What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>he even gave the character his jew probiscus

People were saying this guy is gay he is pedo like all homosexuals

You sound jealous

what if Shazam sleeps with adult woman in his god-form, would that be considered pedophilia by the woman?

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No, obviously


Meant for

NuPowerpuff Girls writer creates self insert character as Blossoms love interest. The OC character is only present in episodes specifically written by him and they all have to do with Blossom wanting to fuck him.



This is him btw. He also voices the character.

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why are all jews in the entertainment industry pedophiles

Honestly that's pretty based, Blossim is top tier waifu material.

have sex

Please tell me this not true

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For a kid maybe

Because people allow them to live

So they're not even trying to hide it anymore huh...

It's only pedo if homos do it. For breeders it's just natural.

>Ever being accused of pedophilia
More chance of Shazam getting called a rapist for hiding that he's a child

They forgot to make the show funny.