Movies for this feel.
Movies for this feel
talking animal flicks
Homeward Bound
If dubs I get a crow best friend tomorrow
Lord of the Rings
Milo and Otis aka the Japanese hate animals,
I once beat up some crows in Earthbound and gained experience
I already made this movie
That new A Dog's Journey movie triggers me so fucking hard. The idea that dogs are reincarnated. Go fuck yourselves with a knife.
Reminds me of the jews provoking racial tensions between whites and blacks in America.
Crows and ravens are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. Much more than cats.
you /pol/tards live a a depressing existence
Crows are really smart.
Crows are natural shitposters
Bolt, kind of.
>If dubs I get a crow best friend tomorrow
I wish I had those caps of the guys who trained murders of crows by feeding them
If dubs, you get a crow best friend tomorrow
Congrats for the new fren
Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony.
fuck off reddit
That is cute
every time i watch a video like this, i get so worried that the cat might just suddenly tear the bird's fucking throat out
When the owl grows up it rips the feline apart.
The cat looses up? The bird should be the uptight one, and the cat a lazy lovable idiot. Kino incoming boyz
Based owl
Based crowbro
Wasnt there a TV show about this? Wunspunch or something. It was German.
BASED friendposter
How cute is this witch we're talking about?
that's some rough licking yo
I choose to believe this is true
shut up incel
we are all gonna make it bros
Hey man that was real slick how you helped that guy out. I need a frend too. Please help me get dubs to get a crow best frend
Guess i´ll try too.
Wow, user helped two posters.
Dude cats and le birbs
Please go redditors
>liking animals is reddit
Fuck off newfag
what the fuck is going on with the dubs in this thread
why is tumblr so obsessed with witches?
Good, my Easter lonely
You can just tell dis nigga seen some shit
They relate to their ugliness.
Because tumblrs religion of choice is new age bullshit and you are a witch if you follow that.
Witches were Jews so they made witches cool in pop culture by covertly seeding Tumblr thots to spread the message
yes [laughs and drags a cigarette] reality isn’t too pretty a picture, is it?
could you make a movie about animals without any dialoge and minimal narration?
Wishbone on PBS unironically
Witches are bad
Is this a kitten?
that young and he's already ruined
You don't need help. The dubs were inside you all along!
Based and redpilled
It would only work as an animated film to get all the subtle expressions they make.
Dubs and this guy gets shit on by a crow
Kill yourself redditor
That picture bis much better without the terrible discription
Crows, ducks and cardinals are the best birds.
closest thing is probably first act of wall-e. seems too hard to make, have to be amazing at visual and musical storytelling.
People who call out redditors are somehow becoming even more retarded than the redditors.
shit now I want a crow
please friendly user grant me dubs
bless me with dubs please crowkeeper user
Kill yourself redditor frogposter
Then I will choose to believe you are not true.
Plot twist, the crow was the Witch all along. Dubs confirm.
what the heck is that cat licking
>tfw haven't had crows in my backyard since West Nile Virus killed a lot of them off in the early 2000's
>got fucking mosquitos and stinkbugs overpopulating the area instead
>crow's name a "kuro"
>clearly a dog in the picture
Sorry for your loss
What would a movie about this little fella be like?
How does it feel to be so wretched that even beasts will be your companions?
Ugly nose affinity.
First movie that came to mind was Eight below but i can't remember how much human dialog there was
Was already made. Look for " The Bear ".
well when there's no doggy heaven it's either reincarnation or hell
Caturday has been a staple on Yea Forums for over a decade. Fuck off you tourist cunt
Crows can recognize human faces and do react differently to people depending how they were treated a liitle bit. Pretty neat they are smart birds. When I was in Recruit training in San Diego they would drop nuts where all the recruits would march. Didn't believe they would do shit like that until I saw it with my own eyes
NPC satanist
if dubs he really doesn't
>made-up fake diseases killed all the crows
Sorry user, they’re just fickle creatures and you must not be very exciting
You'll have dubs when you need it the most.
cast them
>dissing birb threads
>le reddit meme
Is there anything more ironic than tryhard newfags trying to talk shit about other anons while outing themselves as plebs?
How does it feel to be dead inside?
Based anti-vax mom
Truly Wholesome.
I'd like one too, but it's ok if your powers have diminished.
Epic redditor just friggin based caturday
>reddit spacing
Holy kek, you plebbit cucks aren't even trying anymore
Birbbbb so based hahaha
It was pretty big in Poland in late 90s, too.
Based af my nigga owner
birbs hehe :D
Lol birbs
it bothers me that the owner has proof that reincarnation is real
Trunky Waters grew up always wanting to be a blues guitarist but he could never finger the chords because of his feet. He almost gives up on his dream until someone teaches him to play slide guitar.
Is this the same whore who got bitten by the thot patrol pig?
That's not what reddit spacing means you absolute goof
Imagine being this butthurt people are talking about based crows instead of the capeshit thread you were hoping for.
Go post this shit on /an/ redditor retard
that's a truly magical moment in nature for those two animals to form a bond
cat tongues are painful
Nice thighs
>still trying this hard to fit
You need to go back.
>the owl landing on the cat
Absolute kino
Kill yourself redditor
Are crows or ravens the more based bird?
Ok fag
>Not knowing what "reddit spacing" is
Holy shit you are pathetic
>Fantasy Homeward Bound
Fund it Hollywood.
The two single biggest threats to man's continued dominance on this planet are Corvidae and Cephalopods.
Mac & Me
Ravens obviously, crows are flying buttholes
And I should know, I am a
keen observer of birds
t. Raven
>has a big comfy pedal board with fat chubby switches
ravens, they reflect the darkness of my soul
are crows the incel bird?
I got you my man
friendship? heh
Raven because best Titan.
Planes trains and automobiles