What are the best films about vietnam?

What are the best films about vietnam?

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do you have the wojack version

If you mean the war specifically, and outside of the obvious three (AN, Platoon and FMJ);

Hamburger Hill
Hearts & Minds
84 Charlie Mopic
The Odd Angry Shot

She didn't do anything wrong. She probably thought that he died. Women has needs you know.

What kind of pleb do you take me for?

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women aren't whor-


Full Metal Jacket is not so good and was shot in England, you can see the English signs on the road,etc. Platoon's director actually did Vietnam and shot on location too.

I'd feed needs

At least his daughter is cute.

Most people on /tv are incels. They don't know anything about women.

not its name you fucking newfag
it's the feeling guy

What an absolute lack of tits.

She probably got dicked nice and hard by some hippie faggot.

>She probably thought that he died.
Pretty sure the military was aware of who the POWs were and was negotiating their release at the time

She almost definitely knew and still had no problem taking 43% of his retirement


For once I agree with roastie. Sex is an important part of healthy lifestyle.

forcing "wojack/pepe" is the more intelligent approach

>she can't go a couple years without sex
women are fragile

Is cheating on you than taking you to court for half your pension after you divorce also just some woman thing incels wont understand?

What about stealing his settlement? Hey she's the real victim here 6 years without sex (not likely)

Neither do misogynist mentally ill faggots like you, though. You'll find more tales of women remaining faithful than the opposite.


Is this what jarrhead welfare queens tell themselves before they are shipped off to die for israel
>she would never touch another man while I'm gone for half a decade NEVER EVER see it worked for MCcain

Didn’t the North Vietnamese parade them around and force them to say propaganda shit on camera?

tough situation and she certainly could have thought he was dead, but the fact that she went on to take 43% of his pention is what settles it for me, absolute fucking whore.

>literally admitting its woman's nature to be cheating whores who will betray you than steal half your money

she looks so much like Meadow from the Sopranos

She knew he was alive. She sent him letters while he was in POW camp. He learned of his divorce from one of her letters while he was in camp.

What a disgusting whore, cheating on her PoW husband then stealing his money so she can keep sitting at home doing nothing. Based Uncle Ho tried to prevent this.
Anyways, Apocalypse Now. Platoon is good too, FMJ is overrated garbage. Forrest Gump is has good Vietnam sequences.

Reminder that she was hated after the news came out and died of cancer, while the vet moved on, remarried, and started a new family and made a fortune

>can go 22+ years without sex
>women can’t go two years
Why are they such whores?

serving jews is already high level cuckoldery. might as well be as much cuck as possible imo. might sympathize a little bit since there was draft but forced cuckoldery is stll cuckoldery

Platoon is top for most realistic and best story

nigga did u just make this?

If your work involves being gone from home for months of a time your wife WILL 100% fuck other men. Especially if she's young and pretty. This is a fact of life. I don't know why so many men (soldiers, truck drivers, sailors, etc.) pretend that shit is not common as fuck and won't happen to them.

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all women are cheaters, some just haven't been given an opportunity yet.

god damn why is everybody on this website stupid

No one ever mentions how thousands of married men also used to cheat on ports and shit. Sometimes sex is just sex.

>leaving your family months or years at a time so you can prove to Israel you're good enough for tribute
Lmao, and these people expect not to get cucked.

>t. zoomer who knows about WWII and Iraq and nothing else
They were fighting commies in the jungle you fucking mongloid, not random Arabs in states Israel deemed a threat. If anything, kikes hated the war because of that.

Anyone who says FMJ sucks is not a true Yea Forums user


>tfw not a vietcuck vet
feels good

Name a single good part of the movie besides Sgt. Hartmann.

Thank god you got your shit pushed in by rice farming insects.

And you've forgot to mention the part where she when on to take half his pension and settlement in court even AFTER she had already cheated on a POW

bretty good

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I never mentioned her at all. In this situation she was definitely in the wrong and a bitch if you want to argue about that.

I think the daughter should be a wojak, while the wife remain a pepe

>win every single battle
>KGB spooks, kikes, and faggots like you throw shitfits at home until we leave

>can't go five years without sex for your supposed "loved" one
Well I can think of an easy explanation actually: she never loved him

>mother right at the back hiding behind her kids.
>not joining in on the group hug because she knows what shes done

You idiots. Pensions for married people are higher for this exact reason.

Without splitting it, many wives (and some men) would be left with nothing since they sacrifice their careers to raise the family.


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t. roaster

>Women has sneeds you know.
Formerly chucks.

>>win every single battle
>evacuate the city in a frenzy because you still lost the war
Do you think real life is a video game? Those deathmatch points don't count for shit if you end up losing, Callum.

fucking jarheads

brain no bigger than a bullet.

if we couldnt handle those elements we shouldve known beforehand and not gotten involved.

lel sry i get

t. involuntary celibate

>still forced to give up 43% of his military retirement pay
>to someone who cheated on him while he was a prisoner of war

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>go to war with literal rice farmers
>get captured
>dont even try to escape for 6 years
>wife had like 3 suitors

their both horrible awful people lol

shit likes shit

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>sex is just sex
How many of those guys brought home a baby and told their wife it was hers?

Pick the military industrial complex or liberal faggots, retard.

>try to escape from Vietcong POW camp
are you retarded by chance

women are worthless

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Which is fine, but she broke the contract. I am a firm believer in the massive understated purpose that a stable relationship brings, and Jeff Bezos’ wife settled for far less than she deserved, but it is an unequal split. One side takes care of the family, one side takes care of the finances. Family should be more important, but that’s the crime of modern society, to say the most important object are paper items created out of thin air.

>evacuate South Vietnamese who worked with you because liberals will riot again if you try to send in troops to save them like you promised two years ago
You clearly know so little about Vietnam I don't know why you're discussing it in the first place

Well, at least he had cute daughters in thwir prime

Platoon is the greatest Vietnam movie

I did it in black ops.

Someone post the GDP one where she's wearing the same clothes.

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Pretty sure this happens to most soldiers right? They go off to die in a war for someone else and their wives fuck their best friends while they do it. I'm not convinced most military men are the smartest.

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Good lord, how did I get you to grind your teeth so quickly? Did grandpappy rape too many commie girls during his time, champ? Was mommy one of them?

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It's still a nice photo.

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If he didn’t want his wife to cheat on him he shouldn’t have gotten caught by the gooks lmao

>Dear John letter
I never expected the Americans to have an official name for putting the cuckening on paper.

fuck off whore if you cant keep your legs closed then you belong in a brothel


It's because retarded zoomers think Vietnam was a bunch of random rice farmers slaughtering American troops while they were unable to do anything about it, rather than the other way around.
The US lost in Vietnam because nobody wanted to fight it, and nobody wanted to fight it because nobody understood it. Generals were incompetent as fuck and random hippies hated America.

>dude domino theory lmao

Good, it's time for men to pay reparations for all the thousands of years of injustice we inflicted on women.

What are you implying, dipshit? Liberals supported the war? Only one I can think of is Johnson, and that's because his wife would make money from it.

Because their super special & unique sweetheart promised she'd be loyal and they will beat your ass if you ever dare bring this up again.

>random hippies hated America.

You should watch "born a 4th of july"

A dear John letter is just a break up letter. It's not a "I cheated on you" letter.

>Getting upset about this
Military wives cheating is a time honored tradition stretching back centuries. If you serve you know what you're getting into.

US really blew it post WW2. The only nation with nukes and they did nothing to establish dominance.

Not sure what you mean. I assume you're tacking onto "generals are incompetent". Domino theory was kind of correct, Cambodia fell soon after Vietnam, but infighting among the communists put a quick stop to it, and anyone with a knowledge of Indochina would be able to see that coming.
I meant generals were incompetent moreso by their insistence of using the tactic "dude let's take a hill then leave until the VC take it back over and over lmao" and other examples.

>A Dear John letter is a letter written to a man by his wife or romantic partner to inform him their relationship is over because she has found another lover.
From memepedia.

>tfw ywn have a 15 yo qtfloat in front of you as she excitedly waits for a hug
why even live?

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>mutts still mutting on about how their invasion and slaughter of vietnam was juster-fied cos MUR GURMNURSM

Then just marry someone who isn't a whore, retard.

>dude let's bomb random villages that'll make them like us lmao
>dude let's forcibly relocate villagers lmao
>dude let's bomb a nation with no industry's industry lmao
>dude let's allow mass rapes to go unpunished lmao
>dude let's teach conventional tactics to people fighting a guerrilla war lmao
>dude let's do everything France did that failed miserably lmao
>dude let's lie to the public about the war and pin it on whoever the next president is lmao
Why were they so bad?

You reap what you sow, colonizer

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even the quiet girl in my uni class?

platoon was shot in the Philippians
you Mo, full metal is better

I thought the kid was George Harrison for a second.

Yeah, the wife looks like a total cunt. Sad, that the backstory confirms it.

>this is europoor "humor"

>actual happy ending for the guy

>just a break up letter. It's not a "I cheated on you" letter.
In 99.99% of cases it's the same shit. Women virtually never break up a relationship without having found and tried a new cock.

Why would she tell him that when he's a captive????????

The kids are like, 'Dad, don't kill her yet!' while the wife is fake smiling with those horse-like chompers with everything she's got. No wonder we never see his face.

>Why would she tell him that when he's a captive
Because shes a bitch

Even made a tv show about it, starring Judd Hirsch, theme song sung by Kiki Dee.

reprise (joachim trier, 2006)

The US lost because they were getting their asses handed to them in the jungle so hard they had to start drafting college kids instead of your typical nigger/spic/redneck cannon fodder any country would be happy to get rid of. Wars are something that don't have to bother the middle class, just keep send useless fucks who would be in jail or unemployed at home anyway to die for no reason and a war can last a thousand years

Yes, especially her.
Don't worry though, it's not like you'll ever start a conversation with her anyway.

>Cambodia fell soon after Vietnam
Cambodia fell because the amerifats bombarded them, domino theory is just your average american incompetence

He's not wrong. He's got to cool it with the air quotes though.

>get captured and tortured while serving your nation
>yet you still have to give away 43% of your pension to some glum cheating cunt
The Vietnamese weren't the true fucking enemy.

imagine how demoralizing that must have been for him

>The US lost in Vietnam because nobody wanted to fight it
They just spent 12 years in Vietnam for shits and giggles. Nobody wanted to be there at all.

>muh nuclear family

Eh, not really. Cambodia was probably fucked no matter what. US bombing delayed it

I'm starting to understand why vets come home and go on killing sprees.

>just don't get married

Roasties are scum

honestly at this point i'd withdraw all the money i have and spent in one night so the bitch wouldn't earn anything

Ho Chi Minh wanted peace and unity for his people. He wanted to prevent this.

>marrying a woman in her prime only to be leave weeks later
There were some gay troops for sure.

>The US lost in Vietnam because nobody wanted to fight it

Man I heard the greeks lost to Philip of Macedon because nobody wanted to fight it.

the average woman doesn't really have to develop that much of a personality or interests (beyond very superficial things to keep herself engaged and occupied, plus maybe one or two "convictions" so that she herself can feel like she cares about something), then again i'd argue the same is true for a lot of men (basic interests: a handful of series, video games, sports, party music with the guys, etc) but that's not the point.

there are women out there that are intelligent and from their intelligence they felt compelled to develop interests and passions and their own opinions. you wouldn't think so from speaking to the vast majority of women (just like you wouldn't think so from speaking to a lot of men) but when you find one that's genuinely got the lights on, it's great.

the challenge, therefore is to find one that's intelligent and driven but also not damaging to look at.

>After Robert Stirm’s return, his wife of nearly 20 years managed to capitalize on their subsequent divorce. Loretta was given custody of two of their four children, the family home, and nearly half of Stirm’s pension. At the time, Stirm remarked: “It’s not fair. It’s just not. I’m the one that lives with all the aches and pains from my imprisonment, but she continues to get paid.” That certainly makes the fact that Loretta is there in the photograph, smiling wide at her then-husband, all the more painful. Even his children had trouble with his return.

>His daughter, Lorrie, was quoted as saying: “So much had happened—there was so much that my dad missed out on—and it took a while to let him back into our lives and accept his authority.”

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>be in the military
>fall for the marriage meme
What a stupid fucking faggot lol. He deserved everything he got.

women not even once

>It's a normal healthy thing for a society when men cant trust women to be alone for an extended period of time while assuming responsibility for his family


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>His daughter, Lorrie, was quoted as saying: “So much had happened—there was so much that my dad missed out on—and it took a while to let him back into our lives and accept his authority.”

jfc, women are vermin

pussy pass is real

what the

How long have YOU been here that you don't know Wojack as Wojack?

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>It's a normal healthy thing for a society sending man to fight an useless war in another continent while his family stays alone
Yes, user. Got to the jungle/desert, stay there for a few years while your home falls apart, your kids grow without the father and the wife enjoys the friendship of Chad, Tyrone, Pablo, Jamal...

Yes, for thousands of years.

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Props to his restraint. I’d have stomped her out the second we were alone together

"women have always been the primary victims of war"

Gona leave this juicy bait here

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nightmare fuel

>I'm not convinced most military men are the smartest.
They're not. Most military men are brainlets who just want to shoot a gun. They're a far cry from the heroes they're portrayed to be

atleast its his kids so theres that

Imagine getting paid for opening your legs.


They are all highschool dropouts

imagine being a women sitting at home with no hobbies or activities just feeding the kids and gossiping with the neighbors all the while the hubby is sailing the oceans fucking native sluts and kicking the shit out of the french with his bro's
To be fair if I was a women I would be pissed as well.

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And thats why people aren't getting married anymore folks.

Even if you aren't married they'll still try to cuck you.

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Anyone got the pic of some guys fucking and getting drunk in Vietnam and then the last panel is when they’re old and getting salutes form some zoomers?

Soldiers especially really shouldn't get married, it's a recipe for disaster.

Nobody should get married, period.

seeing my parents,family members,friends at work divorcing left and right is so discouraging what is even the point of marriage anymore no one wants to bother if theres even a hint of hardship anymore

All of them even the officers engineers and every rank that needs a higher education than the basic wage slave?

The US didn't 'lose' Vietnam in the conventional sense though, in fact, they sort of 'won'. The US had bloodied and damaged the North badly enough to force them to the negotiation table and sign a peace treaty. It wasnt until the US was gone and sure to bail on their agreements with the South that the North started the war again.

That being said, the whole fucking war was mishandled from start to finish. The US made themselves out to look like the French in the Vietnamese people's eyes, and their policy fuckery and political interference did little to help that. They fucking kept propping up incompetent and corrupt individuals who they thought they could control. They favoured the Christian minority, like the French did, instead of the Buddhist majority, further alienating the Vietnamese people who flooded into the ranks of the VC to fight off the foreigners they viewed as invaders.

To make everything worse the US electoral cycle fucked any chances of a coherent long term plan, or any guarentee of personal or material support promised by any treaty or agreement. Politicians are fickle fuckers who only operate in self interest, why would any war dictated by them be coherent in any way shape or form.

The cherry on the whole shit cake was the US materials and skilled labour that flooded into the South ultimately collapsed it as soon as the Americans left. Citizens and business owners who had become accustomed to certain things saw their livelihood collapse over night.

The war as a whole is a textbook example or American military doctrine
>We don't know what the fuck we're doing, so who can our enemy?

Not a movie, but this is one of the most kino documentaries I have seen.

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I think all of the family should be wojack, with the wife being a covert Pepe

>Wojak 2: The Rechaddening

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don't give up hope

He was a dog of the military and got treated as such.

To all the anons here currently enlisted, I thank you for your theoretical service but know that you are nothing more than a peon for interests who don't give a damn about you.

Imagine being a POW. How embarrassing

>To all the anons here currently enlisted, ... know that you are nothing more than a peon for interests who don't give a damn about you.
>peon for interests who don't give a damn about you
Like us officers.

Lol it’s a pleb magnet.

Full Metal Jacket and Platoon are the obvious answers.
Apocalypse Now is set in the Vietnam War but isn't really about it per se. It's about finding Col. Kurtz. It's my favorite film.

I like people who weren't captured.

FMJ is pretty overrated, the first half is kino but the second is unremarkable except for the memorable quotes. The actual plot is bad.

Oh and wasn't Mel in a film called We Were Soldiers? I don't know if it's good or not though.