damn, Arya looks like this??
Damn, Arya looks like this??
where's the leak user
Thr hunchback needs a place to crash after her house burned down
Fucking cunt don't spoil the fucking episode. Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't apologize.
Oh shit, this legit?
body double
Nothing much will happen, Jaime confronts his sins, everybody gets ready for the final battle with the walkers (since the night king isn't intelligent enough to spread the walkers all over the north and is probably leading them in one large army) and arya and gendry are scared of dying so they fuck
God I wish that were me.
Imagine the smell
memes aside
can we give a great applause to the janitors and mods?
they are doing a great job,
they are like our older bros, idk i just wanna thank them in the name of Yea Forums
Oh, I thought that was Jon.
>The Hound bursts through and protects his daughterfu from this nefarious man.
Clever use of CGI.
>tfw no gf
Was he punished? If not, he didn't confront any sin.
quasimodo edit when
is it a dick?
Just a talk with Bran and a bunch of people saying YOURE AN EBIL LOINNISTER, INNIT
>Gee Bill, two wieners?
She's gonna wall so hard but in the meantime i would tbqh
mfw d+d forget to add the huge belly scar
Where’s the “that means you raped me” edit
Do we actually see any nudity or is it all sideboob?
That last panel is more haunting than anything Shunji Ito can come up with
Isn't she like 11 in the books at that point?
What did (s)he mean by this?
>that petite fatless body
Arya would never fuck until her quest is done. That doesn't even look like Gendry.
Ya'll stupid as fuck.
This is pretty fucking weird considering arya only knew him since she was like 12
>implying 12 year olds don't fantasize about sex
higher quality