I've recommended Taxi Driver to a few of my friends since I enjoyed it a lot...

I've recommended Taxi Driver to a few of my friends since I enjoyed it a lot. Almost all of them have told me that they hated it or did not understand Travis's character motivations. Incel memes aside and stuff, are most normies genuinely incapable of understanding/enjoying this movie? Have any of you had similar experiences to mine?

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normies can't enjoy a movie done before 1995, unless it's star wars or shit like that

Yeah I guess they are
Taxi Driver is a spot on example of a man losing his mind in no grand ways except from feeling emptier and more frustrated as the time goes by
Le 'normies' usually understand that if they're not imbeciles but lack the motivation/connection to Travis's situation to enjoy the film. And that's perfectly logical.

I absolutely love Taxi Driver but I think the date porn theater part is bad and a cheap move

I figured most young guys got it whether normie or not

Depends what you mean by normie, if you meant the sort of npc type then no they can't enjoy it, but normal people like Taxi Driver, I mean it's a classic

Maybe you dont really understand the porn theater part, I thought it was brilliant actually. The porn theater part is supposed to be an embodiment of the inner desire to see something pure/innocent degraded. Travis perceives Betsy as angelic and subconsciously deems himself unworthy of her companionship which is why he subjects her to the degeneracy of the porn theater. Walking contradiction.

This. A friend of mine will outright refuse to watch "old movies" because he thinks people looked and behaved ridiculous back then

I catched it on tv once with my pham and got my dad to leave it on by telling him it had the original "you talkin to me?" scene.
They completely hated it.

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You are full of shit.

Yeah I'll bet a hundred bucks you read that in a review
It makes no sense, at that point in time Travis wasn't so absolutely detached that he would go with her to a porn theater

The movie moves too slow for too long.

Isn't Taxi Driver a normalfag classic?
I understand the new generation not liking it but boomers?

>Taxi Driver
Should've recommended them King of Comedy instead, it's far more accessible.

>Isn't Taxi Driver a normalfag classic?

It absolutely makes sense. Travis wants Betsy to be stuck in moral limbo just like himself. He cries opposition to the degeneracy that surrounds him and yet he takes pleasure in it at the same time.

>I understand the new generation not liking it but boomers?
most boomers are pretty stupid, user. they were the original normie generation

What? I never really got that from the scene, I just thought it was Travis being autistic. Never really bothered me to be honest

I dunno. My mom and dad really liked it, and I enjoyed it too (we watched it together). Maybe your friends were just bored or something. Did they say WHY they disliked it?

Fucking 'A that Albert fuckin' Brooks get second billing on the poster

Travis is fucking insane, I guess that means your friends have no empathy with insane people.

The scene was just Travis being autistic and so detached from society that he doesnt understand how it's super weird to do that.

This isn't about "normies v incels". Some people incels/normies alike will refuse to watch a movie that isn't a blockbuster. I showed Taxi Driver to a friend of mine that is as normie as they come and he understood it and enjoyed watching it.

All people have felt loneliness, depression, the monotony of life, and the desire for change.

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Travis was an incel, movie is trash

Yeah there was no deeper meaning to the porn scene other than Travis being autistic. The logic goes that he doesn't know what normies do on dates. He sees man+woman couples in the porn theater sometimes, so assumes that's an appropriate date. It'd be akin to if one of his grimey taxi buddies talked about how their sleezy meth gf asked him for a dick pic, so Travis sends an unsolicited dick pic to Betsy thinking that's what girls like (which isn't farfetched for some /fit/ or /r9k/ greentext).

Stop spewing your shitty headcanons.

I have a friend who won't watch movies that are more than five years old.

they hate it because it's racist jonathan rosenbaum said so!!!

I remember back in high school where the teacher put The Great Dictator, and there was a skater-boi who nearly had a stroke, he kept loudly complaining about the film being too old so the teacher threw him out of the class

Most normies are incapable of enjoying real films in general.

>kicked out the skater boy
did she say see you later boy?

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I saw it and was blown away, recommended it to a friend and he barely even had an opinion on it. Said it was boring or something.

There are Zoomers with Gen Z parents old enough to post on this board.

>I think the date porn theater part is bad and a cheap move
It was supposed to look like that, in order to showcase how much of a socially unaware schizoid Travis is.

Normies are normies user. A basketball coach im my highschool. Old as fuck, masculine, military family type of guy. His favorite movies are Michael Bay Movies and generic action shit. Same with a lot of the other coaches. They don’t really enjoy older movies unless it’s well known like Terminator or Die Hard

>are most normies genuinely incapable of understanding/enjoying this movie?
Taxi Driver is one of the most popular highly acclaimed movies ever made, what the fuck are you talking about

>Taxi Driver is one of the most popular highly acclaimed movies ever made, what the fuck are you talking about
so are 2001, Citizen Kane or Casablanca, but try showing them to a current year normie and see what happens

Zoomers are incapable of understanding people alive today were also alive then because they weren't.

Preference in the arts change. I doubt many people on Yea Forums would get much enjoyment out of a silent vaudeville film

Casablanca and maybe Citizen Kane you could get away with. I agree 2001 would go over poorly at best, though. Lawrence of Arabia would be almost as bad. I think in 20 years, even stuff like Fellowship of the Ring will fall into the same category of "critically acclaimed but nobody today will sit through it."


>Lord of the Rings
>putting make-pretend dragon kiddy shit in the same category as Casablanca, Citizen Kane, 2001, and Lawrence of Arabia
God there's no hope for this board

>Best movie of all time? Rocky II

>even stuff like Fellowship of the Ring
>even stuff like
There's a distinction being made here, sadly you're too American to get it.

Sans being a woman, how could someone not like Lawrence of Arabia?

the only way to understand is to experience crushing loneliness and the pain of not speaking with someone for so long that when the chance arises you shy away for the fear of speaking after abstaining from it for so long

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>I've recommended Taxi Driver to a few of my friends
No you didn't
>Almost all of them have told me that they hated it or did not understand Travis's character motivations
No they didn't
>are most normies genuinely incapable of understanding/enjoying this movie
No, they're fully capable, most people just don't like watching 40 year old movies.

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I watched it two years ago and it's extremely overhyped. Yeah, a girl that hot is going to enter a porn movie theater, walk past all the porn posters, sit down in the grimy seats, then be shocked OMG that a porn starts playing.

I researched it after this scene and no, regular movie theaters back then did not show porns. They were entirely separate just as they had stores to rent Hollywood movies and stores for porns. So if he took this hot girl to rent a porn she's shocked there are porns on the shelf, or that when they return to her place and put it in, a porn plays on the machine and not a regular movie? It's the exact same.

Besides that the movie has no point. Why doesn't he just move to another state if he's sick of the city? Hello you drive a taxi for a living. Get a better job if you hate it.

I watched taxi driver with my ex gf and she said she didn't understand why people liked it

this is pretty often the experience for me too

I cringed so hard reading this that my daughter's probably gonna come out of the womb with scoliosis

>Why doesn't he just move to another state if he's sick of the city? Hello you drive a taxi for a living. Get a better job if you hate it.
Because he doesn't want to. He enjoy the despair and complaining about it every day. He boasts in the diary about how much money he makes but still live in filth and doesn't spend any. Same reason he says
>I'll drive anytime, anywhere
He puts himself in situations that will just make him hate the city more but is too stupid to resist it

Pretty much
I think your average person gets it but might be too self-conscious or diametrically opposed to Travis as a character that they deny the idea that his frustrations and mania come from a real, genuine place. They're probably the same people who need movies to outright tell then what they're supposed to think or they get bored

Not even remotely close try harder

And I don't like how the movie is just called Taxi Driver like oooh that's deep. What's it about? They should have called it Psycho Killer or Psycho and the Little Girl. What is the point of this? To be edgy. Cokehead director says World is bad, okay. Edgy.

>Uhhh this movie's like 20 hours long and this guy is sooo booooring

>think your average person gets it but might be too self-conscious or diametrically opposed to Travis as a character that they deny the idea that his frustrations and mania come from a real, genuine place
That's because they would never want to hang out or be near a person like that character. People don't view movies like you and your way of watching them is not better. People need to live their lives. Not watch a grown man with mental disorder complain that streets are dirty. And there's too much crime. Guess what he thinks will solve this? Killing people. Yes, this is what people who have jobs want to watch after dinner.

Personally, I've grown to hate Robert DeNiro so much after discovering his politics, and witnessing his hate-filled leftist rants, I have lost all interest or appreciation for every movie in which he has appeared, and have no desire to watch them, or anything else he's in, for the remainder of my time on Earth.
Fuck him, and fuck his gay-assed career.

Wow big bad /pol/ baby can't handle everyone not sharing his views even when it has literally no impact on the movie. Cheeto Hitler wasn't even famous yet when Taxi Driver came out. Do you really need that much of a safe space?

If you haven't fantasized about killing the bad guys (drug dealers, pimps, corrupt politicians) you aren't a man.
He's an actor retard. You need to separate reality from an act.

Please die retard

>the point of movies is to watch characters you would want to hang out with
Is this sort of advanced brainletism common on this board

It's not stupidity, he didn't enjoy it, he refused to turn away because he believed he could personally do something heroic to make a difference in his shithole.

Why didn't Travis just have sex?

Oh, the projection.
Disagree with the leftist mindset, and watch the hate flow like pus from an open wound.

Robert DiNero is overrated.

I showed the film to a few friends, my sister and my gf. They all say they enjoyed it but didn't think it was as good as I hyped it up to be. Maybe that's my fault but they also all mentioned how they didn't get why Travis was so odd. I think it's a hard film to connect to if you haven't felt like Travis at some point in your life.

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I also think a lot of people also miss the detail that Travis is a Vietnam veteran

Because that wouldn't have cured him. He's doomed. He's fucked.

It's one of the ultimate pleb filters in this era. "Have you watched Taxi Driver?" "No" *PLEB ALERT* "Have you watched Taxi Driver" "Yes" "Did you like it?" "No" *PLEB CONFIRMED*

Zoomers ARE gen z.

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>McDonald's arthouse

Go Travis Bickle on their pleb asses.

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meme buzzwords used by discord trannies and plebbitors

peoples attention spans are too short nowadays to appreciate true character development

I sound exactly like a 20 yr old boomer saying that but its true. the popular movies of today are all just worthless sensory overload cotton candy. A slow, twisted unraveling story like taxi driver is simply too boring in a world where everyone has self-inflicted ADHD

The only good thing about being a lonely loser is that you can enjoy and understand kino like Taxi Driver and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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Never ever recommend your friends to watch films you like, 90% of the time due to some psychological switch will default to hating it because they subconsciously despise you and look forward to seeing your face when they tell you how shit it is.

On the contrary.
It's nice to test friends and figuratively curb stomp them for being plebs and revert to being a suicidal loner.

"Discord trannies" is a buzzword. Why would trannies congregate in a Discord and flood Yea Forums? They're too busy bitching on Twitter.

Relatable memes about being lonely and depressed really are changing the culture

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good for you


No you fucking idiot. You should seperate art from artist. I still like him as actor even after his grazy trump speech because i don't care.


this has to be the most retarded shit i've seen today.

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I'm a kinoisseur and still didn't get the point of this movie.

you dont sound like a normie

>are most normies genuinely incapable of understanding/enjoying this movie?
No, most people who haven't exclusively watched YA adaptations and capeshit will have no problem with it.

>one of the best-known movies in history
>inaccessible to normalfags

>"I'm a kinoisseur still didn't get the point of this movie"
>calls himself a "kinoisseur"
>calls films "movies"
>thinks films should have a "point" like children's fairy tales
>doesn't understand Taxi Driver
You are a delusional pleb, not a "kinoisseur".


>Normies are normies user.
>A basketball coach im my highschool.
>Old as fuck, masculine, military family type of guy.
How is any of what you mentioned bad?
If you really think that any of what you mentioned is bad then kill yourself asap faggot tranny fuck piece of shit.

Never said it was bad, just normie.

OK, sorry for the attack then.

I showed it to my friends too and they got bored halfway through and started texting.

>they got bored halfway through and started texting.
classic zoomer move

>he hasn't read Story by Robert McKee
>he doesn't know films, as stories, must have a point or they're, quite literally, pointless

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My dad said he only liked it for Jodie Foster.
Jesus Christ, what in the actual fuck is wrong with boomers.

I like how Sam Weir is completely turned off by his angelic girlfriend when she doesn't like The Jerk.

Taxi Driver does have a story, though.
>must have a point or they're, quite literally, pointless
Can't argue with that zoomer logic.

It is. I think OP is underage and sharing the film with retarded zoomers.

This movie probably had more appeal for Boomers but in a way Yea Forums rendered Taxi Driver obsolete. Also, it's a known fact now that Jews control child trafficking so Keitel's role is a big joke. It'd be a nig if it was in Harlem too. Yea Forums won't admit it but a lot of this filmmaker's work glorifies Jews, especially his gambling mafia ones. It hasn't aged well as America is eaten up by them.

A Boomer tried to kill Ronald Reagan out of devotion to Foster for her role in this movie.

Texti Driver

All scorsese films are about Italian Americans, not Jews

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Dunno mate, I'm a Mexican and I've never lived in America yet I like this film a lot. Reminds me of my young self. Couldn't care less for le juice.


Casino is literally about DeNiro playing the Jewish mobster Roth taking down the Italian thugs and how Jews took over Vegas, see Adelson and Steve Wynn just for starters. That's the entire point of Casino idiot. Pesci says to Roth "you fucking Jew you!" and gets thrown into a desert grave.

The Wolf of Wall Street is literally about a Jewish con artist swindling unassuming goyim with his Jewish nerd played by Hill. Except they got DiCaprio to play him. The initial meeting between Leo is with a Rothschild employee.

Adios bka GTFO and tell your family to leave irl

Italian mafia and Jews go hand in hand.
There were Jews in the Comission.

Never been there to be honest, but we have and will continue to invade lands which are rightfully ours. Cry more, it's such a joy tasting your racist tears.

WTF are you even on about?

>Da joos
FFS, get a fucking grip

That's 2 out of 25 movies. Try again.

>You should blah, blah, blah
It's really not your place to dictate to me what I should or shouldn't do.
How absurd of you to think it is.

I had a similar experience when showing friends The Deer Hunter

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You said "all".
You obviously lied.

>Robert DiNero is overrated.
That's 21st century film criticism for ya.


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>normalfag classic
No. Normalfags can't really relate.
Its being well known is not a detriment to its merit as a film. Obscurity is not a measure of quality, you fucking lame.

post them big ol swollen titties and butthole

>are most normies genuinely incapable of understanding/enjoying this movie?

No, it was always a normie film, celebrated widely and pretty much unamimously, by all, as a masterpiece.

>Have any of you had similar experiences to mine?
No, but on the flipside I didn't 'get' Taxi Driver for nearly 30 years, and cinema has always been my greatest love.

I must admit, I had trouble sitting through Citizen Kane. Absolutely loved Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, and 2001. Lawrence of Arabia went by faster for me than Lord of the Rings.

He was too far gone for that.

>the date porn theater part is bad and a cheap move

cheap? It's instantly mystifying to the audience that he gets her interest then blows it so fucking badly. That's not cheap, it's risky.

The seventies were the ash tray of the sixties. The permissive society did exist, and it was ugly.

Porno at the time was nudging nearly into the mainstream, there was even a word for it - porno chic - Travis was just a blue collar guy failing at some very shaky social mores which soon disappeared when Aids came around.

It's a great scene.

>porno chic
80s born here, not from USA.
What is a porno chick?

But is it Capeshit 'best-known' or Kino 'best-known'.

Capeshit and Modern comedy films have rotted the average film viewers brain
This is unironic. The average person these days can’t handle older films or any form literature due to being unable to comprehend it no matter how simple it may be

Capeshit is a fad that's fading.
Soon the capeshitters will either kill themselves or hide their cspeshitting past in shame.
Kino will return.

>modern comedy films
Nailed it.
In a culture were everything is offensive and problematic and there is a constant contest for social sensitivity and justice points the only thing you can have in a comedy is farts and weed.
Comedy was completely destroyed by the diseased political climate that Obama administration brought upon western society.

thats one way to put it user
any more lonelycore to enjoy before going out and making friends?

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When I first saw this movie I hated it but the older I get the more I like it and think its one of the best movies ever made desu. It's so rich every frame is filled with meaning. Definitely the best film Martin ever made by leaps and bounds. It almost seems like someone else made it.

>My colleagues caught me larping as Travis Bickle
What do?

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>picked taxi driver because it was in many top film lists
>thought it would be a slice of life film about a taxi driver and his struggle
>got rewarded with one of my favourite films
What a great film.
It's one of the first films I torrented circa 2006.

is travis the perfect portayal of a doomer in a moovie?

"Dinero" means money in spanish cause he's a sellout you dumbass
