Why Beast ends up with Belle but Quasimodo can’t be with Esmeralda?
Why Beast ends up with Belle but Quasimodo can’t be with Esmeralda?
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Ariel got with Eric and they're not even the same fucking species.
>wanting to be with a gypsy
Because women are aroused by the thought of being ravaged by a big dangerous beast man and repulsed by the idea of a short, unattractive, beta male
Because you can't be have love if you're fucking ugly, which is a surprisingly red-pilled moral for a Disney movie
if they had just cut out the gargoyles this would probably be as well-remembered as Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast
Beast is hot. Quasimodo is not.
The Beast becomes human again and is a basic bitch love story, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame is about how sin can and will destroy you.
good lord I forgot how kino that song was
>how sin can destroy you
didn't the prince of Egypt come out the same year as Hunchback? in the 90s you could have $100 million dollar movies with overt religious themes, now it's all relegated to direct-to-dvd bargain bin crap, what changed?
I assumed it would be watered-down blockbuster trash like that Ridley Scott movie about Moses, was it actually good?
Beast is filthy rich who becomes a qt prince and owns a castle full of slaves while quasimodo is poor as all fuck, it's not that hard user
>overt religious themes
You can have overt religious themes, just as long as it's not Christianity.
Ugly manlets will NEVER win even in a children's cartoon
He does in the book.
>knowing that big-budget movies like this will never be made again because Hollywood wants that china money so bad
>wanting gypsies
I bet you are a amerimutt
Disney probably wanted little girls to connect with Esmeralda, and no little girl wants to end up being with someone ugly. Beast was actually a rich and handsome prince, Quasimodo was genuinely ugly.
>ugly and socially awkward
>never leaves his mancave
>probably a virgin loser
Is he an incel?
Beast was a violent dangerous powerful beast that only she could tame and thenceforth he was the ideal rich handsome Chad husband. Quasimodo was really Quasimodo. How is this a question?
Beast was a literal chad in Kingdom Hearts
>handsome young rich prince with a huge castle
>short deformed ugly poor hunchback
>haha I better say this handsome guy is not handsome on this anonymous board to prove I'm not gay or something
>Frollo wants to remove gypsies out from Paris
>Somehow the villain
How can anyone relate to this movie? Gypsies are scum.
this is what made cuckoldry mainstream.
Beast is a rich prince
Quasimodo is just some ugly poorfag
HOND was 97, PoE was 98.
Sacrilegious garbage
Belle was into bestiality. Once the spell was broken she lost her inuendo but married the prince anyways for his library.
It’s fucking great
t. never read the book
Quasimodo is a perfect example of how women only care about looks and even if you are kind like Quasimodo, it doesn't mean shit.
Im guessing you have never met a gypsy girl?
Uncle Stalin had the right idea.
Hellfire is a criminally underrated track. A literal 11/10. Also Frollo did nothing wrong.
Gaston was more handsome than the Beast.
it has these guys in it
>short deformed ugly poor hunchback
B-but he must have been pretty strong with all that muscle built up from ringing massive church bells all his life. /fit/ tells me strength is all that matters so I don't understand this film...
aaaaaaaaaand hard cut to goofy song and dance number with the gargoyles
Like you would be interested in the female version of Quasimodo.
am i the only one who feels schadenfruede watching this
He was already a Prince.
Quasimodo is white
Quasimodo is a manlet.
I hope I never feel like that.
Quasimodo is a republican.
>when you're trying to trick deformed manlets into being contributing members of society but even you don't want to lie so hard their stand-in is rewarded for his efforts
I am though
Girls only care about glamour muscles, face, and frame. Quasimodo's elephant-tier delts, traps, and quads were invisible next to phoebe's mediocre biceps, charming face, and lanklet frame.
>That basic af Helvetica title
what the hell!
I just watched this for the first time since it was released. I can't believe how underrated this movie is. Everything is fucking amazing except for the stupid ass gargoyles, the few minutes they're in the movie really fucking bring it down, but outside of them this movie is so good. I really doubt the live action remake will keep it's serious and gothic tone, and it certainly won't keep the religious conflict Frollo has.
>and it certainly won't keep the religious conflict Frollo has.
especially since he wants to rape someone. there's no way they portray him as anything besides pure evil
calm down its just to trigger you
Stop talking about that movie just because a nigger-infested city had the roof of its cathedral burnt.
Jesus christ why is this a kids movie, that's depressing as hell
Is he, dare i say it, /ourguy/?
>white t-shirt under shirt
>plastic watch
nathan even got a cast on
Don't worry he gets a gf in the crappy sequel
fucking brutal
he does in the book, although it's not a happy ending
me but unironically
You haven't been on /fit/ very long, have you?
He's /r9k's guy. Frollo's /our/guy
Strictly speaking, Quasi and Esmeralda are siblings if she's actually a gyppo like in the disney cartoon so it'd be weird.
Beast only hooked up with belle when he became a chad again
Decline of Christianity in US during Obama era
86% of Americans identified as practicing Christians in 2004 vs. 54% in 2016. 12 years.
A short beta manlet is as useless to a woman as a fat chick is to a man.
>helping a gypsy
>killing his father figure to whiteknight some chick even after realizing he's cucked
reddit's guy desu
god damn, is there nothing sacred that niggers won't steal from?!?!
What do niggers have to do with decline in Christianity? Blame the media
Good. Religion is the opiate of the masses.