Tfw getting involuntarily fatter

>tfw getting involuntarily fatter
Kinos for this feel

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Stop eating tard

Yeah no, unless a large black man follows you around all day long, forcing you to eat burgers under a threat of sexual violence, you're getting fat as fuck on your own volition

>tfw accidentally ate two whole jars of peanut butter again

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post your tits fatty

i sleep walk and wake up to a half tub of ice cream eaten in a 24/7 grocery store parking lot


>tfw when i ate 4 egg omlette sandwiches with torilla chips and a glass of ginger ale

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Kill yourself, once youre past your middle 20s you get fatter want it or not. You'll be in my position soon

why does the man have to be black?

I lost weight from 28-29 and I'm getting my early 20s body back. All it takes is discipline

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There was a literally countless of ways you could have articulated this. And you chose to reference getting ass raped by a nigger as the best way describe it.

Jesus christ Favreau it's just grilled cheese

Based retard who doesn't understand hormones. Let me put it this way so you retard can understand it. Im eating the same yet getting fatter

God damn I feel sexy

Also eat less then you fat fuck

learn how to fast. just stop eating until the fat burns off.
stop eating multiple meals a day. One is all you need.


Then eat less you goddamn ape

Is it a millennial thing to include a reference to cuckoldry in every single sentence you make?

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Eat less faggot. Your body isn’t breaking laws of thermodynamics or the govornment would have already picked you off the street and harvested your fat ass exotic matter stomach.


You're not
You're also moving less

Lol fatty

Bruh I'm 34 and and at the lowest % body fat I've ever been. It's called exercise. I'm sure you've heard of it. I can't even get enough calories to not lose fat at this point.

> I ate my whole bowl of food in under a minute...and then went outback and ate my poop

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>getting this triggered at one mention of a black male
You've got some issues to work out, anons.

Outback is shitty but do you have to compare it to feces?

Retard doesn't understand biology
This has nothing to do with thermodynamics, laws of thermodynamics only apply to closed systems, the human body is not one. Stop talking about things you dont understand

epic bait my fellow redditor

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then eat less, dumbass


there is no such thing as getting involuntarily fatter

stop eating shit and keep moving, you fat piece of shit

just stop buying shitty food. goddamn. not only do you get fat, you are wasting money on energy you don't need, and also making your unhealthy less comfortable and you will die faster. It's basically a lose lose lose lose situation. STOP BUYING FOOD.

Pretty much the hardest thing as an american is not stopping at a fast food place on the way home. I don't know if europoors know the primal ecstasy expirenced when an american eats a greasy cheap burger. It's literally the greatest feeling in the world but still that's not an excuse. I would sacrifice 3 meals for one greasy ass burger.

Go back to /gif/ degenerate

>It's called exercise
I dislike this reasoning because it always shifts the blame away from fatties ("yeah well I don't have time to exercise much!")
BMR is high enough already compared to calories burned by exercise that it's really hard to lose weight without also changing your diet, and we need to fucking teach them that

Its not bait, read the laws of thermodynamics and how they apply before posting and embarrassing yourself

yep just repeat the same bait, it's getting better the more you post it

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>Two slices of bread with beef and vegetables will make you fat!!
Burgers are healthy. Ameribraps are fatasses because they literally replace their water intake with soda.

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>just starve yourself
Based re ddit bro


Weeeiner weiner balls balls baalalalalllls

Stop eating all the cookies you fat fuck.

The problem isn't so mch the fast food existing, it's the goddamn portion sizes and lack of home cooking

I'm not shifting blame. Everyone has 1 hour of free time a day at least. If you run an hour a day theres no fucking way you gain weight unless you are literally drinking several cups of weight gainer.


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He's right tho, the laws of thermodynamics apply only to isolated systems

Skip meals, look at africa hardly any fat people there.

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I never advocating starving myself dumb ass. I'm just saying exercise gets to a point where ur in an automatic small net deficit over the week unless you are an idiot.

Kill yourself redditor

No I mean fatties interpret it that way
It's the same logic with fad diets, they just want the fast easy way

I work out 5 days a week but I get intense cravings. I would try fasting but I don't want to eat away my muscles and lose my gains.

>hardly any fat people there.

>lose weight
>get in shape
>find a job
>gain a gf

Literal retard. I am working out three times a day, and I eat pizza and burgers just the same. I dropped nearly 60 pounds already, in seven months.

The absolute state of you

>t. People who don't know how the body works
Yes, weight is about calories in vs calories out, but the problem is retards fail to realize how many variables their are on the calories out part. One reason why so many Americans are fat is because the rise of white collar work. When you spend 9 hours a day in front of your desk and another 2 in traffic for years on end it fucks with your metabolism. Your heart becomes weaker, you feel less awake, and end up burning less calories by default. Also, as you get older your hormones change, and your testosterone decreases, both of which make your body burn less calories and store more fat by default. Stress too has a similar effect, puting your body into survival mode where it conserves energy, and hence burns less fat. There are other factors contributing to the obesity epidemic, such as the proliferation of processed foods and women entering the workforce, but you retards need to understand that just because you're thin when you're 16 doesn't mean you'll still be thin at 30 if you do everything the same.

>all this fatty cope

You forgot the part where you actually have to put effort into your social life and give a fuck about sexual gratification beyond fapping to get a gf
Still didn't pass that hurdle

>hair on the side of the forehead is visibly shrinking
>only 23

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>implying most redditors don't die of heart disease like you will

I assure you, it's entirely voluntary

>blah blah blah I never heard of BMR calculators
Fuck off faggot

Jesus, eat more fiber, fucking hell. And why do you work out five times a week? Are you pro bodybuilder.? Give your muscles a rest.

You really fucked you your previous reply . It made you look like an idiot

This is utter bullshit. As a PT I had clients that had insane amounts of cortisol, some doctors that worked 12+ hour shifts. They ALL lost weight except the people that didn't follow my instructions.

I know what OP is feeling, I used to be some perma skinny lad who could eat anything he wanted ever and not gain a pound
Ever since I've reached adulthood I've actually started gaining weight, although this coincide with my moving to the big city and eating at MacDonald once a week and other types of fastfoods

I sometimes eat a whole can of condensed milk in one sitting

I gave a direct quote of what fatties usually say when presented with the "all you need is exercise" argument

did you get out of breath typing that wall of text, you fat fuck?

Kek, better get some talent or serious money.

Ha, faggot, I lost 33 pounds in the last month.

I weighed 225 at one point and felt like a monster (6'2) so i lost weight and got in shape. i don't know how you subhumans can get any fatter than that. Maybe if you stopped buying a soda at every movie you go to you wouldn't be so fat

>11 hours of sitting down
Well there are 13 more hours in a day, fatty. No excuses.

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I see they're leaving up garbage to stop people from discussing the muds bombing christians today

Isn't that a dolphin?

Everyone knows your metabolism catches up to your shitty high school eating habits, that's why smart people take steps to eat better and move more.
>Oh my God I'm getting fatter and ive done nothing
Yeah no shit you inbred retard. Fat genocide when?

where is the fucking meat or protein?
no wonder he is a fatso

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based and slavpilled

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Same. Grew fat for ten years, and now I am working hard to get rid of it. Everything about my life is already improving, but man, it's disheartening just how much did the body stomp on the break. Might as well stop eating food, and just tape it to my ass instead.

why would people discuss that on Yea Forums

Bruh I'm 89 and still buff af.

Same here and I felt really, really, really shitty. I didn't even have ovehanging stomach, and yet I was constantly sleeping, ran out of breath, wobbled, my joints ached, my pressure was killing me and sudden heat rushes were constant.
I literally don't understand how do people live at 350.

Favereau cool it on the cheese

Put your car keys in a safe at night.

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They shouldn't make it so delicious desu
Like you know how methylated spirits has poison in it so you can't drink it as alcohol, they should do that for condensed milk

>dead christcucks
Abrahamics killing abrahamics, oh nooooo, that sucks.

Eat less you dumb fuck

I feel like I'm beyond fucked. It IS bad if I have to pee a lot right? Will losing weight reverse this?


Yeah fatass, sitting the entire day on your fat ass will fuck up your prostate like that

Literal diabetes dude

Depends on what you are drinking, but yes, generally peeing a lot put a strain on your livers.
You mean you pee a lot or you pee often?

I just realized that I am 10 pounds overweight for the first time in my life and it freaked me out. I'm way too autistic to go to a gym so I guess I'll buy a training bike or some shit.

I pee often
I also drink tea a lot

You can be less autistic if you practice. Everyone at the gym is the same way

Dunno man I can't see it. I get nervous about going to the grocery store. There's no way I can swing making an ass of myself in front of other people.

Really? I'm not thirsty.

That's why i said practice. I didn't say "just go do it". Start somewhere, get better. The things you do have an impact on your behavior at large. Anyone can un-tard themselves. I did it. Took years.
Running outside could definitely be a step