie where nothing of consequence happens but it looks nice
AOTC: turbocringe
ROTS: also trubocringe and shits over the entire star wars story immensely
TFA: its an ok rehashing of the original and shit youve already seen
RO: the most bland and uninteresting characters play out a backstory nobody needs to see. a 2 hour star wars brand commercial
TLJ: very divisive but I don't care. rian made a star wars movie that wasn't totally hollow and empty or a rehash that he wanted to make. it has many good aspects and plenty of bad ones
Solo: would have been a fantastic movie if young han solo hadn't been the protagonist and they had a competent direction and it was released at a time when anyone actually wanted to see a star wars film but I guess regarding that first point it would never have got a green light without a dumb hook like that. Qira and Beckett are better characters than anyone in the ST or RO. If only they had directors up for the job from the beginning or hired less of a hack than ron howard to finish it

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>This entire post

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Bullshit, The force is, and always has been a mcguffin generator.

actual npcs, all of you

Attached: rey_training.png (890x1353, 1.14M)

go back to plebbit m8

Ive been both alive and on these boards since way before you, you zoomer prequelbaby phoneposting living trash

>likes nuwars
>calling anyone a zoomer
jesus christ you are a walking joke.

Attached: reytarded.png (1584x110, 20K)

But they aren't even doing that. It's just rehashing the same shit over and over again with mindless fans clapping because Star Wars.

did your youtuber friends told you that? how much you donated this week?

>likes nuwars
I like SW and ESB
I can tolerate ROTJ, TPM, TFA, TLJ, & Solo
I hate AOTC, ROTS, & Rogue One

Attached: D3owM7vUcAEMeD9.png (375x608, 303K)

Dragonborn! Is that you? No wait, are you... the One? Or no wait... the Chosen One? Or wait... could you be... the Girl who Lived? Wow... did you just bypass... omg so powerful so cute... are you the... person of Destiny?! So kawaiiiiii.

You can shout now!

Attached: Never+should+have+come+here+_3740d18c000e7ad332014c3540dd075d.jpg (636x699, 188K)

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Then you are just retarded. Sorry you had to find out this way user.

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A lot of people where calling out Force Unleashed as complete power level wank, there is absolutely no reason to defend it. It was completely stupid.
Even Lucas put the devs in their place when he gave a joke Darth name after the devs asked him for one.

She's the manifestation of the light side. Yoda was just a goblin with too many midiclorians for his size.

Actual compelling argument. Starkiller somehow makes more sense then MaRey Sue

nuwars fags are insufferable.

>Actual compelling argument. Starkiller somehow makes more sense then MaRey Sue

also, she somehow learns to be a pilot and a mechanic who can repair custom space ships like the falcon, on the fly, that she just stole, mid-battle after living as an oprhaned scavenger on a desert planet with no parents. also she can speak wookiee and droid and knows how to swim, again despite being born on a desert planet.

storywise, logically, she shouldnt even be able to read, let alone do all that shit and/or just pick up the force easier than learning to ride a bicycle.

is right, even starkiller was less of a mary sue

The Force is female and doesn't like manlets


Also for kids who are abandoned by their parents it makes more sense that they grow up with hate and resentment towards them, not blindly still love them and believe they'll return one day like Rey's perfect personality does.

Why didn't she just throw the rocks at the First Order?

I love you both


i thought finn's sacrifice was the only heartfelt scene in this shit show and they fucking ruined it and made 3+ plot holes doing it

I feel bad for Boyega getting pushed into a second fiddle role and having his character butchered by bad writing. He seems to be the most enthusiastic about the franchise out of the cast.

The very first scene in the prequels is two Jedi arriving as diplomats to Naboo

Palpatine's force lightning in ROTJ was just a way for him to torture Luke. He could have killed him instantly but he wanted him to suffer. We don't see Palpatine let loose even a fraction of his ability in that scene before Vader throws him off the the edge.

Fucking retarded cunt

It's amazing how bad the movie is on practically every level

Should have had SuperLeiaman on the other side helping.

>Jar Jar is the key to all of this

I hate this so much. The prequels are textbook flanderization.

> Emperor uses force lightning one time to torture Luke
> Prequels and EU: All the powerful Sith use force lightning and it's a staple technique, not something the emperor only used to play with his victim

> We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!
> Rebel base explodes in the background

The appearance of the First Order suddenly makes complete sense if you assume that everyone survived the explosion of the Death Star and all those star destroyers. Tie fighters may have surprisingly effective pilot ejection systems. The Rebels thoughtfully spared all the Empire troops, because that's how they win a war.

It would have been fine if she had been shown training properly. It's the fact the she can just do all this shit on the fly.

>there are people that actually try to defend that line and scene

Here's an even deeper cut

It's a dumb line, but you can't take dialog too seriously. The girl isn't Yoda, she doesn't need that kind of pressure when she speaks.

Autism and Basedfag confirmed

I feel disgusted