What the fuck was his fucking problem?
What the fuck was his fucking problem?
based Harold
meth, obviousy
holy shit!
he did nothing wrong its just not from his pov
he did literally nothing wrong
the dumb fuck took out a second mortage just to give it to a clearly suicidal lunatic that was 100% sure to khs in either way
he was the good guy
he knew that based Kim wouldn't ever sleep with him so that's why he got somehow obnoxious throughout the years
he did nothing wrong you absolute retard
Any other shows with well-written characters?, BB and BCS are the only shows where I actually gave a shit about characters that aren't the main protagonist. They are frustrating to watch just like Skyler on BB, but the subtext on their lines and personalities make them memorable at least.
I always liked you, Jimmy. I used to call you “Charlie Hustle”. Remember that?
>actually supported Jimmy
>always did what was best for the firm
>kino colour palette
He didn't deserve this
Greatest character of the last 5 years
Litterally did nothing wrong.
Selling the Fuck and Suck
Jimmy was fucking with his golden goose.
He dindu nothing wrong
He didn't choose this life, it chose him and he's doing the best he can while being surrounded by natural chads
Hope they come up with a way to get him more involved next season. Howard, Kim and even Nacho are so much more interesting to me than Mike/Gus.
Nacho is kino. I hope he and his dad make it to Manitoba bros
it's "mortgage" and no he didn't
brba and bcs are the cream of the crop unfortunately. you might get some mileage out of sopranos i dunno if you're into mobster shit. wasn't really for me but beggars can't be yada yada
nacho is distractingly gorgeous in that show and i'm not even gay