Why can't capeshit movies have action scenes like this?

Why can't capeshit movies have action scenes like this?

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you're retarded if you thought they were good
literally only the first 5 minutes when broly dukes it out with vegeta and the cgi part near the end were acceptable
the rest had so much forced animation it was almost unbearable

Man of Steel did. This scene was kino.

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wtf are you talking about. The first 5 minutes when Goku enters the fight are incredible.

>forced animation
The fuck is that

All of Gogeta vs Broly was great. After the whole 3d dimension thing.

why do they blue hair?

MOS did it, you are right. But it's like 5-6 minutes. The final fight with Zodd is nowhere near as good.

>still no anime series of these two on adventurers with no Z Fighters in sight

not fair bros

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This too.

Yea Forums meme

Because Evolution left a bad taste in hollywood's mouth.

How did they fuck up everything DC after Man of Steel?

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>all the seething westfag reviews this got
imagine being mad over dragonballkino

Zodd was the Raditz/Vegeta-equivalent, right?

>The final fight with Zodd
That speech though

the 3d part was the best

except it's not a meme
forced animation refers to scenes that get animated with needless detail, sometimes to the point it looks unnatural, or just shit like retarded flashing/twisting/particle effects that essentially bloat the screen without adding any substance to the scene, e.g. almost the entire second half, post green hair transformation

>forced animation
You are one massive, massive fucking retard.

>still no series where broly absolutely annihilates her little green body with his BSC for 30 episodes straight

hello, I saw that movie two days ago and then watched the two movies before it, no other DBZ experience.

Why does Vegeta put up with this bitch?

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Dragballtards celebrate a movie that is not much more than one big action scene, baffling

the pussy game ridiculous

I mean after of Cuckamuro's garbage and stiff animation for almost two decades, one giant glorious sakuga piece is exactly fans needed.

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just proves that this fanbase is shallow as fuck

Dragonball super is dog shit

Who would win in a fight, Initial D, Vampire Hunter D, The Will of D (One Piece), or Tenacious D?

money, pussy and she's the smartest

Because capeshit doesn't have to fill ten minutes of a twenty minute episode with yelling and build up?

Because despite a few downsides (who doesn't have them?), Bulma is absolutely based.

Lack of good directors involved


This. Capeshit takes the smart route by filling in 2 hours of no build up and quips plus bad cgi.

kys underage spic. Nu-dragonball is straight garbage. Only watched super to shitpost in Yea Forums post episodes and call out you manlet fucks. Go back to fapping to gohan blanco taconigger. Old broly movies take thick shits all over this nu-age rainbow mickey mouse dragonball.

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Stop talking out of your ass dumb neet faggot.

you sound angry fren