ITT: Shows you got memed into watching by Yea Forums, and how long you watched before dropping it

ITT: Shows you got memed into watching by Yea Forums, and how long you watched before dropping it

Pic related, 1 season

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I liked season 1, is season 2 worth watching?

i wanted to watch for ian mcshane and the based michael j fox dad on back to the future, but its neil gayman. of course its trash.

gayman is ironically the seed of every politically correct faggotry going on right now on pop culture.

Anyone who listens to the retards on Yea Forums deserves what they get

ehh, i'm liking it so far

you're gonna be seething at what happens in season 2 then.

I've never see anyone on Yea Forums who liked this. Except , but he's a gigantic faggot so who cares.

Why the homophobia?

4 episodes in and dropped it like a hot anvil. Fucking garbage

I only watched season 1 for based Crispin Glover but it wasn't good.

great thread

i downloaded the full show and i watched every single episode of this sóyshit,

linda cardellini a qt though

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Fuck off with your lazy bait

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Was going to say, worth it for Linda Cardellini. Criminally underrated. She still looks great

Young Pope. I'm Catholic and was hoping for some ecclesiastical politics, instead it's some edgy fag whining. He also gives the premise to "God's Not Dead" in his papal address as if it was some groundbreaking challenge.

I watched the whole first season of Origin because some people claimed it was like Event Horizon and Pandorum but better. I think it probably has the worst pacing of any TV show I've ever seen, shockingly bad. And the acting! Only Malfoy was any good at all.

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>ever think how SOCIETY idolizes those damn iphones? these kids nowadays on this damn INTERNET like it's a god to them
>wow that's deep. society truly is weird and lost
>now what if the fought eachother like in a superhero comic
Abosolutely mental

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SSN2 is fine so far, but do to so many peeps dropping out due to budgeting/drama it's clear they weren't ready to make a season 2. I's treading water and going at a snails pace.

Book is way better. Everything you like about the show is from the book, everything you don’t was added by the show’s writing room, 100% guaranteed.

Funfact: Forgetting Sarah Marshall is about Segels relationship with her. She's the cunt Sarah Marshall.

t. atheist

Why does it suck? This is a good opportunity for you autists to practice explaining your thoughts

Such a bizarre mixture of excellent, alright and absolutely terrible content.
I'm not gonna watch Season 2. Had my fill of gay sex with muslim genies

Nice intro though

You shouldn't use anti-gay language like that

>ever think how SOCIETY idolizes those damn iphones? these kids nowadays on this damn INTERNET like it's a god to them
That guy was a computer god in the book. Also he looked like a fat nerd.

It was clearly superior to both of those films

I don't know man I think Yea Forums's stance has pretty consistently been that it has some great parts but they're islands in an ocean of mediocrity, if you watched the show on this basis then that's on you I think

Origin is excellent though, you're a plen

>American gods
>No Ricardo

Now he is a gamer, rising up.

I tried to watch twin peaks and it wasn't until right before the season finale that I realized I didn't give a fuck about the story or any of the characters.

Sometimes they're good movies, like drive, but obviously there are bad ones.

I liked the sex scenes I saw from the first season on xhamster and Pornhub, anything as tasty as those in s2?

Dead Wife just had a prettey decent on if you're into flat chested titlets (which I am)

What's the actress's name so I can search for it?

This, so fucking much. Everything that's been shit on the show so far is also all the stuff that diverges from the book. The show is only diverging from the book in a big way this season and it shows that the show writers are garbage and can't adapt Gaiman's work properly without cucking it the fuck up.

Emily Browning

>dat feel when Sweney's origin(s) story
Pretty neat.

I didn't watch this show but I got memed into reading the book and it was garbage

She was hot last season too, yum yum. Thanks!

From my understanding, the current writers on S02 are having to get things back on track from the shit show of pacing at the end of season 1. Last three episodes of that season were basically worthless and not really touched upon at all in season 2. Fuller got too high on his own supply and tried to take the show away from Gaiman. In fact, in the first episode he wanted Shadow to receive a blowjob from Audrey on Laura's grave and Gaiman was like...Shadow wouldn't do that shit. Back off. The show may have been more atmospheric/dreamy under Fuller but he was bombing the scripts and dragging his feet to the point where plot was moving at a glacial pace.

Oh, I'd seen part of this already, just seen the whole thing, very nice. As long as they keep delivering high-end supernatural softcore kino, I fully endorse this service or product.

Oi loike da leprechaun

I love her so much.

when i read the book, in my mind i pictured Rich Evans as technical boy

I wish the myth of the teevee auteur would end. Showrunner model=work a single hack to exhaustion for pubilicity's sake.

Who don't you go be a sad bastard somewhere else?

>I wish the myth of the teevee auteur would end
I'm afraid Twin Peaks has only kicked it off proper

Why so hostile?