Voice by Mark Hamil

>voice by Mark Hamil
Why, just why

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They wanted that joker money.

Wait seriously?
No based Brad Dourif?

Making him a smart toy would have been a fun new idea for the main movie series.

The reboot doing this seems like someone had an original idea but no studio was confident it would do well if it wasn't attached to an established name.

Isn't the original franchise still going on? Wasnt there a chucky movie like 2 years ago

Yes the original series is still going.

Why are you fags complaining? he'sa good voice actor and the will be campy trash anyway

thats a Creepy poster

it's separated from Don Mancini, mgm had the rights for the first one so they rebooted

>Candy Corn
How do you know THIS LITTLE about Easter?

Fucks sake.

Horror franchises and being run into the ground, name a more iconic pair

Me and ya mum

Based Brad is doing the voice for the new TV series which carries the continuity of the movies. MGM is making a shitty reboot movie on their own.

No Dourif
Not catch my drift
Fuck NuChucky


Don Mancini is actually gay.

Why not? He's a good voice actor.

>TFW Raymond doesn't pour the beer in time and it gets warm and makes me want to puke

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o...kay? He has literally nothing to do with this movie

Nothing wrong with it.


Just by Douriff and Mancini not being involved makes it notChucky. Also getting tired of the Hamill is a good VA meme. Dude has no range, same fucking raspy voice for everything.


Just goes to show how many of his voice roles you've heard that you didn't even know were him.

Mancini is a hack, Dourif is based though

Found the redditors

Hollywood keeps trying to revive his career and force that mediocre coke head down out throats for some reason.

wtf, how did you even come to that assumption? you can totally recognize his voice in everything he does! its like "huh they decided to get Hamill for this?"

For me all his fucking voices sound exactly the same.

If your definition of a hack is someone who does hacky movies Im cool with that

Cult of Chucky was absolute garbage and the nuChucky trailer didn't look that bad.

>normie taste

so we missed seed of chucky sequel and now cult of chucky sequel too?

>no Trilogy of Terror reboot with John Boyega
why, just why

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Cult of Chucky was tight! Chucky will never be scary. But a good Chucky movie is sadistic humor and minor suspense as Chucky off killing people and nobody believing the protagonist

NuChucky I bet either tried to be scary and fails or worse is mediocre shit

There’s a huge issue with the rights. MGM owns the rights of the 1988 movie , while the writers of the original movie own the rights from 2 to the 10,000 spin off we see today. The chucky on this thread is a remake of the 88 movie

Cult of Chucky sequel will be the TV series

>Found the redditors

Anyone who doesn’t like my favorite washed out actor is a redditor!!

what channel?



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that's a yikes for me dog

Friendly reminder this movie was only announced last July

which means you've heard his work and didn't know it was him, and therefore only recognize his famous stuff and didn't realize he could do completely different voices

is it any good?

please give me a real answer, not one powered by soilent

>hey guys did you know about reddit I don't like reddit or people who talk about reddit did I mention reddit yet and how I don't like it

come back when you finish puberty and stop trying so hard, kid

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It’s not out yet

Say what you will about him but his voice acting is better than his actual acting. Chucky sucks anyways.

Child’s play 1 and 2 are kino as hell

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>Loser's Club instead of smol boy on his own trying to convince adults his doll is alive and killing people while they think the kid is insane
Did whoever wrote this even watch the original movie

needs all the money he can get after the rape of star wars

A.I Chucky is not as interesting as a psycho using voodoo

just noticed the comically shooped lady falling of the building lol

>chucky being a physical doll works because dolls are fucking creepy
>make him CGI

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>we want the IT/Stranger Things audience
A major part of the horror was that no one would believe you

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hey look a retard who uses the soi meme how rare

by being Jewish?

Why horror remakes almost always suck. Writers don’t got a clue why the original one works but shoehorn whatever the popular trend is.

Nightmare on Elm remake the trend was all “Nolan style realistic and gritty.” So they made Freddy look like he’s got skin graphing and shit.

Now it’s “Stranger Things/IT” shit

damn I want this