when was the last time you took a girl to the local kinoplex? what film?
When was the last time you took a girl to the local kinoplex? what film?
2005 - The Dukes of Hazzard
About a month ago, the movie: Alita
what did she think of it?
These don't count as a girlfriend user
The Room. She already saw it but it was my first time. She didn't play with any of the props. Boring as fuck.
>go to Captain Marvel with hotwheels girl
>I have never seen any Marvel movie ever
>we have to sit at the front because she is in wheelchair
>movie starts
>the aliens want to terraform earth
>they say earth is stupid and expandable
>I boo really loudly and throw gummy bears at the screen
>other people boo too and laugh
>every time the aliens appear we boo as one
>hot wheels was embarrassed for being hotwheels and being inconvenient and having us sit down the front
>not embarrassed anymore and laughs and boos and keeps touching my arm
>we all applaud at the end when earth wins and the space niggers who wanted gibs get btfo
>I got a second date with her to This is Us
I usually don't yell or try hard to be a clown but i had met Chloe (hotwheels) on tinder and was nervous and the theatre didn't really help us find seating so everything was awkward and to top it all it was Toe Fungus movie so I just tried to ruin the date asap but in the end it went splendid. Im trying to fuck her face but it hasn't happened yet.
Girl from Tinder, last week. We went to watch Pet Sematary.
I sat there all serious and stoic trying to pretend that was my personality because she was SO FUCKING UGLY.
In her Instagram photos she looked normal, then irl she looked like Shrek. I don't know how girls hide fat so well in photos, and change their faces with angles. I'm an amateur photographer and it surprises me.
I just watched the movie then remained cold and autistic when we got out. She asked if she could kiss me and I said "no, thanks" and when I came back home I deleted her from everywhere.
It makes me feel ashamed because we did some sexting and I was like "ye im gonna FUCK YOU bitch lol" and when I saw her I wanted to puke.
Tinder sucks
She liked it. She's a weeb, she actually was the one that proposed me to watch that film
Beauty and the Beast
>booing in a theatre
did your mum like it then?
Last September, the movie The Nun. Fucking garbage movie.
You learn to recognize the signs. And do some better recon work ahead of time with Snapchat.
Dunkirk with some fit Chinese bird who was studying a masters at the university.
March 6. Happy Death Day 2. VERY good film to bring a girl too, I could tell she enjoyed it. We sat in the back but didn't do anything. When I took her home I kissed her :)
Thank you, Robert
>we all applaud at the end
This has been my experience with online dating apps in general. They are never as cute as their pics.
two weeka ago, the new Rocky film (forgot what the new ones are called, the young black boxer II)
>I sat there all serious and stoic trying to pretend that was my personality
Good lord, what an spergy autist you are
Dont like taking girls to the kinoplex, waste of money. Last movie was Mission Impossible Fallout
I watched that new Jurassic Park film with my then girlfriend. I usually don't watch movies with women though because they're plebs and we never seem to have the same taste. I also don't usually go to the cinema because I pirate everything.
God damn I feel bad for you but that’s funny.
Fat girls are like magicians with a camera sometimes
That terrible sequel to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo back in November.
>no, thanks
The ultimate redpill is to realize that no girl you can meet on dating apps will ever actually be attractive because attractive women don't need dating apps.
2018 black panther. Yeah i know, but I got sex afterwards
Fucking hilarious man. I had that same experience except it was a short coffee date. She looked like a 6/10 and then immediately downgraded to a 3/10 when I saw her in person. It was awkwd pretending to care when I simply wanted to bounce asap
Does my Mom count?
FGAS for short
Not even memeing The Dark Knight Returns
it's easy to tell this one is a hambeast in both those pictures
2005 - Doom
It was with some Russian exchange student and I didn't even plan to make this a 'date', but it was very obvious she wanted to fuck when I dropped her off home. That whole experience felt surreal, especially looking at her face when the FPS scene came up. God I was such a sperg back then...
back in my day we called em myspace angles
>women don't need dating apps.
It's not that they need them, but it makes their whoring that much easier. Literally just pick anyone you like and they'll be willing to fuck you at least 99% of the time. It cuts unnecessary work for them
False. I've seen/known many girls in person who I saw or matched with their tinder. Sometimes girls just want to use every opportunity or look for that ego boost
Then it was that stupid La Llorona movie.
It's a term that's older than MySpace newfag
oh yea all those selfies in the geocities era I forgot
the final redpill
If they don't provide a full body shot unobstructed then it's a no go. Some girls even maintain slim faces while packing on the pounds.
attractive girls use dating apps if just to have access to a few select chads
Last year to see Annihilation
I wasn't thinking right, should have taken her to see Game Night instead
2008, the only time in my life, i'm 28 now
i went with a group of girls to watch Juno, final year of school i think
The last avengers movie, and she took me to meet her friends. The guys were buying and they got me the one seat away from everyone else.
digital was a mistake, jesus christ
Amen. Gave them up after a couple months. The type of women you meet face to face are just leagues ahead of any I ever met on tinder
Black Panther
Oh if family members count the I went to see Captain Marvel with my sister. Obviously it was terrible. I tried to pretend I thought it wasn’t that bad because she knows I’m a film snob, but she doesn’t know my full power level. At least I got a bj afterwards.
>"4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days" in 2008
Last time I took a girl to the cinema.
I went with my ex to see resident evil afterlife
>I went to see Captain Marvel with my sister
>I got a bj afterwards
>cameras didn’t exist before social media
Christ, zoomers really are boomers 2.0.
Went to that spiderverse movie. Better than expected. I had sex with her afterwards
It was a girl the one who took me to the cinema. We went to see Lost Highway (it was a Lynch mini-fest). She had good taste but was a fattie bipolar
Counting the very last time? Never.
A little over 10 years ago. We watched some shitty horror movie which I don't even fucking remember. She stroked my leg the entire movie and I got an erection.
The Great Wall with my ex gf, almost two years ago.
Egyptian girl I dated wanted to see Captain Marvel but I said no thanks.
>Met a girl from Yea Forums 6 years ago
>talked for a bit
>haven’t spoken for 5 years
>moved states
>found out later we lived somewhat near each other
>drive up to see her
>go on a date
>take her to park
>see a movie (super troopers 2)
>go to another park
>see a different movie (truth or dare)
>go to another park
>getting dark out
>make out with her
It was aight. Moved again so now I’m not near her anymore. Still talk sometimes, she’s a bit autistic but cute. She’s probably reading this post right now.
Took a girl (friend) on G-Force in 3d. Surprisingly was a kino. Wanted to take my crush, but her bf took her to watch District 9.
last year i had a date on a dating app and we went to watch Jumanji, it was pretty good.
The last time i went to the kinoplex with a girl was to aquaman tho, but that doesn't count because she's a friend and i'll never be able to fuck her.
>two milfs were sitting besides us and wet themselves every time jason momoa was shirtless
Went to Infinity War with gf, we both enjoyed it, though she's not quite the movie buff that I am. Probably gonna see Endgame as well.
Why are women like this? Why do they constantly crave validation?
It's natural for them. Their biological purpose is to get fucked.
Batman v Superman, took the girl I was dating at the time to a shitty $2 showing at a student theater where I tried to finger her but then that scene where the malcontent cripple suicide bombed congress happened and I laughed so hard that she asked to pull my fingers out and I said no
no digital cameras didn't exist in large numbers until early 2000s. dumbass
a few years ago. some shitty action movie set in london with the us president. I have no fucking idea what it was called it had the this is sparta dude.
worst part she got 'sick' and left straight after so basically I wasted several hours for no reason.
>I tried to finger her but then that scene where the malcontent cripple suicide bombed congress happened and I laughed so hard that she asked to pull my fingers out
they are conditioned from birth to believe that their value as a person is derived from how many see them and that’s a good thing!
>some shitty action movie set in london with the us president. I have no fucking idea what it was called it had the this is sparta dude.
London has fallen.
That's also the name of the movie.
November I think. Bohemian rhapsody.
>They smelled like lotion
If they don't smell a little, there's no point in having this fetish
Also, short toes suck. Long toes is where it's at
First, you’re wrong. Digital cameras were in widespread use in the mid 90s. Second, pic related
Not sure what your endgame is here. You can do some quick googling and see that the term predates myspace before you dig yourself any deeper.
>If they don't smell a little, there's no point in having this fetish
Speak for yourself.
I grew up in the 90s I am 30 I would know. Only techies had digital cameras like the sony floppy one and the apple camera. thats all there was really. What your talking about sounds more like actual photographers doing head shots not people doing selfies which is what is most of the photos on social sites now. Give me a link that shows this old term pls.
Like 8 months ago on a Tinder date.
Ocean's 8. She had to """"""pick up a friend""""" right after.
Does going to the cinema with my therapist as a sort of excercise count? We watched The Favorite, so i made sure she knows i'm a cinephile.
did you look at her during the lesbian scenes?
I avoided eye contact at all costs. There were two girls in the cinema, probably around 16, who laughed at literally every time someone said a "funny word xD" or some sex stuff was on screen. Annoying af.
>Does going to the cinema with my therapist as a sort of excercise count?
I think we need backstory on how this happened
I have social phobia and agoraphobia. She's not really a therapist, kind of. More like a social worker. Someone who visits me once or twice a week and does excercises and stuff with me that help me go out and "socialize".
Sitting in a room with strangers for 2 hours is very stressful to me, so going to the cinema is kinda like an exposition excercise.
where are you from?
I always mention how she looks kinda like BDH whenever there's a BDH thread. She's mommy tier. Fertile af looking redhead with an absurd amount of freckles. She has 3 kids and is married, though, so i'll never get to fuck her unless it's rape.
>I always mention how she looks kinda like BDH whenever there's a BDH thread. She's mommy tier. Fertile af looking redhead with an absurd amount of freckles. She has 3 kids and is married, though, so i'll never get to fuck her unless it's rape.
Oof, she sounds hot as fuck. How many times have you rubbed one out for her?
Thanks for the laugh user
She is to me. I could post pics, but i don't wanna get dox'd or some shit. Haven't fapped to her, but sometimes i think of her rubbing my cock with her feet while giving me that smile she does and it gets me hard af.
ahahahah same shit happened to me
whale would stop talking during the film i felt like the biggest mug in the world
please post pics
>Haven't fapped to her, but sometimes i think of her rubbing my cock with her feet while giving me that smile she does and it gets me hard af.
I hope you get a hot summer this year and have her walking around in sandals.
Angels and Demons
Last November, went and saw Halloween. We got dinner beforehand, she basically got really drunk and then spent most of the film all over me, trying to talk to me, giggling, and generally being loud as fuck to the point where other people kept looking at us and even I was getting quite pissed off with her. As we were walking out at the end I heard some people complaining about "the drunk girl in the back" and I felt guilty as fuck for ruining their evenings. Took her home, the she text me the next day about doing something again and I blew up at her about how she much of a twat she was at the movie. She apologised and wanted to meet up again, but nah.
2016, X Men Apocalypse
God, i couldn't walk around with her without constantly being hard af. She'd probably catch me staring at her feet all the time.
I think it was Age of Ultron or some shit. The girl was wearing really tight leggings and her thigh was pressed up against me the entire time hnnnnngggg
Whenever The Ring came out.
i think the last thing i saw at the cinema at all was the bfg with my mother
Finding Dory
I fingered her pussy
>good movie etiquette>pussy
right on, patrician Yea Forums standards here
took big tiddy goth gf to br2049. took the best seats in the place and told the guy who actually reserved them to fuck off. busted a nut in her mouth in the car afterwards.
Sunglasses, that's how I creep on passing feet
Let qt co worker tag along to blade runner, story ended with me getting #metoo and her quiting cause of some other bitch who got jealous, hoes, never again
5 years ago bros...5 years...
Novice mistake
this guy gets it
girls on tinder are either a) mentally ill b) ugly as shit/grossly overweight (or both)
you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, you will not find quality women on tinder that you can date long term, no one thinks you're cool/you're not a chad because you've slept with 10 uggos from tinder, delete tinder right now
La La Land
I didn't fuck her
worst is when it's just face photos and you can't tell. If you're naive you'll give them the benefit of the doubt and they will always, always be obese when you meet them irl
the wolverine with lauren palomo.
suck on that mario! we also saw amazing spiderman and pacific rim.
well we kinda saw some of the movies. was too busy doing something else.
Why the fuck didn't you fuck her??
What's your major malfunction?
It's tinder, you were supposed to fuck the bitch!
This. If girls aren't showing their body on dating apps, it's intentional
I took my chinese gf to see 2047 and she fell asleep halfway through
Like a month ago, the first one was The Aftermath or something like that, the second movie was Us a week later. It's a regular thing we both like, pretty comfy desu.
My sister does this regularly. I blast her fatass everytime she does it too.
>bought tickets to the fish fucking movies not knowing anything about it
>bitch stood me up
I guess I should thank her
>be shut in NEET
>decide to try Tinder
>match with some butterface, 4/10 face, 8/10 body with great tits and ass
>she texted me first, asks me if i wanna come around to watch a movie or something
>say i'd like to, but don't have a car
>she comes to pick me up with her car
>first few words she says already tell me she's not a bright one
>literally has "love life, hate dead" tattooed on her fingers
>few minutes at her home her crazy ex boyfriend calls her and threatens her or some shit
>really don't get along
>she calls a friend over
>later that night i take the train home
One of the most embarassing and cringey stories i have.
Imagine if you use a fake name on tinder, she uses a fake name, you both upload highly edited photos and you don't recognize each other and you match text and meet.
Social media was a mistake.
Heh, this was my breakup movie. She wanted me to fuck her one last time, but nah she was crazy.
last time i watched a movie with a girl was when i watched Edge of Tomorrow at a friends house and one of my lads brought his roastie gf. she was bored as fuck the whole time but everyone else loved it
Did you edge until tomorrow?
For me it was the closest I ever got to having sex.
She was crazy though with mad mood swings.
3 weeks ago, we watched "Us"
Lmao, the bitch came for a gangbang, what a slut!
In the future just go to the bathroom then leave lol
Don't waste your time.
Me and my girlfriend saw Alita angel battler, she was underwhelmed and never mentioned the movie again
Why pretend and not just straight up leave
dubs of truth
I thought women liked films about stronk women?
Few months back, Incredibles 2. Then we fucked. Then she went home to her husband who she hadn't fucked in over a year.
Alita though isn't about strong women, it's a universal story about growing up and standing up for your principles and fighting for them.
It's a great film and Alita a great character.