If Endgame doesn't beat Avatar, will Avatar remain Number 1 forever?
Will Avatar Remain Number 1 Forever?
avatar 2 will beat it
endgame imho seems to be rough on the ad budget. If I didn't come here or didn't have normie friends obsessed over it, I legitimately wouldn't know it was coming out. really needs some better ad shit
Do normalfags even care about Avatar anymore?
If Avatar 2 doesn't try to revolutionize cinema with some sort of gimmick like the first one did I don't see it beating the first one.
This. People dont realize that avatar was so big because of multiple factors. Chinese markets got their first big "star wars" movie in avatar. Recession was recent and few had money for expensive trips. More worldwide people saw it and exchange rates were in the gutter even more than they are now. It had ridiculous marketing. It was released at the perfect time right in the november block, right where titanic made bank. Literally everything went right for that box office
probably not, but it will take awhile. Avatar took big advantage of the crisis when the dollar was very weak and made 2 billion internationally alone. If Endgame had that it could've challenged it, but exchange rates are poor now.
You realize Avatar is at that number purely because it started the 3D fad so everyone went out to try it, and also because it's had multiple theater releases that help inflate its number right?
Bring in the mouse shills
>also because it had multiple theater releases that help inflate the numbers
no it didn't lol. made it one run
At least half of Avatar's box office can be attributed to the WOW HOLY SHIT YOU GOTTA SEE THIS! effect the 3D had on normies. Even people who never bothered going to the movie theater saw it multiple times. That's why even terrible flicks that followed Avatar and were also in 3D like Clash of the Titans and Alice in Wonderland did excellent at the box office - normies wanted more of that 3D experience. Now, with 3D completely estabalished and nothing worth talking about anymore, the sequel will do well but won't top it and neither will Endgame. Cameron will have to invent some new tech that beams the film directly into your brain or something in order to top Avatar.
Avatar is owned by Disney now. It's no longer a competition. Alita is Disney now too. So please stop trying to do the Fox vs Disney shit. It's over.
>8 months in theatres
Is Avatar even that good? I still haven't watched it
Smellovision. Screen cap this
look at the small drops it has.
See infinity war for example. much bigger opening, but in its 6th weekend it already made less than Avatar did in its 11th weekend
Maybe it will be really frontloaded. Everyone is trying to see it ASAP to avoid spoilers.
Don't bother if you don't watch it in 3d, that's the only reason anyone watched it in the first place. It's a mediocre flick otherwise.
Disney will ensure the record will be set with their own money.
This. For it being the movie of the century or whatever, it’s not getting the love Infinity War got. I bet it does a billhouse but is kinda a disappointment to the people that obsess over the MCU.
Even with 1 billion global opening it will need legs better than Infinity war to beat avatar or even reach it. Which is very unlikely.
God damn the legs this movie had was insane. I remember seeing it in 3D in the first few weeks, and then in a normal format months later with other friends, but I didn’t even think about how long it was out.
Endgame broke every pre sale record that Infinity War set
Maybe don't live in a bubble
untilf first holographic movie
or first 3d without glasses movie
Avatar was bluepilled shit that got big because of 3d, good moments were accidents and we are supposed to hate those moments since all of them are "white man bad"
It'll quickly reach around $1.5b but it'll have a large drop and slow quickly. It'll pass Titanic but competition from Detective Pikachu will prevent it passing Avatar.
All my gay normie friends aren’t talking about it like the last movie, and I expected to see little social media ready memes about it already, but nothing. It just feels different.
>Disney will ensure the record will be set with their own money.
But Disney owns Avatar now, so Avatar's record is also Disney's record.
Disney needs a useless gimmick if they want a movie to pass avatar just like avatar had 3d
Early reactions for Pikachu are out. Story is shit, it is story based buddy adventure, Yea Forums cursed picture damaged it like it did with Alita and Shazam. Also nobody outside of america gives a shit about pokemon anymore, last time china cared about it was gen 4 anime that was cancelled 27 episodes in since nobody watched it.
Your evidence is just very anecdotal. This movie is about to have close to a billion global opening weekend
But muh WACKY Ryan Reynolds muh 90s Pikachu throwback so nerdy!
Reminder that Gone With the Wind is the most successful film ever
You are very defensive about this film, mr. mouse. Lot of loyalty for a hired shill.
Yea Forums should really stop predicting what'll make bank or not. It's embarrassing at this point.
Reminder that accounting not only for inflation but also for exchange rates makes Shrek 2 second most successful movie ever.
released in a time where very few movies were around and people didn't even have tv at home. Not to mention re released countless times over the decades.
It's pointless bringing up that movie because the circumstances are so different
Now that's a well deserved success.
But, we’re all experts, user.
>very few movies were around in the late 30s
That warms my heart desu. One of the rare “perfect sequels”.
I completely agree with you.
I hope you realize there's about 700+ movies released every year today. 100+ are wide release in 2000+ theaters. Nothing likr that happened in the 30's
people watched more cinema back then anyways. Yeah, a lot of films are being made today but nobody cares about the 99.9999% of films that aren't shilled on media
>story is shit
In a Pokémon movie ? I doubt it
If Endgame passes Avatar I'll legitimately, unironically, actually eat the bluray.
Screencap this. I'm not joking.
Alright, you best get ready.
>best girls Anna and Elsa only at 13
The sequel should fix that, hopefully.
imagine if he had actually had these lines in the movie
probably not
doubt it will make the monster 250 million in Japan again
Why would you say that? The nips loved it and I don’t see why they wouldn’t love another one.
Reminder that adjusted for inflation, no film has ever been able to beat Gone with the Wind, which came out 80 years ago and made $3.7 Billion adjusted for inflation.
based and redpilled
After being released multiple times and the movie ladscape today being completely different with dozens or so other ways to watch a movie other than the theater.
>not inflation adjusted
that dollar aint worth toilet paper now
This 2
Apples and oranges.
Avatar isn't Number 1 fag, it's Gone with the Wind! Who doesn't know this gd.
I have never seen Avatar.
Fun fact his actor was Jewish
Take that incels
How many days, user?
Endgame is tracking for a bigger opening weekend
>black panther #9
Will incels ever recover
Avatar had 0 impacts on popular culture, if you walk around asking people you can't even find someone who can name 1 character from the movie
Avatar 2 will still top charts somehow
>13 of 19 are owned by Disney
Lot of retardation for a bored user.
if you have seen any move in this list you should just kill yourself senpai
I miss Abatap.
Infinity War 860 million global opening weekend if you include China and Russia which opened 2 weeks later and still came 740 million short of Avatar. Endgame will have China on the same weekend and even 1 billion global opening will not be enough to even come close.
It could be big in the short-term, but can drastically drop in its last weeks of show runs. Something like the 3D fad that Cameron shilled was at its peak was the prime reason Avatar is at 2.7 billion in the BO.
The other thing is Endgame's runtime is 3 hours. This factor would make people stray away from rewatching it the second or third time. It won't be like RotK back in 2003, since there are many movies that year (excluding Mystic River) that fucking sucked. Detective Pikachu can also hinder its performance, since there are many nostalgiafags willing to watch it.
Based Abatap
how much money would a MCU flick with Neytiri make?
Jim Cameron will beat it.
Based Jimmy beating his own records again and again!
Endgame won't beat Avatar. The casual is not gonna go back and watch around 18 movies to get caught up. Endgame will only be as big as the capeshit market itself can bear, which is around the $2 billion worldwide mark
Iron Man dies
I thought it's opening earlier in China
>Avatar had no impact on culture
Good. It means it wasn't a shitty pop culture flick pandering to general audience with quips and other cringy shit.
Fucking Yea Forums tricked me, I was expecting this quote the entire movie and I was disappointed it never came
>it wasn't a shitty pop culture flick pandering to general audience with quips and other cringy shit
It literally was. Down to the 3D gimmick.
but you got to see Neyney so it could't have been a waste
endgame will beat it
jannies are instapurging every good shitpost thread, i think they deserve a raise, perhaps 5%?
Nah it had actual themes and something to say you don't need 3D to watch it, just a brain.
but five percent of zero is still tony dies hulk banner merge cap lifts hammer!
only 2 are really from disney, the others are from studios which disney bought.
I mean Pokemon is one of the biggest franchises out there but yeah nobody cares about outside of america. What are you again? braindead or a faggot
The story in Avatar may have been shit but it was still way ahead of its time, the VFX in that movie is insane, the world building, the language, people really bought in on Pandora. I remember people were going to watch it again just because he movie had great 3D, my dad worked in post production at the time and he would tell me how unbelievable the movie was.
>Edited video from hack youtuber asking the stupidest people in America (LA) means nobody cares about Avatar anymore
try again
avatar is almost as bad as Nu-wars.
>Corporations BAD
>Magic noble savages GOOD
Real deep themes there
Avatar was 100x as entertaining as any of the DisneyWars movies.
Avatar is a quintillion times better than Mouse Wars.
This movie will come out 24th of April in portugal.
Infinity war came out 25th of April, why is Portugal so base
Damn I was so sad when I watched it as a kid and those filthy xenos have beaten the corporation.
Nothing will touch Avatar. Endgame will actually gross less than infinity war. Infinity War's trailers had much higher views.
>being a corporatedcuck like this
not even incels are this pathetic.
Jake Sully
I hope that’s all true. Everything but the first one I know from the leaks.
Wheels and his avatar, the legman.
honestly this
think i've seen some ads on the side of a bus and that's it
fuck me aquaman almost made this list
Imagine how awesome avatar would be with the good guys winning
It would be an actually good movie then.
F O U R ( 4 )
B I L L I O N $ $ $
but the good guys did win
>will disney product beat this disney product?
absolute state of this board
Episode IX will reach 3 billion due to (((Mouse))) shenanigans. Screencap this.
It won't because Pikachu will weaken it a bit and Godzilla will destroy it.
>implying savages are the good guys