So when does this get good?
Im on the third episode
So when does this get good?
It gets good 86 episodes in.
The episode that really hooked me was episode 4 Denial Anger Acceptance actually
What is this notion of a TV show having to "get good" at a certain point? Where did it come from? Is this form of ADHD becoming more prevalent in society? When did people forget to appreciate the journey instead of the destination? Why has God forsaken us?
OP probably thought it was a cool violent action series about mobsters shooting each other. He's disappointed that his pleb taste isn't pandered to with actions scenes every 10 minutes.
I actually like it its a nice show but Yea Forums says its the greatest show of all time
How is that? Does it get better?
For example LOST and Leftovers are miles better so far
so i actually started watching this series yesterday and i was surprised at how quickly i was hooked in. i'd argue it gets good pretty immediately.
>For example LOST and Leftovers are miles better so far
Stop watching Sopranos. It's not for you. It never will be. Fucking cocksucker.
nice argument sweatie
Ill watch it cause I like it
comfy soap opera
So you don't like that they aren't just making up bullshit twists every 5 minutes that don't make any sense?
If I thought the godfather was shit and hate everything I've seen with Italian Americans and their gay little gangster shit will I enjoy the sopranos?
I dont like how its said to be the best show of all time while its just a 7/10 show
t. pleb
Again, its not for you
You don't like it because you can't understand it
No I understand it
It gets good the moment Tony interacts with Livia in the Pilot Episode.
I’m a fucking zoomer faggot that was 19 years old when I first watched Sopranos and I just came off of shitty Breaking Bad and GoT thinking those garbage shows were great.
You need to realize quickly that the show is drama on the forefront with mafia shit at the back.
And to add, as much as I love season 1 and the overarching story, especially the way it ends, it’s probably the weakest season.
Season 2 is a straight upgrade. The mafia characters become more developed, B-plots tie in much more better and smoothly with the main story, writing becomes even more funny and clever. Season 2-3 is where it develops a personality of its own.
If you are expecting some plot-twist that normies crave go watch something else, save us from your terrible opinions.
if anyone wants to know if sopranos is for them, they should watch goodfellas. it is what inspired the sopranos